Position Independent Source Code

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Difference From:

[5d405be33e] Getting this ready for later benchmarking (user: yumaikas tags: trunk, date: 2017-01-01 10:23:54)


[ee6ad01f10] Added some needed words to dicts (user: yumaikas tags: trunk, date: 2017-12-10 22:40:15)


            1  +This repository is a mirror of [pisc.junglecoder.com](https://pisc.junglecoder.com), so if you'd like to get the best view of the project, that's where you should be able to find it.
            2  +I recommend opening an issue, or emailing me based on my profile before opening a PR. 
            3  +
            4  +Right now I'm focusing on more tests, some basic performance improvements, and building up to a high quality IRC/Slack/Discord chat-bot frame work, hopefully one that can trade punches with Hubot. Contributions that focus in theses areas are more than welcome. 
            5  +

Deleted Fibionacci.pisc.

     1         -
     2         -/*
     3         -Even Fibonacci numbers under 4 million
     4         -*/
     5         -
     6         -"std_lib.pisc" import
     7         -
     8         -: triplicate ( a -- a a a ) dup dup ;
     9         -: max_fib ( --  const ) 4000000 ;
    10         -
    11         -/* TODO: This isn't working?
    12         -: nth_fib ( a -- b ) 
    13         -	:n
    14         -
    15         -	$n 0 = [ 0 ] when
    16         -	$n 1 = [ 1 ] when
    17         -	$n 1 > [ 
    18         -		$n [ 1 - nth_fib ] [ 2 - nth_fib ] bi +
    19         -	] when
    20         -;
    21         -*/
    22         -
    23         -: loop_fib ( n -- fib sum )
    24         -	:n 
    25         -	0 triplicate :sum :fib :a 
    26         -	1 :b
    27         -	$n [ 
    28         -		$a $b + :fib
    29         -		$b :a
    30         -		$fib :b
    31         -		$fib even? [ $fib $sum + :sum ] when
    32         -	] times
    33         -	$fib
    34         -	$sum
    35         -;
    36         -
    37         -: nth_fib ( n -- b ) 
    38         -	:n
    39         -	0 1 $n nth_fib_do
    40         -;
    41         -
    42         -/* This is the tail-recursive version of fibionacci */
    43         -: nth_fib_do ( a b n -- q ) 
    44         -	:n :b :a
    45         -	$n 0 > 
    46         -		[ $b  $a $b +  $n 1 - nth_fib_do ] 
    47         -		[ $a ]
    48         -	if
    49         -;

Deleted FizzBuzz.pisc.

     1         -/* 
     2         - Implementing fizzbuzz in PISC
     3         -*/
     4         -
     5         -
     6         -/* Old version, very verbose
     7         -: divisible? ( a b -- bool ) mod zero? ;
     8         -: out-f ( a -- f ) print f ;
     9         -get-locals
    10         -0 :num
    11         -
    12         -100 [
    13         -	t :unprinted
    14         -	$num inc :num 
    15         -	$num 15 divisible? [ "FizzBuzz" out-f :unprinted ] when
    16         -	$num 5 divisible? $unprinted and [ "Buzz" out-f :unprinted ] when
    17         -	$num 3 divisible? $unprinted and [ "Fizz" out-f :unprinted ] when 
    18         -	$unprinted [ $num print ] when 
    19         - ] times
    20         -drop-locals
    21         -*/
    22         -
    23         -"std_lib.pisc" import
    24         -
    25         -: inc ( a -- a` ) 1 + ;
    26         -
    27         -get-locals
    28         -0 !num /* Store 0 into num variable */
    29         -100 [
    30         -	$num inc dup :num
    31         -			[ 3 divisor? [ "Buzz" ] [ "" ] if ] 
    32         -			[ 5 divisor? [ "Fizz" ] [ "" ] if ] bi 
    33         -		concat dup len 0 = [ drop $num ] when print
    34         -] times
    35         -drop-locals

Changes to ImageSchema.sql.

     1         --- This is the schemda for a PISC image
            1  +-- TODO: I don't think I'm going to use this, at least for the known future
            2  +-- TODO: BoltDB seems like a better fit for now.
     2      3   
            4  +-- This was the schemda for a PISC image 
     3      5   
     4      6   Create Table vocabulary (
     5      7   	vocab_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
     6      8   	vocab_name text NOT NULL,
     7      9   	-- TODO: figure out dependency tracking
     8     10   );
     9     11   
    24     26   	word_documentation TEXT NULL,
    25     27   	FOREIGN KEY(word_id) REFERENCES vocabulary(word_id)
    26     28   );
    27     29   
    28     30   Create Table kv_store (
    29     31   );
    30     32   
    31         --------------------------------------------------
    32         -Search: /\*([^*]+)\*/ : ([\w-]+) (\( [^)]+\)) [^;]+;
    33         -Replace: :DOC \2 \3 \1 ;

Changes to README.md.

     1      1   # PISC
     2      2   Position Independent Source Code. A small, stack-based, concatenative language.
     3      3   
     4      4   ## About 
     5      5   
     6         -This is currently a small side project to see how far a small stack-based scripting language can go in spare time. Inspired by Factor (80%), Forth (5%) and Python (5%) and Tcl (5%) (not 100% inspired yet.)
     7         -Plans are currently for an interperated language that uses a "arrays and hashtables" approach to data stucturing.
            6  +PISC's source and documentation are hosted at [https://pisc.junglecoder.com/ ](https://pisc.junglecoder.com).
            7  +A quick starter can be found at [PISC in Y Minutes](https://pisc.junglecoder.com/home/apps/fossil/PISC.fossil/wiki?name=PISC+in+Y+Minutes)
            8  +
            9  +## Building 
           10  +
           11  +PISC requires go 1.9+ to build. Installation instructions [here](https://golang.org/doc/install)
           12  +
           13  +Once go is installed, you'll (currently) need to run `git clone https://github.com/yumaikas/PISC-mirror "$GOPATH/src/pisc"`
           14  +Running `cd $GOPATH/src/pisc && go get -u && go build -o pisc` will fetch depenencies and get you a PISC executable. You can launch a REPL with `pisc -i` and play with it there.
           15  +
           16  +## Playground
     8     17   
     9         -## TODO:
           18  +PISC has a playground at https://pisc.junglecoder.com/playground/
    10     19   
    11         -If you can understand what is going on, please submit a pull request to add something that I'm missing. I'm not trying to compete with [factor](http://factorcode.org) or [forth](http://www.forth.com/forth/) for performance/features, but I trying out their style of programming to see how it goes. Ports of this interpretor to the language of your choice are welcome as well. 
    12         -
    13         -With that in mind, things that I will be adding (or accepting PRs for) as [time](http://www.catb.org/jargon/html/C/copious-free-time.html) allows:
           20  +## Flags
    14     21   
    15         -  - More tests for different combinators (if, loop, while)
    16         -  - A standard library build from a minimal core (this is a lot of the things below)
    17         -  - Stack shuffling combinators (see the ones in factor):
    18         -  -- drop ( x -- )
    19         -  -- 2drop ( x y -- )
    20         -  -- 3drop ( x y z -- )
    21         -  -- nip ( x y -- y )
    22         -  -- 2nip ( x y z -- z )
    23         -  -- dup  ( x -- x x )
    24         -  -- 2dup ( x y -- x y x y )
    25         -  -- 3dup ( x y z -- x y z )
    26         -  -- 2over ( x y z -- x y z x y )
    27         -  -- pick ( x y z -- x y z x )
    28         -  -- swap ( x y -- y x )
    29         -  - Add a way for modules to be added without a lot of major modifications in the core loop of the interp.
    30         -  - Math words. A lot is needed here, and in double/int versions ( >, <, =, -, +, div, mod ) 
    31         -  - String manipulation words (concat, >upper, >lower, int>string, double>string, etc)
    32         -  - Array and map manipulating words (ways to define them, literals, member access, so on.)
    33         -  - A basic compliation step for reducing cache misses in the core loop (transforming words into constant lookup codes, so that word lookup isn't proportional to the number of words in the core loop)
    34         -  - STDIN/STDOUT words.
    35         -  - Regex facilties. 
    36         -  - File i/o words
    37         -  - A plan for multiprocessing. (I want to pull from TCL on this one if I can)
    38         -  - Combinators for quotations, like bi and tri. 
    39         -  - A plan for a module system.
    40         -  - Syscalls
    41         -  - shellout words. 
    42         -  - struct words (when this thing allows for partial compilation or some such thing.)
    43         -  - Bindings to awesome libraries (SDL, Tk, ImageMagick)
           22  +Running `pisc help` will dump out current information about avaiable flags
    44     23   
    45         -
    46         -.pisc is the file extension for these files. 

Deleted SumsOf3And5.pisc.

     1         -/*
     2         -Sums below 1000 of 3 and 5
     3         -*/
     4         -
     5         -"std_lib.pisc" import
     6         -
     7         -: inc ( a -- b ) 1 + ;
     8         -
     9         -get-locals
    10         -0 :n
    11         - /* Maybe we can keep this on the stack? */
    12         -0 1000 [ /* Sum and loop count */
    13         -	dup inc :n
    14         -	[ 5 divisor? ] [ 3 divisor? ] bi or [ $n + ] when
    15         -] times
    16         -print
    17         -drop-locals

Deleted bathroom_stall.pisc.

     1         -/* 
     2         -Solving this code golf problem http://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/89241/be-respectful-in-the-restroom
     3         -*/
     4         -
     5         -
     6         -: respect ( stalls -- respectfulPostion ) 
     7         -
     8         -	<vector> :distances
     9         -	<vector> :full
    10         -	<vector> :empty
    11         -	0 :i 
    12         -	>string 
    13         -	[ 
    14         -		dup "1" str-eq [ [ $i vec-append ] $:full ] when 
    15         -		"0" str-eq [ [ $i vec-append ] $:empty ] when
    16         -		[ 1 + ] $:i
    17         -	] each-char 
    18         -	0 :i
    19         -	$empty [ :eElem 
    20         -		0 dup :dist :i 
    21         -		$full [ :fElem
    22         -		  [ $fElem $eElem - abs + ] $:dist
    23         -		  [ 1 + ] $:i
    24         -		] vec-each
    25         -	    $dist $i 0.0 + / $eElem 2vector [ swap vec-append ] $:distances
    26         -	] vec-each
    27         -	0 :maxDist
    28         -	0 :maxPos
    29         -
    30         -	$distances dup print [ /* Pop the elements into vars */
    31         -		dup []0 :dist []1 :pos
    32         -		$maxDist $dist < [ $pos :maxPos $dist :maxDist ] when 
    33         -	] vec-each
    34         -	$maxPos
    35         -	;

Added bindata.go.

            1  +// Code generated by go-bindata.
            2  +// sources:
            3  +// stdlib/bools.pisc
            4  +// stdlib/debug.pisc
            5  +// stdlib/dicts.pisc
            6  +// stdlib/io.pisc
            7  +// stdlib/locals.pisc
            8  +// stdlib/loops.pisc
            9  +// stdlib/math.pisc
           10  +// stdlib/random.pisc
           11  +// stdlib/shell.pisc
           12  +// stdlib/std_lib.pisc
           13  +// stdlib/strings.pisc
           14  +// stdlib/symbols.pisc
           15  +// stdlib/vectors.pisc
           16  +// stdlib/with.pisc
           17  +// DO NOT EDIT!
           18  +
           19  +package pisc
           20  +
           21  +import (
           22  +	"bytes"
           23  +	"compress/gzip"
           24  +	"fmt"
           25  +	"io"
           26  +	"io/ioutil"
           27  +	"os"
           28  +	"path/filepath"
           29  +	"strings"
           30  +	"time"
           31  +)
           32  +
           33  +func bindataRead(data []byte, name string) ([]byte, error) {
           34  +	gz, err := gzip.NewReader(bytes.NewBuffer(data))
           35  +	if err != nil {
           36  +		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Read %q: %v", name, err)
           37  +	}
           38  +
           39  +	var buf bytes.Buffer
           40  +	_, err = io.Copy(&buf, gz)
           41  +	clErr := gz.Close()
           42  +
           43  +	if err != nil {
           44  +		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Read %q: %v", name, err)
           45  +	}
           46  +	if clErr != nil {
           47  +		return nil, err
           48  +	}
           49  +
           50  +	return buf.Bytes(), nil
           51  +}
           52  +
           53  +type asset struct {
           54  +	bytes []byte
           55  +	info  os.FileInfo
           56  +}
           57  +
           58  +type bindataFileInfo struct {
           59  +	name    string
           60  +	size    int64
           61  +	mode    os.FileMode
           62  +	modTime time.Time
           63  +}
           64  +
           65  +func (fi bindataFileInfo) Name() string {
           66  +	return fi.name
           67  +}
           68  +func (fi bindataFileInfo) Size() int64 {
           69  +	return fi.size
           70  +}
           71  +func (fi bindataFileInfo) Mode() os.FileMode {
           72  +	return fi.mode
           73  +}
           74  +func (fi bindataFileInfo) ModTime() time.Time {
           75  +	return fi.modTime
           76  +}
           77  +func (fi bindataFileInfo) IsDir() bool {
           78  +	return false
           79  +}
           80  +func (fi bindataFileInfo) Sys() interface{} {
           81  +	return nil
           82  +}
           83  +
           84  +var _stdlibBoolsPisc = []byte("\x1f\x8b\x08\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xff\xd2\xd7\xe2\x4a\xca\xcf\xcf\x29\xd6\x2b\xc8\x2c\x4e\xe6\xd2\xd2\xe7\xe2\x52\x56\xf0\x54\x48\x2f\x4d\x2d\x2e\x56\x28\xc9\xc8\x2c\x56\xc8\x2c\x56\x48\xcd\x2d\x28\xa9\x54\xc8\xcb\x2f\xb7\xe7\xe2\x02\x04\x00\x00\xff\xff\xcb\x3e\x17\xc6\x30\x00\x00\x00")
           85  +
           86  +func stdlibBoolsPiscBytes() ([]byte, error) {
           87  +	return bindataRead(
           88  +		_stdlibBoolsPisc,
           89  +		"stdlib/bools.pisc",
           90  +	)
           91  +}
           92  +
           93  +func stdlibBoolsPisc() (*asset, error) {
           94  +	bytes, err := stdlibBoolsPiscBytes()
           95  +	if err != nil {
           96  +		return nil, err
           97  +	}
           98  +
           99  +	info := bindataFileInfo{name: "stdlib/bools.pisc", size: 48, mode: os.FileMode(436), modTime: time.Unix(1511943077, 0)}
          100  +	a := &asset{bytes: bytes, info: info}
          101  +	return a, nil
          102  +}
          103  +
          104  +var _stdlibDebugPisc = []byte("\x1f\x8b\x08\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xff\x6c\xcc\xb1\x0a\xc2\x30\x10\xc6\xf1\xbd\x4f\xf1\xd1\x49\x87\xbc\x40\x8b\x2e\xba\x3b\x38\x8a\x43\xb8\x9e\x26\x10\x72\xe1\x2e\x1a\x7d\x7b\x91\x2a\x74\xe8\xf6\xc1\x9f\xef\xd7\x0d\xc7\xd3\x01\x16\xa4\xb9\xa2\x7c\x8b\x2f\xd7\x44\x27\xc3\x06\xce\x61\x8b\x73\x90\x66\x68\x21\x52\xc0\xdc\x31\x77\xaf\x0c\x7a\xa8\x72\xae\xe9\x8d\x24\x7e\xe2\x09\x63\xb7\xe0\x92\x90\x4f\xab\xd0\xaf\x7c\x89\x98\xff\x0a\x8c\xa4\x30\xc6\x6e\x58\xbb\x5f\x00\x79\xb2\x62\x6f\x55\x63\xbe\xa3\xc7\x0e\x3d\xac\xf9\x02\xab\xea\x48\x32\xf9\xba\x9c\x39\x16\x14\x8d\xb9\xe2\x0a\xf6\x14\x66\x0f\x23\x3e\x01\x00\x00\xff\xff\xd4\x33\x23\xc6\xf1\x00\x00\x00")
          105  +
          106  +func stdlibDebugPiscBytes() ([]byte, error) {
          107  +	return bindataRead(
          108  +		_stdlibDebugPisc,
          109  +		"stdlib/debug.pisc",
          110  +	)
          111  +}
          112  +
          113  +func stdlibDebugPisc() (*asset, error) {
          114  +	bytes, err := stdlibDebugPiscBytes()
          115  +	if err != nil {
          116  +		return nil, err
          117  +	}
          118  +
          119  +	info := bindataFileInfo{name: "stdlib/debug.pisc", size: 241, mode: os.FileMode(436), modTime: time.Unix(1500942096, 0)}
          120  +	a := &asset{bytes: bytes, info: info}
          121  +	return a, nil
          122  +}
          123  +
          124  +var _stdlibDictsPisc = []byte("\x1f\x8b\x08\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xff\x8c\x94\xcd\x6e\xdb\x3a\x10\x85\xf7\x7a\x8a\x03\x43\x17\xb8\x16\x4a\x69\x2f\x1b\xf1\xa6\xed\xba\x68\x97\x86\x17\x8c\x34\xb2\x88\xc8\xa4\x4a\x8e\x1c\xf8\xed\x0b\x52\x3f\x96\x65\xa5\x69\x36\x49\x86\x67\x66\xbe\x39\x1c\x31\x4b\xf0\x55\x15\xac\x8c\x96\x56\x91\x83\xd4\x25\xb8\x26\x65\xd1\xb1\x6a\x14\xfb\x58\x92\x45\x51\x8e\x52\x15\x2c\x54\x25\xe8\xd2\xf2\x4d\x38\x96\xc5\x1b\xfe\x47\x9a\x42\x88\x70\x76\xc0\x16\x21\xda\x2b\x0e\x38\x62\xef\xe3\x2f\x38\xe1\xbd\x26\x8d\xdd\xac\x88\x36\x2c\xfc\xdf\x0f\x15\xb0\x45\xd9\xb5\xe0\x5b\x4b\xa6\xc2\x66\xe2\xba\x6d\xe0\xd8\x0a\x4d\xbf\xd7\x8b\x92\x76\x9d\xa5\x50\xaf\xd7\x3f\x55\x5d\x41\x7f\x22\xf1\x95\xce\xc4\xc2\x58\x51\x52\x25\xbb\xc6\xc3\x85\x93\x37\xba\x61\x0c\x09\x81\xab\x6c\x3a\xc2\x16\xf9\x18\xcb\xbd\x20\xf7\xd2\x08\xc3\x4f\x1c\x12\xe3\x90\xe9\x1b\xd5\xd2\x89\x37\x0a\xa6\x2c\x8f\xce\xc4\x38\xf9\xf0\x50\xed\x04\x55\x45\xbb\x28\xca\x12\x7c\x27\x2e\x6a\x54\xd6\x5c\x30\x1b\x2e\xc9\x22\xe4\x3f\x7e\x7e\x83\x78\x99\x13\xf6\x64\xe3\xb4\xbe\xea\x6e\xd2\xad\x09\x07\x6f\x8e\xc1\xf3\xbc\xc4\x09\xa5\x6a\xef\xc9\x71\x89\x1e\xe2\x17\xb1\xdf\x88\x90\x5a\x19\x0b\x89\xb3\xba\x92\xee\x89\xb4\xf1\x44\xc1\x91\x2f\x78\xed\x18\x0d\xc9\x2b\x05\xfd\x8c\xd8\xe8\x10\xe9\x8d\x9f\xf0\xf7\x7b\x31\x62\x79\x9e\x01\x6d\x7e\x65\x6d\xe7\xea\x69\x8a\x55\xf5\x20\x74\x61\xda\x69\xdc\x78\x31\xee\x36\x5c\x6c\x63\x8a\x61\xec\xa5\x3b\x4b\xfd\x83\x35\xbd\x2f\x2b\x05\xdc\xbb\x6c\xef\x5d\xf7\x22\xbe\xf3\x59\x2d\x2f\xb4\xda\xd9\xcd\x3a\xef\xff\x31\x67\xb0\x61\xc8\x8a\x3f\x30\x22\xec\xde\xc6\x9f\xd6\xd2\xe1\x95\xfc\x15\x51\x6b\xa9\x90\x4c\x65\x8a\xce\x11\xe2\xab\xb4\x1e\xd4\xff\x52\xda\x31\xc9\x72\x03\xb2\xd6\x58\x64\x49\x18\xf6\xde\x39\x4c\x37\x21\x27\xd9\x44\x1d\xff\xf5\xde\x46\x8a\xcf\x31\x3e\xe4\x38\x3e\x18\x3f\xac\xe5\x67\x6c\x7e\x53\xc3\xaa\x4a\x0d\xd2\x6c\x6f\x60\x03\xb6\x1d\x85\x9d\x25\x59\xd4\xe8\xb4\x2a\x4c\x49\x28\x6a\x69\x65\xc1\xe4\x7b\x83\x6b\xe5\xfc\xeb\xa2\xf4\x79\xf6\x61\xfd\x37\x0c\x78\x78\xda\x88\xe7\xb7\xa6\x07\x3c\xf6\x0f\xc0\xf4\x5f\xff\x95\x07\x50\x5e\xf0\x9e\x02\x8e\xf0\x18\x83\x6c\xb6\xba\x87\xb5\x55\x3c\x8c\x7b\x3e\x3d\x23\x53\x46\xba\xd0\xa7\xe9\xfc\x05\x28\x64\xd3\x60\x17\xfd\x09\x00\x00\xff\xff\x7e\x91\x17\xc6\xe5\x05\x00\x00")
          125  +
          126  +func stdlibDictsPiscBytes() ([]byte, error) {
          127  +	return bindataRead(
          128  +		_stdlibDictsPisc,
          129  +		"stdlib/dicts.pisc",
          130  +	)
          131  +}
          132  +
          133  +func stdlibDictsPisc() (*asset, error) {
          134  +	bytes, err := stdlibDictsPiscBytes()
          135  +	if err != nil {
          136  +		return nil, err
          137  +	}
          138  +
          139  +	info := bindataFileInfo{name: "stdlib/dicts.pisc", size: 1509, mode: os.FileMode(436), modTime: time.Unix(1512944015, 0)}
          140  +	a := &asset{bytes: bytes, info: info}
          141  +	return a, nil
          142  +}
          143  +
          144  +var _stdlibIoPisc = []byte("\x1f\x8b\x08\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xff\x8c\x54\x41\x6f\xf3\x36\x0c\x3d\xd7\xbf\xe2\x01\x19\x90\xe6\x43\x9c\xef\x3a\xb4\xc0\x86\x21\x6d\x80\x5e\x96\x61\xeb\xb0\x4b\x81\x55\xb6\xe9\x58\x83\x22\x79\x12\xd5\xc0\xff\x7e\x20\x6d\x27\x59\xbb\x0e\xdf\x4d\x96\xc8\xf7\x1e\xc9\x47\x7f\xfd\x82\xe7\x8e\xf0\xb4\x87\xb3\x55\x34\xd1\x52\x42\x68\xf1\xcb\xd3\x6f\x5b\x7c\xf9\x5a\x14\xfa\x6e\x13\x9a\x50\xc3\x26\xbf\x64\xb4\x21\xc2\x20\xf5\x54\xdb\xd6\xd6\x38\x85\xd8\x48\xe4\xdd\xc3\x7e\x2b\x30\xb7\x28\x4b\xac\x50\x2c\xf0\x2b\x99\x86\x62\x2a\x8a\x6d\x8e\x91\x3c\xbb\x61\x3d\xe2\x76\x26\x21\x92\x69\xac\x3f\xc0\xf8\x06\xa7\x68\x59\xce\xa1\xfa\x8b\x6a\x4e\xe0\xce\x30\x4c\x24\x54\x21\xfb\x06\x1c\x90\x7d\x43\xd1\x0d\x12\x74\x08\xa8\x4c\xa2\x06\x55\x6e\x6d\x98\x73\x36\x78\x34\x75\xa7\xa8\x14\x95\x80\x3b\x42\x1b\x9c\x0b\x27\xc9\x6a\xb3\xaf\xd9\x06\x9f\xe0\x82\x69\xa8\x81\xf5\x1c\x60\x39\xa1\xb1\xfa\x60\xe2\x00\xf2\x2c\xf5\xdf\x15\xc5\x62\xa1\x50\x65\x35\x30\x8d\x15\xe9\x69\x55\x48\x4d\x09\x66\xfc\x6c\x63\x38\x2a\xcf\x44\x6b\x12\x8c\x17\xe4\x35\x12\xb1\x96\x74\x79\x4d\x78\xdc\xef\xa4\x16\x8e\x99\x60\x5b\x7d\x22\xdf\x48\xb7\x55\xab\x75\x04\xab\x8d\xa9\x3b\x6a\x2e\x1a\x62\xf6\x93\x06\x3d\x5d\x34\xfc\xfe\xbc\x2b\xbf\x1f\x2f\xdf\x29\xb9\x24\x3b\x3b\x27\x27\x8e\x57\xb9\x7a\xff\x2e\x6b\x0d\x8e\xf6\x78\x14\xd9\xcb\x97\xb8\xd4\xd1\x2c\x5f\xfc\x12\xa1\x3d\xab\x55\x64\x29\x44\x31\x1f\xf7\xbb\x1f\x15\x94\x73\xf4\xe9\x7f\x2b\x93\x91\x54\x44\x7e\xae\x6f\x8d\xd6\xb8\x44\x08\xdc\x51\x3c\xd9\x44\x45\x71\x5f\x8c\x26\x0a\x3d\xf9\x52\x92\xca\xa9\xaf\xb7\xe8\x0d\x77\x42\x38\x5a\x0a\x2b\xec\x04\x73\x6e\x6c\x67\xde\x08\x06\xaf\xb5\x0b\x89\x5e\x75\x8c\xc3\x68\xa2\xda\x78\x54\x84\xda\x38\x47\x6a\x24\x0d\x51\x55\x57\x96\x9a\x04\xfa\xc6\x11\x3e\x8a\x10\x77\xfe\x4b\xc4\x74\xb1\xc2\x1f\x7a\x48\x6a\xd5\x64\x8f\xbd\xa3\x28\xb4\x7e\x16\xb6\xc6\xe8\xc3\x41\x75\x04\xef\x86\x31\x57\xbb\x9f\x10\xa2\x0c\xc5\xfa\x43\xc2\x7d\x71\x33\xd2\xea\x7b\x39\x5e\xe3\x56\x87\xa6\xeb\xa4\x54\xfa\x29\x0e\xea\x08\x86\x59\xfb\x38\xab\x99\x75\x8f\x00\xd3\xd8\xbf\x39\x7d\x0d\xd3\xf7\xe4\x75\x23\x5f\xfc\x1c\x24\x33\x9c\x71\xa5\x15\xd2\x80\x1f\xce\xda\xe4\xe6\x67\x73\xa4\xc9\x5c\xdb\xe0\x99\x3c\x27\xac\x80\x9f\x90\xd9\x3a\xcb\xc3\x79\xef\xf4\xaf\x31\xef\x7c\x3a\x1a\xe7\x34\x3f\x8d\x7b\x38\xb5\x61\x83\x87\x00\x1f\x18\x59\x8c\xe1\xe1\x4c\x3c\xd0\x14\x77\x16\xd2\x47\xfb\xf6\x67\x9f\x39\x5d\xd7\x77\x75\x6b\xd3\xfb\xf1\xea\x1f\x2a\xcb\x2f\x43\x44\xf4\xd1\x7a\x5d\xcd\x37\xe3\xf2\x0c\x8c\x93\xe5\xae\x0c\x99\xfb\xcc\xf3\xa4\xff\xce\x81\x05\x7d\xb3\xc1\xaa\xb8\xb9\x93\xcf\xe2\xe6\x83\x2d\x9a\xdc\xe3\x3b\x0d\x15\x08\x6c\xd4\x60\x62\xe5\x05\x9e\xf7\x0f\xfb\x62\x81\x09\x7c\x6c\xb0\x70\xe0\x4c\x68\xfd\x27\x7c\xf8\x0f\xc2\x69\x19\x3e\x21\xfc\x27\x00\x00\xff\xff\xb2\x42\xc8\x50\xc8\x05\x00\x00")
          145  +
          146  +func stdlibIoPiscBytes() ([]byte, error) {
          147  +	return bindataRead(
          148  +		_stdlibIoPisc,
          149  +		"stdlib/io.pisc",
          150  +	)
          151  +}
          152  +
          153  +func stdlibIoPisc() (*asset, error) {
          154  +	bytes, err := stdlibIoPiscBytes()
          155  +	if err != nil {
          156  +		return nil, err
          157  +	}
          158  +
          159  +	info := bindataFileInfo{name: "stdlib/io.pisc", size: 1480, mode: os.FileMode(436), modTime: time.Unix(1491353691, 0)}
          160  +	a := &asset{bytes: bytes, info: info}
          161  +	return a, nil
          162  +}
          163  +
          164  +var _stdlibLocalsPisc = []byte("\x1f\x8b\x08\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xff\x6c\x92\x4f\x8b\xdb\x30\x10\xc5\xef\xfe\x14\x0f\xb2\x87\x75\x16\x27\x77\x07\x0a\x25\x0d\x65\xa1\xb4\x61\x73\x0c\xa1\x0c\xf2\x38\x11\x49\x24\x57\x1a\x67\xfb\xf1\x8b\xfe\x38\xeb\xac\x7b\xd0\x41\xcc\x9b\xdf\xbc\xf9\xb3\x9c\xe3\x87\x55\x74\xf1\xd0\x06\xdb\xd7\xdd\x1a\xf3\x65\x51\xd4\xdf\x7e\xad\xe1\x59\xaa\x4b\x88\xe1\x19\x37\xba\xc0\xd0\x95\x51\x55\x28\xb1\x63\x49\x3f\xb1\x31\x82\x55\x4e\x39\x8e\x52\x06\x79\x10\x94\xf8\xce\x02\x39\x71\xf8\xf5\x0c\xf2\xde\x2a\x4d\xc2\x0d\xde\xb5\x9c\x40\x48\x59\x29\x3a\xc5\x79\x3c\xa7\xca\xdb\xde\x07\xb5\x17\x52\x67\xb4\x2e\x94\x68\xad\x43\x16\x59\x23\x36\x56\xc9\xff\x24\x1b\x68\x8d\xb3\xdd\x67\x9c\xed\x40\x99\x63\xdb\x3b\xa6\x6d\xa7\x94\x3b\x86\x49\x9d\xee\x4d\xfe\xe9\xad\x60\x8f\x33\x6e\xa8\xb0\x58\xe0\x10\xb8\x29\x6f\xb1\x40\x09\xbc\xf5\x06\x14\x65\x24\xda\x9a\xe8\x36\x10\x72\xc3\xda\xc4\x4a\xaa\x77\x8e\x8d\x3c\xf4\xb5\xdb\x6c\xea\x98\xf8\xa5\xd1\x4a\x62\xfd\xe5\x1c\x6b\xdb\x69\x6e\xd0\x3a\x7b\x45\x4b\x4a\xac\x0b\x0b\xab\xa1\x4e\x64\x8e\x3c\x38\xba\x91\xfb\x99\xc7\x1f\x6d\xf8\x77\xea\xb0\xc7\x7e\xb4\xa0\x03\xce\xcc\x1d\x0e\x68\x74\x17\xdf\xc7\xba\x57\x28\x8a\x19\xbe\x8a\xf0\xb5\x13\x6d\x8e\x61\xcd\x99\x9f\x17\x55\xd4\xdb\xb7\x0d\x9e\xea\xff\xd4\x2b\x07\x69\xf2\x1b\x8f\x0b\x5b\xc7\xad\xfe\xcb\x3e\x78\x9d\xe1\xd5\x28\xc7\xd7\xd0\x2f\x99\x06\x0d\xe7\x5f\x81\x48\xad\xaa\xd1\xf1\x94\x31\x9c\x7c\x55\x37\x72\x58\x65\xd5\xcb\xcb\x83\x4a\x9b\x4f\xaa\x62\x16\x4f\x2e\x14\xf0\x2c\xd9\x75\x4a\x7d\x9a\x1c\xe7\xc7\x54\x06\x7c\x3d\xb9\xf9\xd1\x78\x8a\x2c\xfa\x1d\x54\x71\x39\x8f\xb8\xa6\xef\x46\xc8\x38\xfb\xa0\xaa\x82\x91\xd5\xbf\x00\x00\x00\xff\xff\xaa\x09\x9f\x67\x71\x03\x00\x00")
          165  +
          166  +func stdlibLocalsPiscBytes() ([]byte, error) {
          167  +	return bindataRead(
          168  +		_stdlibLocalsPisc,
          169  +		"stdlib/locals.pisc",
          170  +	)
          171  +}
          172  +
          173  +func stdlibLocalsPisc() (*asset, error) {
          174  +	bytes, err := stdlibLocalsPiscBytes()
          175  +	if err != nil {
          176  +		return nil, err
          177  +	}
          178  +
          179  +	info := bindataFileInfo{name: "stdlib/locals.pisc", size: 881, mode: os.FileMode(436), modTime: time.Unix(1504845781, 0)}
          180  +	a := &asset{bytes: bytes, info: info}
          181  +	return a, nil
          182  +}
          183  +
          184  +var _stdlibLoopsPisc = []byte("\x1f\x8b\x08\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xff\x7c\xcb\x31\x0a\x02\x31\x10\x46\xe1\x7e\x4e\xf1\x97\xeb\xc2\x66\x7b\x53\xaa\x9d\xe0\x15\x46\xe2\x80\x81\x98\x44\x67\xa2\x1e\x5f\x42\xac\xb7\x7d\x7c\x6f\x9d\xe9\x5c\x4a\x55\x57\xa3\x06\x9a\x57\xa2\xfd\xf1\x72\x80\xc5\x87\x28\x26\x64\x3c\x5b\x31\x2c\x0b\x9c\xc3\x0e\xa7\xaf\x84\x66\x02\xee\x95\x91\xff\xce\x8f\xe9\x73\x8f\x49\x30\xa1\xbe\xe4\xb6\xf9\x0d\xc8\xdd\x31\x92\x5c\xdf\xa2\x60\x63\xf8\x5f\x00\x00\x00\xff\xff\x8a\xf6\x37\x23\x8e\x00\x00\x00")
          185  +
          186  +func stdlibLoopsPiscBytes() ([]byte, error) {
          187  +	return bindataRead(
          188  +		_stdlibLoopsPisc,
          189  +		"stdlib/loops.pisc",
          190  +	)
          191  +}
          192  +
          193  +func stdlibLoopsPisc() (*asset, error) {
          194  +	bytes, err := stdlibLoopsPiscBytes()
          195  +	if err != nil {
          196  +		return nil, err
          197  +	}
          198  +
          199  +	info := bindataFileInfo{name: "stdlib/loops.pisc", size: 142, mode: os.FileMode(436), modTime: time.Unix(1491353691, 0)}
          200  +	a := &asset{bytes: bytes, info: info}
          201  +	return a, nil
          202  +}
          203  +
          204  +var _stdlibMathPisc = []byte("\x1f\x8b\x08\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xff\x8c\x95\x4f\x6f\xe3\x36\x10\xc5\xef\xfa\x14\xef\xb8\x71\x23\x24\xca\xd1\x71\x1c\x74\xbd\xdd\xb6\xc0\xa2\x3e\x24\xb7\x20\x80\x29\x69\x24\x33\x95\x48\xed\x90\x8a\xed\x7e\xfa\x82\xb4\x6c\x51\xf2\x1f\xec\xcd\x30\x7f\xef\x0d\xf9\x38\x43\x4d\xbf\x2d\x17\x98\xe7\xba\x4d\x2b\xc2\x17\x6c\x11\xc7\xc8\x71\x83\x85\x26\xce\x08\x02\xaa\xad\x53\x62\x58\x0d\x81\x0e\x7b\x8c\xbc\x4a\x64\xda\x1c\x24\x3b\xdc\xe0\x77\xce\x90\x69\x23\x15\xe1\x11\x3d\xb2\x0e\x99\xbf\x76\x0d\x71\xaa\x2b\x99\x41\x9c\xc1\x8d\x54\x63\xc7\x13\xe0\x9a\xdf\x10\xb6\xe2\xc4\xcd\x0a\x55\x92\xb2\x03\xe6\x9a\xa1\xe7\x7b\x3c\x4b\xd9\x86\xf4\xa2\x4d\x09\xac\x75\x40\x90\xac\x06\x04\xc9\x4a\xaa\x12\xba\xe8\xf3\x6b\x98\x32\x69\xa4\x56\x87\x70\x8f\xe2\x61\xa0\x8b\x61\x3a\x57\xb2\x1c\xe5\x48\x5c\x84\xe0\x1f\xcc\x9a\x51\xb4\x2a\xb3\xae\x68\x40\x65\xc3\x72\x75\x53\x51\x4d\xca\x0a\xde\x81\x2e\x88\xb6\xcd\xc0\x7a\xdb\x68\x45\xca\x4a\x31\xa6\x1e\x42\xec\x75\xa3\x61\xd7\x84\x46\x6f\x88\x5d\x16\xab\xed\x2a\x84\xeb\x24\xa4\x57\xae\x48\x82\x78\x75\x8b\x5a\xf3\x21\x2f\x42\xa1\x19\xa6\x16\x55\xd5\xe5\x66\x70\xf4\x28\x2a\xad\x39\xf4\xf8\xee\xff\xf8\xa5\xd4\x4b\x51\xd7\x22\xd4\xfe\xe9\xff\x38\x1e\xfd\x75\xf9\x6d\x79\x84\x3f\xee\x43\xf2\xe3\x1e\x5f\xc9\x18\xaa\x4e\x83\xfa\x18\x1c\xe9\xbb\x64\x63\xf1\xaf\x54\xf9\x45\x41\xa5\xcb\x50\xf1\x8f\xb0\x2d\x8b\x0a\x3f\x74\x29\x58\xda\x75\x8d\x47\xf4\x64\x32\xd8\xc6\x0f\x5d\x22\x15\x86\x90\xdc\x87\x76\xc9\xe0\xaa\x56\x5b\x24\xf8\xcd\x97\x59\xdd\x22\x6d\xed\x3e\x5c\x91\x65\x2d\x0b\x4b\xd8\x48\xbb\xee\xe2\xfd\x14\x55\x4b\x26\xb4\x7a\x38\x5b\xee\x21\x44\xd2\x10\xf9\x2a\x95\x6f\xa2\xae\x3d\xdc\x45\x6c\x8f\xf0\x68\xca\x5f\x5c\xeb\x9e\xc4\x71\x65\xd2\xcd\x79\xc1\xcf\xe1\x6c\xbe\xfc\x6c\x05\x77\xd3\x79\x02\x8f\x9e\x86\xd7\xee\x59\x38\xc7\x5d\xda\x85\xbd\xa8\xe1\x56\x0d\x06\xeb\x6f\x65\xa9\x24\xde\xc7\xea\xa3\xb8\x85\x30\xc1\x7b\xda\x09\x77\x83\x4b\x5d\x72\x4e\x1c\xff\x47\xac\x4f\x5a\x46\x17\x7e\x9a\x0c\x65\x5a\xe5\xfb\xae\x3a\x7a\x24\xa7\x1e\x5a\xd1\x2f\x5a\xdc\x4d\x22\xd7\xed\x53\xb8\x2e\x70\xeb\x76\xa3\x21\xb8\x44\x2d\xec\xfa\x28\x36\xd1\xe4\x2e\x9a\xa2\xf6\xd7\x28\x90\xba\x6a\xbe\x71\x88\x71\x83\x87\xbc\x6d\x30\xc7\x1b\x94\x6c\xf0\x8e\x37\xe4\xac\xdd\x0f\x59\xb8\x0f\x07\x6a\xb1\xed\x55\x95\xe0\xd2\x8b\xd0\xcb\x3a\xfc\xa0\xf7\xb2\xe8\x6e\x82\x17\x5d\x93\x6b\x3b\x99\xed\x77\xe3\xf7\x40\x9f\xa4\x9e\xf1\x05\xca\xb9\x3d\xbb\xea\xa8\x75\x0e\x97\xda\xb3\x2f\x97\xcb\x4f\x69\x34\xef\x99\xfa\x40\x85\x4c\x34\xc5\x53\xbf\x23\xb7\x1a\xf7\x6b\x77\x13\xcc\x20\x0d\x44\xc5\x24\xf2\x1d\x72\x2a\xa4\xa2\x7c\x5f\x7c\x3e\xd2\xcd\xa0\xdc\x97\x20\x9a\x62\x36\x5a\xf1\x87\x9b\xe1\x0d\x4f\x78\x47\x2e\x1b\x68\xf6\xdc\x7c\x64\xf0\xd4\x39\x44\x53\x88\xd4\xf8\xc5\x38\x86\xc0\x0d\x9c\xc1\xbd\xb7\x88\x13\x4c\xf0\x8e\xcd\x9a\x5c\xcb\xfd\x1f\x00\x00\xff\xff\x5a\xd8\x7d\x5b\xc0\x07\x00\x00")
          205  +
          206  +func stdlibMathPiscBytes() ([]byte, error) {
          207  +	return bindataRead(
          208  +		_stdlibMathPisc,
          209  +		"stdlib/math.pisc",
          210  +	)
          211  +}
          212  +
          213  +func stdlibMathPisc() (*asset, error) {
          214  +	bytes, err := stdlibMathPiscBytes()
          215  +	if err != nil {
          216  +		return nil, err
          217  +	}
          218  +
          219  +	info := bindataFileInfo{name: "stdlib/math.pisc", size: 1984, mode: os.FileMode(436), modTime: time.Unix(1500942096, 0)}
          220  +	a := &asset{bytes: bytes, info: info}
          221  +	return a, nil
          222  +}
          223  +
          224  +var _stdlibRandomPisc = []byte("\x1f\x8b\x08\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xff\x14\xca\xc1\x09\x80\x30\x0c\x40\xd1\x55\xfe\x51\x0f\x59\x40\xa7\x09\x49\xc0\x42\x9b\x16\xad\xba\xbe\x78\x7f\x1b\x76\xf4\x62\xc1\xc2\x13\x86\x08\x51\xa3\xb1\xe2\xf7\xa0\x46\x72\x6a\xba\x94\x9c\x5c\xaf\x0e\x5a\xf7\xdf\x89\x4e\xf6\x2f\x00\x00\xff\xff\x3c\x4d\xec\x7d\x3b\x00\x00\x00")
          225  +
          226  +func stdlibRandomPiscBytes() ([]byte, error) {
          227  +	return bindataRead(
          228  +		_stdlibRandomPisc,
          229  +		"stdlib/random.pisc",
          230  +	)
          231  +}
          232  +
          233  +func stdlibRandomPisc() (*asset, error) {
          234  +	bytes, err := stdlibRandomPiscBytes()
          235  +	if err != nil {
          236  +		return nil, err
          237  +	}
          238  +
          239  +	info := bindataFileInfo{name: "stdlib/random.pisc", size: 59, mode: os.FileMode(436), modTime: time.Unix(1491353691, 0)}
          240  +	a := &asset{bytes: bytes, info: info}
          241  +	return a, nil
          242  +}
          243  +
          244  +var _stdlibShellPisc = []byte("\x1f\x8b\x08\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xff\x6c\x54\xcb\x6e\xdb\x3a\x10\x5d\x8b\x5f\x71\xc0\x78\xe1\x2c\x68\x38\x5b\x45\xd7\xc0\x7d\x24\xb7\xd9\xa4\x05\xd2\x9d\x23\x14\x8c\x38\x8e\x88\xd0\x24\x2b\x52\x36\xfa\xf7\xc5\x50\x7e\xb6\x5d\xd8\x20\xcf\xbc\xcf\x19\x4a\xd4\x70\x09\x73\x28\x85\x5b\x38\x9b\xb2\xda\x58\x47\x09\x6b\xc4\xc1\xfa\x8c\x16\x3b\xea\x14\xe9\xae\xc7\xbd\x10\x35\xac\x57\xc6\x0e\x98\x83\xff\xbf\x8f\x21\x73\xe4\x62\x81\x5b\x88\x2a\xee\x0d\xea\x38\xd0\x4e\x54\x6b\x74\x06\x2d\x8c\x8d\xe8\xb4\x73\xa2\x9a\x31\x8e\xce\x88\x92\x25\xf5\xe4\x9c\xda\x06\x33\x3a\xc2\xfc\x94\xe7\x56\x54\xcd\x8e\xba\x1c\x86\x15\xea\xa8\x73\xdf\xdb\x94\x39\xd9\xec\x78\x01\xd7\xe0\x8e\x74\x8c\xe4\xcd\xd9\x0b\x2d\xea\x38\xa6\xde\x5c\xbb\xb3\x6b\x0c\xf1\x4d\x77\x1f\x48\x7b\x1d\x7f\x09\x08\xd1\x08\x51\x35\xc6\x76\x79\x05\x33\x46\xd4\xa9\x07\x67\xb8\x60\xa2\x45\xd3\x28\x97\x18\x15\x55\x75\x45\x91\xa8\xaa\x8a\xa3\xd4\x6a\x1b\x0c\x41\x1a\x89\x94\x07\xd5\x05\x9f\xb5\xf5\x97\x24\xae\x61\x86\x10\xd1\xc2\x6e\x38\xea\x82\x55\x51\x1d\x0a\x98\x52\xb8\xcc\x00\xb9\x58\xc8\x89\xc1\xa6\x51\x63\x3c\x1b\x8e\x58\x57\xe6\xe4\xfe\x4f\x10\xcf\xc8\xe0\x3b\x65\xc5\x5d\xe8\xac\x78\xd6\x83\xbf\x2e\x3c\xca\x57\x7f\x6c\x71\x2c\x7d\x35\x8d\xda\x77\xae\x98\xbe\xfc\xfd\xf5\x93\x04\xf9\x9d\x7a\xa7\x83\x89\x21\xb6\x5d\x81\xe4\x8b\xbe\x6b\xa8\xd9\x9f\xa7\x6e\x27\x3f\x9b\x78\x53\x4a\xea\x17\x96\x1b\xcb\xc5\x9d\x9c\x4c\xdb\x60\xbc\xde\xd2\xb4\x0b\x7a\xff\xa1\xac\xb7\x19\x73\x84\x98\x6d\xf0\xe9\xb8\x52\xa2\xba\xc1\xbf\x03\xe9\x6c\xfd\x3b\x72\x4f\x48\x59\x67\xc2\x9b\x4e\xb6\x4b\xd8\x84\x01\xda\x97\xf0\x94\x7f\x38\xe2\x4a\x2d\xea\x7f\x1e\xfe\x7f\x7a\x3e\x9c\x1f\x9e\xff\x13\x95\x7c\xcd\x12\xf5\xd3\xe3\x0b\xf8\xec\x25\xea\xcf\x8f\x2f\xa2\x92\x12\xf5\x52\x54\x19\xb5\x27\x32\x49\xa5\xe8\x6c\xbe\xdc\x3f\x67\xfd\x31\xe7\x40\x89\xb2\xda\x84\x41\x1d\xc1\xda\x5a\xcc\xf8\xc7\x00\x1c\x79\xac\xfe\xc2\x1a\x52\x16\xad\x27\x94\xed\x65\x55\xf3\xa4\x7b\x3b\xe5\x54\x93\x14\xb3\x8b\xb2\x1c\xb2\xc4\x8c\x7b\x64\x26\x27\xac\x38\xa3\xc5\xbe\x27\xcf\xb1\xe4\xd3\x38\xd0\xb1\x4f\x16\xe5\x7c\x3f\x54\x5c\x9e\xeb\xd5\x77\xbf\xf9\x30\x7a\xda\xf6\x32\x44\xe1\x6a\x92\xe4\x44\x1b\x93\x36\x41\xcc\x1e\x3f\xfa\x1b\x8c\x89\x90\x7b\x9b\x90\x03\x12\xe5\x49\x8b\xa2\xa9\x4e\xe5\xb2\xb7\xb9\x4f\x5d\x88\x24\x6a\x76\x56\x93\xf1\xf0\x55\xb9\x7a\xec\xf2\x1b\xfb\x4a\x4e\xa3\x5c\xe8\xb4\xc3\xfd\xcf\x00\x00\x00\xff\xff\x46\xbd\x3e\x73\x83\x04\x00\x00")
          245  +
          246  +func stdlibShellPiscBytes() ([]byte, error) {
          247  +	return bindataRead(
          248  +		_stdlibShellPisc,
          249  +		"stdlib/shell.pisc",
          250  +	)
          251  +}
          252  +
          253  +func stdlibShellPisc() (*asset, error) {
          254  +	bytes, err := stdlibShellPiscBytes()
          255  +	if err != nil {
          256  +		return nil, err
          257  +	}
          258  +
          259  +	info := bindataFileInfo{name: "stdlib/shell.pisc", size: 1155, mode: os.FileMode(436), modTime: time.Unix(1504845781, 0)}
          260  +	a := &asset{bytes: bytes, info: info}
          261  +	return a, nil
          262  +}
          263  +
          264  +var _stdlibStd_libPisc = []byte("\x1f\x8b\x08\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xff\x8c\x54\xc1\x6e\xe3\x36\x10\xbd\xfb\x2b\x1e\xb6\x87\x46\x41\x6c\x77\xb3\x37\x1b\xa8\x51\x6c\x2e\x0b\xb4\x48\x8b\x04\xe8\xc1\x35\x1a\x5a\x1e\x45\x84\x69\x52\x25\x47\x56\xfc\xf7\xc5\x0c\x25\x59\x8b\xe4\xb0\x87\xdd\xc8\xe4\xbc\xf7\xe6\x0d\x67\x66\x79\x8b\xdf\x50\x51\x87\x32\x44\x42\x17\xe2\x21\xa1\x0a\x11\x7f\x7e\x7b\xfa\x0a\x7a\xa3\xb2\x65\x1b\xfc\x02\xb7\xcb\xd9\x6c\x85\x26\x5a\xcf\xce\xe3\x06\x06\xf3\x39\x50\xe0\xd7\xc4\xd1\xfa\x57\xb9\x39\xff\xdb\xb4\x9c\xf0\xe9\x1f\xff\x69\xf2\x73\x3d\xe2\x06\xd4\x47\xa0\xf5\x6c\x36\x5b\xde\xe2\xb9\x26\x54\xc1\xb9\xd0\xc9\x75\x69\x9c\x4b\x30\x91\xc0\x35\xa1\x6c\x63\x24\xcf\x48\x6c\xca\xe3\x3c\xd5\x6d\x55\xb9\x9e\xe4\x64\xd9\x9e\x29\x69\x92\xb3\xd5\xc3\xe3\x57\x38\x92\x24\x1d\x79\xb3\x77\x24\xa2\x8e\xfc\x2b\xd7\x28\x80\xdf\xc9\xc3\x26\xa5\x7c\x0d\x38\x50\x65\x3d\x1d\xd4\x39\xb8\x36\x2c\x27\x14\xd3\x00\x28\x6b\x2a\x8f\x22\xc3\x61\x80\xf0\xa5\x21\xa4\x4b\x62\x3a\x41\x13\x57\x45\x7b\x6a\x42\x14\x8f\x95\x75\xd4\x18\xae\x45\x75\xb1\x40\x81\x97\x7c\xf5\x32\x3a\x60\x73\xa4\x04\xa3\x91\x90\xd0\x3b\x18\x7f\x80\x61\xa6\x53\xc3\x49\xa4\x72\xe5\xb3\x71\x0d\x33\x9c\xb3\x8b\xe4\x8c\x98\xbd\x82\x17\x9a\xc3\x4f\x78\x7e\x7c\x78\x5c\xe1\x8f\x70\xce\xa8\xc4\x86\x4f\xe4\x85\x4e\x70\x7d\x7a\x5c\x53\xa2\xde\x8b\x8d\x88\x94\x1a\x2a\x95\xef\x14\x0e\xad\xa3\xa4\xcf\xf0\x24\x25\x46\x2e\xb1\xd4\xe2\x76\x99\x3d\x1e\xda\x66\x78\x44\x03\x83\x02\x0f\x6d\xe3\x6c\x69\x98\x72\x3d\x39\x34\x08\xd5\x20\x5f\x1e\xb1\x9e\xad\xde\x83\x7e\x41\x63\xcb\xe3\x5c\xce\xd7\x7d\xf1\xee\x7f\x84\x99\xbb\x00\x72\x94\x4d\xbd\x93\x19\x29\xf6\x99\x64\xaf\xff\x0a\xdc\x63\x8b\xcf\x57\xc5\x1d\xd8\x9e\x28\x8d\xca\xa9\x33\x13\xd8\x5e\xb5\x9f\x3a\xd3\xfc\xa8\xec\x47\xf8\x41\x2e\x86\xec\x10\xfa\x35\x76\xff\xe0\x9f\x9c\x32\x78\xfb\x1d\xc1\x15\xde\xdf\xdf\x8f\xe8\x7d\xc6\x8b\x23\x3d\xbb\x7a\x59\xe1\xcb\x24\xaa\xcc\x71\x5f\x3e\x8a\x0b\x67\x8a\xb8\xc1\x1b\x2e\x12\x24\x7f\xde\x26\x92\x93\x27\x39\xf4\x69\xfd\xd7\x06\xce\x15\x2d\xf0\xdc\x37\xae\x9c\x19\xd9\x0b\xb9\x6f\x71\x36\xae\xa5\xdc\xc4\x3a\xcd\x52\x22\x3d\xc3\x5e\xea\x14\xfc\xa4\x68\xa6\x62\x8a\x3a\xda\x3a\x55\x35\x4d\xd8\xb4\x58\x47\x22\x51\x5e\x2c\x0c\xde\xf4\x6e\x85\x6d\xff\x6b\xae\x23\xb5\xc7\x0e\xfd\x87\xe4\xae\x8e\xb6\xca\x88\x9d\xa6\x2d\x3e\xf7\x76\xcc\xfe\xb3\xfe\x7f\x9f\x31\x32\x90\xdb\xac\x91\x83\x15\xb7\xd6\xb6\xff\x56\xe9\xd4\xe8\x53\x8f\x3d\x6f\x2b\xdc\x60\x03\x8e\x2d\xfd\x25\xa5\xa8\x8c\x4b\xf9\x6b\x3e\x97\xf9\x69\x1d\xa3\x90\xa8\x8d\x6e\x95\xbb\x4c\x28\xe1\x2a\x7b\x87\xc0\x35\xc5\xce\x26\xca\x37\x23\x7e\x81\x87\x7e\xf7\x98\x84\x97\x8d\xde\xbe\x68\xee\x13\xc9\x1c\xde\x4b\xa1\xc0\x66\xc8\x77\x79\x8b\xbf\x6b\xf2\x93\x84\x65\x6b\x77\x72\x74\x09\x2d\x0e\xc1\xff\xcc\xf0\x24\xec\xce\x49\xdb\xda\x4a\x2d\xe5\x90\x91\x7e\x24\xde\x62\x77\x25\x97\xae\xec\xfb\xc9\xe7\x5e\x7a\xd7\x49\x92\xa6\xd7\xe5\x71\x9d\xdb\x42\x67\x3d\xef\x7a\x8d\x28\x1d\x99\x38\xcf\xef\x7e\x33\x10\xe5\xfd\x2d\x9b\xee\xb2\x81\x0f\x8c\xdd\x95\xbd\xab\x65\xab\xad\x67\xff\x07\x00\x00\xff\xff\x8d\xf7\x0d\x9f\x96\x06\x00\x00")
          265  +
          266  +func stdlibStd_libPiscBytes() ([]byte, error) {
          267  +	return bindataRead(
          268  +		_stdlibStd_libPisc,
          269  +		"stdlib/std_lib.pisc",
          270  +	)
          271  +}
          272  +
          273  +func stdlibStd_libPisc() (*asset, error) {
          274  +	bytes, err := stdlibStd_libPiscBytes()
          275  +	if err != nil {
          276  +		return nil, err
          277  +	}
          278  +
          279  +	info := bindataFileInfo{name: "stdlib/std_lib.pisc", size: 1686, mode: os.FileMode(436), modTime: time.Unix(1511844549, 0)}
          280  +	a := &asset{bytes: bytes, info: info}
          281  +	return a, nil
          282  +}
          283  +
          284  +var _stdlibStringsPisc = []byte("\x1f\x8b\x08\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xff\x8c\x53\x3d\x6f\xdb\x30\x10\x9d\xa3\x5f\xf1\x1a\x64\x88\x92\x32\xe9\xec\x00\x36\x82\xb4\x43\x26\x0f\xee\x66\x18\x10\x4d\x9d\x23\xa6\x12\x29\x93\x27\xbb\xfe\xf7\xc5\x51\x1f\x56\x3b\x75\xd3\x1d\xdf\xbd\xf7\xee\x43\xcf\x0f\xc8\x36\x1c\xac\xfb\x88\x4f\xad\x8d\x26\x1b\x22\x54\xda\x95\xb5\x7c\x9c\x7d\x28\x23\xb4\x2b\x11\x3b\x53\x65\x0f\xcf\x59\xb6\xf8\xbe\x7e\x43\xe4\xa0\x8c\x77\x46\x33\xee\xa1\xb1\x87\x52\x30\xc8\xf1\x96\x72\xe4\x34\x13\xb8\x22\xb0\x6f\xc1\x67\x2f\x78\x51\x81\x77\x29\x1d\x59\x9b\x5f\x78\xe9\xb9\x96\xfd\x63\x22\x52\x4a\xa0\x3d\xd1\x89\x02\x43\xbb\xcb\x80\x3e\xe9\xba\x23\x58\xc7\x1e\x7a\xe0\x1b\x19\x22\x87\xa5\x75\x62\x45\x8a\x95\x12\xd4\x17\xe4\x78\x65\xa6\xa6\x65\xb0\x87\x19\xf9\xc6\x52\xa1\x71\x02\xa4\x0f\x0a\x33\x22\xf5\xe9\xad\xc3\x3d\x4e\x64\x10\xa9\xbd\x3a\xfa\xd9\x05\x07\x2d\x79\xf6\xe1\x1f\x1f\xfb\x0b\x8a\xa1\x8d\x22\x4d\xab\x8b\x92\x96\x7a\xeb\xb0\x27\x3e\x13\x39\xe8\xba\x4e\xdd\x53\x4d\x0d\x39\x8e\xf0\x07\x14\x27\x32\xc5\x5c\x3e\xb6\xb5\x1d\x3b\x19\xf4\xc5\x4a\x8e\x4d\x7a\x98\x24\x07\x03\x83\x9d\x5e\xaf\x88\xd4\x16\xd0\x11\x1a\x25\xd9\xda\x36\xc4\x7f\xf7\x26\xd3\xb8\xac\xae\x73\x5a\x21\xc7\x7b\x04\x57\x36\x8e\xbc\x03\x64\x5e\x74\x5c\x5d\x97\x2c\x15\xaf\xe1\x3f\x96\x4b\xc7\x4e\xd7\x73\x9e\x65\xe8\x1c\xa9\x40\xba\xa4\x70\x75\xe0\xf7\x9f\xb2\xed\x40\x72\x31\x1a\x73\xcc\x21\xf8\x66\xea\xf7\x2b\x22\xf5\xaa\xc5\xf6\x7d\xbd\x2b\x50\x7a\x13\x71\xf0\x01\x8d\x0f\x72\x16\x07\x3f\x6a\x91\x36\x95\x32\x95\x1e\x55\x8e\x9d\x67\x91\x7a\x7a\x42\x8e\x1f\xbf\xc9\x74\x4c\x28\x24\x5b\x24\x02\xc1\x43\xf0\xda\x30\x85\x7b\xb1\x90\xcb\xda\x8a\xc8\x41\x56\x93\x2d\x86\x73\xef\xa6\x13\x4b\xec\x4a\xc1\x75\xcd\xda\x98\x2e\x44\xe4\x58\x58\xe7\x28\x64\x37\xdf\xb0\xb0\xd9\xcd\x16\x77\x29\x9e\x26\xb8\xc5\xe3\xa3\xc5\x0e\xe7\x8a\x1c\x76\x33\x93\xd9\xcd\x9d\xcd\x46\x15\x99\xb4\x8c\x44\x6e\x38\x6e\x24\xce\xc1\x97\x96\xfc\x01\xb7\xfd\xbf\x79\x3b\x31\x4e\xce\x5c\xbf\x21\xf9\x4c\xe3\x52\x69\x53\x92\xcc\x27\xb0\xf3\x8c\x17\xfc\x09\x00\x00\xff\xff\x74\xb0\x4a\xc5\xf1\x03\x00\x00")
          285  +
          286  +func stdlibStringsPiscBytes() ([]byte, error) {
          287  +	return bindataRead(
          288  +		_stdlibStringsPisc,
          289  +		"stdlib/strings.pisc",
          290  +	)
          291  +}
          292  +
          293  +func stdlibStringsPisc() (*asset, error) {
          294  +	bytes, err := stdlibStringsPiscBytes()
          295  +	if err != nil {
          296  +		return nil, err
          297  +	}
          298  +
          299  +	info := bindataFileInfo{name: "stdlib/strings.pisc", size: 1009, mode: os.FileMode(436), modTime: time.Unix(1500942096, 0)}
          300  +	a := &asset{bytes: bytes, info: info}
          301  +	return a, nil
          302  +}
          303  +
          304  +var _stdlibSymbolsPisc = []byte("\x1f\x8b\x08\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xff\x6c\xce\xb1\x0e\x82\x30\x10\xc6\xf1\xbd\x4f\xf1\x1f\x81\x04\xd9\xc5\x48\x0c\xee\x0e\x3e\xc1\xa1\x97\x48\x82\x45\x68\x1b\xe3\xdb\x9b\x4a\x43\x18\x1c\xdb\xfb\x7e\xf7\x5d\x55\x98\xeb\xe7\xd9\x8d\x83\xdb\xbd\x7a\x77\x33\x45\x65\xf6\xe7\x4b\xcb\xc1\xfd\x7e\x8f\x64\x94\x25\x39\xed\xac\xe2\x15\x21\xd8\x7e\x0a\xca\x32\xa6\x5e\xd2\xf1\x55\x5a\x9d\xc8\x10\x3a\x22\x69\xc8\x39\xcd\x8a\x7f\xa8\x53\xfc\x7b\x4c\xc4\x61\x47\x8f\x4e\x41\x06\xa8\xcd\xc6\xaf\x7c\xa3\x05\xb1\x77\xba\x94\x4f\x1b\x9a\x58\xfb\xdf\xac\x87\xc4\x92\xda\x7c\x03\x00\x00\xff\xff\x27\x8e\xbf\xf1\xde\x00\x00\x00")
          305  +
          306  +func stdlibSymbolsPiscBytes() ([]byte, error) {
          307  +	return bindataRead(
          308  +		_stdlibSymbolsPisc,
          309  +		"stdlib/symbols.pisc",
          310  +	)
          311  +}
          312  +
          313  +func stdlibSymbolsPisc() (*asset, error) {
          314  +	bytes, err := stdlibSymbolsPiscBytes()
          315  +	if err != nil {
          316  +		return nil, err
          317  +	}
          318  +
          319  +	info := bindataFileInfo{name: "stdlib/symbols.pisc", size: 222, mode: os.FileMode(436), modTime: time.Unix(1491353691, 0)}
          320  +	a := &asset{bytes: bytes, info: info}
          321  +	return a, nil
          322  +}
          323  +
          324  +var _stdlibVectorsPisc = []byte("\x1f\x8b\x08\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xff\x8c\x55\x4d\x8b\xe3\x46\x10\x3d\xab\x7f\xc5\x83\x35\x64\xec\x89\x67\xd6\x9a\xdd\x1c\xe4\x10\x08\x31\x84\x9c\x02\x1b\xd8\x8b\x30\x6c\x8f\x55\x8e\x9b\x48\xdd\x4a\x77\x4b\xf6\xfc\xfb\x50\xa5\x4f\xaf\x9d\x4d\x4e\x33\x5d\xf5\xaa\x5e\xd7\xab\xd7\xf2\xf3\x0a\x9f\xe9\x10\x9d\x0f\xd0\xb6\x40\x3c\x91\xf1\x68\xa2\x29\x4d\x34\x14\xb0\x7a\x56\x2a\xdb\xfd\xfe\x0b\x5a\x3a\xac\x03\xc5\xb5\x8e\x78\xe0\x03\x5a\x5d\xc2\x14\x17\xac\xd7\xa0\x92\x2a\x2c\xf1\x07\x45\xce\x44\xe7\xa1\xa3\xe4\xa2\x63\x58\x43\xd8\x4e\x4d\xc6\x06\xd7\xc5\xbf\x52\x94\x7f\xc9\x46\xa9\xb6\x05\x5d\x86\xb2\x1f\xbb\xae\x3f\xe1\x81\x0b\x7a\x8a\x25\x7e\xb3\x26\x42\xc3\xd2\x79\x88\xcd\x68\x48\x1f\x4e\x3d\xd1\xdf\x8d\x8b\x5c\xf8\xf4\x84\x25\x3e\x35\x16\x5f\x38\xf2\x05\x47\xe7\x21\xb0\x81\xd7\x58\x9e\x7f\x6a\xa6\x32\xa4\xfd\xe1\x01\x1a\xaf\x3d\x3b\x96\xd3\x8d\x52\xe4\x08\x67\x5d\x0b\x67\xed\xa9\x26\x5b\x60\x8f\x68\x2a\x0a\x5d\x87\x4d\x18\x06\x9e\x86\x7d\x3f\x28\xb1\x65\x0a\x5b\xdc\x00\x36\x73\xc0\x8b\xbf\x05\xa4\x73\xc0\x87\x78\xba\x01\xbc\xcc\x01\x1f\xef\x00\x3e\xcc\x01\x3f\xdc\x01\x7c\x9c\x00\xef\xb0\x73\xf6\xbb\x08\x5d\x14\xa8\x9c\x27\x9c\xc8\x13\x1a\x5b\x52\x08\x2c\x99\x27\x98\x00\x8d\x55\x4b\xfe\x6d\x85\x3f\x9d\x2b\xe0\x49\x07\x67\x7b\xf7\xb0\xcc\x29\x33\x6c\xd0\xa6\xe3\x42\xda\x17\x2c\xf1\x73\x5d\x97\xec\x34\x2d\x61\x1d\x8d\xb3\xec\x9b\xf9\x62\xce\x26\x10\x6a\x6d\x3c\x6f\xa8\xdd\x88\x51\xdb\xf4\x7b\x86\x79\x0a\x4d\x29\x9b\x6b\x5f\x64\x92\x3b\x4c\xf9\xb0\x3b\xfd\x8a\x7d\x47\xaa\x92\x4c\x52\x59\x9b\x22\x6b\x37\x2a\x79\x8f\xcc\x4c\x5b\x7d\x97\xb9\x26\xaa\x64\xd1\xa6\x28\xc9\x62\xd1\x6e\xe4\x6f\x65\x2c\x72\x95\x24\x7c\x5e\x98\x41\x1e\x09\xa4\x53\x40\x25\x89\xf4\x96\x53\xcd\x86\x50\x49\x92\x63\x83\x47\xec\xb1\xc8\x8c\x4a\xe6\xfe\x60\x75\x42\x5d\xea\x99\x49\x4c\xa4\x2a\x60\x89\x5d\x53\xd5\x62\xc8\x83\xb3\x91\x6c\x0c\x70\xc7\xb9\x41\x9d\x8d\x4e\xce\x21\xea\xc3\x5f\x32\xfd\xbd\x4e\x4f\xe2\xfb\x9c\x47\x1f\xde\xc5\x76\xf6\xa8\x3d\xb5\xe4\x03\x4d\x45\x7d\xa0\x33\xfa\xa7\xee\xc0\xeb\x99\xde\xd8\xff\xa8\x53\x49\xd1\xd4\xc8\xf8\xc0\xca\x65\xfc\x2c\x58\x63\x25\x4a\xac\x45\x09\x51\x66\xc1\x99\x14\xcf\xa2\x4f\xde\x89\x49\x87\x99\xbc\xd9\x65\x8c\x31\x74\x88\xbe\x8d\xd1\xb7\x01\xdc\x7f\x9e\x98\x74\x4c\x5e\xa6\xaa\xeb\xf4\x7a\xdd\x2d\xe6\xf1\x71\x5a\x88\x92\x22\x25\xcf\x96\x2b\x8e\xa6\x8c\xe4\xbf\xfa\x8a\x74\x41\x2a\x3e\xf7\x73\x8e\xa6\xc9\x2c\x9d\xa5\xb7\x58\x8b\x07\x55\x49\x02\x96\xa1\x77\xe1\xa2\x03\x4c\xdf\x8b\xce\x1d\x43\x21\xf6\xc8\x51\x78\x57\x63\x0f\x73\x04\xdf\x6a\x58\x98\x4a\xfa\xda\xe9\x6e\x95\xae\xbf\xba\x58\xc5\xed\xba\x6b\x29\x8c\xfe\xa6\x43\xa7\x3b\x3a\x41\x78\x19\x39\x14\x6e\x64\x16\xf8\x18\x97\x2b\x5e\xcb\xca\x37\x53\x09\x44\x30\x8c\x8a\x61\x94\xec\x79\x85\xd1\x53\x8c\x3d\x7a\x67\x67\x56\xec\x67\x5c\x62\xc7\x13\xb2\x6b\x3b\xc0\xb5\xa5\xb7\xfc\x83\x93\xfd\x67\x0f\xf9\xd8\x0e\x69\x91\xec\xce\x05\x5e\xf9\x51\x7c\x83\x5f\xf2\xdf\xa4\xff\x97\x0e\x3d\xbb\x64\x7b\xf2\x7f\x02\x00\x00\xff\xff\xd5\x00\x21\x41\x46\x07\x00\x00")
          325  +
          326  +func stdlibVectorsPiscBytes() ([]byte, error) {
          327  +	return bindataRead(
          328  +		_stdlibVectorsPisc,
          329  +		"stdlib/vectors.pisc",
          330  +	)
          331  +}
          332  +
          333  +func stdlibVectorsPisc() (*asset, error) {
          334  +	bytes, err := stdlibVectorsPiscBytes()
          335  +	if err != nil {
          336  +		return nil, err
          337  +	}
          338  +
          339  +	info := bindataFileInfo{name: "stdlib/vectors.pisc", size: 1862, mode: os.FileMode(436), modTime: time.Unix(1512805598, 0)}
          340  +	a := &asset{bytes: bytes, info: info}
          341  +	return a, nil
          342  +}
          343  +
          344  +var _stdlibWithPisc = []byte("\x1f\x8b\x08\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xff\x6c\x90\xcd\x4e\xc3\x30\x10\x84\xcf\xf1\x53\x8c\x4a\x0f\x25\xc2\xcd\x3d\x45\x08\x09\x71\xe0\x82\x10\x57\x84\xd0\xc6\x31\xb1\x8b\x1b\x87\x78\x5b\xbf\x3e\x5a\x97\x22\xfe\x8e\xab\xf1\x7c\x33\xe3\xa6\x46\xf6\xec\xa8\x0b\x16\xb1\xdb\x5a\xc3\x09\x75\xa3\x54\xfb\xf0\x78\x8b\x6b\xac\x90\xe3\xdc\xdf\xd3\xce\x42\x6b\xac\xd7\x38\xc7\xe2\x45\x0c\x0b\x0c\x96\x75\x88\x86\x02\x52\xa6\x09\xbd\x37\xac\x07\xcb\x30\x14\x02\x36\x4a\xb5\x05\x8c\x95\x60\xf1\xbe\x8f\xfc\x45\x68\xcb\xd5\xc6\x6e\xab\xaa\x4b\xf1\x5d\xa1\xcd\x07\x9a\x55\xb5\x2c\xca\x29\x41\x0e\xed\x28\xe9\x03\xcd\x78\xc2\x3f\xa2\x74\x10\xb1\xd8\xf1\x8c\xec\xec\xa8\xaa\xa6\xc6\xdd\x2b\xd8\xf9\x74\xcc\x75\x94\x50\x5c\x48\x96\x2f\x40\xd3\x64\xc7\x1e\x9e\xc1\x11\x84\xc4\x64\xde\x64\xf3\xaf\xf4\xe5\xa9\xb7\x4e\xc7\x14\x55\x9d\xe1\x46\xc6\x95\x67\xfb\xe4\xc7\xe1\x13\xbb\xb3\x4c\xdf\xfa\xcb\x0f\xfc\xa1\x95\x86\x3f\x70\x1b\xf5\x11\x00\x00\xff\xff\x81\x99\x2d\xf3\x7d\x01\x00\x00")
          345  +
          346  +func stdlibWithPiscBytes() ([]byte, error) {
          347  +	return bindataRead(
          348  +		_stdlibWithPisc,
          349  +		"stdlib/with.pisc",
          350  +	)
          351  +}
          352  +
          353  +func stdlibWithPisc() (*asset, error) {
          354  +	bytes, err := stdlibWithPiscBytes()
          355  +	if err != nil {
          356  +		return nil, err
          357  +	}
          358  +
          359  +	info := bindataFileInfo{name: "stdlib/with.pisc", size: 381, mode: os.FileMode(436), modTime: time.Unix(1491353691, 0)}
          360  +	a := &asset{bytes: bytes, info: info}
          361  +	return a, nil
          362  +}
          363  +
          364  +// Asset loads and returns the asset for the given name.
          365  +// It returns an error if the asset could not be found or
          366  +// could not be loaded.
          367  +func Asset(name string) ([]byte, error) {
          368  +	cannonicalName := strings.Replace(name, "\\", "/", -1)
          369  +	if f, ok := _bindata[cannonicalName]; ok {
          370  +		a, err := f()
          371  +		if err != nil {
          372  +			return nil, fmt.Errorf("Asset %s can't read by error: %v", name, err)
          373  +		}
          374  +		return a.bytes, nil
          375  +	}
          376  +	return nil, fmt.Errorf("Asset %s not found", name)
          377  +}
          378  +
          379  +// MustAsset is like Asset but panics when Asset would return an error.
          380  +// It simplifies safe initialization of global variables.
          381  +func MustAsset(name string) []byte {
          382  +	a, err := Asset(name)
          383  +	if err != nil {
          384  +		panic("asset: Asset(" + name + "): " + err.Error())
          385  +	}
          386  +
          387  +	return a
          388  +}
          389  +
          390  +// AssetInfo loads and returns the asset info for the given name.
          391  +// It returns an error if the asset could not be found or
          392  +// could not be loaded.
          393  +func AssetInfo(name string) (os.FileInfo, error) {
          394  +	cannonicalName := strings.Replace(name, "\\", "/", -1)
          395  +	if f, ok := _bindata[cannonicalName]; ok {
          396  +		a, err := f()
          397  +		if err != nil {
          398  +			return nil, fmt.Errorf("AssetInfo %s can't read by error: %v", name, err)
          399  +		}
          400  +		return a.info, nil
          401  +	}
          402  +	return nil, fmt.Errorf("AssetInfo %s not found", name)
          403  +}
          404  +
          405  +// AssetNames returns the names of the assets.
          406  +func AssetNames() []string {
          407  +	names := make([]string, 0, len(_bindata))
          408  +	for name := range _bindata {
          409  +		names = append(names, name)
          410  +	}
          411  +	return names
          412  +}
          413  +
          414  +// _bindata is a table, holding each asset generator, mapped to its name.
          415  +var _bindata = map[string]func() (*asset, error){
          416  +	"stdlib/bools.pisc": stdlibBoolsPisc,
          417  +	"stdlib/debug.pisc": stdlibDebugPisc,
          418  +	"stdlib/dicts.pisc": stdlibDictsPisc,
          419  +	"stdlib/io.pisc": stdlibIoPisc,
          420  +	"stdlib/locals.pisc": stdlibLocalsPisc,
          421  +	"stdlib/loops.pisc": stdlibLoopsPisc,
          422  +	"stdlib/math.pisc": stdlibMathPisc,
          423  +	"stdlib/random.pisc": stdlibRandomPisc,
          424  +	"stdlib/shell.pisc": stdlibShellPisc,
          425  +	"stdlib/std_lib.pisc": stdlibStd_libPisc,
          426  +	"stdlib/strings.pisc": stdlibStringsPisc,
          427  +	"stdlib/symbols.pisc": stdlibSymbolsPisc,
          428  +	"stdlib/vectors.pisc": stdlibVectorsPisc,
          429  +	"stdlib/with.pisc": stdlibWithPisc,
          430  +}
          431  +
          432  +// AssetDir returns the file names below a certain
          433  +// directory embedded in the file by go-bindata.
          434  +// For example if you run go-bindata on data/... and data contains the
          435  +// following hierarchy:
          436  +//     data/
          437  +//       foo.txt
          438  +//       img/
          439  +//         a.png
          440  +//         b.png
          441  +// then AssetDir("data") would return []string{"foo.txt", "img"}
          442  +// AssetDir("data/img") would return []string{"a.png", "b.png"}
          443  +// AssetDir("foo.txt") and AssetDir("notexist") would return an error
          444  +// AssetDir("") will return []string{"data"}.
          445  +func AssetDir(name string) ([]string, error) {
          446  +	node := _bintree
          447  +	if len(name) != 0 {
          448  +		cannonicalName := strings.Replace(name, "\\", "/", -1)
          449  +		pathList := strings.Split(cannonicalName, "/")
          450  +		for _, p := range pathList {
          451  +			node = node.Children[p]
          452  +			if node == nil {
          453  +				return nil, fmt.Errorf("Asset %s not found", name)
          454  +			}
          455  +		}
          456  +	}
          457  +	if node.Func != nil {
          458  +		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Asset %s not found", name)
          459  +	}
          460  +	rv := make([]string, 0, len(node.Children))
          461  +	for childName := range node.Children {
          462  +		rv = append(rv, childName)
          463  +	}
          464  +	return rv, nil
          465  +}
          466  +
          467  +type bintree struct {
          468  +	Func     func() (*asset, error)
          469  +	Children map[string]*bintree
          470  +}
          471  +var _bintree = &bintree{nil, map[string]*bintree{
          472  +	"stdlib": &bintree{nil, map[string]*bintree{
          473  +		"bools.pisc": &bintree{stdlibBoolsPisc, map[string]*bintree{}},
          474  +		"debug.pisc": &bintree{stdlibDebugPisc, map[string]*bintree{}},
          475  +		"dicts.pisc": &bintree{stdlibDictsPisc, map[string]*bintree{}},
          476  +		"io.pisc": &bintree{stdlibIoPisc, map[string]*bintree{}},
          477  +		"locals.pisc": &bintree{stdlibLocalsPisc, map[string]*bintree{}},
          478  +		"loops.pisc": &bintree{stdlibLoopsPisc, map[string]*bintree{}},
          479  +		"math.pisc": &bintree{stdlibMathPisc, map[string]*bintree{}},
          480  +		"random.pisc": &bintree{stdlibRandomPisc, map[string]*bintree{}},
          481  +		"shell.pisc": &bintree{stdlibShellPisc, map[string]*bintree{}},
          482  +		"std_lib.pisc": &bintree{stdlibStd_libPisc, map[string]*bintree{}},
          483  +		"strings.pisc": &bintree{stdlibStringsPisc, map[string]*bintree{}},
          484  +		"symbols.pisc": &bintree{stdlibSymbolsPisc, map[string]*bintree{}},
          485  +		"vectors.pisc": &bintree{stdlibVectorsPisc, map[string]*bintree{}},
          486  +		"with.pisc": &bintree{stdlibWithPisc, map[string]*bintree{}},
          487  +	}},
          488  +}}
          489  +
          490  +// RestoreAsset restores an asset under the given directory
          491  +func RestoreAsset(dir, name string) error {
          492  +	data, err := Asset(name)
          493  +	if err != nil {
          494  +		return err
          495  +	}
          496  +	info, err := AssetInfo(name)
          497  +	if err != nil {
          498  +		return err
          499  +	}
          500  +	err = os.MkdirAll(_filePath(dir, filepath.Dir(name)), os.FileMode(0755))
          501  +	if err != nil {
          502  +		return err
          503  +	}
          504  +	err = ioutil.WriteFile(_filePath(dir, name), data, info.Mode())
          505  +	if err != nil {
          506  +		return err
          507  +	}
          508  +	err = os.Chtimes(_filePath(dir, name), info.ModTime(), info.ModTime())
          509  +	if err != nil {
          510  +		return err
          511  +	}
          512  +	return nil
          513  +}
          514  +
          515  +// RestoreAssets restores an asset under the given directory recursively
          516  +func RestoreAssets(dir, name string) error {
          517  +	children, err := AssetDir(name)
          518  +	// File
          519  +	if err != nil {
          520  +		return RestoreAsset(dir, name)
          521  +	}
          522  +	// Dir
          523  +	for _, child := range children {
          524  +		err = RestoreAssets(dir, filepath.Join(name, child))
          525  +		if err != nil {
          526  +			return err
          527  +		}
          528  +	}
          529  +	return nil
          530  +}
          531  +
          532  +func _filePath(dir, name string) string {
          533  +	cannonicalName := strings.Replace(name, "\\", "/", -1)
          534  +	return filepath.Join(append([]string{dir}, strings.Split(cannonicalName, "/")...)...)
          535  +}
          536  +

Changes to boolean.go.

     1         -package main
            1  +package pisc
            2  +
            3  +var ModBoolCore = Module{
            4  +	Author:    "Andrew Owen",
            5  +	Name:      "BoolCore",
            6  +	License:   "MIT",
            7  +	DocString: "The 3 basic boolean operation, and/or and not",
            8  +	Load:      loadBoolCore,
            9  +}
           10  +
           11  +func _and(m *Machine) error {
           12  +	a := m.PopValue().(Boolean)
           13  +	b := m.PopValue().(Boolean)
           14  +	m.PushValue(Boolean(a && b))
           15  +	return nil
           16  +}
           17  +
           18  +func _or(m *Machine) error {
           19  +	a := m.PopValue().(Boolean)
           20  +	b := m.PopValue().(Boolean)
           21  +	m.PushValue(Boolean(a || b))
           22  +	return nil
           23  +}
     2     24   
     3         -func (m *machine) loadBooleanWords() error {
     4         -	m.predefinedWords["and"] = NilWord(func(m *machine) {
     5         -		a := m.popValue().(Boolean)
     6         -		b := m.popValue().(Boolean)
     7         -		m.pushValue(Boolean(a && b))
     8         -	})
     9         -	m.predefinedWords["or"] = NilWord(func(m *machine) {
    10         -		a := m.popValue().(Boolean)
    11         -		b := m.popValue().(Boolean)
    12         -		m.pushValue(Boolean(a || b))
    13         -	})
    14         -	m.predefinedWords["not"] = NilWord(func(m *machine) {
    15         -		a := m.popValue().(Boolean)
    16         -		m.pushValue(Boolean(!a))
    17         -	})
           25  +func _not(m *Machine) error {
           26  +	a := m.PopValue().(Boolean)
           27  +	m.PushValue(Boolean(!a))
    18     28   	return nil
    19     29   }
           30  +
           31  +func loadBoolCore(m *Machine) error {
           32  +	m.AppendToHelpTopic("Bools", "PISC boolean expressions are generally not short-circuited without using quotations")
           33  +	m.AddGoWordWithStack("and", "( a b -- a&b )", "Boolean And", _and)
           34  +	m.AddGoWordWithStack("or", "( a b -- a||b )", "Boolean OR", _or)
           35  +	m.AddGoWordWithStack("not", "( a  -- not-a )", "Boolean NOT", _not)
           36  +
           37  +	return m.ImportPISCAsset("stdlib/bools.pisc")
           38  +}

Deleted bools.pisc.

     1         -/*
     2         -bools.pisc
     3         -*/
     4         -
     5         -:DOC and ( x y -- ? )  Boolean and  ;
     6         -:DOC or ( x y -- ? )  Boolean or  ;
     7         -:DOC not ( x -- !x )  Boolean not  ;

Added build.

            1  +#! /bin/bash
            2  +
            3  +set -uo pipefail
            4  +export PISCDIR="$(pwd)"
            5  +
            6  +function older_than() {
            7  +  local target="$1"
            8  +  shift
            9  +  if [ ! -e "$target" ]
           10  +  then
           11  +    echo "updating $target" >&2
           12  +    return 0  # success
           13  +  fi
           14  +  local f
           15  +  for f in "$@"
           16  +  do
           17  +    if [ "$f" -nt "$target" ]
           18  +    then
           19  +      echo "updating $target" >&2
           20  +      return 0  # success
           21  +    fi
           22  +  done
           23  +  return 1  # failure
           24  +}
           25  +
           26  +cd "$PISCDIR"
           27  +
           28  +function generate {
           29  +	echo "Generating..." >&2
           30  +	older_than bindata.go stdlib/*.pisc && {
           31  +        # TODO: Put in a go get command for go-bindata
           32  +		echo "Generating bindata" >&2 
           33  +		go-bindata -pkg pisc stdlib/...
           34  +	}
           35  +}
           36  +
           37  +function webbuild {
           38  +	older_than ./cmd/playground/playground.js *.go stdlib/*.pisc && {
           39  +		cd "./cmd/playground"
           40  +        # TODO: Put in a go get command for gopherjs
           41  +		gopherjs build -m
           42  +		cd ../..
           43  +	} 
           44  +}
           45  +
           46  +function upload {
           47  +	generate
           48  +	webbuild
           49  +	cd ./cmd/playground
           50  +	# Note: This command won't work w/o a password for the scp
           51  +	scp *.css *.js *.html yumaikas@junglecoder.com:/var/www/pisc-static/playground
           52  +	cd ../..
           53  +}
           54  +
           55  +function interpinstall {
           56  +	generate 
           57  +	cd "./cmd/pisc"
           58  +    go get
           59  +	echo "Installing new PISC interpreter"
           60  +	go install 
           61  +	cd "../.."
           62  +}
           63  +
           64  +function testpisc {
           65  +	interpinstall
           66  +	pisc -f tests/all.pisc
           67  +}
           68  +
           69  +case "$1" in 
           70  +"generate")
           71  +	generate
           72  +	;;
           73  +"install")
           74  +	interpinstall
           75  +	;;
           76  +"web")
           77  +	webbuild
           78  +	;;
           79  +"upload")
           80  +	upload
           81  +	;;
           82  +"test")
           83  +	testpisc
           84  +	;;
           85  +esac
           86  +
           87  +cat <<EONOTE
           88  +TODO: Definitely consider switching fmt.Println to pass through priv_puts in as *many* places as make sense.
           89  +TODO: Consider using crit-bit trees for dictionaries
           90  +TODO: Now that something close to a save-game has been implemented for final-frontier, start implementing the initial states and such
           91  +TODO: Implement an interactive tutorial in the 'in Y minutes' style. 
           92  +TODO: consider packing the scripts under scripts/ for general use, possibly with a switch for unpacking them
           93  +EONOTE
           94  +
           95  +exit 0

Added cmd/FinalFrontier/bindata.go.

            1  +// Code generated by go-bindata.
            2  +// sources:
            3  +// scripts/backstory.txt
            4  +// scripts/gamesave.pisc
            5  +// scripts/intro.pisc
            6  +// scripts/lib.pisc
            7  +// scripts/main.pisc
            8  +// scripts/map.pisc
            9  +// scripts/markets.pisc
           10  +// scripts/saving.pisc
           11  +// scripts/ships.pisc
           12  +// scripts/term_posix.pisc
           13  +// scripts/term_win.pisc
           14  +// DO NOT EDIT!
           15  +
           16  +package main
           17  +
           18  +import (
           19  +	"bytes"
           20  +	"compress/gzip"
           21  +	"fmt"
           22  +	"io"
           23  +	"io/ioutil"
           24  +	"os"
           25  +	"path/filepath"
           26  +	"strings"
           27  +	"time"
           28  +)
           29  +
           30  +func bindataRead(data []byte, name string) ([]byte, error) {
           31  +	gz, err := gzip.NewReader(bytes.NewBuffer(data))
           32  +	if err != nil {
           33  +		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Read %q: %v", name, err)
           34  +	}
           35  +
           36  +	var buf bytes.Buffer
           37  +	_, err = io.Copy(&buf, gz)
           38  +	clErr := gz.Close()
           39  +
           40  +	if err != nil {
           41  +		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Read %q: %v", name, err)
           42  +	}
           43  +	if clErr != nil {
           44  +		return nil, err
           45  +	}
           46  +
           47  +	return buf.Bytes(), nil
           48  +}
           49  +
           50  +type asset struct {
           51  +	bytes []byte
           52  +	info  os.FileInfo
           53  +}
           54  +
           55  +type bindataFileInfo struct {
           56  +	name    string
           57  +	size    int64
           58  +	mode    os.FileMode
           59  +	modTime time.Time
           60  +}
           61  +
           62  +func (fi bindataFileInfo) Name() string {
           63  +	return fi.name
           64  +}
           65  +func (fi bindataFileInfo) Size() int64 {
           66  +	return fi.size
           67  +}
           68  +func (fi bindataFileInfo) Mode() os.FileMode {
           69  +	return fi.mode
           70  +}
           71  +func (fi bindataFileInfo) ModTime() time.Time {
           72  +	return fi.modTime
           73  +}
           74  +func (fi bindataFileInfo) IsDir() bool {
           75  +	return false
           76  +}
           77  +func (fi bindataFileInfo) Sys() interface{} {
           78  +	return nil
           79  +}
           80  +
           81  +var _scriptsBackstoryTxt = []byte("\x1f\x8b\x08\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xff\x5c\x92\x51\x6e\xdc\x30\x0c\x44\xaf\x32\x07\xd8\x2c\xd0\x8f\x1e\x21\x1f\xfd\x28\x10\xa0\xb9\x00\x2d\x8f\x2d\x62\x65\x49\x15\xe9\x75\x7c\xfb\x42\xca\x6e\x1b\xf4\xd3\x30\xc5\x79\x9c\x99\xd7\x8f\x9a\x4a\x63\x33\x48\x23\x78\x67\x46\x2e\x07\x36\xa9\x55\xf3\x8a\xb2\x3b\x3c\x12\x77\x69\x5a\x76\x43\x92\x4c\x43\x59\x60\x49\xab\x55\x09\xbc\xe2\x67\x31\x47\x65\xa9\x89\x30\x72\x83\x17\x4c\x44\x28\xd9\x99\xbd\x7f\x99\xcb\x89\x92\xc7\xa6\xda\x57\x78\x5f\xe1\x91\xda\x30\x69\xf3\x78\x81\x18\xa6\xe2\x11\xb6\x4f\x63\x2d\x24\xcf\xff\x44\x06\x9c\x37\x4a\x88\x6c\x9d\xa3\x26\x09\xb4\x2b\xde\xb4\x89\xd3\x2e\x58\x1a\x75\x8d\xce\x66\x97\xcf\xa7\xdb\xbe\xae\x69\xdc\x95\xf4\x46\xdc\x95\x58\x4a\xc3\x22\xee\x34\xbf\xe0\xf7\xae\xe1\x46\x73\x4c\x7b\xb8\x5d\xf1\x36\xb0\xa4\x9d\x58\x12\xe9\x86\xad\x98\xa7\x13\xb5\x15\x67\xf0\x07\x6c\x2c\x5b\x57\x7d\x8f\x6c\xc4\x6e\x9c\x1f\xb7\x0a\xec\x34\xe7\xf6\x72\xa8\x11\xdc\xaa\xb6\xce\x5c\xf6\x3c\xe3\x57\x49\x17\x4c\xbb\x23\x95\x55\xcd\x35\x18\x36\xb9\xd1\x20\x58\x25\xc9\xc7\xf9\x72\xe8\x4c\x94\x4c\x64\x4a\x7b\xd1\xad\x16\x33\x9d\x12\xaf\x78\xed\x79\xe8\x32\x06\x83\x6b\x40\xdb\x13\x71\x88\xe1\x39\x73\x19\xa6\x52\x5a\x3a\xbf\xd8\xa5\xd9\x5c\x26\x4d\xea\x4a\x83\xd5\x46\x99\x9f\x11\x2d\xd2\x86\x43\x43\xd5\x63\x2b\xfb\x1a\x7b\xcc\x8f\x34\xdf\xa3\x1a\x16\x09\xbe\xb7\x7e\x5e\x24\xac\x04\xa5\x9f\x48\x5c\x1c\x13\xa3\xe6\xf9\x8a\x1f\x3d\xd8\x72\xc3\xcc\x20\x33\x6d\x78\x2b\x5f\x08\xe6\xa6\x77\x3e\xdc\xe9\x2c\x89\x60\xee\x52\x63\x72\x2b\xbd\x6c\x1f\x95\x4d\x37\x66\x97\xd4\xcd\x1c\x4b\xfb\x6d\x25\xa7\x13\x87\x7a\x1c\xf2\xb2\xf6\x22\x76\xe2\x99\xe2\xf1\xb3\x39\xc5\x88\x23\x96\x3e\x95\x69\xf6\x24\xfd\x2b\xbf\xb4\x71\x41\x7f\xe9\x51\xfc\xbf\xbf\x41\xb6\x27\x9b\x84\xc0\xea\x9c\x7b\x01\x05\x1b\x25\x8f\x7a\x7b\x93\x3b\xd3\x48\x1a\x49\xcc\xf1\xed\x3b\x4e\x4a\x33\x44\xb9\x13\x16\xcb\x91\x71\x94\x3c\x8f\x36\x7a\xd4\xbc\xda\xf5\x4f\x00\x00\x00\xff\xff\x94\x12\x47\x4d\x4c\x03\x00\x00")
           82  +
           83  +func scriptsBackstoryTxtBytes() ([]byte, error) {
           84  +	return bindataRead(
           85  +		_scriptsBackstoryTxt,
           86  +		"scripts/backstory.txt",
           87  +	)
           88  +}
           89  +
           90  +func scriptsBackstoryTxt() (*asset, error) {
           91  +	bytes, err := scriptsBackstoryTxtBytes()
           92  +	if err != nil {
           93  +		return nil, err
           94  +	}
           95  +
           96  +	info := bindataFileInfo{name: "scripts/backstory.txt", size: 844, mode: os.FileMode(436), modTime: time.Unix(1504845781, 0)}
           97  +	a := &asset{bytes: bytes, info: info}
           98  +	return a, nil
           99  +}
          100  +
          101  +var _scriptsGamesavePisc = []byte("\x1f\x8b\x08\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xff\x01\x00\x00\xff\xff\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00")
          102  +
          103  +func scriptsGamesavePiscBytes() ([]byte, error) {
          104  +	return bindataRead(
          105  +		_scriptsGamesavePisc,
          106  +		"scripts/gamesave.pisc",
          107  +	)
          108  +}
          109  +
          110  +func scriptsGamesavePisc() (*asset, error) {
          111  +	bytes, err := scriptsGamesavePiscBytes()
          112  +	if err != nil {
          113  +		return nil, err
          114  +	}
          115  +
          116  +	info := bindataFileInfo{name: "scripts/gamesave.pisc", size: 0, mode: os.FileMode(436), modTime: time.Unix(1504845781, 0)}
          117  +	a := &asset{bytes: bytes, info: info}
          118  +	return a, nil
          119  +}
          120  +
          121  +var _scriptsIntroPisc = []byte("\x1f\x8b\x08\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xff\x74\x53\x4f\x6b\xeb\x46\x10\x3f\x5b\xa0\xef\xf0\xc3\x04\x92\x80\xec\xfa\xd2\x8b\x7b\x08\xa5\x10\x28\xf4\x96\x40\x09\xc6\x87\xb1\x34\xd2\x0e\x5e\xcf\xaa\xbb\x23\x29\xfa\xf6\x65\xa5\x98\x17\x1e\x3c\x74\xd2\xce\xec\xfc\xfe\xcd\x96\xc5\x11\xa2\x16\x03\x9e\xd0\xd1\x8d\xb1\xdb\x41\xf9\xd3\xf0\x5c\x16\xc7\x7c\x50\x16\x7f\xfd\xf3\x56\x16\x65\xb1\x7d\xeb\xa9\xe6\x0a\xe6\x18\xaf\xa2\xe4\xf1\x1a\x83\x9a\x70\xcc\xd5\x77\xc7\x48\x46\x31\xc1\xd1\xc8\xb8\x70\x7d\x0d\xca\x0d\xe6\x30\x54\xe0\x91\x15\x93\x63\xcd\xbf\x98\x38\x32\x2e\x83\x81\x30\x31\xa3\x76\xe2\x9b\x7d\x59\xfc\x6d\x8f\x09\x84\x28\xe9\x3a\xc3\x4b\xcb\x15\x52\x46\x6c\x29\x8a\x76\x15\x26\x47\x86\x49\xcc\xa1\x97\x48\xc6\xa9\x42\xba\x0d\x5d\xe7\x39\xa6\x0a\xa4\x0d\x7a\x4f\xca\x46\x71\x46\x1f\xbc\xd4\x5c\x16\xa2\x20\xd4\x41\x93\x91\x1a\x92\xc5\xa5\xbf\x82\x06\x83\x05\xdc\x58\x4d\x82\x82\x92\x71\x94\xd0\xa4\x0a\x4a\xa3\x74\xb4\x9c\x36\xd2\xb6\x52\x0f\xde\xe6\x75\x7c\x16\x3e\x98\x65\xbd\x63\x90\x06\xa1\x5d\x09\xee\xf1\x11\x86\xc7\x91\xd1\x47\xee\x29\x72\x83\x36\x44\x98\x93\x84\x86\xe6\xa5\x1a\x11\x99\x1a\xd1\x0e\x26\x37\xc6\x44\x09\x0d\x37\x52\x93\x71\x93\x89\xd4\x8e\xa2\xa5\xb2\xc8\x30\xc9\x49\x8f\xd0\x73\x5c\x58\x54\xd9\xb2\x98\x81\x22\xaf\x97\x2d\xc0\x22\x89\xe6\x69\xa2\x48\x72\x1b\x3c\x59\xb8\x9b\xb0\xb6\xd3\x28\xda\xa5\xb2\x58\xc2\xa0\x5b\x18\xf4\x0b\xe9\xe1\xf7\xc3\xe1\xb0\xc7\xbf\xe2\xfd\x12\x06\x7f\xf6\x3e\xe4\xd1\xf7\xfc\x5e\xf0\xf4\xf1\x9b\x3e\x97\xc5\x16\x7d\x14\x35\xaf\x39\xde\x03\x8e\x57\x9c\xf0\x70\x85\xa4\xdd\xac\x2f\x8b\x83\x67\x9c\xd0\xb1\x5d\x79\xce\xd5\x33\x26\x27\x9e\x73\xf7\xda\xa6\x2f\x38\xa1\x2c\x36\xdb\x77\x17\x86\xce\x55\xe8\x39\x3a\xea\xd3\x0f\x2c\x64\x51\xd9\x2c\xd2\x60\x8e\xe3\x22\x70\x8f\x3f\x5b\xe3\x08\xf2\x7e\x59\xb6\x19\x53\xd0\x47\xc3\x85\xd1\x85\x2c\x9a\x74\x9e\x1c\x47\xfe\x46\x70\x33\x91\xd8\x8e\x75\x09\x67\xb3\x39\x65\xff\xb2\x41\xbb\x1b\xeb\x80\x33\xca\xe2\xbc\xec\xdf\x9d\xda\x9c\xa9\x9d\xd0\x4b\x7d\xdd\x2d\x7e\x9f\x71\x6f\xf8\x23\x0b\x38\x7e\x2b\xfd\xfc\x2e\xb2\xa4\xe5\x49\x6c\xb6\x4b\xf0\xf1\xce\xcb\x02\x94\xb9\x01\xad\x11\x5e\xb8\xcd\xc6\x66\x93\x6b\xd2\x9c\xd9\xc8\x1e\xe6\x62\x36\x63\xdd\x9c\x0a\x2e\x4c\x3c\x72\xdc\xe3\x97\x62\x4e\xf8\x6f\x10\xdb\x2d\x1c\xce\x5f\xf4\xd6\xef\xff\x00\x00\x00\xff\xff\x8f\x37\x15\x2f\xbb\x03\x00\x00")
          122  +
          123  +func scriptsIntroPiscBytes() ([]byte, error) {
          124  +	return bindataRead(
          125  +		_scriptsIntroPisc,
          126  +		"scripts/intro.pisc",
          127  +	)
          128  +}
          129  +
          130  +func scriptsIntroPisc() (*asset, error) {
          131  +	bytes, err := scriptsIntroPiscBytes()
          132  +	if err != nil {
          133  +		return nil, err
          134  +	}
          135  +
          136  +	info := bindataFileInfo{name: "scripts/intro.pisc", size: 955, mode: os.FileMode(436), modTime: time.Unix(1504845781, 0)}
          137  +	a := &asset{bytes: bytes, info: info}
          138  +	return a, nil
          139  +}
          140  +
          141  +var _scriptsLibPisc = []byte("\x1f\x8b\x08\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xff\x7c\x91\xcd\x6a\xdc\x30\x14\x85\xd7\x16\xe8\x1d\x0e\xc3\x2c\x52\xc2\x2d\xe9\xd6\x75\x33\x9b\x6e\xb2\x69\x0a\x59\xa4\xe0\x0c\x65\x22\xdd\xda\xaa\x23\xc9\x95\x64\x9c\xbc\x7d\x91\x35\x3f\x86\x40\x76\x96\xce\xa7\xef\xea\xc8\x89\x83\x25\xeb\x35\x63\xf3\x78\xf7\xe3\xfb\xfd\xe3\xc3\x06\xfc\x0f\x2d\xa4\x00\x80\x4d\x54\xc1\x8c\x29\x3e\x3d\x65\xf0\xf7\x6c\xdc\xe7\xd1\x44\xb5\x41\x77\xb0\x4c\x25\x94\x62\x8f\xb9\x67\x27\x85\x14\x2b\xdd\xcf\xfb\x87\xbb\x5f\x1f\xc9\x46\x1f\xcd\xeb\xc7\xba\x1a\xf3\xc1\x24\x62\x97\x38\xe0\x0a\x44\xf8\x04\x29\xaa\x16\x1d\xa7\x81\xdf\x60\x62\xc9\x76\xd8\xa3\x45\x3e\x67\x5e\x58\x8a\xaf\xe5\x6c\x33\x8d\xa4\xfd\xec\xc8\xb2\x9b\x6e\x71\x05\x37\x59\xf2\x63\x8a\x59\xe4\x9f\xff\x16\x59\xed\x26\x2b\x45\x75\x83\xda\x92\xd1\xaf\x52\x54\x09\xb5\xea\xbd\x8f\xc6\x75\xcb\x30\x29\xaa\xea\x38\xb0\x1e\xf2\x62\x3b\xac\x26\xb7\xf8\x73\xe1\x51\xee\x8e\x0b\x75\x08\xc1\xcf\x3b\xb4\x79\xe7\x6c\xd1\x26\x2c\xeb\xad\x36\x21\x43\xd3\x98\x3d\x44\xcb\x0d\x70\xea\xbf\x02\x72\x8d\x8c\x5c\x5f\xbf\x47\xca\xce\xd6\x4d\x16\xd6\xeb\x4b\x8d\x73\x74\x83\x06\x6d\x01\xbe\x80\x8e\xc0\x4a\x71\xfe\xda\xe7\x22\xac\x72\xc7\x46\x1b\x95\x6e\xcb\x63\x6f\x57\xed\x9a\x86\xb4\x77\xbc\x2b\xc1\xc9\xd4\x34\xa4\x7a\x1f\xd9\x1d\x47\xb7\x58\x3c\x25\x19\x83\x57\x34\xf0\xdb\xfa\xc8\x37\xb4\x78\x3e\xa8\x81\xe6\xde\x24\x3e\xbd\xda\x82\xf7\xa6\xeb\x5f\x4c\xd7\xa7\xe5\x3f\xfe\x0f\x00\x00\xff\xff\x55\xdb\xba\xd7\xa0\x02\x00\x00")
          142  +
          143  +func scriptsLibPiscBytes() ([]byte, error) {
          144  +	return bindataRead(
          145  +		_scriptsLibPisc,
          146  +		"scripts/lib.pisc",
          147  +	)
          148  +}
          149  +
          150  +func scriptsLibPisc() (*asset, error) {
          151  +	bytes, err := scriptsLibPiscBytes()
          152  +	if err != nil {
          153  +		return nil, err
          154  +	}
          155  +
          156  +	info := bindataFileInfo{name: "scripts/lib.pisc", size: 672, mode: os.FileMode(436), modTime: time.Unix(1506682674, 0)}
          157  +	a := &asset{bytes: bytes, info: info}
          158  +	return a, nil
          159  +}
          160  +
          161  +var _scriptsMainPisc = []byte("\x1f\x8b\x08\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xff\x8c\x93\x4f\x6f\xea\x38\x14\xc5\xd7\x89\x94\xef\x70\x94\x61\xf1\xde\x13\xa1\xf3\x6f\x95\x57\x75\x34\xa2\x74\xa6\x12\x05\x69\xda\xae\x28\x0b\xc7\xb9\x24\x16\x8e\x9d\xb1\x0d\x14\x55\xfd\xee\x23\x3b\xa1\xd0\x99\x8a\xe9\x06\x9c\xeb\xdf\x3d\xbe\xf7\xfa\xf8\x07\x3c\xd4\xc2\x42\x58\xac\x84\x62\x12\x2b\xa3\x95\x13\x64\x86\x60\xa8\x58\x43\x10\xca\xb6\xc2\x50\xc9\x51\xec\x61\x5b\xc6\x69\x08\x67\x58\x49\x3b\xa1\x4a\x3b\x04\x53\x25\x18\xa4\x70\x4e\x12\x0a\xe1\xa0\x57\x90\x4c\x51\x56\x30\x4b\x25\xb8\x6e\x0a\xe6\x92\xf8\xe2\x5b\x12\xdf\x5e\x4f\x7e\xbf\xcf\x71\xc7\xf6\x05\xf9\xe3\x4a\x58\xdd\x10\x76\x6c\x0f\xa7\x21\x94\xa3\xca\x30\x47\x90\x5a\x55\x70\xa2\x21\x7f\xd0\x96\xa4\xdf\xd2\x70\x35\x81\x6f\xa4\xdb\x18\xf2\x67\x84\x52\x56\xcc\x90\xb1\x49\xfc\xed\x22\x89\x93\x38\xb5\xdc\x88\xd6\xd9\xa7\x27\x29\x8a\x51\x2b\x2c\x4f\x43\x0f\x59\x17\x3f\x05\x1a\x66\xd6\xe4\xec\x79\x48\x28\x67\xf4\x79\xc4\xb2\xad\x50\xd5\x47\x4c\x12\xe7\xd0\x2d\x29\xa1\xaa\xac\x21\xb5\xc1\x97\x6e\x9e\x59\x06\x45\xcf\x0e\x5f\x93\x38\xca\x7d\x24\x89\xa3\x5f\x71\xb9\x69\xb3\x52\xef\x54\x40\xaf\x90\x37\x49\x1c\x0d\x1a\x64\x57\xb5\xa8\x6a\x29\xaa\xda\x21\xbf\x9b\xcc\x1e\x93\x18\xd1\x02\x05\xe3\xeb\xac\x90\x8c\xaf\xb1\x44\x3e\xfe\x73\x7e\x3b\x9e\xf8\x9d\x6e\x85\xd6\x08\x15\x2a\xf0\xec\xa0\xc1\xa8\xd4\x8a\x7e\xc3\x32\x04\x92\x38\x8a\xc6\xd3\x7b\xff\x37\x9b\x4d\xfd\xdf\xe0\xc5\xff\x46\x7c\xcf\x14\xd2\x9b\xe0\x82\x9b\xde\x05\x29\x7a\x26\x32\x54\x22\x2c\x52\x20\xc5\x8f\xf0\xc5\x20\x9d\xd1\x0e\x7f\xb0\x86\x52\xf4\x47\x1f\xf0\x40\xfd\xd4\x53\x53\xcd\xca\x33\xd8\xcf\x3d\x36\x6f\x9d\xd0\xca\x7e\x0c\xfd\xd2\x43\x7f\x91\xdb\x18\xe5\xfd\x62\x88\x49\x48\xb1\xfa\xaf\xea\xae\x16\x8e\x90\x3e\xb6\x17\xd7\x7a\x17\x58\x5e\x6b\x6d\x69\x88\x89\x72\x64\x42\x40\xab\x95\x30\x0d\x52\x74\x39\xaf\xc7\xa1\x45\x7e\xf0\xa3\xd6\x68\x9e\xad\x69\x9f\xc4\xd1\x12\xbb\x5a\x48\x7f\x4f\x2f\x61\x04\x58\x20\x38\x03\xcb\xc3\xa7\xd4\xac\xcc\xc2\xed\x2e\xfb\x88\xee\x7a\x79\xfb\xa6\x67\xe1\x8e\xc4\x6b\xb8\x15\x5e\x6b\x4b\x2a\x13\xe5\x33\xb6\xc4\x33\xe6\x90\xc4\xdf\x3b\xe3\x1c\x05\x8f\xae\xc1\x57\x04\xbf\x60\x3c\xbd\xc7\xe0\x05\xe9\xc3\xfc\x7a\x9e\xe3\xb6\x69\x25\x35\xa4\x5c\x67\x3f\x9f\x69\x7d\x57\xe8\x5b\x92\x0a\x0b\xa4\x48\x31\xc2\x12\xdf\xbd\xb8\x65\x5b\xfa\xb7\xf8\xa7\xb4\x7d\xe2\xff\x68\x1f\xfa\xfe\xf2\x59\xd1\x43\xc6\x79\xd9\xe3\xf8\x4e\x4b\x3e\x36\xf2\xf7\xe6\xb0\xdf\x0f\xb0\x61\x42\xf5\x45\x24\x31\x00\x5c\x96\x82\xbb\xab\xf7\x2f\x32\xe7\x1b\x63\x32\xeb\x98\xa3\x77\x50\xff\x2c\x7d\x64\x01\x87\x25\x16\x18\x04\xf1\xc1\x31\x01\x9c\x49\x79\xaa\x80\x37\x9b\xf8\xbc\x8a\x5c\x30\x8f\x5f\x9f\xbc\xd6\x43\x7b\x7e\x22\xdd\xe6\x5b\xe5\xfd\xdd\xfb\xc2\x93\xf8\x9f\x00\x00\x00\xff\xff\x1f\xb5\xba\x12\x96\x05\x00\x00")
          162  +
          163  +func scriptsMainPiscBytes() ([]byte, error) {
          164  +	return bindataRead(
          165  +		_scriptsMainPisc,
          166  +		"scripts/main.pisc",
          167  +	)
          168  +}
          169  +
          170  +func scriptsMainPisc() (*asset, error) {
          171  +	bytes, err := scriptsMainPiscBytes()
          172  +	if err != nil {
          173  +		return nil, err
          174  +	}
          175  +
          176  +	info := bindataFileInfo{name: "scripts/main.pisc", size: 1430, mode: os.FileMode(436), modTime: time.Unix(1506683028, 0)}
          177  +	a := &asset{bytes: bytes, info: info}
          178  +	return a, nil
          179  +}
          180  +
          181  +var _scriptsMapPisc = []byte("\x1f\x8b\x08\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xff\x6c\x90\x5f\x8b\x13\x31\x14\xc5\x9f\x33\x90\xef\x70\xa8\x03\xae\x8b\xb1\xfa\x9a\x95\xfa\x50\x16\x14\xd6\x0a\xca\xe2\x43\xe9\x43\x9a\x5c\x9b\xb0\xf9\x33\x24\xa9\xb3\x20\x7e\x77\x49\xa6\xe2\x22\xfb\x30\x19\x72\xcf\xb9\xe7\xde\xfc\xd6\xd7\x7c\xe0\xc3\x57\x8a\x86\x32\x14\x4e\xca\xab\xea\x34\x82\x9a\xf0\x23\xa7\x00\x4b\x99\x9a\xe3\x7a\xdd\x4e\x89\x52\x55\x16\x4d\xbd\xc2\x49\x05\x82\x10\x88\xf4\x58\xf1\x0a\x7c\x60\x7c\xb8\x69\xae\xee\xb3\x69\x16\x73\xca\xde\xe0\x0a\x93\x57\x91\xea\x33\x0d\xb2\x97\xe4\xa2\xb7\x46\x36\x5e\xbc\x62\x63\xa8\xe8\xec\xa6\xea\x52\xc4\x94\x5d\xac\x3e\xfe\xe7\xf0\x49\xab\x26\x17\x98\xf3\xd4\xbf\x3d\xc4\x26\xb6\xc8\x03\x7e\x92\xee\x7b\x4a\x9f\x74\xe9\x82\x4e\x21\xa8\x68\x9e\x6a\xda\x26\xa7\xa9\xb4\xd4\x6e\xf3\x14\xf1\x0e\x02\xef\xcf\x93\x30\x69\x8e\x22\x50\x3c\x6f\x20\xc3\x32\x39\x40\x6c\xac\x3b\x59\xef\x4e\xb6\x42\x7e\xbe\xdd\xdd\xf3\x01\x6c\x8f\xa3\xd2\x0f\xe2\xe8\x95\x7e\xc0\x01\x72\xfb\xf1\xcb\xa7\xed\xed\x42\x82\xed\x31\x06\xbc\x31\x29\xd2\x07\x1c\xf8\xc0\x5e\xe0\x3b\xbd\xcc\x84\x4c\xe2\x78\x76\xde\xb8\x78\x42\xb5\x84\x36\x09\xa4\xb4\x45\x75\x81\x30\xbb\x6a\xa1\x90\xa9\x54\xd4\x84\xd1\xf5\x28\x3e\x30\xb6\xbd\xfb\xd6\x7f\x7d\xc8\x3f\x32\x8c\xbd\x85\x6c\x2e\x36\xfe\x6a\xe7\x13\x4e\x9d\xc8\x6e\x77\xd7\xcb\x99\xcc\x22\x5f\xb8\x48\xdf\xaf\x6c\x74\x68\xef\xc1\x0a\x58\x61\xf4\xb8\xe4\xff\x6d\x5b\xa0\xb5\xfd\xfa\x75\xb6\xae\x12\x56\xf7\xd3\xba\x61\x6a\x1b\x16\xf2\xa4\xeb\x6b\x50\xac\x94\x5b\x41\xdb\x94\x0a\xad\xb0\x04\xfc\xe6\x03\x3b\x60\xb6\xce\xd3\xc2\xf2\x82\xbe\xd3\xd1\x36\x15\x8a\xc2\x99\xc7\x3e\x45\x55\x3e\xdc\xe0\x4f\x00\x00\x00\xff\xff\xb8\x77\xfd\xe3\x9a\x02\x00\x00")
          182  +
          183  +func scriptsMapPiscBytes() ([]byte, error) {
          184  +	return bindataRead(
          185  +		_scriptsMapPisc,
          186  +		"scripts/map.pisc",
          187  +	)
          188  +}
          189  +
          190  +func scriptsMapPisc() (*asset, error) {
          191  +	bytes, err := scriptsMapPiscBytes()
          192  +	if err != nil {
          193  +		return nil, err
          194  +	}
          195  +
          196  +	info := bindataFileInfo{name: "scripts/map.pisc", size: 666, mode: os.FileMode(436), modTime: time.Unix(1504845781, 0)}
          197  +	a := &asset{bytes: bytes, info: info}
          198  +	return a, nil
          199  +}
          200  +
          201  +var _scriptsMarketsPisc = []byte("\x1f\x8b\x08\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xff\x8c\x92\x31\x6f\xdb\x4e\x0c\xc5\xf7\x03\xee\x3b\x10\xf0\x92\x04\x7f\xc3\x7b\xfe\x43\x01\x2b\x71\x9a\xc1\x68\x50\x17\xcd\x4c\x9f\x18\x1d\x91\xd3\x51\xe0\xf1\xec\xfa\xdb\x17\x27\xbb\x70\x81\x74\xc8\xc2\x41\xd4\xfb\xbd\x27\x3e\x2d\xc0\x3b\xef\x56\x77\x6d\xbe\x46\x34\xe0\x02\x16\x09\x28\x48\x96\xf1\x04\x83\x70\x1e\xc0\x04\xf6\x04\x89\xdf\x09\x38\x83\x45\x2e\x30\xe0\x48\x5f\x9a\x6a\xb1\x80\x35\x16\x0e\xf0\x24\xd2\x97\x99\x83\x46\xea\xdd\x46\xa4\xf7\x6e\x53\x29\x79\xf7\x4d\x69\xb5\x0b\x8a\xd3\x45\xf1\x80\x86\xd0\xe1\x54\x6a\xa2\x59\xf3\xa2\x32\x28\x8e\xc5\xbb\x9f\xdc\x93\x14\xef\x9e\x70\x6c\xab\x2d\x4e\x65\xd5\x45\x54\x2b\x17\xed\x57\xc2\xc3\xe9\xea\xf6\x5d\xf6\xd2\x76\xdb\x9a\xd9\x58\x72\xf1\x6e\x5d\x39\xf5\xcb\x4e\xc9\xc8\xbb\xc7\x7c\x60\x95\x65\x89\x4c\xa9\xe7\x3c\x5c\x28\x1b\xc5\x81\x13\x5d\x39\x3b\x49\xa8\xf0\x82\x99\x52\xf1\xae\x93\x71\xaa\x46\x0a\x5d\xe4\xa9\x78\xf7\x20\xa1\x8e\x94\x9b\xd1\x2e\xd4\x34\x59\xd5\x73\xf0\xbb\x55\x9b\xf7\x50\xa2\x1c\x97\x23\xea\x3b\x19\xdc\xc0\x72\x09\xb7\xf0\xff\x9f\xd3\xbe\x8a\xa6\x1e\x50\x43\x24\x3b\x4d\x67\x5d\x27\x49\xf2\xe9\xde\xbb\xc7\x5f\x93\xa8\x15\xd8\xcf\x47\x1c\x5a\x9c\xff\xe0\xc8\x16\x01\x41\x31\xf7\x32\x42\x88\x98\x03\x81\xbc\x01\xcd\x2f\xb7\x4a\x24\x13\x88\x45\x52\x68\xc8\xb6\x6b\x52\x40\x03\x84\x24\x47\x98\x94\x03\x35\xa3\xad\x64\x2c\xc6\x01\x7e\x50\x88\x59\x82\x62\x68\xb6\xcf\xe3\x3f\x6c\xe9\x92\xa5\x6f\xf5\x84\x4b\x3d\x8d\x7d\x40\x65\xa9\x05\xfe\x8a\xaf\x93\x28\x1a\x17\x83\xe7\xdc\xd7\x62\x9f\x23\xc7\xb9\xbc\xf9\xe1\xfc\xe7\x75\x4a\x67\xc8\x06\xf7\xca\x9f\x84\x7c\xe8\x6e\x4d\x55\x9b\xb4\x7d\xe6\x96\x4c\x3f\x60\xe8\x40\x7a\xb2\xc8\x79\xb8\x52\x26\x39\x92\xae\x38\xbf\xa5\x4a\xed\xbc\x37\x91\xe2\xed\xb9\xd2\xdf\x01\x00\x00\xff\xff\x8c\x0c\x77\x50\x16\x03\x00\x00")
          202  +
          203  +func scriptsMarketsPiscBytes() ([]byte, error) {
          204  +	return bindataRead(
          205  +		_scriptsMarketsPisc,
          206  +		"scripts/markets.pisc",
          207  +	)
          208  +}
          209  +
          210  +func scriptsMarketsPisc() (*asset, error) {
          211  +	bytes, err := scriptsMarketsPiscBytes()
          212  +	if err != nil {
          213  +		return nil, err
          214  +	}
          215  +
          216  +	info := bindataFileInfo{name: "scripts/markets.pisc", size: 790, mode: os.FileMode(436), modTime: time.Unix(1504845781, 0)}
          217  +	a := &asset{bytes: bytes, info: info}
          218  +	return a, nil
          219  +}
          220  +
          221  +var _scriptsSavingPisc = []byte("\x1f\x8b\x08\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xff\x94\x56\x41\x6f\xdb\x38\x13\x3d\x4b\x80\xfe\xc3\x2b\xab\x83\xdd\xef\x53\xb2\x7b\x95\x83\x2c\x92\xa6\x28\x7a\x0a\xb0\xeb\xec\xc5\xf6\x81\x96\xc7\x31\x61\x45\x54\x48\xca\xae\x11\xe4\xbf\x2f\x86\xa4\x6d\xb9\x4d\x5c\x14\x08\x2c\x92\xc3\x37\x9c\x79\xf3\x86\xcc\xe5\x27\x64\x69\x96\x2e\xbb\xa6\xc2\x40\xe1\x5b\xe3\xe8\x91\xcc\x10\xe3\x5d\x4b\x83\x21\xac\x33\xaa\x79\xc4\x4b\x96\x26\x86\x5c\x67\x1a\x88\xb8\x45\x64\xe9\xeb\x11\xb9\xc0\x9d\xee\xe6\x35\x9d\x03\x86\x1d\xa7\x38\x89\x1b\x63\xe4\xee\x1c\xec\x5f\xaa\x9c\xfe\xf1\x38\x55\x39\xdc\xa9\xca\x9d\x3d\x4f\x55\x4e\xe9\x46\x9a\xdd\x29\x78\x8e\x5b\xad\x6b\x92\xcd\x39\x70\xdc\x72\x8a\xb4\xf8\xc7\xef\x3c\x07\x0c\x3b\xf6\xb8\x4f\x97\xfc\x5b\xc2\x92\x51\xb2\x2e\x9e\x64\xdb\x32\x60\x80\xa2\xc0\x7e\x32\xcc\xd2\xe4\x8a\x33\xba\xce\xd2\x24\x99\x60\x6b\x94\xa3\xc2\xa7\x38\xc3\xd5\x55\x71\xcc\xa3\x6f\xdf\x50\x15\xcc\x81\x9f\xbe\x49\x35\x11\x19\x4b\x75\xe2\xd6\x17\x21\x3a\xf6\xe3\xbe\x35\xe6\xe3\xad\x21\x91\xbe\x75\xae\x75\x1d\x6c\x91\x9d\x2c\x4d\x4a\x57\x38\xe9\xbd\x64\x69\x32\x41\xb9\x41\x96\x26\x40\x1e\x97\x91\x6f\xe0\x76\x2d\xe9\x25\x38\xa1\x62\x25\x6d\xb1\xa6\xdd\x5f\xc1\xed\x7b\xbb\x1e\xc9\x61\x16\xb7\xbc\x40\x30\xd9\x10\xbd\x4d\x02\x95\x6c\x1a\xed\x30\x27\x58\xb9\xa1\xc5\x85\xc0\x2b\xc8\x18\x6d\x3c\x0e\x50\xcb\x2c\x4d\x66\xc8\xd2\x51\xe4\x5f\x6e\x38\x3b\xe9\x08\x03\xb4\xd2\xad\x10\x26\x45\x11\x07\x43\x94\x61\x50\xb2\x35\x4b\x93\x3c\x4c\xe3\x89\x25\x7f\xb3\x34\x59\xa2\xb4\x5d\x55\x91\xb5\x3e\xdd\xdc\xbb\xd2\x2d\x35\xc5\x52\xd5\x54\x78\x9e\x0c\xca\xfb\x87\x31\x87\x2f\x4a\x5c\x60\xe0\x73\xc2\x46\xd6\x1d\x61\x4d\x3b\x3e\xd3\xaf\x0c\x43\xb2\x6d\x67\x57\x18\x09\xe4\xf7\x0f\x63\x5c\x04\xa6\x6b\xd5\xf8\xba\x04\x59\x30\xa5\x49\xe2\xed\x57\x57\x45\xf4\x9d\xfc\xc1\x13\x27\xe7\x3e\xd1\xf2\x91\x5c\xa1\x3b\xd7\x76\xce\x07\x46\xcf\x58\x74\x2d\xf2\x18\x2c\xb4\x39\x04\x8e\x19\x4a\x7a\xe6\xda\xe5\xce\x13\xdb\xeb\x13\xd0\x73\x83\x09\x8e\xce\x10\x69\x38\xd1\xe4\x76\x45\x3d\x78\xec\xcf\x5f\x40\x83\x5c\xf7\xc8\x23\x87\xc9\x04\x62\xda\x04\x9e\x24\x53\x33\xc4\xc2\xe8\x16\x23\xfc\xcc\x48\x5f\x13\x9f\x83\x00\xbc\x31\x72\xab\x97\xbe\x5a\x25\x23\x7d\x68\x7d\x49\x78\x41\x04\x87\x55\xad\x2d\x45\x65\x7c\xc4\xdf\xd4\xd6\xb2\x62\x7d\x6d\x95\x5b\x61\x2a\xa0\x1a\xb8\x15\xc5\xde\xfe\x3f\x9c\xc6\x9a\xa8\x85\x72\x58\x1a\xfd\x84\xb9\x21\xb9\xe6\x2e\xe9\x5a\x56\xd6\x73\xa7\xb9\x71\xe4\x92\x95\x65\x9d\x09\x92\x32\x18\x42\x4c\xa7\x82\x7f\xf8\x63\x9d\x29\xcc\xfe\xa4\xa9\x08\xeb\xe2\x74\x7d\xc4\xee\xb6\x46\xb6\x85\xf7\x69\x7f\xf6\xc7\x80\xad\x6c\x3d\xaa\xd2\x4d\x25\x5d\x5c\x3c\xce\xa3\xde\x7b\xf5\x1a\xa0\x72\xdf\x83\xe2\x3c\xbd\xdc\xb4\xad\x54\xc6\x7a\x85\x94\x6c\x2c\xae\x99\x98\xa8\xda\x8f\xf8\xd6\x54\x86\xa4\x25\x4f\x83\x93\xf3\x42\x35\x0b\x6a\x58\x58\xb9\x77\xd5\xb5\x28\xae\x9d\x9c\xe3\x4f\xfc\x0f\x5e\x83\xfe\x0d\x49\x7e\xb8\xe4\xca\x85\xb2\xad\x74\xd5\x2a\xb4\x4a\xaf\x98\x87\x6b\xa6\xec\x49\x56\x4c\x9d\x40\x1e\xc2\x61\x97\x91\x1a\x92\x0e\x51\x50\x33\x94\xe3\x9b\x5b\x7f\x94\x98\x36\x02\x07\xf0\xf8\xe6\x16\x22\xf4\xca\x71\x95\xc3\x0d\x79\x4e\x50\xae\x11\xc7\xc5\x75\xbe\x46\xb9\x61\x21\xe5\x1b\xec\x23\x44\xe9\x03\xf3\x3d\x7b\xf4\x0c\xef\x97\xc3\x3a\x9c\x14\x18\xc8\x37\x51\x78\x1e\x80\x13\xfb\xba\xaf\x88\x7e\x35\x8f\x7b\x04\x2e\x0e\x47\xf8\xee\xf5\xf7\x00\xc9\x6a\xc5\x77\xe3\x5b\x34\x17\x07\x9a\x47\x59\x9a\x1c\x0b\xcc\x5d\x15\xea\xcb\x23\x2e\x2f\x57\x97\x6a\x7a\x7a\xaf\xba\x67\x2a\xf8\x5b\x35\x38\x57\xec\x73\x0a\xfa\x95\x10\xb8\xb6\x2f\x7d\x76\xf2\x90\xcd\x04\x25\xbd\xc1\xb6\xaf\x06\xf1\xdf\xa1\x94\x95\xac\xeb\x40\xeb\x86\x2a\xcf\x2a\xfb\xc4\x6b\x0f\x77\x9e\x5f\xf4\x5b\x88\xdf\xd2\xc0\x30\x8f\x7c\x03\x5d\xc7\xa8\x7d\x2b\x06\x72\x4f\xd3\x19\x1d\xe1\x71\x25\x78\x88\xdd\x3c\x7c\x4f\x21\xef\x3b\x44\xaf\xa7\xc3\x03\x1e\xbb\x3a\x4c\x8a\x02\x18\xe2\xb7\x02\xf3\x6f\x79\x70\xe2\x87\xc1\xc5\x24\x28\x86\x15\xd9\x62\x02\xe1\x04\x66\xfc\x5d\xf2\x57\x2d\xf7\xd2\x78\xd3\x73\xb8\x4e\xef\xbe\xdc\x3e\x7c\xcd\xd2\xcb\x4f\x59\x2a\x74\xe7\x2e\xdc\x77\x27\xa0\x9e\x5a\x6d\x1c\xca\x05\xef\x39\x2e\xe7\x8b\xde\xbb\xec\x4d\xe3\xfb\xbb\xfb\x12\x37\x8b\x05\x1c\x59\x67\x3f\x7c\x10\x68\x8d\x6a\x5c\xdd\x1c\x8c\x9f\x75\x63\xd5\x82\x0c\xec\x56\xb9\x6a\xc5\x87\x73\xfb\x58\xbe\xa7\x3b\x4b\xa8\x8c\x72\x73\xe5\xe0\x0c\x91\xed\xc1\xf9\x3f\xb1\x8f\xf8\xfa\x70\xfb\xe5\x2e\x4b\xff\x0b\x00\x00\xff\xff\x80\xeb\xb1\x62\xf6\x0a\x00\x00")
          222  +
          223  +func scriptsSavingPiscBytes() ([]byte, error) {
          224  +	return bindataRead(
          225  +		_scriptsSavingPisc,
          226  +		"scripts/saving.pisc",
          227  +	)
          228  +}
          229  +
          230  +func scriptsSavingPisc() (*asset, error) {
          231  +	bytes, err := scriptsSavingPiscBytes()
          232  +	if err != nil {
          233  +		return nil, err
          234  +	}
          235  +
          236  +	info := bindataFileInfo{name: "scripts/saving.pisc", size: 2806, mode: os.FileMode(436), modTime: time.Unix(1506683130, 0)}
          237  +	a := &asset{bytes: bytes, info: info}
          238  +	return a, nil
          239  +}
          240  +
          241  +var _scriptsShipsPisc = []byte("\x1f\x8b\x08\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xff\x94\x56\x4d\x6f\xdc\x36\x10\x3d\x5b\x80\xfe\xc3\x03\x12\xa0\xb6\xb1\x6b\xc7\x75\x4f\xea\x22\x45\xea\x24\x68\x80\xe4\xd2\x04\xc8\xa1\xe8\x61\x24\x8e\x24\x76\x25\x52\xe5\x50\xbb\x56\x8b\xfe\xf7\x62\x48\x6d\xec\x24\x6d\x81\xc2\x30\x56\x22\xe7\xe3\x71\xe6\xcd\xa3\x9e\xe0\x63\x4f\x11\x56\x10\x7b\xc6\xe8\x0d\x0f\x68\x7d\x80\xf4\x76\x12\x74\xde\xba\x0e\xd1\xa3\xe6\x1f\xca\xa2\x2c\x9e\xe0\x2d\x39\x46\x5c\x26\x16\x34\xe4\x50\x33\x6e\xe0\xdb\xe4\xfc\x1d\x46\xfa\xcd\x87\xbc\x9b\xad\x9f\x61\x8b\x1f\x49\x6c\x53\xe1\x8e\x1c\x1a\x0a\x61\x41\xad\x0b\xfa\xdc\x79\xb5\xb9\xc1\x16\x2f\x29\xd2\x63\x13\x43\x91\x34\xec\x81\x82\xf5\xb3\x60\x6f\x9d\x91\x8d\xa2\x0c\x64\x2c\x45\xeb\x9d\x22\xe4\xc1\xb0\xb9\xc2\x0b\x34\xbe\xd9\x4f\x36\xa2\x27\xc1\x4d\xf6\x96\xc1\x47\xd4\x0b\x0c\xb7\x34\x0f\x51\x33\x7d\x8b\x2d\x7e\x62\x3a\x2c\xff\x82\x66\x03\x1f\xd0\x33\x1d\x2c\x07\x74\xde\x1b\x81\xba\xdd\x62\x8b\xd7\x81\x3a\x3b\x70\x85\x37\x82\x7a\xb6\x43\xc4\xd1\xc6\x1e\xd2\xfb\x66\x0f\xaa\xc5\x87\x5a\x14\x54\xf4\xa0\x61\xf0\x47\xc4\x40\x4e\x26\x1f\xa2\x1e\xa3\xcd\xde\x39\xa6\x56\xa6\xc2\x6e\x20\xc7\xcf\x71\x0e\xb1\x7f\xe4\x82\x62\xbb\x85\x2e\xe2\x02\x65\x71\x56\xa5\xa5\x4a\x77\xcb\xe2\xec\x4f\x3c\x4d\x76\xbf\xa0\xc5\xaf\x88\x76\x64\xc1\x5f\xa8\xd6\x1a\x9e\xed\x8c\x6d\xe2\xf3\xb2\x38\x3b\x7b\x9a\x96\xb0\xdb\x6d\x4f\x7b\x67\x4f\x53\xa4\xdd\x6e\xab\xbf\x65\xf1\xfd\x9a\x5f\x1b\xac\xf9\x1d\x8d\x9c\xf2\x8a\x02\xd0\xd5\x15\x40\x5e\xab\x74\xff\xf3\x14\x79\x63\xb7\xdb\xa6\x87\xb4\x94\x82\xec\x76\xdb\x6c\x9c\x52\x5c\x5f\x96\xc5\x2b\x6a\xfa\x1c\xd2\x9e\xca\xe6\xe7\x54\x91\xd5\xf5\xc1\x40\x3b\x47\x30\xc1\x3b\xc6\xe0\xc9\xa8\x5d\xe3\x5d\x0c\x7e\x18\xd8\x68\x23\x95\x62\x77\xb9\xcf\x65\xf1\x26\x53\xee\xd4\x77\x2b\x30\x2c\x31\xf8\x85\xcd\x06\x8b\x9f\xd1\x29\x22\x2b\xf0\x07\x0e\x57\x28\x8b\x77\x5e\xe2\x4a\x6a\xe3\xdd\x37\x11\x31\x2c\xda\xad\xd5\x0d\xf4\xc0\x21\x7f\xe4\x03\x87\x0d\xca\x62\x0a\xdc\x72\x08\xeb\x0c\x0c\x4c\x07\x4e\xc1\x7b\x1e\xa6\x81\x45\x94\x2f\x0d\x4d\x71\x0e\x69\xfd\x4a\xcf\xfd\x3e\xe5\xd0\xd9\xe8\xd5\xfc\xe6\xfe\x56\x7d\x6f\xef\x6f\x9e\xc1\x3a\x18\x3b\xb2\x53\xfa\xca\x06\xe4\x0c\x5a\x9b\x8e\x97\xc8\x64\x6c\xdb\x72\x60\x17\x21\xdc\xa9\x59\xa2\xca\xdb\x54\x6d\x8d\xd7\x78\x3d\x92\xc3\x6d\xe2\x8c\x80\x04\x47\x1e\x86\x0d\xde\x8f\xa4\x3f\xef\xd8\xd8\x31\x45\x7d\x4b\xa1\xe3\x04\x26\x07\x5a\x07\xf6\xfc\x12\xd6\x19\xdb\x50\x64\x8c\xe4\x0c\x45\x1f\x96\x53\xb2\x8b\x0a\x29\x9d\x6d\x79\x2b\xf3\xa4\xd4\xbd\x5e\xcb\x7d\xa9\xb5\x78\xe5\x3a\xeb\x58\x2e\x37\x65\xf1\x7a\xe6\x01\x1f\xc8\xed\x2f\xcb\x22\xf3\x6d\xf2\xa6\x2c\xee\x02\x1f\xf1\xfb\x4c\x21\x72\xc0\xf9\x0d\x1a\x7d\x1f\x79\xac\x39\x60\xe2\x00\xe1\x46\x4f\x7e\x51\x16\xb9\xcd\x93\x37\x6a\xb6\xbe\x7c\x66\x50\x16\x1f\x7a\x0e\x0c\xd2\xff\x41\x34\x81\x88\xad\x07\x86\xf3\x6e\x2b\x51\xc1\x07\xf3\xa9\x4e\x55\x42\xee\x5d\x87\x40\xae\x63\x08\x3b\xf1\x41\x70\x0e\xbe\x8f\x41\x5b\x3b\xd6\x14\x11\xfc\xec\x0c\x2e\xca\xe2\x4e\x89\x45\xb5\x96\x2a\x81\x40\x4b\x01\x35\x47\x05\xde\xf4\xe4\x1a\x56\x8e\x4e\x24\xa2\xad\x27\x07\xeb\x64\xca\xe0\xd4\x5d\x5b\x0c\x69\xc8\x39\x3d\x68\x9a\x77\x49\xbc\x88\x1e\xc2\xda\x23\x7d\x48\x46\x2b\xc0\x8b\xb2\xf8\xe0\x8f\x98\xa8\xd9\x53\xc7\x5f\xfa\xf4\x34\x0f\x99\x9b\xd7\x31\x90\x1d\x38\x08\x28\x81\xbd\x78\xd4\x44\xc9\x84\x3a\x50\x58\x14\xd5\xc0\x07\x1e\x44\x71\x52\x18\x7d\xa8\xca\x62\xf0\xc7\x2c\x6c\x35\xa3\x0e\x4c\x4d\x9f\x07\x87\xdc\x02\x8a\xb1\xd9\x97\xc5\xc8\xc6\xce\x63\x85\x8f\x76\x18\x12\xe9\x52\x29\x41\x18\xad\xb3\xe3\x3c\x6a\xb8\x1b\xc8\xdc\x34\x2c\xd2\xce\x83\xfa\x51\xb3\xbf\x2a\x8b\x3e\xeb\xe6\x7f\x39\xde\x7e\xed\x28\x69\x24\x5e\x6a\x87\xe5\x11\x7f\xb3\xe6\x26\x52\xa6\xd6\xbd\x48\xc6\x15\xde\xf7\xde\x47\x81\xc4\xb9\x6d\xcb\xe2\x25\xb7\xec\x1a\xae\x90\x1e\x8c\x80\x3a\xb2\x4e\xe2\x1a\x3b\x13\x47\x36\xe0\x2c\x22\x3e\x6a\xef\x42\xc7\x82\x79\x52\x64\xdc\xd1\xb6\x66\x1a\xcb\xe2\x8d\x77\x95\x5a\x84\x28\x5b\x15\x96\xec\xa9\xa3\x72\xed\x3f\xd1\x2e\x4d\xdb\x0b\x73\xd0\xf6\x9b\xd5\xa4\xc2\xcf\x64\x0d\x07\xdd\xca\x4f\x27\x5f\xe3\x41\xe9\x7a\xe2\xb8\xe4\x0b\xd0\xba\x4e\x36\x30\x3c\xb1\x33\xda\x20\xef\x70\xec\x6d\xd3\x67\x71\xf7\xed\x89\x0c\x2a\x5c\x8b\xce\x9f\x32\x41\xbb\xaf\x7a\x76\x52\xb4\x45\x5f\xf1\xd9\x10\xae\xba\xb4\xc9\xdb\x91\xf6\x9c\x44\x2d\xe9\x9f\x92\x46\x87\x33\x27\x5a\x59\x65\x63\xbe\xb1\x21\x03\x1d\xd8\xe8\xcb\xe2\xe7\x20\xe9\x5e\x7f\xb8\x97\x56\x8e\x2e\x14\xf2\x9d\xf4\x18\x00\x81\xd3\xb8\xeb\x78\xa4\xc4\xf0\xd3\xe4\xd3\x34\x24\x5e\x1f\x95\x06\x29\x83\x3f\x6a\xb1\xfc\xd1\x7d\x1d\x22\xc9\x44\x24\xb7\xdf\x28\xb2\x14\xa5\xd5\x25\xeb\x10\xf5\x9b\x43\xb7\xd2\x87\x87\x42\x52\xe5\xfb\x04\x35\x27\x71\x7c\x1f\x11\xe7\xf0\x0f\xa1\xb3\xea\xd4\xb4\x64\x70\xf9\xf5\x14\xb7\xa6\xe5\x21\x2c\xfd\xaf\xb0\x81\x8f\xdb\x55\xc1\xd6\xc8\x8f\x34\xec\x14\xff\x24\x71\x56\xc0\x36\xf6\x1c\xa0\x32\x98\x6e\x01\xa3\x37\xc2\x3e\x69\xfa\x17\x54\xb0\x6d\xbe\x39\x74\x84\x65\xa2\x26\xb5\x3e\x7f\x81\xc4\x9e\x47\xf5\x73\x3e\xa6\x71\xf9\xfa\xef\xef\x00\x00\x00\xff\xff\x2f\xdf\x8e\xdf\xa5\x09\x00\x00")
          242  +
          243  +func scriptsShipsPiscBytes() ([]byte, error) {
          244  +	return bindataRead(
          245  +		_scriptsShipsPisc,
          246  +		"scripts/ships.pisc",
          247  +	)
          248  +}
          249  +
          250  +func scriptsShipsPisc() (*asset, error) {
          251  +	bytes, err := scriptsShipsPiscBytes()
          252  +	if err != nil {
          253  +		return nil, err
          254  +	}
          255  +
          256  +	info := bindataFileInfo{name: "scripts/ships.pisc", size: 2469, mode: os.FileMode(436), modTime: time.Unix(1504845781, 0)}
          257  +	a := &asset{bytes: bytes, info: info}
          258  +	return a, nil
          259  +}
          260  +
          261  +var _scriptsTerm_posixPisc = []byte("\x1f\x8b\x08\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xff\x7c\x94\x41\x8f\xda\x30\x10\x85\xef\xf9\x15\x4f\xde\x3d\x90\x43\xa4\x0d\x78\xa1\x0d\x42\x7b\x40\xad\xaa\x0a\x71\xd9\x23\xcb\x21\x98\x81\x8d\x08\x31\x72\x4c\x51\x54\xf5\xbf\x57\xb6\xe9\x3a\xae\x61\x25\x24\x3c\xf3\x3e\x8f\x67\xde\x48\x29\x20\x64\x2d\x55\x26\xe4\x96\x30\x80\xfd\xcb\xb2\x6b\x92\x5a\x81\x14\x85\x4d\x3e\xfe\xc6\xb7\xd7\x39\xd8\x8a\xe1\xd1\x26\xd8\x91\xe1\x0f\xa6\x49\xf2\x80\x79\x4d\xa5\x42\x2b\x14\x51\x83\xb2\xd9\xe2\x28\x7f\x11\xc4\x59\xb5\x52\x41\x4b\x68\x79\xca\x6a\xda\xe9\xa4\xc0\x7c\xf1\x8a\x81\x79\x21\xf5\x15\x87\x3f\xd9\xf5\x34\xfd\x61\x6a\x9e\x54\xd5\x68\x4c\x93\x02\xcb\x85\x83\x97\x0b\xa4\x60\x6f\xea\xad\x61\x2e\x1f\x08\xcb\x85\xf9\xd9\x4e\xbe\x4b\x45\x99\x6d\xbe\x4d\x0a\x6c\xea\x52\x1c\x1c\x48\xad\xc8\x5c\x98\x82\x8d\x9e\x58\x7f\x6c\x53\x51\xd1\xd6\x83\x26\x30\x58\x1e\x61\x7b\x3b\xe2\x07\xe8\x42\x83\x0e\x23\xb4\xa3\xba\x96\x17\xcf\x5e\x63\x03\x8f\x22\x78\x53\x9f\xa9\xdf\xe8\x99\x2c\xc8\x23\xf0\x58\xee\xa9\xd1\xa5\x67\xff\x25\x0c\xfe\x1c\xe1\xa2\x2b\x7b\xed\xda\xc8\x80\xe3\x08\xbc\xbc\x57\xba\xd7\x81\x0b\x0d\x3a\xf9\x0f\x4d\x1e\xb0\x29\xc5\xa1\x67\xb2\x89\xee\x39\xcd\x63\xa7\x2d\x7f\xcb\x6e\x1e\xdb\x6d\xd9\x7b\x9e\xf3\xd8\x73\xcb\xdf\x37\x9e\xdf\x30\xde\x75\x7f\xcb\x7d\x1e\xbb\x6f\xe9\xcf\x56\xc0\xe3\x15\x38\xb7\x6e\xee\x81\xc7\x7b\xb0\xf4\xbd\x65\xf0\x68\x19\x05\xaa\x36\xa3\x46\x93\x7a\xc1\x00\x07\x73\xe3\x05\x29\xf2\x11\x66\xb6\x5c\xd5\x66\xa5\x52\xf2\x12\xa8\xc3\x09\x66\x58\x61\x4f\xfa\x40\x1d\xbe\xe6\x98\x61\x8d\x15\x76\x58\xa3\xda\x7d\x54\x3d\x9f\x82\x4b\xe3\x67\x5f\x72\x2b\x2f\x4d\x28\x8e\xbd\xa8\xaa\xfd\xbb\x0e\xd5\x89\x57\xcd\x67\x20\x14\xbf\x58\xd1\xa9\x5d\x38\xc5\x30\xf7\x17\xc3\x07\xf3\xfc\xc9\x4b\x5d\xa8\x61\x75\x2d\xb5\x76\xa7\xc6\x9c\x36\x15\xa4\xc2\x34\xf9\x1b\x00\x00\xff\xff\x61\x7b\xb6\x42\xf0\x04\x00\x00")
          262  +
          263  +func scriptsTerm_posixPiscBytes() ([]byte, error) {
          264  +	return bindataRead(
          265  +		_scriptsTerm_posixPisc,
          266  +		"scripts/term_posix.pisc",
          267  +	)
          268  +}
          269  +
          270  +func scriptsTerm_posixPisc() (*asset, error) {
          271  +	bytes, err := scriptsTerm_posixPiscBytes()
          272  +	if err != nil {
          273  +		return nil, err
          274  +	}
          275  +
          276  +	info := bindataFileInfo{name: "scripts/term_posix.pisc", size: 1264, mode: os.FileMode(436), modTime: time.Unix(1506682689, 0)}
          277  +	a := &asset{bytes: bytes, info: info}
          278  +	return a, nil
          279  +}
          280  +
          281  +var _scriptsTerm_winPisc = []byte("\x1f\x8b\x08\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xff\x7c\x93\x41\x8b\xdb\x30\x10\x85\xef\xfe\x15\x0f\xed\x1e\xe2\x83\x61\xed\x68\x9b\xe2\xa5\xec\x21\xb4\x94\x12\x72\xd9\xe3\x6e\x0f\x8e\x32\x4d\x4c\x1c\x2b\xc8\x4a\x43\x28\xfd\xef\x65\xa4\xb4\xb2\xaa\x64\x21\x10\xcd\xbc\x4f\x33\xa3\x37\xb8\x86\xd2\x9d\x36\x85\xd2\x6b\xc2\x04\xee\xaf\x28\x2e\x49\x1a\x14\x72\xd4\x2e\x79\xff\x0b\x9f\x5f\xe6\x10\xaf\x02\xf7\x2e\x21\xf6\x02\xbf\xf1\x94\x65\x77\x98\x77\xd4\x18\x0c\xca\x10\xf5\x68\xfa\x35\xf6\xfa\x27\x41\x1d\xcd\xa0\x0d\xac\x86\xd5\x87\xa2\xa3\x1f\x36\xab\x31\x5f\xbc\x60\xc2\x1d\xf2\x50\xb1\xfa\x26\x2e\xa7\xaf\x5c\xf2\x60\xda\xde\xe2\x29\xab\xb1\x5c\x78\x76\xb9\x40\x0e\xf1\x66\xde\x7a\xe1\xf3\x91\xb0\x5c\xf0\xcf\x0d\xf2\x45\x1b\x2a\xdc\xec\x43\x56\x63\xd5\x35\x6a\xe7\x41\x1a\x54\xe1\xc3\x1c\x62\xfa\x20\xc6\xaf\xe6\x8a\x86\xd6\x01\xe4\x80\xb1\x32\xc1\x36\xee\x85\xff\x40\x1f\x32\x5a\x25\xe8\x99\xba\x4e\x9f\x02\x7b\x89\x19\x9e\x26\xf0\xaa\x3b\xd2\x78\xd0\x23\x39\x50\x26\xe0\xbe\xd9\x50\x6f\x9b\xc0\xfe\x4d\x30\xfe\x98\xe0\xea\xdc\x8c\xc6\x75\x11\x83\x1f\x12\xf0\xb4\x6d\xed\x68\x02\x1f\x32\x3a\xfb\x0f\xcd\xee\xb0\x6a\xd4\x6e\x64\x32\x47\xb7\x9c\x96\xa9\xd3\x8e\xbf\x66\xb7\x4c\xed\x76\xec\x2d\xcf\x65\xea\xb9\xe3\x6f\x1b\x2f\xaf\x18\xef\xa7\xbf\xe6\xbe\x4c\xdd\x77\xf4\x7b\x2b\x90\xe9\x0a\xbc\x5b\x57\xf7\x20\xd3\x3d\x38\xfa\xd6\x32\x64\xb2\x8c\x1a\xed\x50\x50\x6f\xc9\x3c\x63\x82\x1d\xdf\x78\x46\x8e\x72\x8a\x4f\xae\x5c\x3b\x14\x8d\x31\xfa\x14\xa9\x55\x25\x9d\xec\xf5\xe3\x21\x12\x67\x55\xb8\xba\xd6\xa7\x3e\x12\x3f\x3e\x04\xd1\xb4\x9b\xad\x8d\xaf\xce\x82\xca\x5f\x7b\x2c\x3e\x8e\x7a\x9e\xe3\x69\xab\x32\x5c\x8c\x1b\x96\xe5\xa8\xe3\x39\xd6\xf0\x7a\x29\xf5\xdd\x9f\x7a\x3e\xad\x5a\x68\xc3\x7d\xfe\x04\x00\x00\xff\xff\x86\xb3\x64\xa9\xd8\x04\x00\x00")
          282  +
          283  +func scriptsTerm_winPiscBytes() ([]byte, error) {
          284  +	return bindataRead(
          285  +		_scriptsTerm_winPisc,
          286  +		"scripts/term_win.pisc",
          287  +	)
          288  +}
          289  +
          290  +func scriptsTerm_winPisc() (*asset, error) {
          291  +	bytes, err := scriptsTerm_winPiscBytes()
          292  +	if err != nil {
          293  +		return nil, err
          294  +	}
          295  +
          296  +	info := bindataFileInfo{name: "scripts/term_win.pisc", size: 1240, mode: os.FileMode(436), modTime: time.Unix(1506682723, 0)}
          297  +	a := &asset{bytes: bytes, info: info}
          298  +	return a, nil
          299  +}
          300  +
          301  +// Asset loads and returns the asset for the given name.
          302  +// It returns an error if the asset could not be found or
          303  +// could not be loaded.
          304  +func Asset(name string) ([]byte, error) {
          305  +	cannonicalName := strings.Replace(name, "\\", "/", -1)
          306  +	if f, ok := _bindata[cannonicalName]; ok {
          307  +		a, err := f()
          308  +		if err != nil {
          309  +			return nil, fmt.Errorf("Asset %s can't read by error: %v", name, err)
          310  +		}
          311  +		return a.bytes, nil
          312  +	}
          313  +	return nil, fmt.Errorf("Asset %s not found", name)
          314  +}
          315  +
          316  +// MustAsset is like Asset but panics when Asset would return an error.
          317  +// It simplifies safe initialization of global variables.
          318  +func MustAsset(name string) []byte {
          319  +	a, err := Asset(name)
          320  +	if err != nil {
          321  +		panic("asset: Asset(" + name + "): " + err.Error())
          322  +	}
          323  +
          324  +	return a
          325  +}
          326  +
          327  +// AssetInfo loads and returns the asset info for the given name.
          328  +// It returns an error if the asset could not be found or
          329  +// could not be loaded.
          330  +func AssetInfo(name string) (os.FileInfo, error) {
          331  +	cannonicalName := strings.Replace(name, "\\", "/", -1)
          332  +	if f, ok := _bindata[cannonicalName]; ok {
          333  +		a, err := f()
          334  +		if err != nil {
          335  +			return nil, fmt.Errorf("AssetInfo %s can't read by error: %v", name, err)
          336  +		}
          337  +		return a.info, nil
          338  +	}
          339  +	return nil, fmt.Errorf("AssetInfo %s not found", name)
          340  +}
          341  +
          342  +// AssetNames returns the names of the assets.
          343  +func AssetNames() []string {
          344  +	names := make([]string, 0, len(_bindata))
          345  +	for name := range _bindata {
          346  +		names = append(names, name)
          347  +	}
          348  +	return names
          349  +}
          350  +
          351  +// _bindata is a table, holding each asset generator, mapped to its name.
          352  +var _bindata = map[string]func() (*asset, error){
          353  +	"scripts/backstory.txt": scriptsBackstoryTxt,
          354  +	"scripts/gamesave.pisc": scriptsGamesavePisc,
          355  +	"scripts/intro.pisc": scriptsIntroPisc,
          356  +	"scripts/lib.pisc": scriptsLibPisc,
          357  +	"scripts/main.pisc": scriptsMainPisc,
          358  +	"scripts/map.pisc": scriptsMapPisc,
          359  +	"scripts/markets.pisc": scriptsMarketsPisc,
          360  +	"scripts/saving.pisc": scriptsSavingPisc,
          361  +	"scripts/ships.pisc": scriptsShipsPisc,
          362  +	"scripts/term_posix.pisc": scriptsTerm_posixPisc,
          363  +	"scripts/term_win.pisc": scriptsTerm_winPisc,
          364  +}
          365  +
          366  +// AssetDir returns the file names below a certain
          367  +// directory embedded in the file by go-bindata.
          368  +// For example if you run go-bindata on data/... and data contains the
          369  +// following hierarchy:
          370  +//     data/
          371  +//       foo.txt
          372  +//       img/
          373  +//         a.png
          374  +//         b.png
          375  +// then AssetDir("data") would return []string{"foo.txt", "img"}
          376  +// AssetDir("data/img") would return []string{"a.png", "b.png"}
          377  +// AssetDir("foo.txt") and AssetDir("notexist") would return an error
          378  +// AssetDir("") will return []string{"data"}.
          379  +func AssetDir(name string) ([]string, error) {
          380  +	node := _bintree
          381  +	if len(name) != 0 {
          382  +		cannonicalName := strings.Replace(name, "\\", "/", -1)
          383  +		pathList := strings.Split(cannonicalName, "/")
          384  +		for _, p := range pathList {
          385  +			node = node.Children[p]
          386  +			if node == nil {
          387  +				return nil, fmt.Errorf("Asset %s not found", name)
          388  +			}
          389  +		}
          390  +	}
          391  +	if node.Func != nil {
          392  +		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Asset %s not found", name)
          393  +	}
          394  +	rv := make([]string, 0, len(node.Children))
          395  +	for childName := range node.Children {
          396  +		rv = append(rv, childName)
          397  +	}
          398  +	return rv, nil
          399  +}
          400  +
          401  +type bintree struct {
          402  +	Func     func() (*asset, error)
          403  +	Children map[string]*bintree
          404  +}
          405  +var _bintree = &bintree{nil, map[string]*bintree{
          406  +	"scripts": &bintree{nil, map[string]*bintree{
          407  +		"backstory.txt": &bintree{scriptsBackstoryTxt, map[string]*bintree{}},
          408  +		"gamesave.pisc": &bintree{scriptsGamesavePisc, map[string]*bintree{}},
          409  +		"intro.pisc": &bintree{scriptsIntroPisc, map[string]*bintree{}},
          410  +		"lib.pisc": &bintree{scriptsLibPisc, map[string]*bintree{}},
          411  +		"main.pisc": &bintree{scriptsMainPisc, map[string]*bintree{}},
          412  +		"map.pisc": &bintree{scriptsMapPisc, map[string]*bintree{}},
          413  +		"markets.pisc": &bintree{scriptsMarketsPisc, map[string]*bintree{}},
          414  +		"saving.pisc": &bintree{scriptsSavingPisc, map[string]*bintree{}},
          415  +		"ships.pisc": &bintree{scriptsShipsPisc, map[string]*bintree{}},
          416  +		"term_posix.pisc": &bintree{scriptsTerm_posixPisc, map[string]*bintree{}},
          417  +		"term_win.pisc": &bintree{scriptsTerm_winPisc, map[string]*bintree{}},
          418  +	}},
          419  +}}
          420  +
          421  +// RestoreAsset restores an asset under the given directory
          422  +func RestoreAsset(dir, name string) error {
          423  +	data, err := Asset(name)
          424  +	if err != nil {
          425  +		return err
          426  +	}
          427  +	info, err := AssetInfo(name)
          428  +	if err != nil {
          429  +		return err
          430  +	}
          431  +	err = os.MkdirAll(_filePath(dir, filepath.Dir(name)), os.FileMode(0755))
          432  +	if err != nil {
          433  +		return err
          434  +	}
          435  +	err = ioutil.WriteFile(_filePath(dir, name), data, info.Mode())
          436  +	if err != nil {
          437  +		return err
          438  +	}
          439  +	err = os.Chtimes(_filePath(dir, name), info.ModTime(), info.ModTime())
          440  +	if err != nil {
          441  +		return err
          442  +	}
          443  +	return nil
          444  +}
          445  +
          446  +// RestoreAssets restores an asset under the given directory recursively
          447  +func RestoreAssets(dir, name string) error {
          448  +	children, err := AssetDir(name)
          449  +	// File
          450  +	if err != nil {
          451  +		return RestoreAsset(dir, name)
          452  +	}
          453  +	// Dir
          454  +	for _, child := range children {
          455  +		err = RestoreAssets(dir, filepath.Join(name, child))
          456  +		if err != nil {
          457  +			return err
          458  +		}
          459  +	}
          460  +	return nil
          461  +}
          462  +
          463  +func _filePath(dir, name string) string {
          464  +	cannonicalName := strings.Replace(name, "\\", "/", -1)
          465  +	return filepath.Join(append([]string{dir}, strings.Split(cannonicalName, "/")...)...)
          466  +}
          467  +

Added cmd/FinalFrontier/build.sh.

            1  +#! /bin/bash
            2  +function older_than() {
            3  +  local target="$1"
            4  +  shift
            5  +  if [ ! -e "$target" ]
            6  +  then
            7  +    echo "updating $target" >&2
            8  +    return 0  # success
            9  +  fi
           10  +  local f
           11  +  for f in "$@"
           12  +  do
           13  +    if [ "$f" -nt "$target" ]
           14  +    then
           15  +      echo "updating $target" >&2
           16  +      return 0  # success
           17  +    fi
           18  +  done
           19  +  return 1  # failure
           20  +}
           21  +
           22  +# For now, force re-packing of bindata
           23  +rm bindata.go
           24  +
           25  +older_than bindata.go strings/*.pisc && {
           26  +  echo "Packing scripts"
           27  +  go-bindata -pkg main -o bindata.go scripts/...
           28  +}
           29  +
           30  +case "$1" in
           31  +  build)
           32  +  older_than game.exe *.go && {
           33  +    go build -o game.exe
           34  +  }
           35  +  ;;
           36  +  run)
           37  +  older_than game.exe main.go finalFrontier.go && {
           38  +    rm game.exe
           39  +    go build -o game.exe
           40  +  }
           41  +  ./game.exe
           42  +  ;;
           43  +esac
           44  +  
           45  +
           46  +
           47  +
           48  +

Added cmd/FinalFrontier/finalFrontier.go.

            1  +package main
            2  +
            3  +import (
            4  +	"os"
            5  +	"pisc"
            6  +)
            7  +
            8  +func loadGameScript(m *pisc.Machine) error {
            9  +	assetKey := m.PopValue().String()
           10  +	data, err := Asset(string(assetKey))
           11  +	if err != nil {
           12  +		return err
           13  +	}
           14  +	err = m.ExecuteString(string(data), pisc.CodePosition{Source: "file:" + string(assetKey)})
           15  +	if err != nil {
           16  +		return err
           17  +	}
           18  +	return nil
           19  +}
           20  +
           21  +func getTermMode(m *pisc.Machine) error {
           22  +	m.PushValue(pisc.String(mode))
           23  +	return nil
           24  +}
           25  +
           26  +func exit(m *pisc.Machine) error {
           27  +	de_init_term()
           28  +	os.Exit(0)
           29  +	return nil
           30  +}
           31  +
           32  +var ModFinalFrontier = pisc.Module{
           33  +	Author:    "Andrew Owen",
           34  +	Name:      "ConsoleIO",
           35  +	License:   "MIT",
           36  +	DocString: "Provides basic OS-interaction words",
           37  +	Load:      loadFinalFrontier,
           38  +}
           39  +
           40  +func loadFinalFrontier(m *pisc.Machine) error {
           41  +	init_term()
           42  +	m.AddGoWord("term-mode", "( -- mode )", getTermMode)
           43  +	m.AddGoWord("getkey", "( -- keyval )", getch)
           44  +	m.AddGoWord("game-script", "( filename -- ? ) ", loadGameScript)
           45  +	m.AddGoWord("quit-game", "( -- )", exit)
           46  +    os_overload(m)
           47  +	return nil
           48  +}

Added cmd/FinalFrontier/init_posix.go.

            1  +// +build !windows
            2  +
            3  +package main
            4  +
            5  +import (
            6  +	"fmt"
            7  +	"github.com/pkg/term"
            8  +	"pisc"
            9  +)
           10  +
           11  +var mode = "POSIX"
           12  +
           13  +var pty *term.Term
           14  +var buf = make([]byte, 1)
           15  +
           16  +func init_term() error {
           17  +	var err error
           18  +	pty, err = term.Open("/dev/tty", term.RawMode)
           19  +	if err != nil {
           20  +		return err
           21  +	}
           22  +	return nil
           23  +}
           24  +
           25  +func de_init_term() error {
           26  +	return pty.Restore()
           27  +}
           28  +
           29  +func os_overload(m *pisc.Machine) error {
           30  +    return nil
           31  +}
           32  +
           33  +func getch(m *pisc.Machine) error {
           34  +	num, err := pty.Read(buf)
           35  +
           36  +	if err != nil {
           37  +		return err
           38  +	}
           39  +	if num != 1 {
           40  +		return fmt.Errorf("Didn't read at least 1 byte from the pty!")
           41  +	}
           42  +
           43  +	m.PushValue(pisc.Integer(int(buf[0])))
           44  +	return nil
           45  +}

Added cmd/FinalFrontier/init_windows.go.

            1  +// +build windows
            2  +
            3  +package main
            4  +
            5  +import (
            6  +	"pisc"
            7  +    "github.com/mattn/go-colorable"
            8  +    "io"
            9  +    "fmt"
           10  +)
           11  +
           12  +//#include <conio.h>
           13  +import "C"
           14  +
           15  +var mode = "WINDOWS"
           16  +var writer io.Writer 
           17  +
           18  +func init_term() error {
           19  +    writer = colorable.NewColorableStdout()
           20  +	return nil
           21  +	// stub, so that compilation doesn't fail
           22  +}
           23  +
           24  +func de_init_term() error {
           25  +	return nil
           26  +}
           27  +
           28  +func printWithAnsiColor(m *pisc.Machine) error {
           29  +    str := m.PopValue().(pisc.String)
           30  +    _, err := fmt.Fprint(writer, str)
           31  +    return err
           32  +}
           33  +
           34  +func os_overload(m *pisc.Machine) error {
           35  +    // Overwritting priv_puts to handle ANSI color codes on windows
           36  +    m.AddGoWord("priv_puts", "( str -- )", printWithAnsiColor)
           37  +    return nil
           38  +}
           39  +
           40  +
           41  +func getch(m *pisc.Machine) error {
           42  +	char := C.getch()
           43  +	m.PushValue(pisc.Integer(char))
           44  +    return nil
           45  +}

Added cmd/FinalFrontier/main.go.

            1  +package main
            2  +
            3  +import (
            4  +	"fmt"
            5  +	"pisc"
            6  +)
            7  +
            8  +func main() {
            9  +	m := &pisc.Machine{
           10  +		Values:               make([]pisc.StackEntry, 0),
           11  +		DefinedWords:         make(map[string]*pisc.CodeQuotation),
           12  +		DefinedStackComments: make(map[string]string),
           13  +		PredefinedWords:      make(map[string]pisc.GoWord),
           14  +		PrefixWords:          make(map[string]*pisc.CodeQuotation),
           15  +		HelpDocs:             make(map[string]string),
           16  +	}
           17  +
           18  +	m.LoadModules(append(
           19  +		pisc.StandardModules,
           20  +		pisc.ModDebugCore,
           21  +		pisc.ModIOCore,
           22  +		ModFinalFrontier)...)
           23  +	err := m.ExecuteString(`"scripts/main.pisc" game-script`, pisc.CodePosition{Source: "main.go"})
           24  +	if err != nil {
           25  +		fmt.Println(err.Error())
           26  +	}
           27  +}

Added cmd/FinalFrontier/scripts/backstory.txt.

            1  +Explorers are even now mapping out the various lanes of slipspace. Most people seem to be content to stay on the planet of their birth, as both subspace and slipspace are treacherous places. Pirates, freighters, and smugglers alike vie for fattest, quickest buck. Planetary fleets mostly protect their homes. There used to be a system-wise empire around Sol, but logistics makes a galaxy-wide one near-impossible. Even if galactic rule was possible, the early slipspace instabilities spread people far and wide throughout space. This factured the society left behind. It took decades for a slipspace drive to be stable enough for more experimental use. It was only with the aging and death of those who witnessed the slipspace fracturing that the slipspace came to be accepted as a means of travel. The last 15 years have shown wondrous things.

Added cmd/FinalFrontier/scripts/gamesave.pisc.

Added cmd/FinalFrontier/scripts/intro.pisc.

            1  +
            2  +: intro ( game -- next )
            3  +:game
            4  +CLS
            5  +
            6  +"Space, the Final Frontier
            7  +
            8  +The stars have beckoned you, even when you were but a wee child.
            9  +It's a risky life, spacefaring, what with pirates, smugglers, and planetary police
           10  +in a constant struggle, not to mention asteriods, navigation difficulty, and the utter
           11  +void of space. You've prepared for this day. Your reading time was dedicated to charts
           12  +and ship operation, your spare time to training in simulators, and your savings
           13  +have amounted to $5000. Will you explore the stars? (Y/n)
           14  +" println
           15  +
           16  +0 :k [ $k is-yn? not ] [ getkey :k ] while
           17  +
           18  +$k is-n? [ 
           19  +	"Though, perhaps the stars are for another time. After all, they won't be going anywhere" println
           20  +	wait-enter
           21  +		[ opening-menu ] 
           22  +] when
           23  +$k is-y? [ [ pick-ship ] ] when
           24  +;
           25  +
           26  +: pick-ship ( game -- next ) 
           27  +	CLS
           28  +	" You're going to need a ship before you can travel through space, however. " println
           29  +	wait-enter
           30  +	[ quit-game ]
           31  +;
           32  +
           33  +
           34  +
           35  +

Added cmd/FinalFrontier/scripts/lib.pisc.

            1  +term-mode "WINDOWS" eq [ 
            2  +    "scripts\\term_win.pisc" game-script
            3  +] when
            4  +
            5  +term-mode "POSIX" eq [ 
            6  +    "scripts\\term_posix.pisc" game-script
            7  +] when
            8  +
            9  +: wait-enter ( -- ) 
           10  +	[ getkey is-enter? ] [ ] while
           11  +;
           12  +
           13  +: <up-down-menu> ( num-opts -- obj ) 
           14  +	:num
           15  +	0 :m-idx
           16  +	t :choosing
           17  +	[ 
           18  +		getkey :k
           19  +		$k is-enter? [ f :choosing ] when 
           20  +		$k is-arrow? [
           21  +			getkey :dir
           22  +			$dir is-up? [ --m-idx ] when
           23  +			$dir is-down? [ ++m-idx ] when
           24  +			$m-idx $num mod :m-idx
           25  +			$m-idx 0 < [ $num 1 - :m-idx ] when
           26  +		] when
           27  +	] :check
           28  +	<dict> 
           29  +	[ $choosing ] <<-done?
           30  +	[ $m-idx ] <<-chosen-idx
           31  +	[ check ] <<-proc-key
           32  +	[ $m-idx = [ back-white ] when ] <<-highlight
           33  +;

Added cmd/FinalFrontier/scripts/main.pisc.

            1  +# This is final frontier, a game inspiredc by space, tradewinds, and a little bit of lane-based combat
            2  +/*
            3  +IDEAS: Maybe find some way to integrate long time travel into the culture of spacefarers
            4  +*/
            5  +
            6  +"scripts\\lib.pisc" game-script
            7  +"scripts\\markets.pisc" game-script
            8  +"scripts\\intro.pisc" game-script
            9  +"scripts\\saving.pisc" game-script
           10  +
           11  +: opening-menu ( game -- next )
           12  +	:game
           13  +	4 <up-down-menu> :m
           14  +	$m ->highlight :MENU
           15  + 	[ back-black ] :CHOICE
           16  + 	CHOICE print
           17  +
           18  + 	[ $m .done? ]
           19  + 	[
           20  +		CLS
           21  +		NNL
           22  +		${
           23  +			cyan "Final Frontier" NNL
           24  +			red 
           25  +			"  " 0 MENU "New Game" CHOICE NNL
           26  +			"  " 1 MENU "Load Game" CHOICE NNL
           27  +			"  " 2 MENU "Options" CHOICE NNL
           28  +			"  " 3 MENU "Return to real life" CHOICE NNL
           29  +			white "Up/Down to choose, Enter to confirm " NL
           30  +		} print
           31  +
           32  +		$m .proc-key
           33  +	] while
           34  +	{ 
           35  +		 [ intro ] 
           36  +		 [ load-game ]
           37  +		 [ options ]
           38  +		 [ exit-game ]
           39  +	} $m .chosen-idx vec-at 
           40  +;
           41  +
           42  +: load-game ( game --  ) :game CLS ${ "TODO: Implement game-loads" NL } println [ " " drop ] ;
           43  +: save-game ( game -- ) :game CLS ${ "TODO: Implement game-saves" NL } println [ " " drop ] ;
           44  +: options ( -- ) :game CLS ${ "TODO: Implement game options" NL } println [ " " drop ] ;
           45  +: exit-game ( game -- ) save-game quit-game ;
           46  +
           47  +: main ( -- )
           48  +    <dict> opening-menu :curr-state
           49  +    <dict> :game
           50  +    [ t ] [ $game $curr-state call :curr-state ] while
           51  +    getkey
           52  +    back-black println CLS 
           53  +    quit-game
           54  +;
           55  +
           56  +main

Added cmd/FinalFrontier/scripts/map.pisc.

            1  +/*
            2  +
            3  +Render a galatic map from here
            4  +
            5  +*/
            6  +
            7  +: star-map ( game -- next ) 
            8  +	
            9  +;
           10  +
           11  +
           12  +: show-world ( planet game -- next ) 
           13  +	:game :planet
           14  +
           15  +	$planet ->description println
           16  +
           17  +	$planet ->locations dup dup [ ->name ] vec-map :locs [ ->command ] vec-map :choices
           18  +	$locs len 1 - <up-down-menu> :m
           19  +
           20  +	$m ->highlight :MENU
           21  + 	[ back-black ] :CHOICE
           22  +
           23  +
           24  +	[ $m .done? ]
           25  +	# We're re-building the menu each time with a rest to $i
           26  +	[ 
           27  +		CLS
           28  +		CHOICE println
           29  +		0 :i
           30  +		${
           31  +			$planet ->name NNL
           32  +			red
           33  +			$locs [ :l
           34  +				$i MENU "  " $l CHOICE NNL
           35  +			] vec-each
           36  +			white "Up/down to select, enter to choose" NL
           37  +		}
           38  +	] while
           39  +
           40  +	$choices $m .chosen-idx vec-at
           41  +; 

Added cmd/FinalFrontier/scripts/markets.pisc.

            1  +# 
            2  +
            3  +/*
            4  +
            5  +What is the economy going to be like in this game?
            6  +
            7  +## Basic Goods
            8  +
            9  +Water
           10  +Food
           11  +Fuel
           12  +Ore/Scrap
           13  +
           14  +## Data Capsules
           15  +
           16  +Programs
           17  +Videos
           18  +Games
           19  +Maps/Charts
           20  +
           21  +## Heavy Goods
           22  +
           23  +Robots
           24  +Munitions
           25  +Build-Crete
           26  +Enviro-shielding
           27  +
           28  +## Fragile Goods
           29  +
           30  +Solar Panels
           31  +Computer Chips
           32  +Documents
           33  +Sculptures
           34  +
           35  +*/
           36  +
           37  +: show-market ( -- ) ;
           38  +
           39  +/*
           40  +World archetypes
           41  +
           42  +Colony:
           43  +Exports basic goods, with a random chance of exporting one other type of good at a low price
           44  +
           45  +Monastic Technocracy:
           46  +Imports basic goods, exports data capsules of various types
           47  +
           48  +Corporatist Industocracy:
           49  +Imports basic goods, exports heavy goods 
           50  +
           51  +Creatist Fabritocracy:
           52  +Imports basic goods, exports Fragile Goods
           53  +
           54  +Beurocratic Metrocracy:
           55  +Imports everything, exports power/influence (heh)
           56  +
           57  +*/

Added cmd/FinalFrontier/scripts/saving.pisc.

            1  +/* 
            2  +
            3  +func (i Integer) Type() string {
            4  +	return "Integer"
            5  +}
            6  +
            7  +func (d Double) Type() string {
            8  +	return "Double"
            9  +}
           10  +
           11  +func (a Array) Type() string {
           12  +	return "Vector"
           13  +}
           14  +
           15  +func (dict Dict) Type() string {
           16  +	return "Dictionary"
           17  +}
           18  +
           19  +func (b Boolean) Type() string {
           20  +	return "Boolean"
           21  +}
           22  +
           23  +func (s String) Type() string {
           24  +	return "String"
           25  +}
           26  +
           27  +*/
           28  +
           29  +: serial-mapping ( -- mapping )
           30  +	<dict>
           31  +		[ write-dict ] <<-Dictionary
           32  +		[ write-vec ] <<-Vector
           33  +		[ write-int ] <<-Integer
           34  +		[ write-double ] <<-Double
           35  +		[ write-string ] <<-String
           36  +		[ write-bool ] <<-Boolean
           37  +	:t-table
           38  +
           39  +	[ :v 
           40  +	  $t-table $v typeof dict-has-key?
           41  +		[ $t-table $v typeof dict-get ]
           42  +		[ ${ "Type " $v typeof " cannot be saved." } error ]
           43  +	  if
           44  +	] 
           45  +;
           46  +
           47  +: save-state ( path state -- state ) :state :path
           48  +	$state typeof :type
           49  +	f :success
           50  +	[ $path open-file-writer :OUT
           51  +		": . ( dict value key -- dict ) dict-push ;" $OUT .write-line
           52  +		<dict> 
           53  +			$OUT <<-OUT
           54  +			0 <<-tab
           55  +	] :get-output
           56  +	[ eq dup $success or :success ] :eqn
           57  +	$type "Dictionary" eqn [ get-output $state write-dict ] when
           58  +	$type "Vector" eqn [ get-output $state write-vec ] when
           59  +	$success not
           60  +		[ ${ "Cannot write value of type: " $type } error ]
           61  +	when	
           62  +	$OUT .close
           63  +;
           64  +
           65  +# Replace " with \" in the string, to keep it from breaking up
           66  +: quote-safe ( str -- str ) "\\" "\\\\" str-replace "\"" "\\\"" str-replace ;
           67  +: wrap-quotes ( str -- str ) "\"" swap str-concat "\"" str-concat ;
           68  +
           69  +: write-dict ( ctx dict -- ) 
           70  +	:pairs dup :ctx ->OUT :OUT
           71  +	# Increase the tab-indent
           72  +	$ctx dup ->tab 1 + <-tab 
           73  +
           74  +	serial-mapping :dispatch
           75  +	[ $OUT .write-string ] :output
           76  +	[ "\t" $ctx ->tab str-repeat output ] :TAB
           77  +
           78  +	"\n" output
           79  +	TAB "<dict>" output
           80  +
           81  +	$pairs [ :k $pairs ->$k :v
           82  +		$v dispatch :write
           83  +		"\n" output TAB "\t" output
           84  +		$ctx $v write 
           85  +		" " output
           86  +		$k quote-safe wrap-quotes output
           87  +		" ." output 
           88  +	] dict-each-key
           89  +	$ctx dup ->tab 1 - <-tab 
           90  +;
           91  +	
           92  +: write-vec ( ctx vec -- )
           93  +	:elems dup :ctx ->OUT :OUT
           94  +	$ctx dup ->tab 1 + <-tab 
           95  +	[ "\t" $ctx ->tab str-repeat output ] :TAB
           96  +	serial-mapping :dispatch
           97  +	# Increase the tab-indent
           98  +	[ $OUT .write-string ] :output
           99  +
          100  +	"{" output 
          101  +	$elems [ :e
          102  +		" " output
          103  +		$ctx $e $e dispatch call 
          104  +	] vec-each
          105  +	" }" output
          106  +	$ctx dup ->tab 1 - <-tab 
          107  +;
          108  + 
          109  +
          110  +: write-int ( ctx int -- ) >string swap ->OUT .write-string ;
          111  +: write-string ( ctx str -- ) quote-safe wrap-quotes swap ->OUT .write-string ; 
          112  +: write-double ( ctx double -- ) >string swap ->OUT .write-string ;
          113  +: write-bool ( ctx bool --  ) [ :ctx ] dip [ "t" ] [ "f" ] if $ctx ->OUT .write-string ;
          114  +
          115  +
          116  +# DEBUG
          117  +/*
          118  +"out.txt" import :d
          119  +
          120  +"out.txt" $d save-state
          121  +
          122  +"TODO: Add tests!!" println
          123  +"TODO: Consider switching dicts to use critbit trees" println
          124  +*/
          125  +# GUBED

Added cmd/FinalFrontier/scripts/ships.pisc.

            1  +# What is the model for ships going to be?
            2  +
            3  +# Lane types can be 1 of the 4 major types
            4  +
            5  +# 0 - Basic: Can carry basic cargo
            6  +# 1 - Data: Can carry data of various kinds, is radiation shielded. A cockpit has 1 data slot by default
            7  +# 2 - Heavy: Can carry basic cargo, or heavier goods 
            8  +# 3 - Fragile: Is built with shock absorbsion to allow transport of fragile goods
            9  +
           10  +: <lane> ( size type -- lane ) 
           11  +	:type :size
           12  +	{ $size [ f ] times } :cargo
           13  +	<dict>
           14  +		$cargo <<-cargo
           15  +		$type <<-type
           16  +;
           17  +
           18  +: <ship> ( name lanes -- ship ) 
           19  +	:lanes :name
           20  +	<dict>
           21  +		$lanes <<-lanes
           22  +		$name <<-name
           23  +;
           24  +
           25  +/*
           26  +Each ship is built out of lanes
           27  +Each ship has a drone loadout controlled by the Cockpit
           28  +If the cockpit is destroyed, you game is over. 
           29  +Most ships don't try to destroy a cockpit however, 
           30  +preferring to leave you helpless or capture you.
           31  +
           32  +Ships can have 1x3 to 3x10 in dimentions, and filled with different segments
           33  +
           34  +Lanes can come in 3 sizes as well, Small, Medim and Large
           35  +
           36  +Segment types (* indicate mandatory segment): 
           37  +
           38  +Life-support/Cockpit*, 
           39  +Engines*,
           40  +Fuel Tank*
           41  +cargo pod
           42  +Crew quarter (1 crew member per section)
           43  +drone pod (1 drone per section)
           44  +
           45  +There are also possible non-standard segments:
           46  +
           47  +Long range sensors ( extra combat round )
           48  +Contraband pod ( far better chance of passing an inspection )
           49  +Ship scanner (allows you to see into ship segments)
           50  +Tow package (allows you to haul ships/trailers around)
           51  +
           52  +Segments have varying levels of armor:
           53  +low: Can be breached by any attck
           54  +medium: Will withstand a minimum of 1 successful attack.
           55  +heavy: Will withstand a minimum of 3 successful attacks.
           56  +
           57  +Drones come in 3 basic types:
           58  +
           59  +Attack: Shoots stuff
           60  +Defence: Defends against attack drones, each shot charges up a mega-beam
           61  +Ion: shorts-out drones and/or sections
           62  +
           63  +Advanced drones: Raider
           64  +
           65  +Raider drones do a variety of things, depending on which type of segment they manage to hit
           66  +
           67  +If they hit Life-support/cockpit, they take over the ship, 
           68  +which allows it to be slaved to yours for transport to shipyards
           69  +
           70  +If they hit a engine pod, the opposing ship will be slowed down
           71  +
           72  +If they hit a Fuel tank, all the fuel in that tank is transfered to your ship next turn
           73  +
           74  +If they hit a cargo bay, the cargo in that bay is transfared to your ship next turn
           75  +
           76  +If they hit a crew-quarter, the crew member in that quarter is either 
           77  +captured or killed, depending on if you have space to carry them or not.
           78  +
           79  +
           80  +
           81  +
           82  +
           83  +
           84  +
           85  +
           86  +
           87  +

Added cmd/FinalFrontier/scripts/term_posix.pisc.

            1  +: color-code ( code -- color-esc ) :code ${ ESC "[" $code "m" } ;
            2  +
            3  +# Clear screen and move cursor to top-left
            4  +: CLS ( -- ) ${ ESC "[2J" ESC "[;H" } print ;
            5  +: NL ( -- NL ) "\r\n" ;
            6  +: NNL ( -- NL ) NL NL ;
            7  +
            8  +# Fore-colors
            9  +: black ( -- esc-black ) "30" color-code ;
           10  +: red ( -- esc-red ) "31" color-code ;
           11  +: green ( -- esc-green ) "32" color-code ;
           12  +: yellow ( -- esc-yellow ) "33" color-code ;
           13  +: blue ( -- esc-blue ) "34" color-code ;
           14  +: magenta ( -- esc-magenta ) "35" color-code ;
           15  +: cyan ( -- esc-cyan ) "36" color-code ;
           16  +: white ( -- esc-white ) "37" color-code ;
           17  +
           18  +# back-colors
           19  +: back-black ( -- esc-black ) "40" color-code ;
           20  +: back-red ( -- esc-red ) "41" color-code ;
           21  +: back-green ( -- esc-green ) "42" color-code ;
           22  +: back-yellow ( -- esc-yellow ) "43" color-code ;
           23  +: back-blue ( -- esc-blue ) "44" color-code ;
           24  +: back-magenta ( -- esc-magenta ) "45" color-code ;
           25  +: back-cyan ( -- esc-cyan ) "46" color-code ;
           26  +: back-white ( -- esc-white ) "47" color-code ;
           27  +
           28  +: is-enter? ( k -- ? ) 13 = ;
           29  +: is-arrow? ( k -- ? ) 27 = [ getkey 91 = ] [ f ] if ;
           30  +
           31  +: is-up? ( k -- ? ) 65 = ;
           32  +: is-down? ( k -- ? ) 66 = ;
           33  +: is-right? ( k -- ? ) 67 = ;
           34  +: is-left? ( k -- ? ) 68 = ;
           35  +
           36  +: is-y? ( k -- ? ) 121 = ;
           37  +: is-n? ( k -- ? ) 110 = ;
           38  +: is-yn? ( k -- ? )  [ is-y? ] [ is-n? ] bi or ;

Added cmd/FinalFrontier/scripts/term_win.pisc.

            1  +: color-code ( code -- color-esc ) :code ${ ESC "[" $code "m" } ;
            2  +
            3  +# Clear screen and move cursor to top-left
            4  +: CLS ( -- ) ${ ESC "[2J" ESC "[H" } print ;
            5  +: NL ( -- NL ) "\r\n" ;
            6  +: NNL ( -- NL ) NL NL ;
            7  +
            8  +# Fore-colors
            9  +: black ( -- esc-black ) "30" color-code ;
           10  +: red ( -- esc-red ) "31" color-code ;
           11  +: green ( -- esc-green ) "32" color-code ;
           12  +: yellow ( -- esc-yellow ) "33" color-code ;
           13  +: blue ( -- esc-blue ) "34" color-code ;
           14  +: magenta ( -- esc-magenta ) "35" color-code ;
           15  +: cyan ( -- esc-cyan ) "36" color-code ;
           16  +: white ( -- esc-white ) "37" color-code ;
           17  +
           18  +# back-colors
           19  +: back-black ( -- esc-black ) "40" color-code ;
           20  +: back-red ( -- esc-red ) "41" color-code ;
           21  +: back-green ( -- esc-green ) "42" color-code ;
           22  +: back-yellow ( -- esc-yellow ) "43" color-code ;
           23  +: back-blue ( -- esc-blue ) "44" color-code ;
           24  +: back-magenta ( -- esc-magenta ) "45" color-code ;
           25  +: back-cyan ( -- esc-cyan ) "46" color-code ;
           26  +: back-white ( -- esc-white ) "47" color-code ;
           27  +
           28  +: is-enter? ( k -- ? ) 13 = ;
           29  +: is-arrow? ( k -- ? ) 224 = ;
           30  +
           31  +: is-up? ( k -- ? ) 72 = ;
           32  +: is-down? ( k -- ? ) 80 = ;
           33  +: is-right? ( k -- ? ) 77 = ;
           34  +: is-left? ( k -- ? ) 75 = ;
           35  +
           36  +: is-y? ( k -- ? ) 121 = ;
           37  +: is-n? ( k -- ? ) 110 = ;
           38  +: is-yn? ( k -- ? )  [ is-y? ] [ is-n? ] bi or ;
           39  +

Added cmd/build/build.go.

            1  +package main
            2  +
            3  +import "pisc"
            4  +
            5  +var ModBuildCore = pisc.Module{
            6  +	Author:    "Andrew Owen",
            7  +	Name:      "BuildKit",
            8  +	License:   "MIT",
            9  +	DocString: `commands for running pisc Buildscripts`,
           10  +	Load:      loadBuildWords,
           11  +}
           12  +
           13  +func loadBuildWords(m *pisc.Machine) error {
           14  +	return nil
           15  +}

Added cmd/build/main.go.

            1  +package main
            2  +
            3  +import (
            4  +	"pisc"
            5  +	"pisc/libs/shell"
            6  +)
            7  +
            8  +func main() {
            9  +	m := &pisc.Machine{
           10  +		Values:               make([]pisc.StackEntry, 0),
           11  +		DefinedWords:         make(map[string]*pisc.CodeQuotation),
           12  +		DefinedStackComments: make(map[string]string),
           13  +		PredefinedWords:      make(map[string]pisc.GoWord),
           14  +		PrefixWords:          make(map[string]*pisc.CodeQuotation),
           15  +		HelpDocs:             make(map[string]string),
           16  +	}
           17  +	m.LoadModules(append(pisc.StandardModules, shell.ModShellUtils)...)
           18  +}

Added cmd/pisc-web-ide/main.go.

            1  +package main
            2  +
            3  +import (
            4  +	"fmt"
            5  +	"github.com/pressly/chi"
            6  +	"github.com/pressly/chi/middleware"
            7  +	"log"
            8  +	"net/http"
            9  +)
           10  +
           11  +// To try out: https://github.com/pressly/chi
           12  +
           13  +func main() {
           14  +	// Simple static webserver:
           15  +	r := chi.NewRouter()
           16  +	r.Use(middleware.Logger)
           17  +	r.Use(middleware.Recoverer)
           18  +
           19  +	r.FileServer("/", http.Dir("./webroot"))
           20  +	r.Get("/test", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
           21  +		fmt.Fprintln(w, "Testing now!")
           22  +	})
           23  +
           24  +	r.Get("/test/:id/arrp/:foo", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
           25  +		// FIXME: Not safe!!
           26  +		fmt.Fprintln(w, chi.URLParam(r, "id"))
           27  +		fmt.Fprintln(w, chi.URLParam(r, "foo"))
           28  +	})
           29  +	r.Get("/test/a", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
           30  +		// FIXME: Not safe!!
           31  +		fmt.Fprintln(w, "foo")
           32  +	})
           33  +
           34  +	log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8080", r))
           35  +}

Added cmd/pisc-web-ide/webroot/index.html.

            1  +<html>
            2  +  <body>
            3  +
            4  +  	<p>Hello PISC web-ide!</p>
            5  +  	
            6  +  	<script src="/static/js/reqwest-2.0.5/reqwest.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" async defer></script>
            7  +  	<script src="/static/js/vue-js/vue.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>
            8  +  	<script></script>
            9  +  </body>
           10  +</html>

Added cmd/pisc-web-ide/webroot/static/js/reqwest-2.0.5/Makefile.

            1  +.PHONY: boosh test
            2  +
            3  +boosh:
            4  +	@node -e "var json = require('./build');json.JSHINT_OPTS=JSON.parse(require('fs').readFileSync('./.jshintrc'));require('fs').writeFileSync('./build.json', JSON.stringify(json, null, 2))"
            5  +	@node_modules/smoosh/bin/smoosh make build.json
            6  +
            7  +test:
            8  +	npm test
            9  +
           10  +bump: boosh
           11  +	npm version patch
           12  +	node make/bump
           13  +
           14  +publish:
           15  +	npm publish
           16  +	git push origin master --tags

Added cmd/pisc-web-ide/webroot/static/js/reqwest-2.0.5/README.md.

            1  +# It's AJAX
            2  +
            3  +All over again. Includes support for xmlHttpRequest, JSONP, CORS, and CommonJS Promises A.
            4  +
            5  +It is also isomorphic allowing you to `require('reqwest')` in `Node.js` through the peer dependency [xhr2](https://github.com/pwnall/node-xhr2), albeit the original intent of this library is for the browser. For a more thorough solution for Node.js, see [mikeal/request](https://github.com/request/request).
            6  +
            7  +## API
            8  +
            9  +``` js
           10  +reqwest('path/to/html', function (resp) {
           11  +  qwery('#content').html(resp)
           12  +})
           13  +
           14  +reqwest({
           15  +    url: 'path/to/html'
           16  +  , method: 'post'
           17  +  , data: { foo: 'bar', baz: 100 }
           18  +  , success: function (resp) {
           19  +      qwery('#content').html(resp)
           20  +    }
           21  +})
           22  +
           23  +reqwest({
           24  +    url: 'path/to/html'
           25  +  , method: 'get'
           26  +  , data: [ { name: 'foo', value: 'bar' }, { name: 'baz', value: 100 } ]
           27  +  , success: function (resp) {
           28  +      qwery('#content').html(resp)
           29  +    }
           30  +})
           31  +
           32  +reqwest({
           33  +    url: 'path/to/json'
           34  +  , type: 'json'
           35  +  , method: 'post'
           36  +  , error: function (err) { }
           37  +  , success: function (resp) {
           38  +      qwery('#content').html(resp.content)
           39  +    }
           40  +})
           41  +
           42  +reqwest({
           43  +    url: 'path/to/json'
           44  +  , type: 'json'
           45  +  , method: 'post'
           46  +  , contentType: 'application/json'
           47  +  , headers: {
           48  +      'X-My-Custom-Header': 'SomethingImportant'
           49  +    }
           50  +  , error: function (err) { }
           51  +  , success: function (resp) {
           52  +      qwery('#content').html(resp.content)
           53  +    }
           54  +})
           55  +
           56  +// Uses XMLHttpRequest2 credentialled requests (cookies, HTTP basic auth) if supported
           57  +reqwest({
           58  +    url: 'path/to/json'
           59  +  , type: 'json'
           60  +  , method: 'post'
           61  +  , contentType: 'application/json'
           62  +  , crossOrigin: true
           63  +  , withCredentials: true
           64  +  , error: function (err) { }
           65  +  , success: function (resp) {
           66  +      qwery('#content').html(resp.content)
           67  +    }
           68  +})
           69  +
           70  +reqwest({
           71  +    url: 'path/to/data.jsonp?callback=?'
           72  +  , type: 'jsonp'
           73  +  , success: function (resp) {
           74  +      qwery('#content').html(resp.content)
           75  +    }
           76  +})
           77  +
           78  +reqwest({
           79  +    url: 'path/to/data.jsonp?foo=bar'
           80  +  , type: 'jsonp'
           81  +  , jsonpCallback: 'foo'
           82  +  , jsonpCallbackName: 'bar'
           83  +  , success: function (resp) {
           84  +      qwery('#content').html(resp.content)
           85  +    }
           86  +})
           87  +
           88  +reqwest({
           89  +    url: 'path/to/data.jsonp?foo=bar'
           90  +  , type: 'jsonp'
           91  +  , jsonpCallback: 'foo'
           92  +  , success: function (resp) {
           93  +      qwery('#content').html(resp.content)
           94  +    }
           95  +  , complete: function (resp) {
           96  +      qwery('#hide-this').hide()
           97  +    }
           98  +})
           99  +```
          100  +
          101  +## Promises
          102  +
          103  +``` js
          104  +reqwest({
          105  +    url: 'path/to/data.jsonp?foo=bar'
          106  +  , type: 'jsonp'
          107  +  , jsonpCallback: 'foo'
          108  +})
          109  +  .then(function (resp) {
          110  +    qwery('#content').html(resp.content)
          111  +  }, function (err, msg) {
          112  +    qwery('#errors').html(msg)
          113  +  })
          114  +  .always(function (resp) {
          115  +    qwery('#hide-this').hide()
          116  +  })
          117  +```
          118  +
          119  +``` js
          120  +reqwest({
          121  +    url: 'path/to/data.jsonp?foo=bar'
          122  +  , type: 'jsonp'
          123  +  , jsonpCallback: 'foo'
          124  +})
          125  +  .then(function (resp) {
          126  +    qwery('#content').html(resp.content)
          127  +  })
          128  +  .fail(function (err, msg) {
          129  +    qwery('#errors').html(msg)
          130  +  })
          131  +  .always(function (resp) {
          132  +    qwery('#hide-this').hide()
          133  +  })
          134  +```
          135  +
          136  +``` js
          137  +var r = reqwest({
          138  +    url: 'path/to/data.jsonp?foo=bar'
          139  +  , type: 'jsonp'
          140  +  , jsonpCallback: 'foo'
          141  +  , success: function () {
          142  +      setTimeout(function () {
          143  +        r
          144  +          .then(function (resp) {
          145  +            qwery('#content').html(resp.content)
          146  +          }, function (err) { })
          147  +          .always(function (resp) {
          148  +             qwery('#hide-this').hide()
          149  +          })
          150  +      }, 15)
          151  +    }
          152  +})
          153  +```
          154  +
          155  +## Options
          156  +
          157  +  * `url` a fully qualified uri
          158  +  * `method` http method (default: `GET`)
          159  +  * `headers` http headers (default: `{}`)
          160  +  * `data` entity body for `PATCH`, `POST` and `PUT` requests. Must be a query `String` or `JSON` object
          161  +  * `type` a string enum. `html`, `xml`, `json`, or `jsonp`. Default is inferred by resource extension. Eg: `.json` will set `type` to `json`. `.xml` to `xml` etc.
          162  +  * `contentType` sets the `Content-Type` of the request. Eg: `application/json`
          163  +  * `crossOrigin` for cross-origin requests for browsers that support this feature.
          164  +  * `success` A function called when the request successfully completes
          165  +  * `error` A function called when the request fails.
          166  +  * `complete` A function called whether the request is a success or failure. Always called when complete.
          167  +  * `jsonpCallback` Specify the callback function name for a `JSONP` request. This value will be used instead of the random (but recommended) name automatically generated by reqwest.
          168  +
          169  +## Security
          170  +
          171  +If you are *still* requiring support for IE6/IE7, consider including [JSON3](https://bestiejs.github.io/json3/) in your project. Or simply do the following
          172  +
          173  +``` html
          174  +<script>
          175  +(function () {
          176  +  if (!window.JSON) {
          177  +    document.write('<scr' + 'ipt src="http://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/json3/3.3.2/json3.min.js"><\/scr' + 'ipt>')
          178  +  }
          179  +}());
          180  +</script>
          181  +```
          182  +
          183  +
          184  +## Contributing
          185  +
          186  +``` sh
          187  +$ git clone git://github.com/ded/reqwest.git reqwest
          188  +$ cd !$
          189  +$ npm install
          190  +```
          191  +
          192  +Please keep your local edits to `src/reqwest.js`.
          193  +The base `./reqwest.js` and `./reqwest.min.js` will be built upon releases.
          194  +
          195  +## Running Tests
          196  +
          197  +``` sh
          198  +make test
          199  +```
          200  +
          201  +## Browser support
          202  +
          203  +  * IE6+
          204  +  * Chrome 1+
          205  +  * Safari 3+
          206  +  * Firefox 1+
          207  +  * Opera
          208  +
          209  +## Ender Support
          210  +Reqwest can be used as an [Ender](http://enderjs.com) module. Add it to your existing build as such:
          211  +
          212  +    $ ender add reqwest
          213  +
          214  +Use it as such:
          215  +
          216  +``` js
          217  +$.ajax({ ... })
          218  +```
          219  +
          220  +Serialize things:
          221  +
          222  +``` js
          223  +$(form).serialize() // returns query string -> x=y&...
          224  +$(form).serialize({type:'array'}) // returns array name/value pairs -> [ { name: x, value: y}, ... ]
          225  +$(form).serialize({type:'map'}) // returns an object representation -> { x: y, ... }
          226  +$(form).serializeArray()
          227  +$.toQueryString({
          228  +    foo: 'bar'
          229  +  , baz: 'thunk'
          230  +}) // returns query string -> foo=bar&baz=thunk
          231  +```
          232  +
          233  +Or, get a bit fancy:
          234  +
          235  +``` js
          236  +$('#myform input[name=myradios]').serialize({type:'map'})['myradios'] // get the selected value
          237  +$('input[type=text],#specialthing').serialize() // turn any arbitrary set of form elements into a query string
          238  +```
          239  +
          240  +## ajaxSetup
          241  +Use the `request.ajaxSetup` to predefine a data filter on all requests. See the example below that demonstrates JSON hijacking prevention:
          242  +
          243  +``` js
          244  +$.ajaxSetup({
          245  +  dataFilter: function (response, type) {
          246  +    if (type == 'json') return response.substring('])}while(1);</x>'.length)
          247  +    else return response
          248  +  }
          249  +})
          250  +```
          251  +
          252  +## RequireJs and Jam
          253  +Reqwest can also be used with RequireJs and can be installed via jam
          254  +
          255  +```
          256  +jam install reqwest
          257  +```
          258  +
          259  +```js
          260  +define(function(require){
          261  +  var reqwest = require('reqwest')
          262  +});
          263  +```
          264  +
          265  +## spm
          266  +Reqwest can also be installed via spm [![](http://spmjs.io/badge/reqwest)](http://spmjs.io/package/reqwest)
          267  +
          268  +```
          269  +spm install reqwest
          270  +```
          271  +
          272  +## jQuery and Zepto Compatibility
          273  +There are some differences between the *Reqwest way* and the
          274  +*jQuery/Zepto way*.
          275  +
          276  +### method ###
          277  +jQuery/Zepto use `type` to specify the request method while Reqwest uses
          278  +`method` and reserves `type` for the response data type.
          279  +
          280  +### dataType ###
          281  +When using jQuery/Zepto you use the `dataType` option to specify the type
          282  +of data to expect from the server, Reqwest uses `type`. jQuery also can
          283  +also take a space-separated list of data types to specify the request,
          284  +response and response-conversion types but Reqwest uses the `type`
          285  +parameter to infer the response type and leaves conversion up to you.
          286  +
          287  +### JSONP ###
          288  +Reqwest also takes optional `jsonpCallback` and `jsonpCallbackName`
          289  +options to specify the callback query-string key and the callback function
          290  +name respectively while jQuery uses `jsonp` and `jsonpCallback` for
          291  +these same options.
          292  +
          293  +
          294  +But fear not! If you must work the jQuery/Zepto way then Reqwest has
          295  +a wrapper that will remap these options for you:
          296  +
          297  +```js
          298  +reqwest.compat({
          299  +    url: 'path/to/data.jsonp?foo=bar'
          300  +  , dataType: 'jsonp'
          301  +  , jsonp: 'foo'
          302  +  , jsonpCallback: 'bar'
          303  +  , success: function (resp) {
          304  +      qwery('#content').html(resp.content)
          305  +    }
          306  +})
          307  +
          308  +// or from Ender:
          309  +
          310  +$.ajax.compat({
          311  +  ...
          312  +})
          313  +```
          314  +
          315  +If you want to install jQuery/Zepto compatibility mode as the default
          316  +then simply place this snippet at the top of your code:
          317  +
          318  +```js
          319  +$.ajax.compat && $.ender({ ajax: $.ajax.compat });
          320  +```
          321  +
          322  +
          323  +**Happy Ajaxing!**

Added cmd/pisc-web-ide/webroot/static/js/reqwest-2.0.5/build.json.

            1  +{
            2  +  "YO": "This file is built by the Makefile, your edits may not be saved on build",
            3  +  "JAVASCRIPT": {
            4  +    "DIST_DIR": "./",
            5  +    "reqwest": [
            6  +      "src/copyright.js",
            7  +      "src/reqwest.js"
            8  +    ]
            9  +  },
           10  +  "JSHINT_OPTS": {
           11  +    "predef": [
           12  +      "define",
           13  +      "ActiveXObject",
           14  +      "XDomainRequest"
           15  +    ],
           16  +    "bitwise": true,
           17  +    "camelcase": false,
           18  +    "curly": false,
           19  +    "eqeqeq": false,
           20  +    "forin": false,
           21  +    "immed": false,
           22  +    "latedef": false,
           23  +    "newcap": true,
           24  +    "noarg": true,
           25  +    "noempty": true,
           26  +    "nonew": true,
           27  +    "plusplus": false,
           28  +    "quotmark": true,
           29  +    "regexp": false,
           30  +    "undef": true,
           31  +    "unused": true,
           32  +    "strict": false,
           33  +    "trailing": true,
           34  +    "maxlen": 120,
           35  +    "asi": true,
           36  +    "boss": true,
           37  +    "debug": true,
           38  +    "eqnull": true,
           39  +    "esnext": true,
           40  +    "evil": true,
           41  +    "expr": true,
           42  +    "funcscope": false,
           43  +    "globalstrict": false,
           44  +    "iterator": false,
           45  +    "lastsemic": true,
           46  +    "laxbreak": true,
           47  +    "laxcomma": true,
           48  +    "loopfunc": true,
           49  +    "multistr": false,
           50  +    "onecase": false,
           51  +    "proto": false,
           52  +    "regexdash": false,
           53  +    "scripturl": true,
           54  +    "smarttabs": false,
           55  +    "shadow": false,
           56  +    "sub": true,
           57  +    "supernew": false,
           58  +    "validthis": true,
           59  +    "browser": true,
           60  +    "couch": false,
           61  +    "devel": false,
           62  +    "dojo": false,
           63  +    "mootools": false,
           64  +    "node": true,
           65  +    "nonstandard": true,
           66  +    "prototypejs": false,
           67  +    "rhino": false,
           68  +    "worker": true,
           69  +    "wsh": false,
           70  +    "nomen": false,
           71  +    "onevar": false,
           72  +    "passfail": false
           73  +  }
           74  +}

Added cmd/pisc-web-ide/webroot/static/js/reqwest-2.0.5/make/bump.js.

            1  +var fs = require('fs')
            2  +  , version = require('../package.json').version;
            3  +
            4  +['./reqwest.js', './reqwest.min.js'].forEach(function (file) {
            5  +  var data = fs.readFileSync(file, 'utf8')
            6  +  data = data.replace(/^\/\*\!/, '/*! version: ' + version)
            7  +  fs.writeFileSync(file, data)
            8  +})

Added cmd/pisc-web-ide/webroot/static/js/reqwest-2.0.5/make/tests.js.

            1  +var exec = require('child_process').exec
            2  +  , fs = require('fs')
            3  +  , Connect = require('connect')
            4  +  , dispatch = require('dispatch')
            5  +  , mime = require('mime')
            6  +  , DelayedStream = require('delayed-stream')
            7  +
            8  +  , getMime = function(ext) {
            9  +      return mime.lookup(ext == 'jsonp' ? 'js' : ext)
           10  +    }
           11  +
           12  +var routes = {
           13  +  '/': function (req, res) {
           14  +    res.write(fs.readFileSync('./tests/tests.html', 'utf8'))
           15  +    res.end()
           16  +  },
           17  +  '/tests/timeout$': function (req, res) {
           18  +      var delayed = DelayedStream.create(req)
           19  +      setTimeout(function() {
           20  +        res.writeHead(200, {
           21  +            'Expires': 0
           22  +          , 'Cache-Control': 'max-age=0, no-cache, no-store'
           23  +        })
           24  +        req.query.callback && res.write(req.query.callback + '(')
           25  +        res.write(JSON.stringify({ method: req.method, query: req.query, headers: req.headers }))
           26  +        req.query.callback && res.write(');')
           27  +        delayed.pipe(res)
           28  +      }, 2000)
           29  +  },
           30  +  '/tests/204': function(req, res) {
           31  +    res.writeHead(204);
           32  +    res.end();
           33  +  },
           34  +  '(([\\w\\-\\/\\.]+)\\.(css|js|json|jsonp|html|xml)$)': function (req, res, next, uri, file, ext) {
           35  +    res.writeHead(200, {
           36  +        'Expires': 0
           37  +      , 'Cache-Control': 'max-age=0, no-cache, no-store'
           38  +      , 'Content-Type': getMime(ext)
           39  +    })
           40  +    if (req.query.echo !== undefined) {
           41  +      ext == 'jsonp' && res.write((req.query.callback || req.query.testCallback || 'echoCallback') + '(')
           42  +      res.write(JSON.stringify({ method: req.method, query: req.query, headers: req.headers }))
           43  +      ext == 'jsonp' && res.write(');')
           44  +    } else {
           45  +      res.write(fs.readFileSync('./' + file + '.' + ext))
           46  +    }
           47  +    res.end()
           48  +  }
           49  +}
           50  +
           51  +Connect.createServer(Connect.query(), dispatch(routes)).listen(1234)
           52  +
           53  +var otherOriginRoutes = {
           54  +    '/get-value': function (req, res) {
           55  +      res.writeHead(200, {
           56  +        'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': req.headers.origin,
           57  +        'Content-Type': 'text/plain'
           58  +      })
           59  +      res.end('hello')
           60  +    },
           61  +    '/set-cookie': function (req, res) {
           62  +      res.writeHead(200, {
           63  +        'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': req.headers.origin,
           64  +        'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials': 'true',
           65  +        'Content-Type': 'text/plain',
           66  +        'Set-Cookie': 'cookie=hello'
           67  +      })
           68  +      res.end('Set a cookie!')
           69  +    },
           70  +    '/get-cookie-value': function (req, res) {
           71  +      var cookies = {}
           72  +        , value
           73  +
           74  +      req.headers.cookie && req.headers.cookie.split(';').forEach(function( cookie ) {
           75  +        var parts = cookie.split('=')
           76  +        cookies[ parts[ 0 ].trim() ] = ( parts[ 1 ] || '' ).trim()
           77  +      })
           78  +      value = cookies.cookie
           79  +
           80  +      res.writeHead(200, {
           81  +          'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': req.headers.origin,
           82  +          'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials': 'true',
           83  +          'Content-Type': 'text/plain'
           84  +      })
           85  +      res.end(value)
           86  +    }
           87  +}
           88  +
           89  +Connect.createServer(Connect.query(), dispatch(otherOriginRoutes)).listen(5678)

Added cmd/pisc-web-ide/webroot/static/js/reqwest-2.0.5/package.json.

            1  +{
            2  +  "name": "reqwest",
            3  +  "description": "A wrapper for asynchronous http requests",
            4  +  "keywords": [
            5  +    "ender",
            6  +    "ajax",
            7  +    "xhr",
            8  +    "connection",
            9  +    "web 2.0",
           10  +    "async",
           11  +    "sync"
           12  +  ],
           13  +  "version": "2.0.5",
           14  +  "homepage": "https://github.com/ded/reqwest",
           15  +  "author": "Dustin Diaz <dustin@dustindiaz.com> (http://dustindiaz.com)",
           16  +  "repository": {
           17  +    "type": "git",
           18  +    "url": "https://github.com/ded/reqwest.git"
           19  +  },
           20  +  "main": "./reqwest.js",
           21  +  "ender": "./src/ender.js",
           22  +  "browser": {
           23  +    "xhr2": false
           24  +  },
           25  +  "devDependencies": {
           26  +    "connect": "1.8.x",
           27  +    "mime": "1.x.x",
           28  +    "sink-test": ">=0.1.2",
           29  +    "dispatch": "0.x.x",
           30  +    "valentine": ">=1.4.7",
           31  +    "smoosh": "0.4.0",
           32  +    "delayed-stream": "0.0.5",
           33  +    "bump": "0.2.3"
           34  +  },
           35  +  "scripts": {
           36  +    "boosh": "smoosh make ./build.json",
           37  +    "test": "node ./test.js"
           38  +  },
           39  +  "license": "MIT",
           40  +  "spm": {
           41  +    "main": "reqwest.js",
           42  +    "ignore": [
           43  +      "vendor",
           44  +      "test",
           45  +      "make"
           46  +    ]
           47  +  }
           48  +}

Added cmd/pisc-web-ide/webroot/static/js/reqwest-2.0.5/phantom.js.

            1  +var page = require('webpage').create()
            2  +page.open('http://localhost:1234', function() {
            3  +
            4  +  function f() {
            5  +    setTimeout(function () {
            6  +      var clsName = page.evaluate(function() {
            7  +        var el = document.getElementById('tests')
            8  +        return el.className
            9  +      })
           10  +      if (!clsName.match(/sink-done/)) f()
           11  +      else {
           12  +        var count = 0
           13  +        var fail = page.evaluate(function () {
           14  +          var t = ''
           15  +          var els = document.querySelectorAll('ol#tests .fail .fail')
           16  +          for (var i = 0; i < els.length; i++) {
           17  +            t += els[i].textContent + '\n'
           18  +          }
           19  +          return {text: t, count: els.length}
           20  +        })
           21  +        var pass = !!clsName.match(/sink-pass/)
           22  +        if (pass) console.log('All tests have passed!')
           23  +        else {
           24  +          console.log(fail.count + ' test(s) failed')
           25  +          console.log(fail.text.trim())
           26  +        }
           27  +
           28  +        phantom.exit(pass ? 0 : 1)
           29  +      }
           30  +    }, 10)
           31  +  }
           32  +  f()
           33  +})

Added cmd/pisc-web-ide/webroot/static/js/reqwest-2.0.5/reqwest.js.

            1  +/*!
            2  +  * Reqwest! A general purpose XHR connection manager
            3  +  * license MIT (c) Dustin Diaz 2015
            4  +  * https://github.com/ded/reqwest
            5  +  */
            6  +
            7  +!function (name, context, definition) {
            8  +  if (typeof module != 'undefined' && module.exports) module.exports = definition()
            9  +  else if (typeof define == 'function' && define.amd) define(definition)
           10  +  else context[name] = definition()
           11  +}('reqwest', this, function () {
           12  +
           13  +  var context = this
           14  +
           15  +  if ('window' in context) {
           16  +    var doc = document
           17  +      , byTag = 'getElementsByTagName'
           18  +      , head = doc[byTag]('head')[0]
           19  +  } else {
           20  +    var XHR2
           21  +    try {
           22  +      XHR2 = require('xhr2')
           23  +    } catch (ex) {
           24  +      throw new Error('Peer dependency `xhr2` required! Please npm install xhr2')
           25  +    }
           26  +  }
           27  +
           28  +
           29  +  var httpsRe = /^http/
           30  +    , protocolRe = /(^\w+):\/\//
           31  +    , twoHundo = /^(20\d|1223)$/ //http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10046972/msie-returns-status-code-of-1223-for-ajax-request
           32  +    , readyState = 'readyState'
           33  +    , contentType = 'Content-Type'
           34  +    , requestedWith = 'X-Requested-With'
           35  +    , uniqid = 0
           36  +    , callbackPrefix = 'reqwest_' + (+new Date())
           37  +    , lastValue // data stored by the most recent JSONP callback
           38  +    , xmlHttpRequest = 'XMLHttpRequest'
           39  +    , xDomainRequest = 'XDomainRequest'
           40  +    , noop = function () {}
           41  +
           42  +    , isArray = typeof Array.isArray == 'function'
           43  +        ? Array.isArray
           44  +        : function (a) {
           45  +            return a instanceof Array
           46  +          }
           47  +
           48  +    , defaultHeaders = {
           49  +          'contentType': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
           50  +        , 'requestedWith': xmlHttpRequest
           51  +        , 'accept': {
           52  +              '*':  'text/javascript, text/html, application/xml, text/xml, */*'
           53  +            , 'xml':  'application/xml, text/xml'
           54  +            , 'html': 'text/html'
           55  +            , 'text': 'text/plain'
           56  +            , 'json': 'application/json, text/javascript'
           57  +            , 'js':   'application/javascript, text/javascript'
           58  +          }
           59  +      }
           60  +
           61  +    , xhr = function(o) {
           62  +        // is it x-domain
           63  +        if (o['crossOrigin'] === true) {
           64  +          var xhr = context[xmlHttpRequest] ? new XMLHttpRequest() : null
           65  +          if (xhr && 'withCredentials' in xhr) {
           66  +            return xhr
           67  +          } else if (context[xDomainRequest]) {
           68  +            return new XDomainRequest()
           69  +          } else {
           70  +            throw new Error('Browser does not support cross-origin requests')
           71  +          }
           72  +        } else if (context[xmlHttpRequest]) {
           73  +          return new XMLHttpRequest()
           74  +        } else if (XHR2) {
           75  +          return new XHR2()
           76  +        } else {
           77  +          return new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP')
           78  +        }
           79  +      }
           80  +    , globalSetupOptions = {
           81  +        dataFilter: function (data) {
           82  +          return data
           83  +        }
           84  +      }
           85  +
           86  +  function succeed(r) {
           87  +    var protocol = protocolRe.exec(r.url)
           88  +    protocol = (protocol && protocol[1]) || context.location.protocol
           89  +    return httpsRe.test(protocol) ? twoHundo.test(r.request.status) : !!r.request.response
           90  +  }
           91  +
           92  +  function handleReadyState(r, success, error) {
           93  +    return function () {
           94  +      // use _aborted to mitigate against IE err c00c023f
           95  +      // (can't read props on aborted request objects)
           96  +      if (r._aborted) return error(r.request)
           97  +      if (r._timedOut) return error(r.request, 'Request is aborted: timeout')
           98  +      if (r.request && r.request[readyState] == 4) {
           99  +        r.request.onreadystatechange = noop
          100  +        if (succeed(r)) success(r.request)
          101  +        else
          102  +          error(r.request)
          103  +      }
          104  +    }
          105  +  }
          106  +
          107  +  function setHeaders(http, o) {
          108  +    var headers = o['headers'] || {}
          109  +      , h
          110  +
          111  +    headers['Accept'] = headers['Accept']
          112  +      || defaultHeaders['accept'][o['type']]
          113  +      || defaultHeaders['accept']['*']
          114  +
          115  +    var isAFormData = typeof FormData !== 'undefined' && (o['data'] instanceof FormData);
          116  +    // breaks cross-origin requests with legacy browsers
          117  +    if (!o['crossOrigin'] && !headers[requestedWith]) headers[requestedWith] = defaultHeaders['requestedWith']
          118  +    if (!headers[contentType] && !isAFormData) headers[contentType] = o['contentType'] || defaultHeaders['contentType']
          119  +    for (h in headers)
          120  +      headers.hasOwnProperty(h) && 'setRequestHeader' in http && http.setRequestHeader(h, headers[h])
          121  +  }
          122  +
          123  +  function setCredentials(http, o) {
          124  +    if (typeof o['withCredentials'] !== 'undefined' && typeof http.withCredentials !== 'undefined') {
          125  +      http.withCredentials = !!o['withCredentials']
          126  +    }
          127  +  }
          128  +
          129  +  function generalCallback(data) {
          130  +    lastValue = data
          131  +  }
          132  +
          133  +  function urlappend (url, s) {
          134  +    return url + (/\?/.test(url) ? '&' : '?') + s
          135  +  }
          136  +
          137  +  function handleJsonp(o, fn, err, url) {
          138  +    var reqId = uniqid++
          139  +      , cbkey = o['jsonpCallback'] || 'callback' // the 'callback' key
          140  +      , cbval = o['jsonpCallbackName'] || reqwest.getcallbackPrefix(reqId)
          141  +      , cbreg = new RegExp('((^|\\?|&)' + cbkey + ')=([^&]+)')
          142  +      , match = url.match(cbreg)
          143  +      , script = doc.createElement('script')
          144  +      , loaded = 0
          145  +      , isIE10 = navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE 10.0') !== -1
          146  +
          147  +    if (match) {
          148  +      if (match[3] === '?') {
          149  +        url = url.replace(cbreg, '$1=' + cbval) // wildcard callback func name
          150  +      } else {
          151  +        cbval = match[3] // provided callback func name
          152  +      }
          153  +    } else {
          154  +      url = urlappend(url, cbkey + '=' + cbval) // no callback details, add 'em
          155  +    }
          156  +
          157  +    context[cbval] = generalCallback
          158  +
          159  +    script.type = 'text/javascript'
          160  +    script.src = url
          161  +    script.async = true
          162  +    if (typeof script.onreadystatechange !== 'undefined' && !isIE10) {
          163  +      // need this for IE due to out-of-order onreadystatechange(), binding script
          164  +      // execution to an event listener gives us control over when the script
          165  +      // is executed. See http://jaubourg.net/2010/07/loading-script-as-onclick-handler-of.html
          166  +      script.htmlFor = script.id = '_reqwest_' + reqId
          167  +    }
          168  +
          169  +    script.onload = script.onreadystatechange = function () {
          170  +      if ((script[readyState] && script[readyState] !== 'complete' && script[readyState] !== 'loaded') || loaded) {
          171  +        return false
          172  +      }
          173  +      script.onload = script.onreadystatechange = null
          174  +      script.onclick && script.onclick()
          175  +      // Call the user callback with the last value stored and clean up values and scripts.
          176  +      fn(lastValue)
          177  +      lastValue = undefined
          178  +      head.removeChild(script)
          179  +      loaded = 1
          180  +    }
          181  +
          182  +    // Add the script to the DOM head
          183  +    head.appendChild(script)
          184  +
          185  +    // Enable JSONP timeout
          186  +    return {
          187  +      abort: function () {
          188  +        script.onload = script.onreadystatechange = null
          189  +        err({}, 'Request is aborted: timeout', {})
          190  +        lastValue = undefined
          191  +        head.removeChild(script)
          192  +        loaded = 1
          193  +      }
          194  +    }
          195  +  }
          196  +
          197  +  function getRequest(fn, err) {
          198  +    var o = this.o
          199  +      , method = (o['method'] || 'GET').toUpperCase()
          200  +      , url = typeof o === 'string' ? o : o['url']
          201  +      // convert non-string objects to query-string form unless o['processData'] is false
          202  +      , data = (o['processData'] !== false && o['data'] && typeof o['data'] !== 'string')
          203  +        ? reqwest.toQueryString(o['data'])
          204  +        : (o['data'] || null)
          205  +      , http
          206  +      , sendWait = false
          207  +
          208  +    // if we're working on a GET request and we have data then we should append
          209  +    // query string to end of URL and not post data
          210  +    if ((o['type'] == 'jsonp' || method == 'GET') && data) {
          211  +      url = urlappend(url, data)
          212  +      data = null
          213  +    }
          214  +
          215  +    if (o['type'] == 'jsonp') return handleJsonp(o, fn, err, url)
          216  +
          217  +    // get the xhr from the factory if passed
          218  +    // if the factory returns null, fall-back to ours
          219  +    http = (o.xhr && o.xhr(o)) || xhr(o)
          220  +
          221  +    http.open(method, url, o['async'] === false ? false : true)
          222  +    setHeaders(http, o)
          223  +    setCredentials(http, o)
          224  +    if (context[xDomainRequest] && http instanceof context[xDomainRequest]) {
          225  +        http.onload = fn
          226  +        http.onerror = err
          227  +        // NOTE: see
          228  +        // http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/iewebdevelopment/thread/30ef3add-767c-4436-b8a9-f1ca19b4812e
          229  +        http.onprogress = function() {}
          230  +        sendWait = true
          231  +    } else {
          232  +      http.onreadystatechange = handleReadyState(this, fn, err)
          233  +    }
          234  +    o['before'] && o['before'](http)
          235  +    if (sendWait) {
          236  +      setTimeout(function () {
          237  +        http.send(data)
          238  +      }, 200)
          239  +    } else {
          240  +      http.send(data)
          241  +    }
          242  +    return http
          243  +  }
          244  +
          245  +  function Reqwest(o, fn) {
          246  +    this.o = o
          247  +    this.fn = fn
          248  +
          249  +    init.apply(this, arguments)
          250  +  }
          251  +
          252  +  function setType(header) {
          253  +    // json, javascript, text/plain, text/html, xml
          254  +    if (header === null) return undefined; //In case of no content-type.
          255  +    if (header.match('json')) return 'json'
          256  +    if (header.match('javascript')) return 'js'
          257  +    if (header.match('text')) return 'html'
          258  +    if (header.match('xml')) return 'xml'
          259  +  }
          260  +
          261  +  function init(o, fn) {
          262  +
          263  +    this.url = typeof o == 'string' ? o : o['url']
          264  +    this.timeout = null
          265  +
          266  +    // whether request has been fulfilled for purpose
          267  +    // of tracking the Promises
          268  +    this._fulfilled = false
          269  +    // success handlers
          270  +    this._successHandler = function(){}
          271  +    this._fulfillmentHandlers = []
          272  +    // error handlers
          273  +    this._errorHandlers = []
          274  +    // complete (both success and fail) handlers
          275  +    this._completeHandlers = []
          276  +    this._erred = false
          277  +    this._responseArgs = {}
          278  +
          279  +    var self = this
          280  +
          281  +    fn = fn || function () {}
          282  +
          283  +    if (o['timeout']) {
          284  +      this.timeout = setTimeout(function () {
          285  +        timedOut()
          286  +      }, o['timeout'])
          287  +    }
          288  +
          289  +    if (o['success']) {
          290  +      this._successHandler = function () {
          291  +        o['success'].apply(o, arguments)
          292  +      }
          293  +    }
          294  +
          295  +    if (o['error']) {
          296  +      this._errorHandlers.push(function () {
          297  +        o['error'].apply(o, arguments)
          298  +      })
          299  +    }
          300  +
          301  +    if (o['complete']) {
          302  +      this._completeHandlers.push(function () {
          303  +        o['complete'].apply(o, arguments)
          304  +      })
          305  +    }
          306  +
          307  +    function complete (resp) {
          308  +      o['timeout'] && clearTimeout(self.timeout)
          309  +      self.timeout = null
          310  +      while (self._completeHandlers.length > 0) {
          311  +        self._completeHandlers.shift()(resp)
          312  +      }
          313  +    }
          314  +
          315  +    function success (resp) {
          316  +      var type = o['type'] || resp && setType(resp.getResponseHeader('Content-Type')) // resp can be undefined in IE
          317  +      resp = (type !== 'jsonp') ? self.request : resp
          318  +      // use global data filter on response text
          319  +      var filteredResponse = globalSetupOptions.dataFilter(resp.responseText, type)
          320  +        , r = filteredResponse
          321  +      try {
          322  +        resp.responseText = r
          323  +      } catch (e) {
          324  +        // can't assign this in IE<=8, just ignore
          325  +      }
          326  +      if (r) {
          327  +        switch (type) {
          328  +        case 'json':
          329  +          try {
          330  +            resp = context.JSON ? context.JSON.parse(r) : eval('(' + r + ')')
          331  +          } catch (err) {
          332  +            return error(resp, 'Could not parse JSON in response', err)
          333  +          }
          334  +          break
          335  +        case 'js':
          336  +          resp = eval(r)
          337  +          break
          338  +        case 'html':
          339  +          resp = r
          340  +          break
          341  +        case 'xml':
          342  +          resp = resp.responseXML
          343  +              && resp.responseXML.parseError // IE trololo
          344  +              && resp.responseXML.parseError.errorCode
          345  +              && resp.responseXML.parseError.reason
          346  +            ? null
          347  +            : resp.responseXML
          348  +          break
          349  +        }
          350  +      }
          351  +
          352  +      self._responseArgs.resp = resp
          353  +      self._fulfilled = true
          354  +      fn(resp)
          355  +      self._successHandler(resp)
          356  +      while (self._fulfillmentHandlers.length > 0) {
          357  +        resp = self._fulfillmentHandlers.shift()(resp)
          358  +      }
          359  +
          360  +      complete(resp)
          361  +    }
          362  +
          363  +    function timedOut() {
          364  +      self._timedOut = true
          365  +      self.request.abort()
          366  +    }
          367  +
          368  +    function error(resp, msg, t) {
          369  +      resp = self.request
          370  +      self._responseArgs.resp = resp
          371  +      self._responseArgs.msg = msg
          372  +      self._responseArgs.t = t
          373  +      self._erred = true
          374  +      while (self._errorHandlers.length > 0) {
          375  +        self._errorHandlers.shift()(resp, msg, t)
          376  +      }
          377  +      complete(resp)
          378  +    }
          379  +
          380  +    this.request = getRequest.call(this, success, error)
          381  +  }
          382  +
          383  +  Reqwest.prototype = {
          384  +    abort: function () {
          385  +      this._aborted = true
          386  +      this.request.abort()
          387  +    }
          388  +
          389  +  , retry: function () {
          390  +      init.call(this, this.o, this.fn)
          391  +    }
          392  +
          393  +    /**
          394  +     * Small deviation from the Promises A CommonJs specification
          395  +     * http://wiki.commonjs.org/wiki/Promises/A
          396  +     */
          397  +
          398  +    /**
          399  +     * `then` will execute upon successful requests
          400  +     */
          401  +  , then: function (success, fail) {
          402  +      success = success || function () {}
          403  +      fail = fail || function () {}
          404  +      if (this._fulfilled) {
          405  +        this._responseArgs.resp = success(this._responseArgs.resp)
          406  +      } else if (this._erred) {
          407  +        fail(this._responseArgs.resp, this._responseArgs.msg, this._responseArgs.t)
          408  +      } else {
          409  +        this._fulfillmentHandlers.push(success)
          410  +        this._errorHandlers.push(fail)
          411  +      }
          412  +      return this
          413  +    }
          414  +
          415  +    /**
          416  +     * `always` will execute whether the request succeeds or fails
          417  +     */
          418  +  , always: function (fn) {
          419  +      if (this._fulfilled || this._erred) {
          420  +        fn(this._responseArgs.resp)
          421  +      } else {
          422  +        this._completeHandlers.push(fn)
          423  +      }
          424  +      return this
          425  +    }
          426  +
          427  +    /**
          428  +     * `fail` will execute when the request fails
          429  +     */
          430  +  , fail: function (fn) {
          431  +      if (this._erred) {
          432  +        fn(this._responseArgs.resp, this._responseArgs.msg, this._responseArgs.t)
          433  +      } else {
          434  +        this._errorHandlers.push(fn)
          435  +      }
          436  +      return this
          437  +    }
          438  +  , 'catch': function (fn) {
          439  +      return this.fail(fn)
          440  +    }
          441  +  }
          442  +
          443  +  function reqwest(o, fn) {
          444  +    return new Reqwest(o, fn)
          445  +  }
          446  +
          447  +  // normalize newline variants according to spec -> CRLF
          448  +  function normalize(s) {
          449  +    return s ? s.replace(/\r?\n/g, '\r\n') : ''
          450  +  }
          451  +
          452  +  function serial(el, cb) {
          453  +    var n = el.name
          454  +      , t = el.tagName.toLowerCase()
          455  +      , optCb = function (o) {
          456  +          // IE gives value="" even where there is no value attribute
          457  +          // 'specified' ref: http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-3-Core/core.html#ID-862529273
          458  +          if (o && !o['disabled'])
          459  +            cb(n, normalize(o['attributes']['value'] && o['attributes']['value']['specified'] ? o['value'] : o['text']))
          460  +        }
          461  +      , ch, ra, val, i
          462  +
          463  +    // don't serialize elements that are disabled or without a name
          464  +    if (el.disabled || !n) return
          465  +
          466  +    switch (t) {
          467  +    case 'input':
          468  +      if (!/reset|button|image|file/i.test(el.type)) {
          469  +        ch = /checkbox/i.test(el.type)
          470  +        ra = /radio/i.test(el.type)
          471  +        val = el.value
          472  +        // WebKit gives us "" instead of "on" if a checkbox has no value, so correct it here
          473  +        ;(!(ch || ra) || el.checked) && cb(n, normalize(ch && val === '' ? 'on' : val))
          474  +      }
          475  +      break
          476  +    case 'textarea':
          477  +      cb(n, normalize(el.value))
          478  +      break
          479  +    case 'select':
          480  +      if (el.type.toLowerCase() === 'select-one') {
          481  +        optCb(el.selectedIndex >= 0 ? el.options[el.selectedIndex] : null)
          482  +      } else {
          483  +        for (i = 0; el.length && i < el.length; i++) {
          484  +          el.options[i].selected && optCb(el.options[i])
          485  +        }
          486  +      }
          487  +      break
          488  +    }
          489  +  }
          490  +
          491  +  // collect up all form elements found from the passed argument elements all
          492  +  // the way down to child elements; pass a '<form>' or form fields.
          493  +  // called with 'this'=callback to use for serial() on each element
          494  +  function eachFormElement() {
          495  +    var cb = this
          496  +      , e, i
          497  +      , serializeSubtags = function (e, tags) {
          498  +          var i, j, fa
          499  +          for (i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) {
          500  +            fa = e[byTag](tags[i])
          501  +            for (j = 0; j < fa.length; j++) serial(fa[j], cb)
          502  +          }
          503  +        }
          504  +
          505  +    for (i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
          506  +      e = arguments[i]
          507  +      if (/input|select|textarea/i.test(e.tagName)) serial(e, cb)
          508  +      serializeSubtags(e, [ 'input', 'select', 'textarea' ])
          509  +    }
          510  +  }
          511  +
          512  +  // standard query string style serialization
          513  +  function serializeQueryString() {
          514  +    return reqwest.toQueryString(reqwest.serializeArray.apply(null, arguments))
          515  +  }
          516  +
          517  +  // { 'name': 'value', ... } style serialization
          518  +  function serializeHash() {
          519  +    var hash = {}
          520  +    eachFormElement.apply(function (name, value) {
          521  +      if (name in hash) {
          522  +        hash[name] && !isArray(hash[name]) && (hash[name] = [hash[name]])
          523  +        hash[name].push(value)
          524  +      } else hash[name] = value
          525  +    }, arguments)
          526  +    return hash
          527  +  }
          528  +
          529  +  // [ { name: 'name', value: 'value' }, ... ] style serialization
          530  +  reqwest.serializeArray = function () {
          531  +    var arr = []
          532  +    eachFormElement.apply(function (name, value) {
          533  +      arr.push({name: name, value: value})
          534  +    }, arguments)
          535  +    return arr
          536  +  }
          537  +
          538  +  reqwest.serialize = function () {
          539  +    if (arguments.length === 0) return ''
          540  +    var opt, fn
          541  +      , args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0)
          542  +
          543  +    opt = args.pop()
          544  +    opt && opt.nodeType && args.push(opt) && (opt = null)
          545  +    opt && (opt = opt.type)
          546  +
          547  +    if (opt == 'map') fn = serializeHash
          548  +    else if (opt == 'array') fn = reqwest.serializeArray
          549  +    else fn = serializeQueryString
          550  +
          551  +    return fn.apply(null, args)
          552  +  }
          553  +
          554  +  reqwest.toQueryString = function (o, trad) {
          555  +    var prefix, i
          556  +      , traditional = trad || false
          557  +      , s = []
          558  +      , enc = encodeURIComponent
          559  +      , add = function (key, value) {
          560  +          // If value is a function, invoke it and return its value
          561  +          value = ('function' === typeof value) ? value() : (value == null ? '' : value)
          562  +          s[s.length] = enc(key) + '=' + enc(value)
          563  +        }
          564  +    // If an array was passed in, assume that it is an array of form elements.
          565  +    if (isArray(o)) {
          566  +      for (i = 0; o && i < o.length; i++) add(o[i]['name'], o[i]['value'])
          567  +    } else {
          568  +      // If traditional, encode the "old" way (the way 1.3.2 or older
          569  +      // did it), otherwise encode params recursively.
          570  +      for (prefix in o) {
          571  +        if (o.hasOwnProperty(prefix)) buildParams(prefix, o[prefix], traditional, add)
          572  +      }
          573  +    }
          574  +
          575  +    // spaces should be + according to spec
          576  +    return s.join('&').replace(/%20/g, '+')
          577  +  }
          578  +
          579  +  function buildParams(prefix, obj, traditional, add) {
          580  +    var name, i, v
          581  +      , rbracket = /\[\]$/
          582  +
          583  +    if (isArray(obj)) {
          584  +      // Serialize array item.
          585  +      for (i = 0; obj && i < obj.length; i++) {
          586  +        v = obj[i]
          587  +        if (traditional || rbracket.test(prefix)) {
          588  +          // Treat each array item as a scalar.
          589  +          add(prefix, v)
          590  +        } else {
          591  +          buildParams(prefix + '[' + (typeof v === 'object' ? i : '') + ']', v, traditional, add)
          592  +        }
          593  +      }
          594  +    } else if (obj && obj.toString() === '[object Object]') {
          595  +      // Serialize object item.
          596  +      for (name in obj) {
          597  +        buildParams(prefix + '[' + name + ']', obj[name], traditional, add)
          598  +      }
          599  +
          600  +    } else {
          601  +      // Serialize scalar item.
          602  +      add(prefix, obj)
          603  +    }
          604  +  }
          605  +
          606  +  reqwest.getcallbackPrefix = function () {
          607  +    return callbackPrefix
          608  +  }
          609  +
          610  +  // jQuery and Zepto compatibility, differences can be remapped here so you can call
          611  +  // .ajax.compat(options, callback)
          612  +  reqwest.compat = function (o, fn) {
          613  +    if (o) {
          614  +      o['type'] && (o['method'] = o['type']) && delete o['type']
          615  +      o['dataType'] && (o['type'] = o['dataType'])
          616  +      o['jsonpCallback'] && (o['jsonpCallbackName'] = o['jsonpCallback']) && delete o['jsonpCallback']
          617  +      o['jsonp'] && (o['jsonpCallback'] = o['jsonp'])
          618  +    }
          619  +    return new Reqwest(o, fn)
          620  +  }
          621  +
          622  +  reqwest.ajaxSetup = function (options) {
          623  +    options = options || {}
          624  +    for (var k in options) {
          625  +      globalSetupOptions[k] = options[k]
          626  +    }
          627  +  }
          628  +
          629  +  return reqwest
          630  +});

Added cmd/pisc-web-ide/webroot/static/js/reqwest-2.0.5/reqwest.min.js.

cannot compute difference between binary files

Added cmd/pisc-web-ide/webroot/static/js/reqwest-2.0.5/src/copyright.js.

            1  +/*!
            2  +  * Reqwest! A general purpose XHR connection manager
            3  +  * license MIT (c) Dustin Diaz 2015
            4  +  * https://github.com/ded/reqwest
            5  +  */

Added cmd/pisc-web-ide/webroot/static/js/reqwest-2.0.5/src/ender.js.

            1  +!function ($) {
            2  +  var r = require('reqwest')
            3  +    , integrate = function (method) {
            4  +        return function () {
            5  +          var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0)
            6  +            , i = (this && this.length) || 0
            7  +          while (i--) args.unshift(this[i])
            8  +          return r[method].apply(null, args)
            9  +        }
           10  +      }
           11  +    , s = integrate('serialize')
           12  +    , sa = integrate('serializeArray')
           13  +
           14  +  $.ender({
           15  +      ajax: r
           16  +    , serialize: r.serialize
           17  +    , serializeArray: r.serializeArray
           18  +    , toQueryString: r.toQueryString
           19  +    , ajaxSetup: r.ajaxSetup
           20  +  })
           21  +
           22  +  $.ender({
           23  +      serialize: s
           24  +    , serializeArray: sa
           25  +  }, true)
           26  +}(ender);

Added cmd/pisc-web-ide/webroot/static/js/reqwest-2.0.5/src/reqwest.js.

            1  +!function (name, context, definition) {
            2  +  if (typeof module != 'undefined' && module.exports) module.exports = definition()
            3  +  else if (typeof define == 'function' && define.amd) define(definition)
            4  +  else context[name] = definition()
            5  +}('reqwest', this, function () {
            6  +
            7  +  var context = this
            8  +
            9  +  if ('window' in context) {
           10  +    var doc = document
           11  +      , byTag = 'getElementsByTagName'
           12  +      , head = doc[byTag]('head')[0]
           13  +  } else {
           14  +    var XHR2
           15  +    try {
           16  +      XHR2 = require('xhr2')
           17  +    } catch (ex) {
           18  +      throw new Error('Peer dependency `xhr2` required! Please npm install xhr2')
           19  +    }
           20  +  }
           21  +
           22  +
           23  +  var httpsRe = /^http/
           24  +    , protocolRe = /(^\w+):\/\//
           25  +    , twoHundo = /^(20\d|1223)$/ //http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10046972/msie-returns-status-code-of-1223-for-ajax-request
           26  +    , readyState = 'readyState'
           27  +    , contentType = 'Content-Type'
           28  +    , requestedWith = 'X-Requested-With'
           29  +    , uniqid = 0
           30  +    , callbackPrefix = 'reqwest_' + (+new Date())
           31  +    , lastValue // data stored by the most recent JSONP callback
           32  +    , xmlHttpRequest = 'XMLHttpRequest'
           33  +    , xDomainRequest = 'XDomainRequest'
           34  +    , noop = function () {}
           35  +
           36  +    , isArray = typeof Array.isArray == 'function'
           37  +        ? Array.isArray
           38  +        : function (a) {
           39  +            return a instanceof Array
           40  +          }
           41  +
           42  +    , defaultHeaders = {
           43  +          'contentType': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
           44  +        , 'requestedWith': xmlHttpRequest
           45  +        , 'accept': {
           46  +              '*':  'text/javascript, text/html, application/xml, text/xml, */*'
           47  +            , 'xml':  'application/xml, text/xml'
           48  +            , 'html': 'text/html'
           49  +            , 'text': 'text/plain'
           50  +            , 'json': 'application/json, text/javascript'
           51  +            , 'js':   'application/javascript, text/javascript'
           52  +          }
           53  +      }
           54  +
           55  +    , xhr = function(o) {
           56  +        // is it x-domain
           57  +        if (o['crossOrigin'] === true) {
           58  +          var xhr = context[xmlHttpRequest] ? new XMLHttpRequest() : null
           59  +          if (xhr && 'withCredentials' in xhr) {
           60  +            return xhr
           61  +          } else if (context[xDomainRequest]) {
           62  +            return new XDomainRequest()
           63  +          } else {
           64  +            throw new Error('Browser does not support cross-origin requests')
           65  +          }
           66  +        } else if (context[xmlHttpRequest]) {
           67  +          return new XMLHttpRequest()
           68  +        } else if (XHR2) {
           69  +          return new XHR2()
           70  +        } else {
           71  +          return new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP')
           72  +        }
           73  +      }
           74  +    , globalSetupOptions = {
           75  +        dataFilter: function (data) {
           76  +          return data
           77  +        }
           78  +      }
           79  +
           80  +  function succeed(r) {
           81  +    var protocol = protocolRe.exec(r.url)
           82  +    protocol = (protocol && protocol[1]) || context.location.protocol
           83  +    return httpsRe.test(protocol) ? twoHundo.test(r.request.status) : !!r.request.response
           84  +  }
           85  +
           86  +  function handleReadyState(r, success, error) {
           87  +    return function () {
           88  +      // use _aborted to mitigate against IE err c00c023f
           89  +      // (can't read props on aborted request objects)
           90  +      if (r._aborted) return error(r.request)
           91  +      if (r._timedOut) return error(r.request, 'Request is aborted: timeout')
           92  +      if (r.request && r.request[readyState] == 4) {
           93  +        r.request.onreadystatechange = noop
           94  +        if (succeed(r)) success(r.request)
           95  +        else
           96  +          error(r.request)
           97  +      }
           98  +    }
           99  +  }
          100  +
          101  +  function setHeaders(http, o) {
          102  +    var headers = o['headers'] || {}
          103  +      , h
          104  +
          105  +    headers['Accept'] = headers['Accept']
          106  +      || defaultHeaders['accept'][o['type']]
          107  +      || defaultHeaders['accept']['*']
          108  +
          109  +    var isAFormData = typeof FormData !== 'undefined' && (o['data'] instanceof FormData);
          110  +    // breaks cross-origin requests with legacy browsers
          111  +    if (!o['crossOrigin'] && !headers[requestedWith]) headers[requestedWith] = defaultHeaders['requestedWith']
          112  +    if (!headers[contentType] && !isAFormData) headers[contentType] = o['contentType'] || defaultHeaders['contentType']
          113  +    for (h in headers)
          114  +      headers.hasOwnProperty(h) && 'setRequestHeader' in http && http.setRequestHeader(h, headers[h])
          115  +  }
          116  +
          117  +  function setCredentials(http, o) {
          118  +    if (typeof o['withCredentials'] !== 'undefined' && typeof http.withCredentials !== 'undefined') {
          119  +      http.withCredentials = !!o['withCredentials']
          120  +    }
          121  +  }
          122  +
          123  +  function generalCallback(data) {
          124  +    lastValue = data
          125  +  }
          126  +
          127  +  function urlappend (url, s) {
          128  +    return url + (/\?/.test(url) ? '&' : '?') + s
          129  +  }
          130  +
          131  +  function handleJsonp(o, fn, err, url) {
          132  +    var reqId = uniqid++
          133  +      , cbkey = o['jsonpCallback'] || 'callback' // the 'callback' key
          134  +      , cbval = o['jsonpCallbackName'] || reqwest.getcallbackPrefix(reqId)
          135  +      , cbreg = new RegExp('((^|\\?|&)' + cbkey + ')=([^&]+)')
          136  +      , match = url.match(cbreg)
          137  +      , script = doc.createElement('script')
          138  +      , loaded = 0
          139  +      , isIE10 = navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE 10.0') !== -1
          140  +
          141  +    if (match) {
          142  +      if (match[3] === '?') {
          143  +        url = url.replace(cbreg, '$1=' + cbval) // wildcard callback func name
          144  +      } else {
          145  +        cbval = match[3] // provided callback func name
          146  +      }
          147  +    } else {
          148  +      url = urlappend(url, cbkey + '=' + cbval) // no callback details, add 'em
          149  +    }
          150  +
          151  +    context[cbval] = generalCallback
          152  +
          153  +    script.type = 'text/javascript'
          154  +    script.src = url
          155  +    script.async = true
          156  +    if (typeof script.onreadystatechange !== 'undefined' && !isIE10) {
          157  +      // need this for IE due to out-of-order onreadystatechange(), binding script
          158  +      // execution to an event listener gives us control over when the script
          159  +      // is executed. See http://jaubourg.net/2010/07/loading-script-as-onclick-handler-of.html
          160  +      script.htmlFor = script.id = '_reqwest_' + reqId
          161  +    }
          162  +
          163  +    script.onload = script.onreadystatechange = function () {
          164  +      if ((script[readyState] && script[readyState] !== 'complete' && script[readyState] !== 'loaded') || loaded) {
          165  +        return false
          166  +      }
          167  +      script.onload = script.onreadystatechange = null
          168  +      script.onclick && script.onclick()
          169  +      // Call the user callback with the last value stored and clean up values and scripts.
          170  +      fn(lastValue)
          171  +      lastValue = undefined
          172  +      head.removeChild(script)
          173  +      loaded = 1
          174  +    }
          175  +
          176  +    // Add the script to the DOM head
          177  +    head.appendChild(script)
          178  +
          179  +    // Enable JSONP timeout
          180  +    return {
          181  +      abort: function () {
          182  +        script.onload = script.onreadystatechange = null
          183  +        err({}, 'Request is aborted: timeout', {})
          184  +        lastValue = undefined
          185  +        head.removeChild(script)
          186  +        loaded = 1
          187  +      }
          188  +    }
          189  +  }
          190  +
          191  +  function getRequest(fn, err) {
          192  +    var o = this.o
          193  +      , method = (o['method'] || 'GET').toUpperCase()
          194  +      , url = typeof o === 'string' ? o : o['url']
          195  +      // convert non-string objects to query-string form unless o['processData'] is false
          196  +      , data = (o['processData'] !== false && o['data'] && typeof o['data'] !== 'string')
          197  +        ? reqwest.toQueryString(o['data'])
          198  +        : (o['data'] || null)
          199  +      , http
          200  +      , sendWait = false
          201  +
          202  +    // if we're working on a GET request and we have data then we should append
          203  +    // query string to end of URL and not post data
          204  +    if ((o['type'] == 'jsonp' || method == 'GET') && data) {
          205  +      url = urlappend(url, data)
          206  +      data = null
          207  +    }
          208  +
          209  +    if (o['type'] == 'jsonp') return handleJsonp(o, fn, err, url)
          210  +
          211  +    // get the xhr from the factory if passed
          212  +    // if the factory returns null, fall-back to ours
          213  +    http = (o.xhr && o.xhr(o)) || xhr(o)
          214  +
          215  +    http.open(method, url, o['async'] === false ? false : true)
          216  +    setHeaders(http, o)
          217  +    setCredentials(http, o)
          218  +    if (context[xDomainRequest] && http instanceof context[xDomainRequest]) {
          219  +        http.onload = fn
          220  +        http.onerror = err
          221  +        // NOTE: see
          222  +        // http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/iewebdevelopment/thread/30ef3add-767c-4436-b8a9-f1ca19b4812e
          223  +        http.onprogress = function() {}
          224  +        sendWait = true
          225  +    } else {
          226  +      http.onreadystatechange = handleReadyState(this, fn, err)
          227  +    }
          228  +    o['before'] && o['before'](http)
          229  +    if (sendWait) {
          230  +      setTimeout(function () {
          231  +        http.send(data)
          232  +      }, 200)
          233  +    } else {
          234  +      http.send(data)
          235  +    }
          236  +    return http
          237  +  }
          238  +
          239  +  function Reqwest(o, fn) {
          240  +    this.o = o
          241  +    this.fn = fn
          242  +
          243  +    init.apply(this, arguments)
          244  +  }
          245  +
          246  +  function setType(header) {
          247  +    // json, javascript, text/plain, text/html, xml
          248  +    if (header === null) return undefined; //In case of no content-type.
          249  +    if (header.match('json')) return 'json'
          250  +    if (header.match('javascript')) return 'js'
          251  +    if (header.match('text')) return 'html'
          252  +    if (header.match('xml')) return 'xml'
          253  +  }
          254  +
          255  +  function init(o, fn) {
          256  +
          257  +    this.url = typeof o == 'string' ? o : o['url']
          258  +    this.timeout = null
          259  +
          260  +    // whether request has been fulfilled for purpose
          261  +    // of tracking the Promises
          262  +    this._fulfilled = false
          263  +    // success handlers
          264  +    this._successHandler = function(){}
          265  +    this._fulfillmentHandlers = []
          266  +    // error handlers
          267  +    this._errorHandlers = []
          268  +    // complete (both success and fail) handlers
          269  +    this._completeHandlers = []
          270  +    this._erred = false
          271  +    this._responseArgs = {}
          272  +
          273  +    var self = this
          274  +
          275  +    fn = fn || function () {}
          276  +
          277  +    if (o['timeout']) {
          278  +      this.timeout = setTimeout(function () {
          279  +        timedOut()
          280  +      }, o['timeout'])
          281  +    }
          282  +
          283  +    if (o['success']) {
          284  +      this._successHandler = function () {
          285  +        o['success'].apply(o, arguments)
          286  +      }
          287  +    }
          288  +
          289  +    if (o['error']) {
          290  +      this._errorHandlers.push(function () {
          291  +        o['error'].apply(o, arguments)
          292  +      })
          293  +    }
          294  +
          295  +    if (o['complete']) {
          296  +      this._completeHandlers.push(function () {
          297  +        o['complete'].apply(o, arguments)
          298  +      })
          299  +    }
          300  +
          301  +    function complete (resp) {
          302  +      o['timeout'] && clearTimeout(self.timeout)
          303  +      self.timeout = null
          304  +      while (self._completeHandlers.length > 0) {
          305  +        self._completeHandlers.shift()(resp)
          306  +      }
          307  +    }
          308  +
          309  +    function success (resp) {
          310  +      var type = o['type'] || resp && setType(resp.getResponseHeader('Content-Type')) // resp can be undefined in IE
          311  +      resp = (type !== 'jsonp') ? self.request : resp
          312  +      // use global data filter on response text
          313  +      var filteredResponse = globalSetupOptions.dataFilter(resp.responseText, type)
          314  +        , r = filteredResponse
          315  +      try {
          316  +        resp.responseText = r
          317  +      } catch (e) {
          318  +        // can't assign this in IE<=8, just ignore
          319  +      }
          320  +      if (r) {
          321  +        switch (type) {
          322  +        case 'json':
          323  +          try {
          324  +            resp = context.JSON ? context.JSON.parse(r) : eval('(' + r + ')')
          325  +          } catch (err) {
          326  +            return error(resp, 'Could not parse JSON in response', err)
          327  +          }
          328  +          break
          329  +        case 'js':
          330  +          resp = eval(r)
          331  +          break
          332  +        case 'html':
          333  +          resp = r
          334  +          break
          335  +        case 'xml':
          336  +          resp = resp.responseXML
          337  +              && resp.responseXML.parseError // IE trololo
          338  +              && resp.responseXML.parseError.errorCode
          339  +              && resp.responseXML.parseError.reason
          340  +            ? null
          341  +            : resp.responseXML
          342  +          break
          343  +        }
          344  +      }
          345  +
          346  +      self._responseArgs.resp = resp
          347  +      self._fulfilled = true
          348  +      fn(resp)
          349  +      self._successHandler(resp)
          350  +      while (self._fulfillmentHandlers.length > 0) {
          351  +        resp = self._fulfillmentHandlers.shift()(resp)
          352  +      }
          353  +
          354  +      complete(resp)
          355  +    }
          356  +
          357  +    function timedOut() {
          358  +      self._timedOut = true
          359  +      self.request.abort()
          360  +    }
          361  +
          362  +    function error(resp, msg, t) {
          363  +      resp = self.request
          364  +      self._responseArgs.resp = resp
          365  +      self._responseArgs.msg = msg
          366  +      self._responseArgs.t = t
          367  +      self._erred = true
          368  +      while (self._errorHandlers.length > 0) {
          369  +        self._errorHandlers.shift()(resp, msg, t)
          370  +      }
          371  +      complete(resp)
          372  +    }
          373  +
          374  +    this.request = getRequest.call(this, success, error)
          375  +  }
          376  +
          377  +  Reqwest.prototype = {
          378  +    abort: function () {
          379  +      this._aborted = true
          380  +      this.request.abort()
          381  +    }
          382  +
          383  +  , retry: function () {
          384  +      init.call(this, this.o, this.fn)
          385  +    }
          386  +
          387  +    /**
          388  +     * Small deviation from the Promises A CommonJs specification
          389  +     * http://wiki.commonjs.org/wiki/Promises/A
          390  +     */
          391  +
          392  +    /**
          393  +     * `then` will execute upon successful requests
          394  +     */
          395  +  , then: function (success, fail) {
          396  +      success = success || function () {}
          397  +      fail = fail || function () {}
          398  +      if (this._fulfilled) {
          399  +        this._responseArgs.resp = success(this._responseArgs.resp)
          400  +      } else if (this._erred) {
          401  +        fail(this._responseArgs.resp, this._responseArgs.msg, this._responseArgs.t)
          402  +      } else {
          403  +        this._fulfillmentHandlers.push(success)
          404  +        this._errorHandlers.push(fail)
          405  +      }
          406  +      return this
          407  +    }
          408  +
          409  +    /**
          410  +     * `always` will execute whether the request succeeds or fails
          411  +     */
          412  +  , always: function (fn) {
          413  +      if (this._fulfilled || this._erred) {
          414  +        fn(this._responseArgs.resp)
          415  +      } else {
          416  +        this._completeHandlers.push(fn)
          417  +      }
          418  +      return this
          419  +    }
          420  +
          421  +    /**
          422  +     * `fail` will execute when the request fails
          423  +     */
          424  +  , fail: function (fn) {
          425  +      if (this._erred) {
          426  +        fn(this._responseArgs.resp, this._responseArgs.msg, this._responseArgs.t)
          427  +      } else {
          428  +        this._errorHandlers.push(fn)
          429  +      }
          430  +      return this
          431  +    }
          432  +  , 'catch': function (fn) {
          433  +      return this.fail(fn)
          434  +    }
          435  +  }
          436  +
          437  +  function reqwest(o, fn) {
          438  +    return new Reqwest(o, fn)
          439  +  }
          440  +
          441  +  // normalize newline variants according to spec -> CRLF
          442  +  function normalize(s) {
          443  +    return s ? s.replace(/\r?\n/g, '\r\n') : ''
          444  +  }
          445  +
          446  +  function serial(el, cb) {
          447  +    var n = el.name
          448  +      , t = el.tagName.toLowerCase()
          449  +      , optCb = function (o) {
          450  +          // IE gives value="" even where there is no value attribute
          451  +          // 'specified' ref: http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-3-Core/core.html#ID-862529273
          452  +          if (o && !o['disabled'])
          453  +            cb(n, normalize(o['attributes']['value'] && o['attributes']['value']['specified'] ? o['value'] : o['text']))
          454  +        }
          455  +      , ch, ra, val, i
          456  +
          457  +    // don't serialize elements that are disabled or without a name
          458  +    if (el.disabled || !n) return
          459  +
          460  +    switch (t) {
          461  +    case 'input':
          462  +      if (!/reset|button|image|file/i.test(el.type)) {
          463  +        ch = /checkbox/i.test(el.type)
          464  +        ra = /radio/i.test(el.type)
          465  +        val = el.value
          466  +        // WebKit gives us "" instead of "on" if a checkbox has no value, so correct it here
          467  +        ;(!(ch || ra) || el.checked) && cb(n, normalize(ch && val === '' ? 'on' : val))
          468  +      }
          469  +      break
          470  +    case 'textarea':
          471  +      cb(n, normalize(el.value))
          472  +      break
          473  +    case 'select':
          474  +      if (el.type.toLowerCase() === 'select-one') {
          475  +        optCb(el.selectedIndex >= 0 ? el.options[el.selectedIndex] : null)
          476  +      } else {
          477  +        for (i = 0; el.length && i < el.length; i++) {
          478  +          el.options[i].selected && optCb(el.options[i])
          479  +        }
          480  +      }
          481  +      break
          482  +    }
          483  +  }
          484  +
          485  +  // collect up all form elements found from the passed argument elements all
          486  +  // the way down to child elements; pass a '<form>' or form fields.
          487  +  // called with 'this'=callback to use for serial() on each element
          488  +  function eachFormElement() {
          489  +    var cb = this
          490  +      , e, i
          491  +      , serializeSubtags = function (e, tags) {
          492  +          var i, j, fa
          493  +          for (i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) {
          494  +            fa = e[byTag](tags[i])
          495  +            for (j = 0; j < fa.length; j++) serial(fa[j], cb)
          496  +          }
          497  +        }
          498  +
          499  +    for (i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
          500  +      e = arguments[i]
          501  +      if (/input|select|textarea/i.test(e.tagName)) serial(e, cb)
          502  +      serializeSubtags(e, [ 'input', 'select', 'textarea' ])
          503  +    }
          504  +  }
          505  +
          506  +  // standard query string style serialization
          507  +  function serializeQueryString() {
          508  +    return reqwest.toQueryString(reqwest.serializeArray.apply(null, arguments))
          509  +  }
          510  +
          511  +  // { 'name': 'value', ... } style serialization
          512  +  function serializeHash() {
          513  +    var hash = {}
          514  +    eachFormElement.apply(function (name, value) {
          515  +      if (name in hash) {
          516  +        hash[name] && !isArray(hash[name]) && (hash[name] = [hash[name]])
          517  +        hash[name].push(value)
          518  +      } else hash[name] = value
          519  +    }, arguments)
          520  +    return hash
          521  +  }
          522  +
          523  +  // [ { name: 'name', value: 'value' }, ... ] style serialization
          524  +  reqwest.serializeArray = function () {
          525  +    var arr = []
          526  +    eachFormElement.apply(function (name, value) {
          527  +      arr.push({name: name, value: value})
          528  +    }, arguments)
          529  +    return arr
          530  +  }
          531  +
          532  +  reqwest.serialize = function () {
          533  +    if (arguments.length === 0) return ''
          534  +    var opt, fn
          535  +      , args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0)
          536  +
          537  +    opt = args.pop()
          538  +    opt && opt.nodeType && args.push(opt) && (opt = null)
          539  +    opt && (opt = opt.type)
          540  +
          541  +    if (opt == 'map') fn = serializeHash
          542  +    else if (opt == 'array') fn = reqwest.serializeArray
          543  +    else fn = serializeQueryString
          544  +
          545  +    return fn.apply(null, args)
          546  +  }
          547  +
          548  +  reqwest.toQueryString = function (o, trad) {
          549  +    var prefix, i
          550  +      , traditional = trad || false
          551  +      , s = []
          552  +      , enc = encodeURIComponent
          553  +      , add = function (key, value) {
          554  +          // If value is a function, invoke it and return its value
          555  +          value = ('function' === typeof value) ? value() : (value == null ? '' : value)
          556  +          s[s.length] = enc(key) + '=' + enc(value)
          557  +        }
          558  +    // If an array was passed in, assume that it is an array of form elements.
          559  +    if (isArray(o)) {
          560  +      for (i = 0; o && i < o.length; i++) add(o[i]['name'], o[i]['value'])
          561  +    } else {
          562  +      // If traditional, encode the "old" way (the way 1.3.2 or older
          563  +      // did it), otherwise encode params recursively.
          564  +      for (prefix in o) {
          565  +        if (o.hasOwnProperty(prefix)) buildParams(prefix, o[prefix], traditional, add)
          566  +      }
          567  +    }
          568  +
          569  +    // spaces should be + according to spec
          570  +    return s.join('&').replace(/%20/g, '+')
          571  +  }
          572  +
          573  +  function buildParams(prefix, obj, traditional, add) {
          574  +    var name, i, v
          575  +      , rbracket = /\[\]$/
          576  +
          577  +    if (isArray(obj)) {
          578  +      // Serialize array item.
          579  +      for (i = 0; obj && i < obj.length; i++) {
          580  +        v = obj[i]
          581  +        if (traditional || rbracket.test(prefix)) {
          582  +          // Treat each array item as a scalar.
          583  +          add(prefix, v)
          584  +        } else {
          585  +          buildParams(prefix + '[' + (typeof v === 'object' ? i : '') + ']', v, traditional, add)
          586  +        }
          587  +      }
          588  +    } else if (obj && obj.toString() === '[object Object]') {
          589  +      // Serialize object item.
          590  +      for (name in obj) {
          591  +        buildParams(prefix + '[' + name + ']', obj[name], traditional, add)
          592  +      }
          593  +
          594  +    } else {
          595  +      // Serialize scalar item.
          596  +      add(prefix, obj)
          597  +    }
          598  +  }
          599  +
          600  +  reqwest.getcallbackPrefix = function () {
          601  +    return callbackPrefix
          602  +  }
          603  +
          604  +  // jQuery and Zepto compatibility, differences can be remapped here so you can call
          605  +  // .ajax.compat(options, callback)
          606  +  reqwest.compat = function (o, fn) {
          607  +    if (o) {
          608  +      o['type'] && (o['method'] = o['type']) && delete o['type']
          609  +      o['dataType'] && (o['type'] = o['dataType'])
          610  +      o['jsonpCallback'] && (o['jsonpCallbackName'] = o['jsonpCallback']) && delete o['jsonpCallback']
          611  +      o['jsonp'] && (o['jsonpCallback'] = o['jsonp'])
          612  +    }
          613  +    return new Reqwest(o, fn)
          614  +  }
          615  +
          616  +  reqwest.ajaxSetup = function (options) {
          617  +    options = options || {}
          618  +    for (var k in options) {
          619  +      globalSetupOptions[k] = options[k]
          620  +    }
          621  +  }
          622  +
          623  +  return reqwest
          624  +});

Added cmd/pisc-web-ide/webroot/static/js/reqwest-2.0.5/test.js.

            1  +var spawn = require('child_process').spawn
            2  +  , server  = spawn('node', ['make/tests.js'])
            3  +  , phantom = spawn('./vendor/phantomjs', ['./phantom.js'])
            4  +
            5  +
            6  +phantom.stdout.on('data', function (data) {
            7  +  console.log('stdout: ' + data);
            8  +})
            9  +
           10  +phantom.on('exit', function (code, signal) {
           11  +  var outcome = code == 0 ? 'passed' : 'failed'
           12  +  console.log('Reqwest tests have %s', outcome, code)
           13  +  server.kill('SIGHUP')
           14  +  process.exit(code)
           15  +})

Added cmd/pisc-web-ide/webroot/static/js/reqwest-2.0.5/tests/ender.js.

            1  +/*!
            2  +  * Ender: open module JavaScript framework (client-lib)
            3  +  * copyright Dustin Diaz & Jacob Thornton 2011-2012 (@ded @fat)
            4  +  * http://ender.no.de
            5  +  * License MIT
            6  +  */
            7  +(function (context) {
            8  +
            9  +  // a global object for node.js module compatiblity
           10  +  // ============================================
           11  +
           12  +  context['global'] = context
           13  +
           14  +  // Implements simple module system
           15  +  // losely based on CommonJS Modules spec v1.1.1
           16  +  // ============================================
           17  +
           18  +  var modules = {}
           19  +    , old = context['$']
           20  +    , oldRequire = context['require']
           21  +    , oldProvide = context['provide']
           22  +
           23  +  function require (identifier) {
           24  +    // modules can be required from ender's build system, or found on the window
           25  +    var module = modules['$' + identifier] || window[identifier]
           26  +    if (!module) throw new Error("Ender Error: Requested module '" + identifier + "' has not been defined.")
           27  +    return module
           28  +  }
           29  +
           30  +  function provide (name, what) {
           31  +    return (modules['$' + name] = what)
           32  +  }
           33  +
           34  +  context['provide'] = provide
           35  +  context['require'] = require
           36  +
           37  +  function aug(o, o2) {
           38  +    for (var k in o2) k != 'noConflict' && k != '_VERSION' && (o[k] = o2[k])
           39  +    return o
           40  +  }
           41  +
           42  +  /**
           43  +   * main Ender return object
           44  +   * @constructor
           45  +   * @param {Array|Node|string} s a CSS selector or DOM node(s)
           46  +   * @param {Array.|Node} r a root node(s)
           47  +   */
           48  +  function Ender(s, r) {
           49  +    var elements
           50  +      , i
           51  +
           52  +    this.selector = s
           53  +    // string || node || nodelist || window
           54  +    if (typeof s == 'undefined') {
           55  +      elements = []
           56  +      this.selector = ''
           57  +    } else if (typeof s == 'string' || s.nodeName || (s.length && 'item' in s) || s == window) {
           58  +      elements = ender._select(s, r)
           59  +    } else {
           60  +      elements = isFinite(s.length) ? s : [s]
           61  +    }
           62  +    this.length = elements.length
           63  +    for (i = this.length; i--;) this[i] = elements[i]
           64  +  }
           65  +
           66  +  /**
           67  +   * @param {function(el, i, inst)} fn
           68  +   * @param {Object} opt_scope
           69  +   * @returns {Ender}
           70  +   */
           71  +  Ender.prototype['forEach'] = function (fn, opt_scope) {
           72  +    var i, l
           73  +    // opt out of native forEach so we can intentionally call our own scope
           74  +    // defaulting to the current item and be able to return self
           75  +    for (i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; ++i) i in this && fn.call(opt_scope || this[i], this[i], i, this)
           76  +    // return self for chaining
           77  +    return this
           78  +  }
           79  +
           80  +  Ender.prototype.$ = ender // handy reference to self
           81  +
           82  +
           83  +  function ender(s, r) {
           84  +    return new Ender(s, r)
           85  +  }
           86  +
           87  +  ender['_VERSION'] = '0.4.3-dev'
           88  +
           89  +  ender.fn = Ender.prototype // for easy compat to jQuery plugins
           90  +
           91  +  ender.ender = function (o, chain) {
           92  +    aug(chain ? Ender.prototype : ender, o)
           93  +  }
           94  +
           95  +  ender._select = function (s, r) {
           96  +    if (typeof s == 'string') return (r || document).querySelectorAll(s)
           97  +    if (s.nodeName) return [s]
           98  +    return s
           99  +  }
          100  +
          101  +
          102  +  // use callback to receive Ender's require & provide
          103  +  ender.noConflict = function (callback) {
          104  +    context['$'] = old
          105  +    if (callback) {
          106  +      context['provide'] = oldProvide
          107  +      context['require'] = oldRequire
          108  +      callback(require, provide, this)
          109  +    }
          110  +    return this
          111  +  }
          112  +
          113  +  if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports) module.exports = ender
          114  +  // use subscript notation as extern for Closure compilation
          115  +  context['ender'] = context['$'] = context['ender'] || ender
          116  +
          117  +}(this));

Added cmd/pisc-web-ide/webroot/static/js/reqwest-2.0.5/tests/fixtures/badfixtures.xml.

            1  +><><>Not a valid xml document<><><

Added cmd/pisc-web-ide/webroot/static/js/reqwest-2.0.5/tests/fixtures/fixtures.html.

            1  +<p>boosh</p>

Added cmd/pisc-web-ide/webroot/static/js/reqwest-2.0.5/tests/fixtures/fixtures.js.

            1  +window.boosh = 'boosh';

Added cmd/pisc-web-ide/webroot/static/js/reqwest-2.0.5/tests/fixtures/fixtures.json.

            1  +{ "boosh": "boosh" }

Added cmd/pisc-web-ide/webroot/static/js/reqwest-2.0.5/tests/fixtures/fixtures.xml.

            1  +<root><boosh>boosh</boosh></root>

Added cmd/pisc-web-ide/webroot/static/js/reqwest-2.0.5/tests/fixtures/fixtures_jsonp.jsonp.

            1  +reqwest_0({ "boosh": "boosh" });

Added cmd/pisc-web-ide/webroot/static/js/reqwest-2.0.5/tests/fixtures/fixtures_jsonp2.jsonp.

            1  +bar({ "boosh": "boosh" });

Added cmd/pisc-web-ide/webroot/static/js/reqwest-2.0.5/tests/fixtures/fixtures_jsonp3.jsonp.

            1  +reqwest_2({ "boosh": "boosh" });

Added cmd/pisc-web-ide/webroot/static/js/reqwest-2.0.5/tests/fixtures/fixtures_jsonp_multi.jsonp.

            1  +reqwest_0({ "a": "a" });

Added cmd/pisc-web-ide/webroot/static/js/reqwest-2.0.5/tests/fixtures/fixtures_jsonp_multi_b.jsonp.

            1  +reqwest_0({ "b": "b" });

Added cmd/pisc-web-ide/webroot/static/js/reqwest-2.0.5/tests/fixtures/fixtures_jsonp_multi_c.jsonp.

            1  +reqwest_0({ "c": "c" });

Added cmd/pisc-web-ide/webroot/static/js/reqwest-2.0.5/tests/fixtures/fixtures_with_prefix.json.

            1  +])}while(1);</x>{ "boosh": "boosh" }

Added cmd/pisc-web-ide/webroot/static/js/reqwest-2.0.5/tests/fixtures/invalidJSON.json.

            1  +this is not valid JSON!, there: are ~!_+ punctuation
            2  +
            3  +marks
            4  +
            5  +all, over, the:place ^ 2

Added cmd/pisc-web-ide/webroot/static/js/reqwest-2.0.5/tests/tests.html.

            1  +<!DOCTYPE HTML>
            2  +<html lang="en-us">
            3  +  <head>
            4  +    <title>Reqwest tests</title>
            5  +    <meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
            6  +    <link rel="stylesheet" href="/node_modules/sink-test/src/sink.css" type="text/css">
            7  +    <script src="/node_modules/valentine/valentine.js"></script>
            8  +    <script src="/node_modules/sink-test/src/sink.js"></script>
            9  +    <script src="/tests/ender.js"></script>
           10  +    <script src="/src/reqwest.js"></script>
           11  +    <script src="/src/ender.js"></script>
           12  +    <style type="text/css">
           13  +      #fixtures {
           14  +        position: absolute;
           15  +        top: -9999em;
           16  +      }
           17  +    </style>
           18  +  </head>
           19  +  <body>
           20  +    <h1>Reqwest Tests</h1>
           21  +    <div id="fixtures">
           22  +      <form action="/foo" method="post">
           23  +        <input type="submit" value="Continue">
           24  +        <input type="text" name="foo" value="bar">
           25  +        <input type="hidden" name="bar" value="baz">
           26  +        <input type="checkbox" name="wha" checked value="1">
           27  +        <input type="checkbox" name="wha" value="2">
           28  +        <input type="checkbox" name="wha" checked value="3">
           29  +        <input type="radio" name="who" value="one">
           30  +        <input type="radio" name="who" checked value="tawoo">
           31  +        <input type="radio" name="who" value="three">
           32  +        <input type="text" name="$escapable name$" value="escapeme" />
           33  +        <select name="choices">
           34  +          <option>one</option>
           35  +          <option selected>two</option>
           36  +          <option>tres</option>
           37  +        </select>
           38  +        <textarea name="opinions">world peace is not real</textarea>
           39  +      </form>
           40  +      <form action="/baa" method="get">
           41  +        <textarea name="T3" rows="2" cols="15">?
           42  +A B
           43  +Z</textarea>
           44  +        <input type="hidden" name="H1" value="x" />       <!-- 0 -->
           45  +        <input type="hidden" name="H2" />                 <!-- 1 -->
           46  +        <input type="password" name="PWD1" value="xyz" /> <!-- 2 -->
           47  +        <input type="password" name="PWD2" />             <!-- 3 -->
           48  +        <input type="text" name="T1" />                   <!-- 4 -->
           49  +        <input type="text" name="T2" value="YES" readonly="readonly" /> <!-- 5 -->
           50  +        <input type="checkbox" name="C1" value="1" />     <!-- 6 -->
           51  +        <input type="checkbox" name="C2" />               <!-- 7 -->
           52  +        <input type="radio" name="R1" value="1" />        <!-- 8 -->
           53  +        <input type="radio" name="R1" value="" />         <!-- 9 -->
           54  +        <input type="text" name="My Name" value="me" />   <!-- 10 -->
           55  +        <input type="reset" name="rst" value="NO" />      <!-- 11 -->
           56  +        <input type="file" name="file" />                 <!-- 12 -->
           57  +        <input type="submit" name="sub" value="NO" />     <!-- 13 -->
           58  +        <select name="S1"></select>                       <!-- 0 -->
           59  +        <select name="S2">                                <!-- 1 -->
           60  +          <option value="abc">ABC</option>
           61  +          <option value="def">DEF</option>
           62  +          <option value="ghi">GHI</option>
           63  +          <option value="jkl">JKL</option>
           64  +          <option value="mno">MNO</option>
           65  +          <option value="pqr">PQR</option>
           66  +          <option value="disco stu">DISCO STU!</option>
           67  +          <option value="vwx">VWX</option>
           68  +          <option value="yz">YZ</option>
           69  +          <option value="">no no no!</option>
           70  +        </select>
           71  +        <select name="S3">                                <!-- 2 -->
           72  +          <option>ABC</option>
           73  +          <option>DEF</option>
           74  +          <option>GHI</option>
           75  +          <option>JKL</option>
           76  +          <option>MNO</option>
           77  +          <option>PQR</option>
           78  +          <option>DISCO STU!</option>
           79  +          <option>VWX</option>
           80  +          <option>YZ</option>
           81  +        </select>
           82  +        <select name="S4" multiple="multiple" size="3">   <!-- 3 -->
           83  +          <option value="1">One</option>
           84  +          <option value="2">Two</option>
           85  +          <option value="3">Three</option>
           86  +          <option value="4">Four</option>
           87  +          <option value="5">Five</option>
           88  +          <option value="6">Six</option>
           89  +          <option>Seven</option>
           90  +          <option>Eight</option>
           91  +          <option>Disco Stu!</option>
           92  +        </select>
           93  +        <input type="text" name="D1" value="NO" disabled="disabled" />  <!-- 14 -->
           94  +        <input type="checkbox" name="D2" value="NO" checked="checked" disabled="disabled" />  <!-- 15 -->
           95  +        <input type="radio" name="D3" value="NO" checked="checked" disabled="disabled" />  <!-- 16 -->
           96  +        <select name="D4" disabled="disabled"><option selected="selected" value="NO">NO</option></select> <!-- 4 -->
           97  +        <select name="D5"><option selected="selected" value="NO" disabled="disabled">NO</option></select> <!-- 5 -->
           98  +        <select name="D4" disabled="disabled "multiple="multiple" size="3"><option selected="selected" value="NO">NO</option></select> <!-- 6 -->
           99  +        <select name="D5" multiple="multiple" size="3"><option selected="selected" value="NO" disabled="disabled">NO</option></select> <!-- 7 -->
          100  +      </form>
          101  +    </div>
          102  +    <ol id="tests"></ol>
          103  +    <script src="/tests/tests.js"></script>
          104  +  </body>
          105  +</html>

Added cmd/pisc-web-ide/webroot/static/js/reqwest-2.0.5/tests/tests.js.

            1  +/*jshint maxlen:80*/
            2  +/*global reqwest:true, sink:true, start:true, ender:true, v:true, boosh:true*/
            3  +
            4  +(function (ajax) {
            5  +  var BIND_ARGS = 'bind'
            6  +    , PASS_ARGS = 'pass'
            7  +    , FakeXHR = (function () {
            8  +        function FakeXHR () {
            9  +          this.args = {}
           10  +          FakeXHR.last = this
           11  +        }
           12  +        FakeXHR.setup = function () {
           13  +          FakeXHR.oldxhr = window['XMLHttpRequest']
           14  +          FakeXHR.oldaxo = window['ActiveXObject']
           15  +          window['XMLHttpRequest'] = FakeXHR
           16  +          window['ActiveXObject'] = FakeXHR
           17  +          FakeXHR.last = null
           18  +        }
           19  +        FakeXHR.restore = function () {
           20  +          window['XMLHttpRequest'] = FakeXHR.oldxhr
           21  +          window['ActiveXObject'] = FakeXHR.oldaxo
           22  +        }
           23  +        FakeXHR.prototype.methodCallCount = function (name) {
           24  +          return this.args[name] ? this.args[name].length : 0
           25  +        }
           26  +        FakeXHR.prototype.methodCallArgs = function (name, i, j) {
           27  +          var a = this.args[name]
           28  +              && this.args[name].length > i ? this.args[name][i] : null
           29  +          if (arguments.length > 2) return a && a.length > j ? a[j] : null
           30  +          return a
           31  +        }
           32  +        v.each(['open', 'send', 'setRequestHeader' ], function (f) {
           33  +          FakeXHR.prototype[f] = function () {
           34  +            if (!this.args[f]) this.args[f] = []
           35  +            this.args[f].push(arguments)
           36  +          }
           37  +        })
           38  +        return FakeXHR
           39  +      }())
           40  +
           41  +  sink('Setup', function (test, ok, before, after) {
           42  +    before(function () {
           43  +      ajax.ajaxSetup({
           44  +        dataFilter: function (resp, type) {
           45  +          // example filter to prevent json hijacking
           46  +          return resp.substring('])}while(1);</x>'.length)
           47  +        }
           48  +      })
           49  +    })
           50  +    after(function () {
           51  +      ajax.ajaxSetup({
           52  +        // reset to original data filter
           53  +        dataFilter: function (resp, type) {
           54  +          return resp
           55  +        }
           56  +      })
           57  +    })
           58  +    test('dataFilter', function (complete) {
           59  +      ajax({
           60  +          url: '/tests/fixtures/fixtures_with_prefix.json'
           61  +        , type: 'json'
           62  +        , success: function (resp) {
           63  +            ok(resp, 'received response')
           64  +            ok(
           65  +                resp && resp.boosh == 'boosh'
           66  +              , 'correctly evaluated response as JSON'
           67  +            )
           68  +            complete()
           69  +          }
           70  +      })
           71  +    })
           72  +  })
           73  +
           74  +  sink('Mime Types', function (test, ok) {
           75  +    test('JSON', function (complete) {
           76  +      ajax({
           77  +          url: '/tests/fixtures/fixtures.json'
           78  +        , type: 'json'
           79  +        , success: function (resp) {
           80  +            ok(resp, 'received response')
           81  +            ok(
           82  +                resp && resp.boosh == 'boosh'
           83  +              , 'correctly evaluated response as JSON'
           84  +            )
           85  +            complete()
           86  +          }
           87  +      })
           88  +    })
           89  +
           90  +    test('JSONP', function (complete) {
           91  +      // stub callback prefix
           92  +      reqwest.getcallbackPrefix = function (id) {
           93  +        return 'reqwest_' + id
           94  +      }
           95  +      ajax({
           96  +          url: '/tests/fixtures/fixtures_jsonp.jsonp?callback=?'
           97  +        , type: 'jsonp'
           98  +        , success: function (resp) {
           99  +            ok(resp, 'received response for unique generated callback')
          100  +            ok(
          101  +                resp && resp.boosh == 'boosh'
          102  +              , 'correctly evaled response for unique generated cb as JSONP'
          103  +            )
          104  +            complete()
          105  +          }
          106  +      })
          107  +    })
          108  +
          109  +    test('JS', function (complete) {
          110  +      ajax({
          111  +          url: '/tests/fixtures/fixtures.js'
          112  +        , type: 'js'
          113  +        , success: function () {
          114  +            ok(
          115  +                typeof boosh !== 'undefined' && boosh == 'boosh'
          116  +              , 'evaluated response as JavaScript'
          117  +            )
          118  +            complete()
          119  +          }
          120  +      })
          121  +    })
          122  +
          123  +    test('HTML', function (complete) {
          124  +      ajax({
          125  +          url: '/tests/fixtures/fixtures.html'
          126  +        , type: 'html'
          127  +        , success: function (resp) {
          128  +            ok(resp == '<p>boosh</p>', 'evaluated response as HTML')
          129  +            complete()
          130  +          }
          131  +      })
          132  +    })
          133  +
          134  +    test('XML', function (complete) {
          135  +      ajax({
          136  +          url: '/tests/fixtures/fixtures.xml'
          137  +        , type: 'xml'
          138  +        , success: function (resp) {
          139  +            ok(resp
          140  +                && resp.documentElement
          141  +                && resp.documentElement.nodeName == 'root'
          142  +              , 'XML Response root is <root>'
          143  +            )
          144  +            ok(resp
          145  +                && resp.documentElement
          146  +                && resp.documentElement.hasChildNodes
          147  +                && resp.documentElement.firstChild.nodeName == 'boosh'
          148  +                && resp.documentElement.firstChild.firstChild.nodeValue
          149  +                    == 'boosh'
          150  +              , 'Correct XML response'
          151  +            )
          152  +            complete()
          153  +          }
          154  +        , error: function (err) {
          155  +            ok(false, err.responseText)
          156  +            complete()
          157  +          }
          158  +      })
          159  +    })
          160  +
          161  +    test('XML (404)', function (complete) {
          162  +      ajax({
          163  +          url:'/tests/fixtures/badfixtures.xml'
          164  +        , type:'xml'
          165  +        , success: function (resp) {
          166  +            if (resp == null) {
          167  +              ok(true, 'XML response is null')
          168  +              complete()
          169  +            } else {
          170  +              ok(resp
          171  +                  && resp.documentElement
          172  +                  && resp.documentElement.firstChild
          173  +                  && (/error/i).test(resp.documentElement.firstChild.nodeValue)
          174  +                , 'XML response reports parsing error'
          175  +              )
          176  +              complete()
          177  +            }
          178  +          }
          179  +        , error: function () {
          180  +            ok(true, 'No XML response (error())')
          181  +            complete()
          182  +          }
          183  +      })
          184  +    })
          185  +  })
          186  +
          187  +  sink('JSONP', function (test, ok) {
          188  +    test('Named callback in query string', function (complete) {
          189  +      ajax({
          190  +          url: '/tests/fixtures/fixtures_jsonp2.jsonp?foo=bar'
          191  +        , type: 'jsonp'
          192  +        , jsonpCallback: 'foo'
          193  +        , success: function (resp) {
          194  +            ok(resp, 'received response for custom callback')
          195  +            ok(
          196  +                resp && resp.boosh == 'boosh'
          197  +              , 'correctly evaluated response as JSONP with custom callback'
          198  +            )
          199  +            complete()
          200  +          }
          201  +      })
          202  +    })
          203  +
          204  +    test('Unnamed callback in query string', function (complete) {
          205  +      ajax({
          206  +          url: '/tests/fixtures/fixtures_jsonp3.jsonp?foo=?'
          207  +        , type: 'jsonp'
          208  +        , jsonpCallback: 'foo'
          209  +        , success: function (resp) {
          210  +            ok(resp, 'received response for custom wildcard callback')
          211  +            ok(
          212  +                resp && resp.boosh == 'boosh'
          213  +              , 'correctly evaled response as JSONP with custom wildcard cb'
          214  +            )
          215  +            complete()
          216  +          }
          217  +      })
          218  +    })
          219  +
          220  +    test('No callback, no query string', function (complete) {
          221  +      ajax({
          222  +          url: '/tests/fixtures/fixtures_jsonp3.jsonp'
          223  +        , type: 'jsonp'
          224  +        , jsonpCallback: 'foo'
          225  +        , success: function (resp) {
          226  +            ok(resp, 'received response for custom wildcard callback')
          227  +            ok(
          228  +                resp && resp.boosh == 'boosh'
          229  +              , 'correctly evaled response as JSONP with custom cb not in url'
          230  +            )
          231  +            complete()
          232  +          }
          233  +      })
          234  +    })
          235  +
          236  +    test('No callback in existing query string', function (complete) {
          237  +      ajax({
          238  +          url: '/tests/none.jsonp?echo&somevar=some+long+str+here'
          239  +        , type: 'jsonp'
          240  +        , jsonpCallbackName: 'yohoho'
          241  +        , success: function (resp) {
          242  +            ok(resp && resp.query, 'received response from echo callback')
          243  +            ok(
          244  +                resp && resp.query && resp.query.somevar == 'some long str here'
          245  +              , 'correctly evaluated response as JSONP with echo callback'
          246  +            )
          247  +            complete()
          248  +          }
          249  +      })
          250  +    })
          251  +
          252  +    test('Append data to existing query string', function (complete) {
          253  +      ajax({
          254  +          url: '/tests/none.jsonp?echo' // should append &somevar...
          255  +        , type: 'jsonp'
          256  +        , data: { somevar: 'some long str here', anothervar: 'yo ho ho!' }
          257  +        , success: function (resp) {
          258  +            ok(resp && resp.query, 'received response from echo callback')
          259  +            ok(
          260  +                resp && resp.query && resp.query.somevar == 'some long str here'
          261  +              , 'correctly sent and received data object from JSONP echo (1)'
          262  +            )
          263  +            ok(
          264  +                resp && resp.query && resp.query.anothervar == 'yo ho ho!'
          265  +              , 'correctly sent and received data object from JSONP echo (2)'
          266  +            )
          267  +            complete()
          268  +          }
          269  +      })
          270  +    })
          271  +
          272  +    test('Generate complete query string from data', function (complete) {
          273  +      ajax({
          274  +          url: '/tests/none.jsonp' // should append ?echo...etc.
          275  +        , type: 'jsonp'
          276  +        , data: [
          277  +              { name: 'somevar', value: 'some long str here' }
          278  +            , { name: 'anothervar', value: 'yo ho ho!' }
          279  +            , { name: 'echo', value: true }
          280  +          ]
          281  +        , success: function (resp) {
          282  +            ok(resp && resp.query, 'received response from echo callback')
          283  +            ok(
          284  +                resp && resp.query && resp.query.somevar == 'some long str here'
          285  +              , 'correctly sent and received data array from JSONP echo (1)'
          286  +            )
          287  +            ok(
          288  +                resp && resp.query && resp.query.anothervar == 'yo ho ho!'
          289  +              , 'correctly sent and received data array from JSONP echo (2)'
          290  +            )
          291  +            complete()
          292  +          }
          293  +      })
          294  +    })
          295  +
          296  +    test('Append data to query string and insert callback name'
          297  +        , function (complete) {
          298  +
          299  +      ajax({
          300  +          // should append data and match callback correctly
          301  +          url: '/tests/none.jsonp?callback=?'
          302  +        , type: 'jsonp'
          303  +        , jsonpCallbackName: 'reqwest_foo'
          304  +        , data: { foo: 'bar', boo: 'baz', echo: true }
          305  +        , success: function (resp) {
          306  +            ok(resp && resp.query, 'received response from echo callback')
          307  +            ok(
          308  +                resp && resp.query && resp.query.callback == 'reqwest_foo'
          309  +              , 'correctly matched callback in URL'
          310  +            )
          311  +            complete()
          312  +          }
          313  +      })
          314  +    })
          315  +  })
          316  +
          317  +  sink('Callbacks', function (test, ok) {
          318  +
          319  +    test('sync version', function (done) {
          320  +      var r = ajax({
          321  +        method: 'get'
          322  +      , url: '/tests/fixtures/fixtures.json'
          323  +      , type: 'json'
          324  +      , async: false
          325  +      })
          326  +      var request = r.request,
          327  +        responseText = request.response !== undefined ? request.response : request.responseText
          328  +      ok(eval('(' + responseText + ')').boosh == 'boosh', 'can make sync calls')
          329  +      done()
          330  +    })
          331  +
          332  +    test('no callbacks', function (complete) {
          333  +      var pass = true
          334  +      try {
          335  +        ajax('/tests/fixtures/fixtures.js')
          336  +      } catch (ex) {
          337  +        pass = false
          338  +      } finally {
          339  +        ok(pass, 'successfully doesnt fail without callback')
          340  +        complete()
          341  +      }
          342  +    })
          343  +
          344  +    test('complete is called', function (complete) {
          345  +      ajax({
          346  +          url: '/tests/fixtures/fixtures.js'
          347  +        , complete: function () {
          348  +            ok(true, 'called complete')
          349  +            complete()
          350  +          }
          351  +      })
          352  +    })
          353  +
          354  +    test('invalid JSON sets error on resp object', function (complete) {
          355  +      ajax({
          356  +          url: '/tests/fixtures/invalidJSON.json'
          357  +        , type: 'json'
          358  +        , success: function () {
          359  +            ok(false, 'success callback fired')
          360  +            complete()
          361  +          }
          362  +        , error: function (resp, msg) {
          363  +            ok(
          364  +                msg == 'Could not parse JSON in response'
          365  +              , 'error callback fired'
          366  +            )
          367  +            complete()
          368  +          }
          369  +      })
          370  +    })
          371  +
          372  +    test('multiple parallel named JSONP callbacks', 8, function () {
          373  +      ajax({
          374  +          url: '/tests/fixtures/fixtures_jsonp_multi.jsonp?callback=reqwest_0'
          375  +        , type: 'jsonp'
          376  +        , success: function (resp) {
          377  +            ok(resp, 'received response from call #1')
          378  +            ok(
          379  +                resp && resp.a == 'a'
          380  +              , 'evaluated response from call #1 as JSONP'
          381  +            )
          382  +          }
          383  +      })
          384  +      ajax({
          385  +          url: '/tests/fixtures/fixtures_jsonp_multi_b.jsonp?callback=reqwest_0'
          386  +        , type: 'jsonp'
          387  +        , success: function (resp) {
          388  +            ok(resp, 'received response from call #2')
          389  +            ok(
          390  +                resp && resp.b == 'b'
          391  +              , 'evaluated response from call #2 as JSONP'
          392  +            )
          393  +          }
          394  +      })
          395  +      ajax({
          396  +          url: '/tests/fixtures/fixtures_jsonp_multi_c.jsonp?callback=reqwest_0'
          397  +        , type: 'jsonp'
          398  +        , success: function (resp) {
          399  +            ok(resp, 'received response from call #2')
          400  +            ok(
          401  +                resp && resp.c == 'c'
          402  +              , 'evaluated response from call #3 as JSONP'
          403  +            )
          404  +          }
          405  +      })
          406  +      ajax({
          407  +          url: '/tests/fixtures/fixtures_jsonp_multi.jsonp?callback=reqwest_0'
          408  +        , type: 'jsonp'
          409  +        , success: function (resp) {
          410  +            ok(resp, 'received response from call #2')
          411  +            ok(
          412  +                resp && resp.a == 'a'
          413  +              , 'evaluated response from call #4 as JSONP'
          414  +            )
          415  +          }
          416  +      })
          417  +    })
          418  +
          419  +    test('JSONP also supports success promises', function (complete) {
          420  +      ajax({
          421  +          url: '/tests/none.jsonp?echo'
          422  +        , type: 'jsonp'
          423  +        , success: function (resp) {
          424  +            ok(resp, 'received response in constructor success callback')
          425  +          }
          426  +      })
          427  +        .then(function (resp) {
          428  +            ok(resp, 'received response in promise success callback')
          429  +            return resp;
          430  +        })
          431  +        .then(function (resp) {
          432  +            ok(resp, 'received response in second promise success callback')
          433  +            complete()
          434  +        })
          435  +    })
          436  +
          437  +    test('JSONP also supports error promises', function (complete) {
          438  +      ajax({
          439  +          url: '/tests/timeout/'
          440  +        , type: 'jsonp'
          441  +        , error: function (err) {
          442  +            ok(err, 'received error response in constructor error callback')
          443  +          }
          444  +      })
          445  +        .fail(function (err) {
          446  +            ok(err, 'received error response in promise error callback')
          447  +        })
          448  +        .fail(function (err) {
          449  +            ok(err, 'received error response in second promise error callback')
          450  +            complete()
          451  +        })
          452  +        .abort()
          453  +    })
          454  +
          455  +  })
          456  +
          457  +  if (window.XMLHttpRequest
          458  +    && ('withCredentials' in new window.XMLHttpRequest())) {
          459  +
          460  +    sink('Cross-origin Resource Sharing', function (test, ok) {
          461  +      test('make request to another origin', 1, function () {
          462  +        ajax({
          463  +            url: 'http://' + window.location.hostname + ':5678/get-value'
          464  +          , type: 'text'
          465  +          , method: 'get'
          466  +          , crossOrigin: true
          467  +          , complete: function (resp) {
          468  +              ok(resp.responseText === 'hello', 'request made successfully')
          469  +            }
          470  +        })
          471  +      })
          472  +
          473  +      test('set cookie on other origin', 2, function () {
          474  +        ajax({
          475  +            url: 'http://' + window.location.hostname + ':5678/set-cookie'
          476  +          , type: 'text'
          477  +          , method: 'get'
          478  +          , crossOrigin: true
          479  +          , withCredentials: true
          480  +          , before: function (http) {
          481  +              ok(
          482  +                  http.withCredentials === true
          483  +                , 'has set withCredentials on connection object'
          484  +              )
          485  +            }
          486  +          , complete: function (resp) {
          487  +              ok(resp.status === 200, 'cookie set successfully')
          488  +            }
          489  +        })
          490  +      })
          491  +
          492  +      test('get cookie from other origin', 1, function () {
          493  +        ajax({
          494  +              url: 'http://'
          495  +                  + window.location.hostname
          496  +                  + ':5678/get-cookie-value'
          497  +            , type: 'text'
          498  +            , method: 'get'
          499  +            , crossOrigin: true
          500  +            , withCredentials: true
          501  +            , complete: function (resp) {
          502  +                ok(
          503  +                    resp.responseText == 'hello'
          504  +                  , 'cookie value retrieved successfully'
          505  +                )
          506  +              }
          507  +        })
          508  +      })
          509  +
          510  +    })
          511  +  }
          512  +
          513  +  sink('Connection Object', function (test, ok) {
          514  +
          515  +    test('use xhr factory provided in the options', function (complete) {
          516  +      var reqwest
          517  +      , xhr
          518  +
          519  +      if (typeof XMLHttpRequest !== 'undefined') {
          520  +          xhr = new XMLHttpRequest()
          521  +      } else if (typeof ActiveXObject !== 'undefined') {
          522  +          xhr = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP')
          523  +      } else {
          524  +        ok(false, 'browser not supported')
          525  +      }
          526  +
          527  +      reqwest = ajax({
          528  +          url: '/tests/fixtures/fixtures.html',
          529  +          xhr: function () {
          530  +            return xhr
          531  +          }
          532  +      })
          533  +
          534  +      ok(reqwest.request === xhr, 'uses factory')
          535  +      complete()
          536  +    })
          537  +
          538  +    test('fallbacks to own xhr factory if falsy is returned', function (complete) {
          539  +      var reqwest
          540  +
          541  +      FakeXHR.setup()
          542  +      try {
          543  +        reqwest = ajax({
          544  +            url: '/tests/fixtures/fixtures.html',
          545  +            xhr: function () {
          546  +              return null
          547  +            }
          548  +        })
          549  +
          550  +        ok(reqwest.request instanceof FakeXHR, 'fallbacks correctly')
          551  +        complete()
          552  +      } finally {
          553  +        FakeXHR.restore()
          554  +      }
          555  +    })
          556  +
          557  +    test('setRequestHeaders', function (complete) {
          558  +      ajax({
          559  +          url: '/tests/fixtures/fixtures.html'
          560  +        , data: 'foo=bar&baz=thunk'
          561  +        , method: 'post'
          562  +        , headers: {
          563  +            'Accept': 'application/x-foo'
          564  +          }
          565  +        , success: function () {
          566  +            ok(true, 'can post headers')
          567  +            complete()
          568  +          }
          569  +      })
          570  +    })
          571  +
          572  +    test('can inspect http before send', function (complete) {
          573  +      var connection = ajax({
          574  +          url: '/tests/fixtures/fixtures.js'
          575  +        , method: 'post'
          576  +        , type: 'js'
          577  +        , before: function (http) {
          578  +            ok(http.readyState == 1, 'received http connection object')
          579  +          }
          580  +        , success: function () {
          581  +            // Microsoft.XMLHTTP appears not to run this async in IE6&7, it
          582  +            // processes the request and triggers success() before ajax() even
          583  +            // returns. Perhaps a better solution would be to defer the calls
          584  +            // within handleReadyState()
          585  +            setTimeout(function () {
          586  +              ok(
          587  +                  connection.request.readyState == 4
          588  +                , 'success callback has readyState of 4'
          589  +              )
          590  +              complete()
          591  +            }, 0)
          592  +        }
          593  +      })
          594  +    })
          595  +
          596  +    test('ajax() encodes array `data`', function (complete) {
          597  +      FakeXHR.setup()
          598  +      try {
          599  +       ajax({
          600  +            url: '/tests/fixtures/fixtures.html'
          601  +          , method: 'post'
          602  +          , data: [
          603  +                { name: 'foo', value: 'bar' }
          604  +              , { name: 'baz', value: 'thunk' }
          605  +            ]
          606  +        })
          607  +        ok(FakeXHR.last.methodCallCount('send') == 1, 'send called')
          608  +        ok(
          609  +            FakeXHR.last.methodCallArgs('send', 0).length == 1
          610  +          , 'send called with 1 arg'
          611  +        )
          612  +        ok(
          613  +            FakeXHR.last.methodCallArgs('send', 0, 0) == 'foo=bar&baz=thunk'
          614  +          , 'send called with encoded array'
          615  +        )
          616  +        complete()
          617  +      } finally {
          618  +        FakeXHR.restore()
          619  +      }
          620  +    })
          621  +
          622  +    test('ajax() encodes hash `data`', function (complete) {
          623  +      FakeXHR.setup()
          624  +      try {
          625  +        ajax({
          626  +            url: '/tests/fixtures/fixtures.html'
          627  +          , method: 'post'
          628  +          , data: { bar: 'foo', thunk: 'baz' }
          629  +        })
          630  +        ok(FakeXHR.last.methodCallCount('send') == 1, 'send called')
          631  +        ok(
          632  +            FakeXHR.last.methodCallArgs('send', 0).length == 1
          633  +          , 'send called with 1 arg'
          634  +        )
          635  +        ok(
          636  +            FakeXHR.last.methodCallArgs('send', 0, 0) == 'bar=foo&thunk=baz'
          637  +          , 'send called with encoded array'
          638  +        )
          639  +        complete()
          640  +      } finally {
          641  +        FakeXHR.restore()
          642  +      }
          643  +    })
          644  +
          645  +    test('ajax() obeys `processData`', function (complete) {
          646  +      FakeXHR.setup()
          647  +      try {
          648  +        var d = { bar: 'foo', thunk: 'baz' }
          649  +        ajax({
          650  +            url: '/tests/fixtures/fixtures.html'
          651  +          , processData: false
          652  +          , method: 'post'
          653  +          , data: d
          654  +        })
          655  +        ok(FakeXHR.last.methodCallCount('send') == 1, 'send called')
          656  +        ok(
          657  +            FakeXHR.last.methodCallArgs('send', 0).length == 1
          658  +          , 'send called with 1 arg'
          659  +        )
          660  +        ok(
          661  +            FakeXHR.last.methodCallArgs('send', 0, 0) === d
          662  +          , 'send called with exact `data` object'
          663  +        )
          664  +        complete()
          665  +      } finally {
          666  +        FakeXHR.restore()
          667  +      }
          668  +    })
          669  +
          670  +    function testXhrGetUrlAdjustment(url, data, expectedUrl, complete) {
          671  +      FakeXHR.setup()
          672  +      try {
          673  +        ajax({ url: url, data: data })
          674  +        ok(FakeXHR.last.methodCallCount('open') == 1, 'open called')
          675  +        ok(
          676  +            FakeXHR.last.methodCallArgs('open', 0).length == 3
          677  +          , 'open called with 3 args'
          678  +        )
          679  +        ok(
          680  +            FakeXHR.last.methodCallArgs('open', 0, 0) == 'GET'
          681  +          , 'first arg of open() is "GET"'
          682  +        )
          683  +        ok(FakeXHR.last.methodCallArgs('open', 0, 1) == expectedUrl
          684  +          , 'second arg of open() is URL with query string')
          685  +        ok(
          686  +            FakeXHR.last.methodCallArgs('open', 0, 2) === true
          687  +          , 'third arg of open() is `true`'
          688  +        )
          689  +        ok(FakeXHR.last.methodCallCount('send') == 1, 'send called')
          690  +        ok(
          691  +            FakeXHR.last.methodCallArgs('send', 0).length == 1
          692  +          , 'send called with 1 arg'
          693  +        )
          694  +        ok(
          695  +            FakeXHR.last.methodCallArgs('send', 0, 0) === null
          696  +          , 'send called with null'
          697  +        )
          698  +        complete()
          699  +      } finally {
          700  +        FakeXHR.restore()
          701  +      }
          702  +    }
          703  +
          704  +    test('ajax() appends GET URL with ?`data`', function (complete) {
          705  +      testXhrGetUrlAdjustment(
          706  +          '/tests/fixtures/fixtures.html'
          707  +        , 'bar=foo&thunk=baz'
          708  +        , '/tests/fixtures/fixtures.html?bar=foo&thunk=baz'
          709  +        , complete
          710  +      )
          711  +    })
          712  +
          713  +    test('ajax() appends GET URL with ?`data` (serialized object)'
          714  +          , function (complete) {
          715  +
          716  +      testXhrGetUrlAdjustment(
          717  +          '/tests/fixtures/fixtures.html'
          718  +        , { bar: 'foo', thunk: 'baz' }
          719  +        , '/tests/fixtures/fixtures.html?bar=foo&thunk=baz'
          720  +        , complete
          721  +      )
          722  +    })
          723  +
          724  +    test('ajax() appends GET URL with &`data` (serialized array)'
          725  +          , function (complete) {
          726  +
          727  +      testXhrGetUrlAdjustment(
          728  +          '/tests/fixtures/fixtures.html?x=y'
          729  +        , [ { name: 'bar', value: 'foo'}, {name: 'thunk', value: 'baz' } ]
          730  +        , '/tests/fixtures/fixtures.html?x=y&bar=foo&thunk=baz'
          731  +        , complete
          732  +      )
          733  +    })
          734  +  })
          735  +
          736  +  sink('Standard vs compat mode', function (test, ok) {
          737  +    function methodMatch(resp, method) {
          738  +       return resp && resp.method === method
          739  +    }
          740  +    function headerMatch(resp, key, expected) {
          741  +      return resp && resp.headers && resp.headers[key] === expected
          742  +    }
          743  +    function queryMatch(resp, key, expected) {
          744  +      return resp && resp.query && resp.query[key] === expected
          745  +    }
          746  +
          747  +    test('standard mode default', function (complete) {
          748  +      ajax({
          749  +          url: '/tests/none.json?echo'
          750  +        , success: function (resp) {
          751  +            ok(methodMatch(resp, 'GET'), 'correct request method (GET)')
          752  +            ok(
          753  +                headerMatch(
          754  +                    resp
          755  +                  , 'content-type'
          756  +                  , 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
          757  +                )
          758  +              , 'correct Content-Type request header'
          759  +            )
          760  +            ok(
          761  +                headerMatch(resp, 'x-requested-with', 'XMLHttpRequest')
          762  +              , 'correct X-Requested-With header'
          763  +            )
          764  +            ok(
          765  +                headerMatch(
          766  +                    resp
          767  +                  , 'accept'
          768  +                  , 'text/javascript, text/html, application/xml, text/xml, */*'
          769  +                )
          770  +              , 'correct Accept header'
          771  +            )
          772  +            complete()
          773  +          }
          774  +      })
          775  +    })
          776  +
          777  +    test('standard mode custom content-type', function (complete) {
          778  +      ajax({
          779  +          url: '/tests/none.json?echo'
          780  +        , contentType: 'yapplication/foobar'
          781  +        , success: function (resp) {
          782  +            ok(methodMatch(resp, 'GET'), 'correct request method (GET)')
          783  +            ok(
          784  +                headerMatch(resp, 'content-type', 'yapplication/foobar')
          785  +              , 'correct Content-Type request header'
          786  +            )
          787  +            ok(
          788  +                headerMatch(resp, 'x-requested-with', 'XMLHttpRequest')
          789  +              , 'correct X-Requested-With header'
          790  +            )
          791  +            ok(
          792  +                headerMatch(
          793  +                    resp
          794  +                  , 'accept'
          795  +                  , 'text/javascript, text/html, application/xml, text/xml, */*'
          796  +                )
          797  +              , 'correct Accept header'
          798  +            )
          799  +            complete()
          800  +          }
          801  +      })
          802  +    })
          803  +
          804  +    test('standard mode on no content-type', function (complete) {
          805  +      ajax({
          806  +        url: '/tests/204'
          807  +          , success: function (resp) {
          808  +            ok(true, 'Nothing blew up.')
          809  +          }
          810  +        })
          811  +    })
          812  +
          813  +    test('compat mode "dataType=json" headers', function (complete) {
          814  +      ajax.compat({
          815  +          url: '/tests/none.json?echo'
          816  +        , dataType: 'json' // should map to 'type'
          817  +        , success: function (resp) {
          818  +            ok(methodMatch(resp, 'GET'), 'correct request method (GET)')
          819  +            ok(
          820  +                headerMatch(
          821  +                    resp
          822  +                  , 'content-type'
          823  +                  , 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
          824  +                )
          825  +              , 'correct Content-Type request header'
          826  +            )
          827  +            ok(
          828  +                headerMatch(resp, 'x-requested-with', 'XMLHttpRequest')
          829  +              , 'correct X-Requested-With header'
          830  +            )
          831  +            ok(
          832  +                headerMatch(resp, 'accept', 'application/json, text/javascript')
          833  +              , 'correct Accept header'
          834  +            )
          835  +            complete()
          836  +          }
          837  +      })
          838  +    })
          839  +
          840  +    test('compat mode "dataType=json" with "type=post" headers'
          841  +        , function (complete) {
          842  +      ajax.compat({
          843  +          url: '/tests/none.json?echo'
          844  +        , type: 'post'
          845  +        , dataType: 'json' // should map to 'type'
          846  +        , success: function (resp) {
          847  +            ok(methodMatch(resp, 'POST'), 'correct request method (POST)')
          848  +            ok(
          849  +                headerMatch(
          850  +                    resp
          851  +                  , 'content-type'
          852  +                  , 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
          853  +                )
          854  +              , 'correct Content-Type request header'
          855  +            )
          856  +            ok(
          857  +                headerMatch(resp, 'x-requested-with', 'XMLHttpRequest')
          858  +              , 'correct X-Requested-With header'
          859  +            )
          860  +            ok(
          861  +                headerMatch(resp, 'accept', 'application/json, text/javascript')
          862  +              , 'correct Accept header'
          863  +            )
          864  +            complete()
          865  +          }
          866  +      })
          867  +    })
          868  +
          869  +    test('compat mode "dataType=json" headers (with additional headers)'
          870  +        , function (complete) {
          871  +
          872  +      ajax.compat({
          873  +          url: '/tests/none.json?echo'
          874  +        , dataType: 'json' // should map to 'type'
          875  +          // verify that these are left intact and nothing screwy
          876  +          // happens with headers
          877  +        , headers: { one: 1, two: 2 }
          878  +        , success: function (resp) {
          879  +            ok(
          880  +                headerMatch(
          881  +                    resp
          882  +                  , 'content-type'
          883  +                  , 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
          884  +                )
          885  +              , 'correct Content-Type request header'
          886  +            )
          887  +            ok(
          888  +                headerMatch(resp, 'x-requested-with', 'XMLHttpRequest')
          889  +              , 'correct X-Requested-With header'
          890  +            )
          891  +            ok(
          892  +                headerMatch(resp, 'accept', 'application/json, text/javascript')
          893  +              , 'correct Accept header'
          894  +            )
          895  +            ok(
          896  +                headerMatch(resp, 'one', '1') && headerMatch(resp, 'two', '2')
          897  +              , 'left additional headers intact'
          898  +            )
          899  +            complete()
          900  +          }
          901  +      })
          902  +    })
          903  +
          904  +    test('compat mode "dataType=jsonp" query string', function (complete) {
          905  +      ajax.compat({
          906  +          url: '/tests/none.jsonp?echo'
          907  +        , dataType: 'jsonp'
          908  +        , jsonp: 'testCallback' // should map to jsonpCallback
          909  +        , jsonpCallback: 'foobar' // should map to jsonpCallbackName
          910  +        , success: function (resp) {
          911  +            ok(
          912  +                queryMatch(resp, 'echo', '')
          913  +              , 'correct Content-Type request header'
          914  +            )
          915  +            ok(
          916  +                queryMatch(resp, 'testCallback', 'foobar')
          917  +              , 'correct X-Requested-With header'
          918  +            )
          919  +            complete()
          920  +          }
          921  +      })
          922  +    })
          923  +  })
          924  +
          925  +  /***************** SERIALIZER TESTS ***********************/
          926  +
          927  +  // define some helpers for the serializer tests that are used often and
          928  +  // shared with the ender integration tests
          929  +
          930  +  function createSerializeHelper(ok) {
          931  +    var forms = document.forms
          932  +      , foo = forms[0].getElementsByTagName('input')[1]
          933  +      , bar = forms[0].getElementsByTagName('input')[2]
          934  +      , choices = forms[0].getElementsByTagName('select')[0]
          935  +      , BIND_ARGS = 'bind'
          936  +      , PASS_ARGS = 'pass'
          937  +
          938  +    function reset() {
          939  +      forms[1].reset()
          940  +    }
          941  +
          942  +    function formElements(formIndex, tagName, elementIndex) {
          943  +      return forms[formIndex].getElementsByTagName(tagName)[elementIndex]
          944  +    }
          945  +
          946  +    function isArray(a) {
          947  +      return Object.prototype.toString.call(a) == '[object Array]'
          948  +    }
          949  +
          950  +    function sameValue(value, expected) {
          951  +      if (expected == null) {
          952  +        return value === null
          953  +      } else if (isArray(expected)) {
          954  +        if (value.length !== expected.length) return false
          955  +        for (var i = 0; i < expected.length; i++) {
          956  +          if (value[i] != expected[i]) return false
          957  +        }
          958  +        return true
          959  +      } else return value == expected
          960  +    }
          961  +
          962  +    function testInput(input, name, value, str) {
          963  +      var sa = ajax.serialize(input, { type: 'array' })
          964  +        , sh = ajax.serialize(input, { type: 'map' })
          965  +        , av, i
          966  +
          967  +      if (value != null) {
          968  +        av = isArray(value) ? value : [ value ]
          969  +
          970  +        ok(
          971  +            sa.length == av.length
          972  +          ,   'serialize(' + str + ', {type:\'array\'}) returns array '
          973  +            + '[{name,value}]'
          974  +        )
          975  +
          976  +        for (i = 0; i < av.length; i++) {
          977  +          ok(
          978  +              name == sa[i].name
          979  +            , 'serialize(' + str + ', {type:\'array\'})[' + i + '].name'
          980  +          )
          981  +          ok(
          982  +              av[i] == sa[i].value
          983  +            , 'serialize(' + str + ', {type:\'array\'})[' + i + '].value'
          984  +          )
          985  +        }
          986  +
          987  +        ok(sameValue(sh[name], value), 'serialize(' + str + ', {type:\'map\'})')
          988  +      } else {
          989  +        // the cases where an element shouldn't show up at all, checkbox not
          990  +        // checked for example
          991  +        ok(sa.length === 0, 'serialize(' + str + ', {type:\'array\'}) is []')
          992  +        ok(
          993  +            v.keys(sh).length === 0
          994  +          , 'serialize(' + str + ', {type:\'map\'}) is {}'
          995  +        )
          996  +      }
          997  +    }
          998  +
          999  +    function testFormSerialize(method, type) {
         1000  +      var expected =
         1001  +            'foo=bar&bar=baz&wha=1&wha=3&who=tawoo&%24escapable+name'
         1002  +          + '%24=escapeme&choices=two&opinions=world+peace+is+not+real'
         1003  +
         1004  +      ok(method, 'serialize() bound to context')
         1005  +      ok(
         1006  +          (method ? method(forms[0]) : null) == expected
         1007  +        , 'serialized form (' + type + ')'
         1008  +      )
         1009  +    }
         1010  +
         1011  +    function executeMultiArgumentMethod(method, argType, options) {
         1012  +      var els = [ foo, bar, choices ]
         1013  +        , ths = argType === BIND_ARGS ? ender(els) : null
         1014  +        , args = argType === PASS_ARGS ? els : []
         1015  +
         1016  +      if (!!options) args.push(options)
         1017  +
         1018  +      return method.apply(ths, args)
         1019  +    }
         1020  +
         1021  +    function testMultiArgumentSerialize(method, type, argType) {
         1022  +      ok(method, 'serialize() bound in context')
         1023  +      var result = method ? executeMultiArgumentMethod(method, argType) : null
         1024  +      ok(
         1025  +          result == 'foo=bar&bar=baz&choices=two'
         1026  +        , 'serialized all 3 arguments together'
         1027  +      )
         1028  +    }
         1029  +
         1030  +    function verifyFormSerializeArray(result, type) {
         1031  +      var expected = [
         1032  +              { name: 'foo', value: 'bar' }
         1033  +            , { name: 'bar', value: 'baz' }
         1034  +            , { name: 'wha', value: 1 }
         1035  +            , { name: 'wha', value: 3 }
         1036  +            , { name: 'who', value: 'tawoo' }
         1037  +            , { name: '$escapable name$', value: 'escapeme' }
         1038  +            , { name: 'choices', value: 'two' }
         1039  +            , { name: 'opinions', value: 'world peace is not real' }
         1040  +          ]
         1041  +        , i
         1042  +
         1043  +    for (i = 0; i < expected.length; i++) {
         1044  +        ok(v.some(result, function (v) {
         1045  +          return v.name == expected[i].name && v.value == expected[i].value
         1046  +        }), 'serialized ' + expected[i].name + ' (' + type + ')')
         1047  +      }
         1048  +    }
         1049  +
         1050  +    function testFormSerializeArray(method, type) {
         1051  +      ok(method, 'serialize(..., {type:\'array\'}) bound to context')
         1052  +
         1053  +      var result = method ? method(forms[0], { type: 'array' }) : []
         1054  +      if (!result) result = []
         1055  +
         1056  +      verifyFormSerializeArray(result, type)
         1057  +    }
         1058  +
         1059  +    function testMultiArgumentSerializeArray(method, type, argType) {
         1060  +        ok(method, 'serialize(..., {type:\'array\'}) bound to context')
         1061  +        var result = method
         1062  +          ? executeMultiArgumentMethod(method, argType, { type: 'array' })
         1063  +          : []
         1064  +
         1065  +        if (!result) result = []
         1066  +
         1067  +        ok(result.length == 3, 'serialized as array of 3')
         1068  +        ok(
         1069  +            result.length == 3
         1070  +            && result[0].name == 'foo'
         1071  +            && result[0].value == 'bar'
         1072  +          , 'serialized first element (' + type + ')'
         1073  +        )
         1074  +        ok(
         1075  +            result.length == 3
         1076  +            && result[1].name == 'bar'
         1077  +            && result[1].value == 'baz'
         1078  +          , 'serialized second element (' + type + ')'
         1079  +        )
         1080  +        ok(
         1081  +            result.length == 3
         1082  +            && result[2].name == 'choices'
         1083  +            && result[2].value == 'two'
         1084  +          , 'serialized third element (' + type + ')'
         1085  +        )
         1086  +      }
         1087  +
         1088  +    function testFormSerializeHash(method, type) {
         1089  +      var expected = {
         1090  +              foo: 'bar'
         1091  +            , bar: 'baz'
         1092  +            , wha: [ '1', '3' ]
         1093  +            , who: 'tawoo'
         1094  +            , '$escapable name$': 'escapeme'
         1095  +            , choices: 'two'
         1096  +            , opinions: 'world peace is not real'
         1097  +          }
         1098  +        , result
         1099  +
         1100  +      ok(method, 'serialize({type:\'map\'}) bound to context')
         1101  +
         1102  +      result = method ? method(forms[0], { type: 'map' }) : {}
         1103  +      if (!result) result = {}
         1104  +
         1105  +      ok(
         1106  +          v.keys(expected).length === v.keys(result).length
         1107  +        , 'same number of keys (' + type + ')'
         1108  +      )
         1109  +
         1110  +      v.each(v.keys(expected), function (k) {
         1111  +        ok(
         1112  +            sameValue(expected[k], result[k])
         1113  +          , 'same value for ' + k + ' (' + type + ')'
         1114  +        )
         1115  +      })
         1116  +    }
         1117  +
         1118  +    function testMultiArgumentSerializeHash(method, type, argType) {
         1119  +      ok(method, 'serialize({type:\'map\'}) bound to context')
         1120  +      var result = method
         1121  +        ? executeMultiArgumentMethod(method, argType, { type: 'map' })
         1122  +        : {}
         1123  +      if (!result) result = {}
         1124  +      ok(result.foo == 'bar', 'serialized first element (' + type + ')')
         1125  +      ok(result.bar == 'baz', 'serialized second element (' + type + ')')
         1126  +      ok(result.choices == 'two', 'serialized third element (' + type + ')')
         1127  +    }
         1128  +
         1129  +    return {
         1130  +      reset: reset
         1131  +      , formElements: formElements
         1132  +      , testInput: testInput
         1133  +      , testFormSerialize: testFormSerialize
         1134  +      , testMultiArgumentSerialize: testMultiArgumentSerialize
         1135  +      , testFormSerializeArray: testFormSerializeArray
         1136  +      , verifyFormSerializeArray: verifyFormSerializeArray
         1137  +      , testMultiArgumentSerializeArray: testMultiArgumentSerializeArray
         1138  +      , testFormSerializeHash: testFormSerializeHash
         1139  +      , testMultiArgumentSerializeHash: testMultiArgumentSerializeHash
         1140  +    }
         1141  +  }
         1142  +
         1143  +  sink('Serializing', function (test, ok) {
         1144  +
         1145  +    /*
         1146  +     * Serialize forms according to spec.
         1147  +     *  * reqwest.serialize(ele[, ele...]) returns a query string style
         1148  +     *    serialization
         1149  +     *  * reqwest.serialize(ele[, ele...], {type:'array'}) returns a
         1150  +     *    [ { name: 'name', value: 'value'}, ... ] style serialization,
         1151  +     *    compatible with jQuery.serializeArray()
         1152  +     *  * reqwest.serialize(ele[, ele...], {type:\'map\'}) returns a
         1153  +     *    { 'name': 'value', ... } style serialization, compatible with
         1154  +     *    Prototype Form.serializeElements({hash:true})
         1155  +     * Some tests based on spec notes here:
         1156  +     *    http://malsup.com/jquery/form/comp/test.html
         1157  +     */
         1158  +
         1159  +    var sHelper = createSerializeHelper(ok)
         1160  +    sHelper.reset()
         1161  +
         1162  +    test('correctly serialize textarea', function (complete) {
         1163  +      var textarea = sHelper.formElements(1, 'textarea', 0)
         1164  +        , sa
         1165  +
         1166  +      // the texarea has 2 different newline styles, should come out as
         1167  +      // normalized CRLF as per forms spec
         1168  +      ok(
         1169  +          'T3=%3F%0D%0AA+B%0D%0AZ' == ajax.serialize(textarea)
         1170  +        , 'serialize(textarea)'
         1171  +      )
         1172  +      sa = ajax.serialize(textarea, { type: 'array' })
         1173  +      ok(sa.length == 1, 'serialize(textarea, {type:\'array\'}) returns array')
         1174  +      sa = sa[0]
         1175  +      ok('T3' == sa.name, 'serialize(textarea, {type:\'array\'}).name')
         1176  +      ok(
         1177  +          '?\r\nA B\r\nZ' == sa.value
         1178  +        , 'serialize(textarea, {type:\'array\'}).value'
         1179  +      )
         1180  +      ok(
         1181  +          '?\r\nA B\r\nZ' == ajax.serialize(textarea, { type: 'map' }).T3
         1182  +        , 'serialize(textarea, {type:\'map\'})'
         1183  +      )
         1184  +      complete()
         1185  +    })
         1186  +
         1187  +    test('correctly serialize input[type=hidden]', function (complete) {
         1188  +      sHelper.testInput(
         1189  +          sHelper.formElements(1, 'input', 0)
         1190  +        , 'H1'
         1191  +        , 'x'
         1192  +        , 'hidden'
         1193  +      )
         1194  +      sHelper.testInput(
         1195  +          sHelper.formElements(1, 'input', 1)
         1196  +        , 'H2'
         1197  +        , ''
         1198  +        , 'hidden[no value]'
         1199  +      )
         1200  +      complete()
         1201  +    })
         1202  +
         1203  +    test('correctly serialize input[type=password]', function (complete) {
         1204  +      sHelper.testInput(
         1205  +          sHelper.formElements(1, 'input', 2)
         1206  +        , 'PWD1'
         1207  +        , 'xyz'
         1208  +        , 'password'
         1209  +      )
         1210  +      sHelper.testInput(
         1211  +          sHelper.formElements(1, 'input', 3)
         1212  +        , 'PWD2'
         1213  +        , ''
         1214  +        , 'password[no value]'
         1215  +      )
         1216  +      complete()
         1217  +    })
         1218  +
         1219  +    test('correctly serialize input[type=text]', function (complete) {
         1220  +      sHelper.testInput(
         1221  +          sHelper.formElements(1, 'input', 4)
         1222  +        , 'T1'
         1223  +        , ''
         1224  +        , 'text[no value]'
         1225  +      )
         1226  +      sHelper.testInput(
         1227  +          sHelper.formElements(1, 'input', 5)
         1228  +        , 'T2'
         1229  +        , 'YES'
         1230  +        , 'text[readonly]'
         1231  +      )
         1232  +      sHelper.testInput(
         1233  +          sHelper.formElements(1, 'input', 10)
         1234  +        , 'My Name'
         1235  +        , 'me'
         1236  +        , 'text[space name]'
         1237  +      )
         1238  +      complete()
         1239  +    })
         1240  +
         1241  +    test('correctly serialize input[type=checkbox]', function (complete) {
         1242  +      var cb1 = sHelper.formElements(1, 'input', 6)
         1243  +        , cb2 = sHelper.formElements(1, 'input', 7)
         1244  +      sHelper.testInput(cb1, 'C1', null, 'checkbox[not checked]')
         1245  +      cb1.checked = true
         1246  +      sHelper.testInput(cb1, 'C1', '1', 'checkbox[checked]')
         1247  +      // special case here, checkbox with no value='' should give you 'on'
         1248  +      // for cb.value
         1249  +      sHelper.testInput(cb2, 'C2', null, 'checkbox[no value, not checked]')
         1250  +      cb2.checked = true
         1251  +      sHelper.testInput(cb2, 'C2', 'on', 'checkbox[no value, checked]')
         1252  +      complete()
         1253  +    })
         1254  +
         1255  +    test('correctly serialize input[type=radio]', function (complete) {
         1256  +      var r1 = sHelper.formElements(1, 'input', 8)
         1257  +        , r2 = sHelper.formElements(1, 'input', 9)
         1258  +      sHelper.testInput(r1, 'R1', null, 'radio[not checked]')
         1259  +      r1.checked = true
         1260  +      sHelper.testInput(r1, 'R1', '1', 'radio[not checked]')
         1261  +      sHelper.testInput(r2, 'R1', null, 'radio[no value, not checked]')
         1262  +      r2.checked = true
         1263  +      sHelper.testInput(r2, 'R1', '', 'radio[no value, checked]')
         1264  +      complete()
         1265  +    })
         1266  +
         1267  +    test('correctly serialize input[type=reset]', function (complete) {
         1268  +      sHelper.testInput(
         1269  +          sHelper.formElements(1, 'input', 11)
         1270  +        , 'rst'
         1271  +        , null
         1272  +        , 'reset'
         1273  +      )
         1274  +      complete()
         1275  +    })
         1276  +
         1277  +    test('correctly serialize input[type=file]', function (complete) {
         1278  +      sHelper.testInput(
         1279  +          sHelper.formElements(1, 'input', 12)
         1280  +        , 'file'
         1281  +        , null
         1282  +        , 'file'
         1283  +      )
         1284  +      complete()
         1285  +    })
         1286  +
         1287  +    test('correctly serialize input[type=submit]', function (complete) {
         1288  +      // we're only supposed to serialize a submit button if it was clicked to
         1289  +      // perform this serialization:
         1290  +      // http://www.w3.org/TR/html401/interact/forms.html#h-17.13.2
         1291  +      // but we'll pretend to be oblivious to this part of the spec...
         1292  +      sHelper.testInput(
         1293  +          sHelper.formElements(1, 'input', 13)
         1294  +        , 'sub'
         1295  +        , 'NO'
         1296  +        , 'submit'
         1297  +      )
         1298  +      complete()
         1299  +    })
         1300  +
         1301  +    test('correctly serialize select with no options', function (complete) {
         1302  +      var select = sHelper.formElements(1, 'select', 0)
         1303  +      sHelper.testInput(select, 'S1', null, 'select, no options')
         1304  +      complete()
         1305  +    })
         1306  +
         1307  +    test('correctly serialize select with values', function (complete) {
         1308  +      var select = sHelper.formElements(1, 'select', 1)
         1309  +      sHelper.testInput(select, 'S2', 'abc', 'select option 1 (default)')
         1310  +      select.selectedIndex = 1
         1311  +      sHelper.testInput(select, 'S2', 'def', 'select option 2')
         1312  +      select.selectedIndex = 6
         1313  +      sHelper.testInput(select, 'S2', 'disco stu', 'select option 7')
         1314  +      // a special case where we have <option value=''>X</option>, should
         1315  +      // return '' rather than X which will happen if you just do a simple
         1316  +      // `value=(option.value||option.text)`
         1317  +      select.selectedIndex = 9
         1318  +      sHelper.testInput(
         1319  +          select
         1320  +        , 'S2'
         1321  +        , ''
         1322  +        , 'select option 9, value="" should yield ""'
         1323  +      )
         1324  +      select.selectedIndex = -1
         1325  +      sHelper.testInput(select, 'S2', null, 'select, unselected')
         1326  +      complete()
         1327  +    })
         1328  +
         1329  +    test('correctly serialize select without explicit values'
         1330  +        , function (complete) {
         1331  +
         1332  +      var select = sHelper.formElements(1, 'select', 2)
         1333  +      sHelper.testInput(select, 'S3', 'ABC', 'select option 1 (default)')
         1334  +      select.selectedIndex = 1
         1335  +      sHelper.testInput(select, 'S3', 'DEF', 'select option 2')
         1336  +      select.selectedIndex = 6
         1337  +      sHelper.testInput(select, 'S3', 'DISCO STU!', 'select option 7')
         1338  +      select.selectedIndex = -1
         1339  +      sHelper.testInput(select, 'S3', null, 'select, unselected')
         1340  +      complete()
         1341  +    })
         1342  +
         1343  +    test('correctly serialize select multiple', function (complete) {
         1344  +      var select = sHelper.formElements(1, 'select', 3)
         1345  +      sHelper.testInput(select, 'S4', null, 'select, unselected (default)')
         1346  +      select.options[1].selected = true
         1347  +      sHelper.testInput(select, 'S4', '2', 'select option 2')
         1348  +      select.options[3].selected = true
         1349  +      sHelper.testInput(select, 'S4', [ '2', '4' ], 'select options 2 & 4')
         1350  +      select.options[8].selected = true
         1351  +      sHelper.testInput(
         1352  +          select
         1353  +        , 'S4'
         1354  +        , [ '2', '4', 'Disco Stu!' ]
         1355  +        , 'select option 2 & 4 & 9'
         1356  +      )
         1357  +      select.options[3].selected = false
         1358  +      sHelper.testInput(
         1359  +          select
         1360  +        , 'S4'
         1361  +        , [ '2', 'Disco Stu!' ]
         1362  +        , 'select option 2 & 9'
         1363  +      )
         1364  +      select.options[1].selected = false
         1365  +      select.options[8].selected = false
         1366  +      sHelper.testInput(select, 'S4', null, 'select, all unselected')
         1367  +      complete()
         1368  +     })
         1369  +
         1370  +    test('correctly serialize options', function (complete) {
         1371  +      var option = sHelper.formElements(1, 'select', 1).options[6]
         1372  +      sHelper.testInput(
         1373  +          option
         1374  +        , '-'
         1375  +        , null
         1376  +        , 'just option (with value), shouldn\'t serialize'
         1377  +      )
         1378  +
         1379  +      option = sHelper.formElements(1, 'select', 2).options[6]
         1380  +      sHelper.testInput(
         1381  +          option
         1382  +        , '-'
         1383  +        , null
         1384  +        , 'option (without value), shouldn\'t serialize'
         1385  +      )
         1386  +
         1387  +      complete()
         1388  +    })
         1389  +
         1390  +    test('correctly serialize disabled', function (complete) {
         1391  +      var input = sHelper.formElements(1, 'input', 14)
         1392  +        , select
         1393  +
         1394  +      sHelper.testInput(input, 'D1', null, 'disabled text input')
         1395  +      input = sHelper.formElements(1, 'input', 15)
         1396  +      sHelper.testInput(input, 'D2', null, 'disabled checkbox')
         1397  +      input = sHelper.formElements(1, 'input', 16)
         1398  +      sHelper.testInput(input, 'D3', null, 'disabled radio')
         1399  +
         1400  +      select = sHelper.formElements(1, 'select', 4)
         1401  +      sHelper.testInput(select, 'D4', null, 'disabled select')
         1402  +      select = sHelper.formElements(1, 'select', 3)
         1403  +      sHelper.testInput(select, 'D5', null, 'disabled select option')
         1404  +      select = sHelper.formElements(1, 'select', 6)
         1405  +      sHelper.testInput(select, 'D6', null, 'disabled multi select')
         1406  +      select = sHelper.formElements(1, 'select', 7)
         1407  +      sHelper.testInput(select, 'D7', null, 'disabled multi select option')
         1408  +      complete()
         1409  +    })
         1410  +
         1411  +    test('serialize(form)', function (complete) {
         1412  +      sHelper.testFormSerialize(ajax.serialize, 'direct')
         1413  +      complete()
         1414  +    })
         1415  +
         1416  +    test('serialize(form, {type:\'array\'})', function (complete) {
         1417  +      sHelper.testFormSerializeArray(ajax.serialize, 'direct')
         1418  +      complete()
         1419  +    })
         1420  +
         1421  +    test('serialize(form, {type:\'map\'})', function (complete) {
         1422  +      sHelper.testFormSerializeHash(ajax.serialize, 'direct')
         1423  +      complete()
         1424  +    })
         1425  +
         1426  +    // mainly for Ender integration, so you can do this:
         1427  +    // $('input[name=T2],input[name=who],input[name=wha]').serialize()
         1428  +    test('serialize(element, element, element...)', function (complete) {
         1429  +      sHelper.testMultiArgumentSerialize(ajax.serialize, 'direct', PASS_ARGS)
         1430  +      complete()
         1431  +    })
         1432  +
         1433  +    // mainly for Ender integration, so you can do this:
         1434  +    // $('input[name=T2],input[name=who],input[name=wha]')
         1435  +    //    .serialize({type:'array'})
         1436  +    test('serialize(element, element, element..., {type:\'array\'})'
         1437  +        , function (complete) {
         1438  +      sHelper.testMultiArgumentSerializeArray(
         1439  +          ajax.serialize
         1440  +        , 'direct'
         1441  +        , PASS_ARGS
         1442  +      )
         1443  +      complete()
         1444  +    })
         1445  +
         1446  +    // mainly for Ender integration, so you can do this:
         1447  +    // $('input[name=T2],input[name=who],input[name=wha]')
         1448  +    //     .serialize({type:'map'})
         1449  +    test('serialize(element, element, element...)', function (complete) {
         1450  +      sHelper.testMultiArgumentSerializeHash(
         1451  +          ajax.serialize
         1452  +        , 'direct'
         1453  +        , PASS_ARGS
         1454  +      )
         1455  +      complete()
         1456  +    })
         1457  +
         1458  +    test('toQueryString([{ name: x, value: y }, ... ]) name/value array'
         1459  +        , function (complete) {
         1460  +
         1461  +      var arr = [
         1462  +          { name: 'foo', value: 'bar' }
         1463  +        , { name: 'baz', value: '' }
         1464  +        , { name: 'x', value: -20 }
         1465  +        , { name: 'x', value: 20 }
         1466  +      ]
         1467  +
         1468  +      ok(ajax.toQueryString(arr) == 'foo=bar&baz=&x=-20&x=20', 'simple')
         1469  +
         1470  +      arr = [
         1471  +          { name: 'dotted.name.intact', value: '$@%' }
         1472  +        , { name: '$ $', value: 20 }
         1473  +        , { name: 'leave britney alone', value: 'waa haa haa' }
         1474  +      ]
         1475  +
         1476  +      ok(
         1477  +          ajax.toQueryString(arr) ==
         1478  +              'dotted.name.intact=%24%40%25&%24+%24=20'
         1479  +            + '&leave+britney+alone=waa+haa+haa'
         1480  +        , 'escaping required'
         1481  +      )
         1482  +
         1483  +      complete()
         1484  +    })
         1485  +
         1486  +    test('toQueryString({name: value,...} complex object', function (complete) {
         1487  +      var obj = { 'foo': 'bar', 'baz': '', 'x': -20 }
         1488  +
         1489  +      ok(ajax.toQueryString(obj) == 'foo=bar&baz=&x=-20', 'simple')
         1490  +
         1491  +      obj = {
         1492  +          'dotted.name.intact': '$@%'
         1493  +        , '$ $': 20
         1494  +        , 'leave britney alone': 'waa haa haa'
         1495  +      }
         1496  +      ok(
         1497  +          ajax.toQueryString(obj) ==
         1498  +              'dotted.name.intact=%24%40%25&%24+%24=20'
         1499  +            + '&leave+britney+alone=waa+haa+haa'
         1500  +        , 'escaping required'
         1501  +      )
         1502  +
         1503  +      complete()
         1504  +    })
         1505  +
         1506  +    test('toQueryString({name: [ value1, value2 ...],...} object with arrays', function (complete) {
         1507  +      var obj = { 'foo': 'bar', 'baz': [ '', '', 'boo!' ], 'x': [ -20, 2.2, 20 ] }
         1508  +      ok(ajax.toQueryString(obj, true) == "foo=bar&baz=&baz=&baz=boo!&x=-20&x=2.2&x=20", "object with arrays")
         1509  +      ok(ajax.toQueryString(obj) == "foo=bar&baz%5B%5D=&baz%5B%5D=&baz%5B%5D=boo!&x%5B%5D=-20&x%5B%5D=2.2&x%5B%5D=20")
         1510  +      complete()
         1511  +    })
         1512  +
         1513  +    test('toQueryString({name: { nestedName: value },...} object with objects', function(complete) {
         1514  +      var obj = { 'foo': { 'bar': 'baz' }, 'x': [ { 'bar': 'baz' }, { 'boo': 'hiss' } ] }
         1515  +      ok(ajax.toQueryString(obj) == "foo%5Bbar%5D=baz&x%5B0%5D%5Bbar%5D=baz&x%5B1%5D%5Bboo%5D=hiss", "object with objects")
         1516  +      complete()
         1517  +    })
         1518  +
         1519  +  })
         1520  +
         1521  +  sink('Ender Integration', function (test, ok) {
         1522  +    var sHelper = createSerializeHelper(ok)
         1523  +    sHelper.reset()
         1524  +
         1525  +    test('$.ajax alias for reqwest, not bound to boosh', 1, function () {
         1526  +      ok(ender.ajax === ajax, '$.ajax is reqwest')
         1527  +    })
         1528  +
         1529  +    // sHelper.test that you can do $.serialize(form)
         1530  +    test('$.serialize(form)', function (complete) {
         1531  +      sHelper.testFormSerialize(ender.serialize, 'ender')
         1532  +      complete()
         1533  +    })
         1534  +
         1535  +    // sHelper.test that you can do $.serialize(form)
         1536  +    test('$.serialize(form, {type:\'array\'})', function (complete) {
         1537  +      sHelper.testFormSerializeArray(ender.serialize, 'ender')
         1538  +      complete()
         1539  +    })
         1540  +
         1541  +    // sHelper.test that you can do $.serialize(form)
         1542  +    test('$.serialize(form, {type:\'map\'})', function (complete) {
         1543  +      sHelper.testFormSerializeHash(ender.serialize, 'ender')
         1544  +      complete()
         1545  +    })
         1546  +
         1547  +    // sHelper.test that you can do $.serializeObject(form)
         1548  +    test('$.serializeArray(...) alias for serialize(..., {type:\'map\'}'
         1549  +        , function (complete) {
         1550  +      sHelper.verifyFormSerializeArray(
         1551  +          ender.serializeArray(document.forms[0])
         1552  +        , 'ender'
         1553  +      )
         1554  +      complete()
         1555  +    })
         1556  +
         1557  +    test('$.serialize(element, element, element...)', function (complete) {
         1558  +      sHelper.testMultiArgumentSerialize(ender.serialize, 'ender', PASS_ARGS)
         1559  +      complete()
         1560  +    })
         1561  +
         1562  +    test('$.serialize(element, element, element..., {type:\'array\'})'
         1563  +        , function (complete) {
         1564  +      sHelper.testMultiArgumentSerializeArray(
         1565  +          ender.serialize
         1566  +        , 'ender'
         1567  +        , PASS_ARGS
         1568  +      )
         1569  +      complete()
         1570  +    })
         1571  +
         1572  +    test('$.serialize(element, element, element..., {type:\'map\'})'
         1573  +        , function (complete) {
         1574  +      sHelper.testMultiArgumentSerializeHash(
         1575  +          ender.serialize
         1576  +        , 'ender'
         1577  +        , PASS_ARGS
         1578  +      )
         1579  +      complete()
         1580  +    })
         1581  +
         1582  +    test('$(element, element, element...).serialize()', function (complete) {
         1583  +      sHelper.testMultiArgumentSerialize(ender.fn.serialize, 'ender', BIND_ARGS)
         1584  +      complete()
         1585  +    })
         1586  +
         1587  +    test('$(element, element, element...).serialize({type:\'array\'})'
         1588  +        , function (complete) {
         1589  +      sHelper.testMultiArgumentSerializeArray(
         1590  +          ender.fn.serialize
         1591  +        , 'ender'
         1592  +        , BIND_ARGS
         1593  +      )
         1594  +      complete()
         1595  +    })
         1596  +
         1597  +    test('$(element, element, element...).serialize({type:\'map\'})'
         1598  +        , function (complete) {
         1599  +      sHelper.testMultiArgumentSerializeHash(
         1600  +          ender.fn.serialize
         1601  +        , 'ender'
         1602  +        , BIND_ARGS
         1603  +      )
         1604  +      complete()
         1605  +    })
         1606  +
         1607  +    test('$.toQueryString alias for reqwest.toQueryString, not bound to boosh'
         1608  +          , function (complete) {
         1609  +      ok(
         1610  +          ender.toQueryString === ajax.toQueryString
         1611  +        , '$.toQueryString is reqwest.toQueryString'
         1612  +      )
         1613  +      complete()
         1614  +    })
         1615  +  })
         1616  +
         1617  +
         1618  +  /**
         1619  +   * Promise tests for `then` `fail` and `always`
         1620  +   */
         1621  +  sink('Promises', function (test, ok) {
         1622  +
         1623  +    test('always callback is called', function (complete) {
         1624  +      ajax({
         1625  +        url: '/tests/fixtures/fixtures.js'
         1626  +      })
         1627  +        .always(function () {
         1628  +          ok(true, 'called complete')
         1629  +          complete()
         1630  +        })
         1631  +    })
         1632  +
         1633  +    test('success and error handlers are called', 3, function () {
         1634  +      ajax({
         1635  +          url: '/tests/fixtures/invalidJSON.json'
         1636  +        , type: 'json'
         1637  +      })
         1638  +        .then(
         1639  +            function () {
         1640  +              ok(false, 'success callback fired')
         1641  +            }
         1642  +          , function (resp, msg) {
         1643  +              ok(
         1644  +                  msg == 'Could not parse JSON in response'
         1645  +                , 'error callback fired'
         1646  +              )
         1647  +            }
         1648  +        )
         1649  +
         1650  +      ajax({
         1651  +          url: '/tests/fixtures/invalidJSON.json'
         1652  +        , type: 'json'
         1653  +      })
         1654  +        .fail(function (resp, msg) {
         1655  +          ok(msg == 'Could not parse JSON in response', 'fail callback fired')
         1656  +        })
         1657  +
         1658  +      ajax({
         1659  +          url: '/tests/fixtures/fixtures.json'
         1660  +        , type: 'json'
         1661  +      })
         1662  +        .then(
         1663  +            function () {
         1664  +              ok(true, 'success callback fired')
         1665  +            }
         1666  +          , function () {
         1667  +              ok(false, 'error callback fired')
         1668  +            }
         1669  +        )
         1670  +    })
         1671  +
         1672  +    test('then is chainable', 2, function () {
         1673  +      ajax({
         1674  +          url: '/tests/fixtures/fixtures.json'
         1675  +        , type: 'json'
         1676  +      })
         1677  +        .then(
         1678  +            function (resp) {
         1679  +              ok(true, 'first success callback fired')
         1680  +              return 'new value';
         1681  +            }
         1682  +        )
         1683  +        .then(
         1684  +            function (resp) {
         1685  +              ok(resp === 'new value', 'second success callback fired')
         1686  +            }
         1687  +        )
         1688  +    })
         1689  +
         1690  +    test('success does not chain with then', 2, function () {
         1691  +      ajax({
         1692  +          url: '/tests/fixtures/fixtures.json'
         1693  +        , type: 'json'
         1694  +        , success: function() {
         1695  +          ok(true, 'success callback fired')
         1696  +          return 'some independent value';
         1697  +        }
         1698  +      })
         1699  +        .then(
         1700  +            function (resp) {
         1701  +              ok(
         1702  +                resp && resp !== 'some independent value'
         1703  +                , 'then callback fired'
         1704  +              )
         1705  +            }
         1706  +        )
         1707  +    })
         1708  +
         1709  +    test('then & always handlers can be added after a response is received'
         1710  +          , 2
         1711  +          , function () {
         1712  +
         1713  +      var a = ajax({
         1714  +          url: '/tests/fixtures/fixtures.json'
         1715  +        , type: 'json'
         1716  +      })
         1717  +        .always(function () {
         1718  +          setTimeout(function () {
         1719  +            a.then(
         1720  +                  function () {
         1721  +                    ok(true, 'success callback called')
         1722  +                  }
         1723  +                , function () {
         1724  +                    ok(false, 'error callback called')
         1725  +                  }
         1726  +              ).always(function () {
         1727  +                ok(true, 'complete callback called')
         1728  +              })
         1729  +          }, 1)
         1730  +        })
         1731  +    })
         1732  +
         1733  +    test('then is chainable after a response is received'
         1734  +          , 2
         1735  +          , function () {
         1736  +
         1737  +      var a = ajax({
         1738  +          url: '/tests/fixtures/fixtures.json'
         1739  +        , type: 'json'
         1740  +      })
         1741  +        .always(function () {
         1742  +          setTimeout(function () {
         1743  +            a.then(function () {
         1744  +              ok(true, 'first success callback called')
         1745  +              return 'new value';
         1746  +            }).then(function (resp) {
         1747  +              ok(resp === 'new value', 'second success callback called')
         1748  +            })
         1749  +          }, 1)
         1750  +        })
         1751  +    })
         1752  +
         1753  +    test('failure handlers can be added after a response is received'
         1754  +        , function (complete) {
         1755  +
         1756  +      var a = ajax({
         1757  +          url: '/tests/fixtures/invalidJSON.json'
         1758  +        , type: 'json'
         1759  +      })
         1760  +        .always(function () {
         1761  +          setTimeout(function () {
         1762  +            a
         1763  +              .fail(function () {
         1764  +                ok(true, 'fail callback called')
         1765  +                complete()
         1766  +              })
         1767  +          }, 1)
         1768  +        })
         1769  +    })
         1770  +
         1771  +    test('.then success and fail are optional parameters', 1, function () {
         1772  +      try {
         1773  +        ajax({
         1774  +            url: '/tests/fixtures/invalidJSON.json'
         1775  +          , type: 'json'
         1776  +        })
         1777  +          .then()
         1778  +      } catch (ex) {
         1779  +        ok(false, '.then() parameters should be optional')
         1780  +      } finally {
         1781  +        ok(true, 'passed .then() optional parameters')
         1782  +      }
         1783  +    })
         1784  +
         1785  +  })
         1786  +
         1787  +
         1788  +
         1789  +  sink('Timeout', function (test, ok) {
         1790  +    test('xmlHttpRequest', function (complete) {
         1791  +      var ts = +new Date()
         1792  +      ajax({
         1793  +          url: '/tests/timeout'
         1794  +        , type: 'json'
         1795  +        , timeout: 250
         1796  +        , error: function (err, msg) {
         1797  +            ok(err, 'received error response')
         1798  +            try {
         1799  +              ok(err && err.status === 0, 'correctly caught timeout')
         1800  +              ok(msg && msg === 'Request is aborted: timeout', 'timeout message received')
         1801  +            } catch (e) {
         1802  +              ok(true, 'IE is a troll')
         1803  +            }
         1804  +            var tt = Math.abs(+new Date() - ts)
         1805  +            ok(
         1806  +                tt > 200 && tt < 300
         1807  +              , 'timeout close enough to 250 (' + tt + ')'
         1808  +            )
         1809  +            complete()
         1810  +          }
         1811  +      })
         1812  +    })
         1813  +
         1814  +    test('jsonpRequest', function (complete) {
         1815  +      var ts = +new Date()
         1816  +      ajax({
         1817  +          url: '/tests/timeout'
         1818  +        , type: 'jsonp'
         1819  +        , timeout: 250
         1820  +        , error: function (err) {
         1821  +            ok(err, 'received error response')
         1822  +            var tt = Math.abs(+new Date() - ts)
         1823  +            ok(
         1824  +                tt > 200 && tt < 300
         1825  +              , 'timeout close enough to 250 (' + tt + ')'
         1826  +            )
         1827  +            complete()
         1828  +          }
         1829  +      })
         1830  +    })
         1831  +  })
         1832  +
         1833  +  start()
         1834  +
         1835  +}(reqwest))

Added cmd/pisc-web-ide/webroot/static/js/vue-js/vue.js.

            1  +/*!
            2  + * Vue.js v2.2.0
            3  + * (c) 2014-2017 Evan You
            4  + * Released under the MIT License.
            5  + */
            6  +(function (global, factory) {
            7  +	typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? module.exports = factory() :
            8  +	typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(factory) :
            9  +	(global.Vue = factory());
           10  +}(this, (function () { 'use strict';
           11  +
           12  +/*  */
           13  +
           14  +/**
           15  + * Convert a value to a string that is actually rendered.
           16  + */
           17  +function _toString (val) {
           18  +  return val == null
           19  +    ? ''
           20  +    : typeof val === 'object'
           21  +      ? JSON.stringify(val, null, 2)
           22  +      : String(val)
           23  +}
           24  +
           25  +/**
           26  + * Convert a input value to a number for persistence.
           27  + * If the conversion fails, return original string.
           28  + */
           29  +function toNumber (val) {
           30  +  var n = parseFloat(val);
           31  +  return isNaN(n) ? val : n
           32  +}
           33  +
           34  +/**
           35  + * Make a map and return a function for checking if a key
           36  + * is in that map.
           37  + */
           38  +function makeMap (
           39  +  str,
           40  +  expectsLowerCase
           41  +) {
           42  +  var map = Object.create(null);
           43  +  var list = str.split(',');
           44  +  for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
           45  +    map[list[i]] = true;
           46  +  }
           47  +  return expectsLowerCase
           48  +    ? function (val) { return map[val.toLowerCase()]; }
           49  +    : function (val) { return map[val]; }
           50  +}
           51  +
           52  +/**
           53  + * Check if a tag is a built-in tag.
           54  + */
           55  +var isBuiltInTag = makeMap('slot,component', true);
           56  +
           57  +/**
           58  + * Remove an item from an array
           59  + */
           60  +function remove (arr, item) {
           61  +  if (arr.length) {
           62  +    var index = arr.indexOf(item);
           63  +    if (index > -1) {
           64  +      return arr.splice(index, 1)
           65  +    }
           66  +  }
           67  +}
           68  +
           69  +/**
           70  + * Check whether the object has the property.
           71  + */
           72  +var hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
           73  +function hasOwn (obj, key) {
           74  +  return hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key)
           75  +}
           76  +
           77  +/**
           78  + * Check if value is primitive
           79  + */
           80  +function isPrimitive (value) {
           81  +  return typeof value === 'string' || typeof value === 'number'
           82  +}
           83  +
           84  +/**
           85  + * Create a cached version of a pure function.
           86  + */
           87  +function cached (fn) {
           88  +  var cache = Object.create(null);
           89  +  return (function cachedFn (str) {
           90  +    var hit = cache[str];
           91  +    return hit || (cache[str] = fn(str))
           92  +  })
           93  +}
           94  +
           95  +/**
           96  + * Camelize a hyphen-delimited string.
           97  + */
           98  +var camelizeRE = /-(\w)/g;
           99  +var camelize = cached(function (str) {
          100  +  return str.replace(camelizeRE, function (_, c) { return c ? c.toUpperCase() : ''; })
          101  +});
          102  +
          103  +/**
          104  + * Capitalize a string.
          105  + */
          106  +var capitalize = cached(function (str) {
          107  +  return str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1)
          108  +});
          109  +
          110  +/**
          111  + * Hyphenate a camelCase string.
          112  + */
          113  +var hyphenateRE = /([^-])([A-Z])/g;
          114  +var hyphenate = cached(function (str) {
          115  +  return str
          116  +    .replace(hyphenateRE, '$1-$2')
          117  +    .replace(hyphenateRE, '$1-$2')
          118  +    .toLowerCase()
          119  +});
          120  +
          121  +/**
          122  + * Simple bind, faster than native
          123  + */
          124  +function bind (fn, ctx) {
          125  +  function boundFn (a) {
          126  +    var l = arguments.length;
          127  +    return l
          128  +      ? l > 1
          129  +        ? fn.apply(ctx, arguments)
          130  +        : fn.call(ctx, a)
          131  +      : fn.call(ctx)
          132  +  }
          133  +  // record original fn length
          134  +  boundFn._length = fn.length;
          135  +  return boundFn
          136  +}
          137  +
          138  +/**
          139  + * Convert an Array-like object to a real Array.
          140  + */
          141  +function toArray (list, start) {
          142  +  start = start || 0;
          143  +  var i = list.length - start;
          144  +  var ret = new Array(i);
          145  +  while (i--) {
          146  +    ret[i] = list[i + start];
          147  +  }
          148  +  return ret
          149  +}
          150  +
          151  +/**
          152  + * Mix properties into target object.
          153  + */
          154  +function extend (to, _from) {
          155  +  for (var key in _from) {
          156  +    to[key] = _from[key];
          157  +  }
          158  +  return to
          159  +}
          160  +
          161  +/**
          162  + * Quick object check - this is primarily used to tell
          163  + * Objects from primitive values when we know the value
          164  + * is a JSON-compliant type.
          165  + */
          166  +function isObject (obj) {
          167  +  return obj !== null && typeof obj === 'object'
          168  +}
          169  +
          170  +/**
          171  + * Strict object type check. Only returns true
          172  + * for plain JavaScript objects.
          173  + */
          174  +var toString = Object.prototype.toString;
          175  +var OBJECT_STRING = '[object Object]';
          176  +function isPlainObject (obj) {
          177  +  return toString.call(obj) === OBJECT_STRING
          178  +}
          179  +
          180  +/**
          181  + * Merge an Array of Objects into a single Object.
          182  + */
          183  +function toObject (arr) {
          184  +  var res = {};
          185  +  for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
          186  +    if (arr[i]) {
          187  +      extend(res, arr[i]);
          188  +    }
          189  +  }
          190  +  return res
          191  +}
          192  +
          193  +/**
          194  + * Perform no operation.
          195  + */
          196  +function noop () {}
          197  +
          198  +/**
          199  + * Always return false.
          200  + */
          201  +var no = function () { return false; };
          202  +
          203  +/**
          204  + * Return same value
          205  + */
          206  +var identity = function (_) { return _; };
          207  +
          208  +/**
          209  + * Generate a static keys string from compiler modules.
          210  + */
          211  +function genStaticKeys (modules) {
          212  +  return modules.reduce(function (keys, m) {
          213  +    return keys.concat(m.staticKeys || [])
          214  +  }, []).join(',')
          215  +}
          216  +
          217  +/**
          218  + * Check if two values are loosely equal - that is,
          219  + * if they are plain objects, do they have the same shape?
          220  + */
          221  +function looseEqual (a, b) {
          222  +  var isObjectA = isObject(a);
          223  +  var isObjectB = isObject(b);
          224  +  if (isObjectA && isObjectB) {
          225  +    return JSON.stringify(a) === JSON.stringify(b)
          226  +  } else if (!isObjectA && !isObjectB) {
          227  +    return String(a) === String(b)
          228  +  } else {
          229  +    return false
          230  +  }
          231  +}
          232  +
          233  +function looseIndexOf (arr, val) {
          234  +  for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
          235  +    if (looseEqual(arr[i], val)) { return i }
          236  +  }
          237  +  return -1
          238  +}
          239  +
          240  +/**
          241  + * Ensure a function is called only once.
          242  + */
          243  +function once (fn) {
          244  +  var called = false;
          245  +  return function () {
          246  +    if (!called) {
          247  +      called = true;
          248  +      fn();
          249  +    }
          250  +  }
          251  +}
          252  +
          253  +/*  */
          254  +
          255  +var config = {
          256  +  /**
          257  +   * Option merge strategies (used in core/util/options)
          258  +   */
          259  +  optionMergeStrategies: Object.create(null),
          260  +
          261  +  /**
          262  +   * Whether to suppress warnings.
          263  +   */
          264  +  silent: false,
          265  +
          266  +  /**
          267  +   * Show production mode tip message on boot?
          268  +   */
          269  +  productionTip: "development" !== 'production',
          270  +
          271  +  /**
          272  +   * Whether to enable devtools
          273  +   */
          274  +  devtools: "development" !== 'production',
          275  +
          276  +  /**
          277  +   * Whether to record perf
          278  +   */
          279  +  performance: "development" !== 'production',
          280  +
          281  +  /**
          282  +   * Error handler for watcher errors
          283  +   */
          284  +  errorHandler: null,
          285  +
          286  +  /**
          287  +   * Ignore certain custom elements
          288  +   */
          289  +  ignoredElements: [],
          290  +
          291  +  /**
          292  +   * Custom user key aliases for v-on
          293  +   */
          294  +  keyCodes: Object.create(null),
          295  +
          296  +  /**
          297  +   * Check if a tag is reserved so that it cannot be registered as a
          298  +   * component. This is platform-dependent and may be overwritten.
          299  +   */
          300  +  isReservedTag: no,
          301  +
          302  +  /**
          303  +   * Check if a tag is an unknown element.
          304  +   * Platform-dependent.
          305  +   */
          306  +  isUnknownElement: no,
          307  +
          308  +  /**
          309  +   * Get the namespace of an element
          310  +   */
          311  +  getTagNamespace: noop,
          312  +
          313  +  /**
          314  +   * Parse the real tag name for the specific platform.
          315  +   */
          316  +  parsePlatformTagName: identity,
          317  +
          318  +  /**
          319  +   * Check if an attribute must be bound using property, e.g. value
          320  +   * Platform-dependent.
          321  +   */
          322  +  mustUseProp: no,
          323  +
          324  +  /**
          325  +   * List of asset types that a component can own.
          326  +   */
          327  +  _assetTypes: [
          328  +    'component',
          329  +    'directive',
          330  +    'filter'
          331  +  ],
          332  +
          333  +  /**
          334  +   * List of lifecycle hooks.
          335  +   */
          336  +  _lifecycleHooks: [
          337  +    'beforeCreate',
          338  +    'created',
          339  +    'beforeMount',
          340  +    'mounted',
          341  +    'beforeUpdate',
          342  +    'updated',
          343  +    'beforeDestroy',
          344  +    'destroyed',
          345  +    'activated',
          346  +    'deactivated'
          347  +  ],
          348  +
          349  +  /**
          350  +   * Max circular updates allowed in a scheduler flush cycle.
          351  +   */
          352  +  _maxUpdateCount: 100
          353  +};
          354  +
          355  +/*  */
          356  +/* globals MutationObserver */
          357  +
          358  +// can we use __proto__?
          359  +var hasProto = '__proto__' in {};
          360  +
          361  +// Browser environment sniffing
          362  +var inBrowser = typeof window !== 'undefined';
          363  +var UA = inBrowser && window.navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
          364  +var isIE = UA && /msie|trident/.test(UA);
          365  +var isIE9 = UA && UA.indexOf('msie 9.0') > 0;
          366  +var isEdge = UA && UA.indexOf('edge/') > 0;
          367  +var isAndroid = UA && UA.indexOf('android') > 0;
          368  +var isIOS = UA && /iphone|ipad|ipod|ios/.test(UA);
          369  +var isChrome = UA && /chrome\/\d+/.test(UA) && !isEdge;
          370  +
          371  +// this needs to be lazy-evaled because vue may be required before
          372  +// vue-server-renderer can set VUE_ENV
          373  +var _isServer;
          374  +var isServerRendering = function () {
          375  +  if (_isServer === undefined) {
          376  +    /* istanbul ignore if */
          377  +    if (!inBrowser && typeof global !== 'undefined') {
          378  +      // detect presence of vue-server-renderer and avoid
          379  +      // Webpack shimming the process
          380  +      _isServer = global['process'].env.VUE_ENV === 'server';
          381  +    } else {
          382  +      _isServer = false;
          383  +    }
          384  +  }
          385  +  return _isServer
          386  +};
          387  +
          388  +// detect devtools
          389  +var devtools = inBrowser && window.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__;
          390  +
          391  +/* istanbul ignore next */
          392  +function isNative (Ctor) {
          393  +  return /native code/.test(Ctor.toString())
          394  +}
          395  +
          396  +var hasSymbol =
          397  +  typeof Symbol !== 'undefined' && isNative(Symbol) &&
          398  +  typeof Reflect !== 'undefined' && isNative(Reflect.ownKeys);
          399  +
          400  +/**
          401  + * Defer a task to execute it asynchronously.
          402  + */
          403  +var nextTick = (function () {
          404  +  var callbacks = [];
          405  +  var pending = false;
          406  +  var timerFunc;
          407  +
          408  +  function nextTickHandler () {
          409  +    pending = false;
          410  +    var copies = callbacks.slice(0);
          411  +    callbacks.length = 0;
          412  +    for (var i = 0; i < copies.length; i++) {
          413  +      copies[i]();
          414  +    }
          415  +  }
          416  +
          417  +  // the nextTick behavior leverages the microtask queue, which can be accessed
          418  +  // via either native Promise.then or MutationObserver.
          419  +  // MutationObserver has wider support, however it is seriously bugged in
          420  +  // UIWebView in iOS >= 9.3.3 when triggered in touch event handlers. It
          421  +  // completely stops working after triggering a few times... so, if native
          422  +  // Promise is available, we will use it:
          423  +  /* istanbul ignore if */
          424  +  if (typeof Promise !== 'undefined' && isNative(Promise)) {
          425  +    var p = Promise.resolve();
          426  +    var logError = function (err) { console.error(err); };
          427  +    timerFunc = function () {
          428  +      p.then(nextTickHandler).catch(logError);
          429  +      // in problematic UIWebViews, Promise.then doesn't completely break, but
          430  +      // it can get stuck in a weird state where callbacks are pushed into the
          431  +      // microtask queue but the queue isn't being flushed, until the browser
          432  +      // needs to do some other work, e.g. handle a timer. Therefore we can
          433  +      // "force" the microtask queue to be flushed by adding an empty timer.
          434  +      if (isIOS) { setTimeout(noop); }
          435  +    };
          436  +  } else if (typeof MutationObserver !== 'undefined' && (
          437  +    isNative(MutationObserver) ||
          438  +    // PhantomJS and iOS 7.x
          439  +    MutationObserver.toString() === '[object MutationObserverConstructor]'
          440  +  )) {
          441  +    // use MutationObserver where native Promise is not available,
          442  +    // e.g. PhantomJS IE11, iOS7, Android 4.4
          443  +    var counter = 1;
          444  +    var observer = new MutationObserver(nextTickHandler);
          445  +    var textNode = document.createTextNode(String(counter));
          446  +    observer.observe(textNode, {
          447  +      characterData: true
          448  +    });
          449  +    timerFunc = function () {
          450  +      counter = (counter + 1) % 2;
          451  +      textNode.data = String(counter);
          452  +    };
          453  +  } else {
          454  +    // fallback to setTimeout
          455  +    /* istanbul ignore next */
          456  +    timerFunc = function () {
          457  +      setTimeout(nextTickHandler, 0);
          458  +    };
          459  +  }
          460  +
          461  +  return function queueNextTick (cb, ctx) {
          462  +    var _resolve;
          463  +    callbacks.push(function () {
          464  +      if (cb) { cb.call(ctx); }
          465  +      if (_resolve) { _resolve(ctx); }
          466  +    });
          467  +    if (!pending) {
          468  +      pending = true;
          469  +      timerFunc();
          470  +    }
          471  +    if (!cb && typeof Promise !== 'undefined') {
          472  +      return new Promise(function (resolve) {
          473  +        _resolve = resolve;
          474  +      })
          475  +    }
          476  +  }
          477  +})();
          478  +
          479  +var _Set;
          480  +/* istanbul ignore if */
          481  +if (typeof Set !== 'undefined' && isNative(Set)) {
          482  +  // use native Set when available.
          483  +  _Set = Set;
          484  +} else {
          485  +  // a non-standard Set polyfill that only works with primitive keys.
          486  +  _Set = (function () {
          487  +    function Set () {
          488  +      this.set = Object.create(null);
          489  +    }
          490  +    Set.prototype.has = function has (key) {
          491  +      return this.set[key] === true
          492  +    };
          493  +    Set.prototype.add = function add (key) {
          494  +      this.set[key] = true;
          495  +    };
          496  +    Set.prototype.clear = function clear () {
          497  +      this.set = Object.create(null);
          498  +    };
          499  +
          500  +    return Set;
          501  +  }());
          502  +}
          503  +
          504  +var perf;
          505  +
          506  +{
          507  +  perf = inBrowser && window.performance;
          508  +  if (perf && (!perf.mark || !perf.measure)) {
          509  +    perf = undefined;
          510  +  }
          511  +}
          512  +
          513  +/*  */
          514  +
          515  +var emptyObject = Object.freeze({});
          516  +
          517  +/**
          518  + * Check if a string starts with $ or _
          519  + */
          520  +function isReserved (str) {
          521  +  var c = (str + '').charCodeAt(0);
          522  +  return c === 0x24 || c === 0x5F
          523  +}
          524  +
          525  +/**
          526  + * Define a property.
          527  + */
          528  +function def (obj, key, val, enumerable) {
          529  +  Object.defineProperty(obj, key, {
          530  +    value: val,
          531  +    enumerable: !!enumerable,
          532  +    writable: true,
          533  +    configurable: true
          534  +  });
          535  +}
          536  +
          537  +/**
          538  + * Parse simple path.
          539  + */
          540  +var bailRE = /[^\w.$]/;
          541  +function parsePath (path) {
          542  +  if (bailRE.test(path)) {
          543  +    return
          544  +  } else {
          545  +    var segments = path.split('.');
          546  +    return function (obj) {
          547  +      for (var i = 0; i < segments.length; i++) {
          548  +        if (!obj) { return }
          549  +        obj = obj[segments[i]];
          550  +      }
          551  +      return obj
          552  +    }
          553  +  }
          554  +}
          555  +
          556  +var warn = noop;
          557  +var tip = noop;
          558  +var formatComponentName;
          559  +
          560  +{
          561  +  var hasConsole = typeof console !== 'undefined';
          562  +  var classifyRE = /(?:^|[-_])(\w)/g;
          563  +  var classify = function (str) { return str
          564  +    .replace(classifyRE, function (c) { return c.toUpperCase(); })
          565  +    .replace(/[-_]/g, ''); };
          566  +
          567  +  warn = function (msg, vm) {
          568  +    if (hasConsole && (!config.silent)) {
          569  +      console.error("[Vue warn]: " + msg + " " + (
          570  +        vm ? formatLocation(formatComponentName(vm)) : ''
          571  +      ));
          572  +    }
          573  +  };
          574  +
          575  +  tip = function (msg, vm) {
          576  +    if (hasConsole && (!config.silent)) {
          577  +      console.warn("[Vue tip]: " + msg + " " + (
          578  +        vm ? formatLocation(formatComponentName(vm)) : ''
          579  +      ));
          580  +    }
          581  +  };
          582  +
          583  +  formatComponentName = function (vm, includeFile) {
          584  +    if (vm.$root === vm) {
          585  +      return '<Root>'
          586  +    }
          587  +    var name = vm._isVue
          588  +      ? vm.$options.name || vm.$options._componentTag
          589  +      : vm.name;
          590  +
          591  +    var file = vm._isVue && vm.$options.__file;
          592  +    if (!name && file) {
          593  +      var match = file.match(/([^/\\]+)\.vue$/);
          594  +      name = match && match[1];
          595  +    }
          596  +
          597  +    return (
          598  +      (name ? ("<" + (classify(name)) + ">") : "<Anonymous>") +
          599  +      (file && includeFile !== false ? (" at " + file) : '')
          600  +    )
          601  +  };
          602  +
          603  +  var formatLocation = function (str) {
          604  +    if (str === "<Anonymous>") {
          605  +      str += " - use the \"name\" option for better debugging messages.";
          606  +    }
          607  +    return ("\n(found in " + str + ")")
          608  +  };
          609  +}
          610  +
          611  +/*  */
          612  +
          613  +
          614  +var uid$1 = 0;
          615  +
          616  +/**
          617  + * A dep is an observable that can have multiple
          618  + * directives subscribing to it.
          619  + */
          620  +var Dep = function Dep () {
          621  +  this.id = uid$1++;
          622  +  this.subs = [];
          623  +};
          624  +
          625  +Dep.prototype.addSub = function addSub (sub) {
          626  +  this.subs.push(sub);
          627  +};
          628  +
          629  +Dep.prototype.removeSub = function removeSub (sub) {
          630  +  remove(this.subs, sub);
          631  +};
          632  +
          633  +Dep.prototype.depend = function depend () {
          634  +  if (Dep.target) {
          635  +    Dep.target.addDep(this);
          636  +  }
          637  +};
          638  +
          639  +Dep.prototype.notify = function notify () {
          640  +  // stablize the subscriber list first
          641  +  var subs = this.subs.slice();
          642  +  for (var i = 0, l = subs.length; i < l; i++) {
          643  +    subs[i].update();
          644  +  }
          645  +};
          646  +
          647  +// the current target watcher being evaluated.
          648  +// this is globally unique because there could be only one
          649  +// watcher being evaluated at any time.
          650  +Dep.target = null;
          651  +var targetStack = [];
          652  +
          653  +function pushTarget (_target) {
          654  +  if (Dep.target) { targetStack.push(Dep.target); }
          655  +  Dep.target = _target;
          656  +}
          657  +
          658  +function popTarget () {
          659  +  Dep.target = targetStack.pop();
          660  +}
          661  +
          662  +/*
          663  + * not type checking this file because flow doesn't play well with
          664  + * dynamically accessing methods on Array prototype
          665  + */
          666  +
          667  +var arrayProto = Array.prototype;
          668  +var arrayMethods = Object.create(arrayProto);[
          669  +  'push',
          670  +  'pop',
          671  +  'shift',
          672  +  'unshift',
          673  +  'splice',
          674  +  'sort',
          675  +  'reverse'
          676  +]
          677  +.forEach(function (method) {
          678  +  // cache original method
          679  +  var original = arrayProto[method];
          680  +  def(arrayMethods, method, function mutator () {
          681  +    var arguments$1 = arguments;
          682  +
          683  +    // avoid leaking arguments:
          684  +    // http://jsperf.com/closure-with-arguments
          685  +    var i = arguments.length;
          686  +    var args = new Array(i);
          687  +    while (i--) {
          688  +      args[i] = arguments$1[i];
          689  +    }
          690  +    var result = original.apply(this, args);
          691  +    var ob = this.__ob__;
          692  +    var inserted;
          693  +    switch (method) {
          694  +      case 'push':
          695  +        inserted = args;
          696  +        break
          697  +      case 'unshift':
          698  +        inserted = args;
          699  +        break
          700  +      case 'splice':
          701  +        inserted = args.slice(2);
          702  +        break
          703  +    }
          704  +    if (inserted) { ob.observeArray(inserted); }
          705  +    // notify change
          706  +    ob.dep.notify();
          707  +    return result
          708  +  });
          709  +});
          710  +
          711  +/*  */
          712  +
          713  +var arrayKeys = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(arrayMethods);
          714  +
          715  +/**
          716  + * By default, when a reactive property is set, the new value is
          717  + * also converted to become reactive. However when passing down props,
          718  + * we don't want to force conversion because the value may be a nested value
          719  + * under a frozen data structure. Converting it would defeat the optimization.
          720  + */
          721  +var observerState = {
          722  +  shouldConvert: true,
          723  +  isSettingProps: false
          724  +};
          725  +
          726  +/**
          727  + * Observer class that are attached to each observed
          728  + * object. Once attached, the observer converts target
          729  + * object's property keys into getter/setters that
          730  + * collect dependencies and dispatches updates.
          731  + */
          732  +var Observer = function Observer (value) {
          733  +  this.value = value;
          734  +  this.dep = new Dep();
          735  +  this.vmCount = 0;
          736  +  def(value, '__ob__', this);
          737  +  if (Array.isArray(value)) {
          738  +    var augment = hasProto
          739  +      ? protoAugment
          740  +      : copyAugment;
          741  +    augment(value, arrayMethods, arrayKeys);
          742  +    this.observeArray(value);
          743  +  } else {
          744  +    this.walk(value);
          745  +  }
          746  +};
          747  +
          748  +/**
          749  + * Walk through each property and convert them into
          750  + * getter/setters. This method should only be called when
          751  + * value type is Object.
          752  + */
          753  +Observer.prototype.walk = function walk (obj) {
          754  +  var keys = Object.keys(obj);
          755  +  for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
          756  +    defineReactive$$1(obj, keys[i], obj[keys[i]]);
          757  +  }
          758  +};
          759  +
          760  +/**
          761  + * Observe a list of Array items.
          762  + */
          763  +Observer.prototype.observeArray = function observeArray (items) {
          764  +  for (var i = 0, l = items.length; i < l; i++) {
          765  +    observe(items[i]);
          766  +  }
          767  +};
          768  +
          769  +// helpers
          770  +
          771  +/**
          772  + * Augment an target Object or Array by intercepting
          773  + * the prototype chain using __proto__
          774  + */
          775  +function protoAugment (target, src) {
          776  +  /* eslint-disable no-proto */
          777  +  target.__proto__ = src;
          778  +  /* eslint-enable no-proto */
          779  +}
          780  +
          781  +/**
          782  + * Augment an target Object or Array by defining
          783  + * hidden properties.
          784  + */
          785  +/* istanbul ignore next */
          786  +function copyAugment (target, src, keys) {
          787  +  for (var i = 0, l = keys.length; i < l; i++) {
          788  +    var key = keys[i];
          789  +    def(target, key, src[key]);
          790  +  }
          791  +}
          792  +
          793  +/**
          794  + * Attempt to create an observer instance for a value,
          795  + * returns the new observer if successfully observed,
          796  + * or the existing observer if the value already has one.
          797  + */
          798  +function observe (value, asRootData) {
          799  +  if (!isObject(value)) {
          800  +    return
          801  +  }
          802  +  var ob;
          803  +  if (hasOwn(value, '__ob__') && value.__ob__ instanceof Observer) {
          804  +    ob = value.__ob__;
          805  +  } else if (
          806  +    observerState.shouldConvert &&
          807  +    !isServerRendering() &&
          808  +    (Array.isArray(value) || isPlainObject(value)) &&
          809  +    Object.isExtensible(value) &&
          810  +    !value._isVue
          811  +  ) {
          812  +    ob = new Observer(value);
          813  +  }
          814  +  if (asRootData && ob) {
          815  +    ob.vmCount++;
          816  +  }
          817  +  return ob
          818  +}
          819  +
          820  +/**
          821  + * Define a reactive property on an Object.
          822  + */
          823  +function defineReactive$$1 (
          824  +  obj,
          825  +  key,
          826  +  val,
          827  +  customSetter
          828  +) {
          829  +  var dep = new Dep();
          830  +
          831  +  var property = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, key);
          832  +  if (property && property.configurable === false) {
          833  +    return
          834  +  }
          835  +
          836  +  // cater for pre-defined getter/setters
          837  +  var getter = property && property.get;
          838  +  var setter = property && property.set;
          839  +
          840  +  var childOb = observe(val);
          841  +  Object.defineProperty(obj, key, {
          842  +    enumerable: true,
          843  +    configurable: true,
          844  +    get: function reactiveGetter () {
          845  +      var value = getter ? getter.call(obj) : val;
          846  +      if (Dep.target) {
          847  +        dep.depend();
          848  +        if (childOb) {
          849  +          childOb.dep.depend();
          850  +        }
          851  +        if (Array.isArray(value)) {
          852  +          dependArray(value);
          853  +        }
          854  +      }
          855  +      return value
          856  +    },
          857  +    set: function reactiveSetter (newVal) {
          858  +      var value = getter ? getter.call(obj) : val;
          859  +      /* eslint-disable no-self-compare */
          860  +      if (newVal === value || (newVal !== newVal && value !== value)) {
          861  +        return
          862  +      }
          863  +      /* eslint-enable no-self-compare */
          864  +      if ("development" !== 'production' && customSetter) {
          865  +        customSetter();
          866  +      }
          867  +      if (setter) {
          868  +        setter.call(obj, newVal);
          869  +      } else {
          870  +        val = newVal;
          871  +      }
          872  +      childOb = observe(newVal);
          873  +      dep.notify();
          874  +    }
          875  +  });
          876  +}
          877  +
          878  +/**
          879  + * Set a property on an object. Adds the new property and
          880  + * triggers change notification if the property doesn't
          881  + * already exist.
          882  + */
          883  +function set (obj, key, val) {
          884  +  if (Array.isArray(obj)) {
          885  +    obj.length = Math.max(obj.length, key);
          886  +    obj.splice(key, 1, val);
          887  +    return val
          888  +  }
          889  +  if (hasOwn(obj, key)) {
          890  +    obj[key] = val;
          891  +    return
          892  +  }
          893  +  var ob = obj.__ob__;
          894  +  if (obj._isVue || (ob && ob.vmCount)) {
          895  +    "development" !== 'production' && warn(
          896  +      'Avoid adding reactive properties to a Vue instance or its root $data ' +
          897  +      'at runtime - declare it upfront in the data option.'
          898  +    );
          899  +    return
          900  +  }
          901  +  if (!ob) {
          902  +    obj[key] = val;
          903  +    return
          904  +  }
          905  +  defineReactive$$1(ob.value, key, val);
          906  +  ob.dep.notify();
          907  +  return val
          908  +}
          909  +
          910  +/**
          911  + * Delete a property and trigger change if necessary.
          912  + */
          913  +function del (obj, key) {
          914  +  if (Array.isArray(obj)) {
          915  +    obj.splice(key, 1);
          916  +    return
          917  +  }
          918  +  var ob = obj.__ob__;
          919  +  if (obj._isVue || (ob && ob.vmCount)) {
          920  +    "development" !== 'production' && warn(
          921  +      'Avoid deleting properties on a Vue instance or its root $data ' +
          922  +      '- just set it to null.'
          923  +    );
          924  +    return
          925  +  }
          926  +  if (!hasOwn(obj, key)) {
          927  +    return
          928  +  }
          929  +  delete obj[key];
          930  +  if (!ob) {
          931  +    return
          932  +  }
          933  +  ob.dep.notify();
          934  +}
          935  +
          936  +/**
          937  + * Collect dependencies on array elements when the array is touched, since
          938  + * we cannot intercept array element access like property getters.
          939  + */
          940  +function dependArray (value) {
          941  +  for (var e = (void 0), i = 0, l = value.length; i < l; i++) {
          942  +    e = value[i];
          943  +    e && e.__ob__ && e.__ob__.dep.depend();
          944  +    if (Array.isArray(e)) {
          945  +      dependArray(e);
          946  +    }
          947  +  }
          948  +}
          949  +
          950  +/*  */
          951  +
          952  +/**
          953  + * Option overwriting strategies are functions that handle
          954  + * how to merge a parent option value and a child option
          955  + * value into the final value.
          956  + */
          957  +var strats = config.optionMergeStrategies;
          958  +
          959  +/**
          960  + * Options with restrictions
          961  + */
          962  +{
          963  +  strats.el = strats.propsData = function (parent, child, vm, key) {
          964  +    if (!vm) {
          965  +      warn(
          966  +        "option \"" + key + "\" can only be used during instance " +
          967  +        'creation with the `new` keyword.'
          968  +      );
          969  +    }
          970  +    return defaultStrat(parent, child)
          971  +  };
          972  +}
          973  +
          974  +/**
          975  + * Helper that recursively merges two data objects together.
          976  + */
          977  +function mergeData (to, from) {
          978  +  if (!from) { return to }
          979  +  var key, toVal, fromVal;
          980  +  var keys = Object.keys(from);
          981  +  for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
          982  +    key = keys[i];
          983  +    toVal = to[key];
          984  +    fromVal = from[key];
          985  +    if (!hasOwn(to, key)) {
          986  +      set(to, key, fromVal);
          987  +    } else if (isPlainObject(toVal) && isPlainObject(fromVal)) {
          988  +      mergeData(toVal, fromVal);
          989  +    }
          990  +  }
          991  +  return to
          992  +}
          993  +
          994  +/**
          995  + * Data
          996  + */
          997  +strats.data = function (
          998  +  parentVal,
          999  +  childVal,
         1000  +  vm
         1001  +) {
         1002  +  if (!vm) {
         1003  +    // in a Vue.extend merge, both should be functions
         1004  +    if (!childVal) {
         1005  +      return parentVal
         1006  +    }
         1007  +    if (typeof childVal !== 'function') {
         1008  +      "development" !== 'production' && warn(
         1009  +        'The "data" option should be a function ' +
         1010  +        'that returns a per-instance value in component ' +
         1011  +        'definitions.',
         1012  +        vm
         1013  +      );
         1014  +      return parentVal
         1015  +    }
         1016  +    if (!parentVal) {
         1017  +      return childVal
         1018  +    }
         1019  +    // when parentVal & childVal are both present,
         1020  +    // we need to return a function that returns the
         1021  +    // merged result of both functions... no need to
         1022  +    // check if parentVal is a function here because
         1023  +    // it has to be a function to pass previous merges.
         1024  +    return function mergedDataFn () {
         1025  +      return mergeData(
         1026  +        childVal.call(this),
         1027  +        parentVal.call(this)
         1028  +      )
         1029  +    }
         1030  +  } else if (parentVal || childVal) {
         1031  +    return function mergedInstanceDataFn () {
         1032  +      // instance merge
         1033  +      var instanceData = typeof childVal === 'function'
         1034  +        ? childVal.call(vm)
         1035  +        : childVal;
         1036  +      var defaultData = typeof parentVal === 'function'
         1037  +        ? parentVal.call(vm)
         1038  +        : undefined;
         1039  +      if (instanceData) {
         1040  +        return mergeData(instanceData, defaultData)
         1041  +      } else {
         1042  +        return defaultData
         1043  +      }
         1044  +    }
         1045  +  }
         1046  +};
         1047  +
         1048  +/**
         1049  + * Hooks and props are merged as arrays.
         1050  + */
         1051  +function mergeHook (
         1052  +  parentVal,
         1053  +  childVal
         1054  +) {
         1055  +  return childVal
         1056  +    ? parentVal
         1057  +      ? parentVal.concat(childVal)
         1058  +      : Array.isArray(childVal)
         1059  +        ? childVal
         1060  +        : [childVal]
         1061  +    : parentVal
         1062  +}
         1063  +
         1064  +config._lifecycleHooks.forEach(function (hook) {
         1065  +  strats[hook] = mergeHook;
         1066  +});
         1067  +
         1068  +/**
         1069  + * Assets
         1070  + *
         1071  + * When a vm is present (instance creation), we need to do
         1072  + * a three-way merge between constructor options, instance
         1073  + * options and parent options.
         1074  + */
         1075  +function mergeAssets (parentVal, childVal) {
         1076  +  var res = Object.create(parentVal || null);
         1077  +  return childVal
         1078  +    ? extend(res, childVal)
         1079  +    : res
         1080  +}
         1081  +
         1082  +config._assetTypes.forEach(function (type) {
         1083  +  strats[type + 's'] = mergeAssets;
         1084  +});
         1085  +
         1086  +/**
         1087  + * Watchers.
         1088  + *
         1089  + * Watchers hashes should not overwrite one
         1090  + * another, so we merge them as arrays.
         1091  + */
         1092  +strats.watch = function (parentVal, childVal) {
         1093  +  /* istanbul ignore if */
         1094  +  if (!childVal) { return Object.create(parentVal || null) }
         1095  +  if (!parentVal) { return childVal }
         1096  +  var ret = {};
         1097  +  extend(ret, parentVal);
         1098  +  for (var key in childVal) {
         1099  +    var parent = ret[key];
         1100  +    var child = childVal[key];
         1101  +    if (parent && !Array.isArray(parent)) {
         1102  +      parent = [parent];
         1103  +    }
         1104  +    ret[key] = parent
         1105  +      ? parent.concat(child)
         1106  +      : [child];
         1107  +  }
         1108  +  return ret
         1109  +};
         1110  +
         1111  +/**
         1112  + * Other object hashes.
         1113  + */
         1114  +strats.props =
         1115  +strats.methods =
         1116  +strats.computed = function (parentVal, childVal) {
         1117  +  if (!childVal) { return Object.create(parentVal || null) }
         1118  +  if (!parentVal) { return childVal }
         1119  +  var ret = Object.create(null);
         1120  +  extend(ret, parentVal);
         1121  +  extend(ret, childVal);
         1122  +  return ret
         1123  +};
         1124  +
         1125  +/**
         1126  + * Default strategy.
         1127  + */
         1128  +var defaultStrat = function (parentVal, childVal) {
         1129  +  return childVal === undefined
         1130  +    ? parentVal
         1131  +    : childVal
         1132  +};
         1133  +
         1134  +/**
         1135  + * Validate component names
         1136  + */
         1137  +function checkComponents (options) {
         1138  +  for (var key in options.components) {
         1139  +    var lower = key.toLowerCase();
         1140  +    if (isBuiltInTag(lower) || config.isReservedTag(lower)) {
         1141  +      warn(
         1142  +        'Do not use built-in or reserved HTML elements as component ' +
         1143  +        'id: ' + key
         1144  +      );
         1145  +    }
         1146  +  }
         1147  +}
         1148  +
         1149  +/**
         1150  + * Ensure all props option syntax are normalized into the
         1151  + * Object-based format.
         1152  + */
         1153  +function normalizeProps (options) {
         1154  +  var props = options.props;
         1155  +  if (!props) { return }
         1156  +  var res = {};
         1157  +  var i, val, name;
         1158  +  if (Array.isArray(props)) {
         1159  +    i = props.length;
         1160  +    while (i--) {
         1161  +      val = props[i];
         1162  +      if (typeof val === 'string') {
         1163  +        name = camelize(val);
         1164  +        res[name] = { type: null };
         1165  +      } else {
         1166  +        warn('props must be strings when using array syntax.');
         1167  +      }
         1168  +    }
         1169  +  } else if (isPlainObject(props)) {
         1170  +    for (var key in props) {
         1171  +      val = props[key];
         1172  +      name = camelize(key);
         1173  +      res[name] = isPlainObject(val)
         1174  +        ? val
         1175  +        : { type: val };
         1176  +    }
         1177  +  }
         1178  +  options.props = res;
         1179  +}
         1180  +
         1181  +/**
         1182  + * Normalize raw function directives into object format.
         1183  + */
         1184  +function normalizeDirectives (options) {
         1185  +  var dirs = options.directives;
         1186  +  if (dirs) {
         1187  +    for (var key in dirs) {
         1188  +      var def = dirs[key];
         1189  +      if (typeof def === 'function') {
         1190  +        dirs[key] = { bind: def, update: def };
         1191  +      }
         1192  +    }
         1193  +  }
         1194  +}
         1195  +
         1196  +/**
         1197  + * Merge two option objects into a new one.
         1198  + * Core utility used in both instantiation and inheritance.
         1199  + */
         1200  +function mergeOptions (
         1201  +  parent,
         1202  +  child,
         1203  +  vm
         1204  +) {
         1205  +  {
         1206  +    checkComponents(child);
         1207  +  }
         1208  +  normalizeProps(child);
         1209  +  normalizeDirectives(child);
         1210  +  var extendsFrom = child.extends;
         1211  +  if (extendsFrom) {
         1212  +    parent = typeof extendsFrom === 'function'
         1213  +      ? mergeOptions(parent, extendsFrom.options, vm)
         1214  +      : mergeOptions(parent, extendsFrom, vm);
         1215  +  }
         1216  +  if (child.mixins) {
         1217  +    for (var i = 0, l = child.mixins.length; i < l; i++) {
         1218  +      var mixin = child.mixins[i];
         1219  +      if (mixin.prototype instanceof Vue$3) {
         1220  +        mixin = mixin.options;
         1221  +      }
         1222  +      parent = mergeOptions(parent, mixin, vm);
         1223  +    }
         1224  +  }
         1225  +  var options = {};
         1226  +  var key;
         1227  +  for (key in parent) {
         1228  +    mergeField(key);
         1229  +  }
         1230  +  for (key in child) {
         1231  +    if (!hasOwn(parent, key)) {
         1232  +      mergeField(key);
         1233  +    }
         1234  +  }
         1235  +  function mergeField (key) {
         1236  +    var strat = strats[key] || defaultStrat;
         1237  +    options[key] = strat(parent[key], child[key], vm, key);
         1238  +  }
         1239  +  return options
         1240  +}
         1241  +
         1242  +/**
         1243  + * Resolve an asset.
         1244  + * This function is used because child instances need access
         1245  + * to assets defined in its ancestor chain.
         1246  + */
         1247  +function resolveAsset (
         1248  +  options,
         1249  +  type,
         1250  +  id,
         1251  +  warnMissing
         1252  +) {
         1253  +  /* istanbul ignore if */
         1254  +  if (typeof id !== 'string') {
         1255  +    return
         1256  +  }
         1257  +  var assets = options[type];
         1258  +  // check local registration variations first
         1259  +  if (hasOwn(assets, id)) { return assets[id] }
         1260  +  var camelizedId = camelize(id);
         1261  +  if (hasOwn(assets, camelizedId)) { return assets[camelizedId] }
         1262  +  var PascalCaseId = capitalize(camelizedId);
         1263  +  if (hasOwn(assets, PascalCaseId)) { return assets[PascalCaseId] }
         1264  +  // fallback to prototype chain
         1265  +  var res = assets[id] || assets[camelizedId] || assets[PascalCaseId];
         1266  +  if ("development" !== 'production' && warnMissing && !res) {
         1267  +    warn(
         1268  +      'Failed to resolve ' + type.slice(0, -1) + ': ' + id,
         1269  +      options
         1270  +    );
         1271  +  }
         1272  +  return res
         1273  +}
         1274  +
         1275  +/*  */
         1276  +
         1277  +function validateProp (
         1278  +  key,
         1279  +  propOptions,
         1280  +  propsData,
         1281  +  vm
         1282  +) {
         1283  +  var prop = propOptions[key];
         1284  +  var absent = !hasOwn(propsData, key);
         1285  +  var value = propsData[key];
         1286  +  // handle boolean props
         1287  +  if (isType(Boolean, prop.type)) {
         1288  +    if (absent && !hasOwn(prop, 'default')) {
         1289  +      value = false;
         1290  +    } else if (!isType(String, prop.type) && (value === '' || value === hyphenate(key))) {
         1291  +      value = true;
         1292  +    }
         1293  +  }
         1294  +  // check default value
         1295  +  if (value === undefined) {
         1296  +    value = getPropDefaultValue(vm, prop, key);
         1297  +    // since the default value is a fresh copy,
         1298  +    // make sure to observe it.
         1299  +    var prevShouldConvert = observerState.shouldConvert;
         1300  +    observerState.shouldConvert = true;
         1301  +    observe(value);
         1302  +    observerState.shouldConvert = prevShouldConvert;
         1303  +  }
         1304  +  {
         1305  +    assertProp(prop, key, value, vm, absent);
         1306  +  }
         1307  +  return value
         1308  +}
         1309  +
         1310  +/**
         1311  + * Get the default value of a prop.
         1312  + */
         1313  +function getPropDefaultValue (vm, prop, key) {
         1314  +  // no default, return undefined
         1315  +  if (!hasOwn(prop, 'default')) {
         1316  +    return undefined
         1317  +  }
         1318  +  var def = prop.default;
         1319  +  // warn against non-factory defaults for Object & Array
         1320  +  if ("development" !== 'production' && isObject(def)) {
         1321  +    warn(
         1322  +      'Invalid default value for prop "' + key + '": ' +
         1323  +      'Props with type Object/Array must use a factory function ' +
         1324  +      'to return the default value.',
         1325  +      vm
         1326  +    );
         1327  +  }
         1328  +  // the raw prop value was also undefined from previous render,
         1329  +  // return previous default value to avoid unnecessary watcher trigger
         1330  +  if (vm && vm.$options.propsData &&
         1331  +    vm.$options.propsData[key] === undefined &&
         1332  +    vm._props[key] !== undefined) {
         1333  +    return vm._props[key]
         1334  +  }
         1335  +  // call factory function for non-Function types
         1336  +  // a value is Function if its prototype is function even across different execution context
         1337  +  return typeof def === 'function' && getType(prop.type) !== 'Function'
         1338  +    ? def.call(vm)
         1339  +    : def
         1340  +}
         1341  +
         1342  +/**
         1343  + * Assert whether a prop is valid.
         1344  + */
         1345  +function assertProp (
         1346  +  prop,
         1347  +  name,
         1348  +  value,
         1349  +  vm,
         1350  +  absent
         1351  +) {
         1352  +  if (prop.required && absent) {
         1353  +    warn(
         1354  +      'Missing required prop: "' + name + '"',
         1355  +      vm
         1356  +    );
         1357  +    return
         1358  +  }
         1359  +  if (value == null && !prop.required) {
         1360  +    return
         1361  +  }
         1362  +  var type = prop.type;
         1363  +  var valid = !type || type === true;
         1364  +  var expectedTypes = [];
         1365  +  if (type) {
         1366  +    if (!Array.isArray(type)) {
         1367  +      type = [type];
         1368  +    }
         1369  +    for (var i = 0; i < type.length && !valid; i++) {
         1370  +      var assertedType = assertType(value, type[i]);
         1371  +      expectedTypes.push(assertedType.expectedType || '');
         1372  +      valid = assertedType.valid;
         1373  +    }
         1374  +  }
         1375  +  if (!valid) {
         1376  +    warn(
         1377  +      'Invalid prop: type check failed for prop "' + name + '".' +
         1378  +      ' Expected ' + expectedTypes.map(capitalize).join(', ') +
         1379  +      ', got ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(value).slice(8, -1) + '.',
         1380  +      vm
         1381  +    );
         1382  +    return
         1383  +  }
         1384  +  var validator = prop.validator;
         1385  +  if (validator) {
         1386  +    if (!validator(value)) {
         1387  +      warn(
         1388  +        'Invalid prop: custom validator check failed for prop "' + name + '".',
         1389  +        vm
         1390  +      );
         1391  +    }
         1392  +  }
         1393  +}
         1394  +
         1395  +/**
         1396  + * Assert the type of a value
         1397  + */
         1398  +function assertType (value, type) {
         1399  +  var valid;
         1400  +  var expectedType = getType(type);
         1401  +  if (expectedType === 'String') {
         1402  +    valid = typeof value === (expectedType = 'string');
         1403  +  } else if (expectedType === 'Number') {
         1404  +    valid = typeof value === (expectedType = 'number');
         1405  +  } else if (expectedType === 'Boolean') {
         1406  +    valid = typeof value === (expectedType = 'boolean');
         1407  +  } else if (expectedType === 'Function') {
         1408  +    valid = typeof value === (expectedType = 'function');
         1409  +  } else if (expectedType === 'Object') {
         1410  +    valid = isPlainObject(value);
         1411  +  } else if (expectedType === 'Array') {
         1412  +    valid = Array.isArray(value);
         1413  +  } else {
         1414  +    valid = value instanceof type;
         1415  +  }
         1416  +  return {
         1417  +    valid: valid,
         1418  +    expectedType: expectedType
         1419  +  }
         1420  +}
         1421  +
         1422  +/**
         1423  + * Use function string name to check built-in types,
         1424  + * because a simple equality check will fail when running
         1425  + * across different vms / iframes.
         1426  + */
         1427  +function getType (fn) {
         1428  +  var match = fn && fn.toString().match(/^\s*function (\w+)/);
         1429  +  return match && match[1]
         1430  +}
         1431  +
         1432  +function isType (type, fn) {
         1433  +  if (!Array.isArray(fn)) {
         1434  +    return getType(fn) === getType(type)
         1435  +  }
         1436  +  for (var i = 0, len = fn.length; i < len; i++) {
         1437  +    if (getType(fn[i]) === getType(type)) {
         1438  +      return true
         1439  +    }
         1440  +  }
         1441  +  /* istanbul ignore next */
         1442  +  return false
         1443  +}
         1444  +
         1445  +function handleError (err, vm, type) {
         1446  +  if (config.errorHandler) {
         1447  +    config.errorHandler.call(null, err, vm, type);
         1448  +  } else {
         1449  +    {
         1450  +      warn(("Error in " + type + ":"), vm);
         1451  +    }
         1452  +    /* istanbul ignore else */
         1453  +    if (inBrowser && typeof console !== 'undefined') {
         1454  +      console.error(err);
         1455  +    } else {
         1456  +      throw err
         1457  +    }
         1458  +  }
         1459  +}
         1460  +
         1461  +/* not type checking this file because flow doesn't play well with Proxy */
         1462  +
         1463  +var initProxy;
         1464  +
         1465  +{
         1466  +  var allowedGlobals = makeMap(
         1467  +    'Infinity,undefined,NaN,isFinite,isNaN,' +
         1468  +    'parseFloat,parseInt,decodeURI,decodeURIComponent,encodeURI,encodeURIComponent,' +
         1469  +    'Math,Number,Date,Array,Object,Boolean,String,RegExp,Map,Set,JSON,Intl,' +
         1470  +    'require' // for Webpack/Browserify
         1471  +  );
         1472  +
         1473  +  var warnNonPresent = function (target, key) {
         1474  +    warn(
         1475  +      "Property or method \"" + key + "\" is not defined on the instance but " +
         1476  +      "referenced during render. Make sure to declare reactive data " +
         1477  +      "properties in the data option.",
         1478  +      target
         1479  +    );
         1480  +  };
         1481  +
         1482  +  var hasProxy =
         1483  +    typeof Proxy !== 'undefined' &&
         1484  +    Proxy.toString().match(/native code/);
         1485  +
         1486  +  if (hasProxy) {
         1487  +    var isBuiltInModifier = makeMap('stop,prevent,self,ctrl,shift,alt,meta');
         1488  +    config.keyCodes = new Proxy(config.keyCodes, {
         1489  +      set: function set (target, key, value) {
         1490  +        if (isBuiltInModifier(key)) {
         1491  +          warn(("Avoid overwriting built-in modifier in config.keyCodes: ." + key));
         1492  +          return false
         1493  +        } else {
         1494  +          target[key] = value;
         1495  +          return true
         1496  +        }
         1497  +      }
         1498  +    });
         1499  +  }
         1500  +
         1501  +  var hasHandler = {
         1502  +    has: function has (target, key) {
         1503  +      var has = key in target;
         1504  +      var isAllowed = allowedGlobals(key) || key.charAt(0) === '_';
         1505  +      if (!has && !isAllowed) {
         1506  +        warnNonPresent(target, key);
         1507  +      }
         1508  +      return has || !isAllowed
         1509  +    }
         1510  +  };
         1511  +
         1512  +  var getHandler = {
         1513  +    get: function get (target, key) {
         1514  +      if (typeof key === 'string' && !(key in target)) {
         1515  +        warnNonPresent(target, key);
         1516  +      }
         1517  +      return target[key]
         1518  +    }
         1519  +  };
         1520  +
         1521  +  initProxy = function initProxy (vm) {
         1522  +    if (hasProxy) {
         1523  +      // determine which proxy handler to use
         1524  +      var options = vm.$options;
         1525  +      var handlers = options.render && options.render._withStripped
         1526  +        ? getHandler
         1527  +        : hasHandler;
         1528  +      vm._renderProxy = new Proxy(vm, handlers);
         1529  +    } else {
         1530  +      vm._renderProxy = vm;
         1531  +    }
         1532  +  };
         1533  +}
         1534  +
         1535  +/*  */
         1536  +
         1537  +var VNode = function VNode (
         1538  +  tag,
         1539  +  data,
         1540  +  children,
         1541  +  text,
         1542  +  elm,
         1543  +  context,
         1544  +  componentOptions
         1545  +) {
         1546  +  this.tag = tag;
         1547  +  this.data = data;
         1548  +  this.children = children;
         1549  +  this.text = text;
         1550  +  this.elm = elm;
         1551  +  this.ns = undefined;
         1552  +  this.context = context;
         1553  +  this.functionalContext = undefined;
         1554  +  this.key = data && data.key;
         1555  +  this.componentOptions = componentOptions;
         1556  +  this.componentInstance = undefined;
         1557  +  this.parent = undefined;
         1558  +  this.raw = false;
         1559  +  this.isStatic = false;
         1560  +  this.isRootInsert = true;
         1561  +  this.isComment = false;
         1562  +  this.isCloned = false;
         1563  +  this.isOnce = false;
         1564  +};
         1565  +
         1566  +var prototypeAccessors = { child: {} };
         1567  +
         1568  +// DEPRECATED: alias for componentInstance for backwards compat.
         1569  +/* istanbul ignore next */
         1570  +prototypeAccessors.child.get = function () {
         1571  +  return this.componentInstance
         1572  +};
         1573  +
         1574  +Object.defineProperties( VNode.prototype, prototypeAccessors );
         1575  +
         1576  +var createEmptyVNode = function () {
         1577  +  var node = new VNode();
         1578  +  node.text = '';
         1579  +  node.isComment = true;
         1580  +  return node
         1581  +};
         1582  +
         1583  +function createTextVNode (val) {
         1584  +  return new VNode(undefined, undefined, undefined, String(val))
         1585  +}
         1586  +
         1587  +// optimized shallow clone
         1588  +// used for static nodes and slot nodes because they may be reused across
         1589  +// multiple renders, cloning them avoids errors when DOM manipulations rely
         1590  +// on their elm reference.
         1591  +function cloneVNode (vnode) {
         1592  +  var cloned = new VNode(
         1593  +    vnode.tag,
         1594  +    vnode.data,
         1595  +    vnode.children,
         1596  +    vnode.text,
         1597  +    vnode.elm,
         1598  +    vnode.context,
         1599  +    vnode.componentOptions
         1600  +  );
         1601  +  cloned.ns = vnode.ns;
         1602  +  cloned.isStatic = vnode.isStatic;
         1603  +  cloned.key = vnode.key;
         1604  +  cloned.isCloned = true;
         1605  +  return cloned
         1606  +}
         1607  +
         1608  +function cloneVNodes (vnodes) {
         1609  +  var res = new Array(vnodes.length);
         1610  +  for (var i = 0; i < vnodes.length; i++) {
         1611  +    res[i] = cloneVNode(vnodes[i]);
         1612  +  }
         1613  +  return res
         1614  +}
         1615  +
         1616  +/*  */
         1617  +
         1618  +var normalizeEvent = cached(function (name) {
         1619  +  var once$$1 = name.charAt(0) === '~'; // Prefixed last, checked first
         1620  +  name = once$$1 ? name.slice(1) : name;
         1621  +  var capture = name.charAt(0) === '!';
         1622  +  name = capture ? name.slice(1) : name;
         1623  +  return {
         1624  +    name: name,
         1625  +    once: once$$1,
         1626  +    capture: capture
         1627  +  }
         1628  +});
         1629  +
         1630  +function createFnInvoker (fns) {
         1631  +  function invoker () {
         1632  +    var arguments$1 = arguments;
         1633  +
         1634  +    var fns = invoker.fns;
         1635  +    if (Array.isArray(fns)) {
         1636  +      for (var i = 0; i < fns.length; i++) {
         1637  +        fns[i].apply(null, arguments$1);
         1638  +      }
         1639  +    } else {
         1640  +      // return handler return value for single handlers
         1641  +      return fns.apply(null, arguments)
         1642  +    }
         1643  +  }
         1644  +  invoker.fns = fns;
         1645  +  return invoker
         1646  +}
         1647  +
         1648  +function updateListeners (
         1649  +  on,
         1650  +  oldOn,
         1651  +  add,
         1652  +  remove$$1,
         1653  +  vm
         1654  +) {
         1655  +  var name, cur, old, event;
         1656  +  for (name in on) {
         1657  +    cur = on[name];
         1658  +    old = oldOn[name];
         1659  +    event = normalizeEvent(name);
         1660  +    if (!cur) {
         1661  +      "development" !== 'production' && warn(
         1662  +        "Invalid handler for event \"" + (event.name) + "\": got " + String(cur),
         1663  +        vm
         1664  +      );
         1665  +    } else if (!old) {
         1666  +      if (!cur.fns) {
         1667  +        cur = on[name] = createFnInvoker(cur);
         1668  +      }
         1669  +      add(event.name, cur, event.once, event.capture);
         1670  +    } else if (cur !== old) {
         1671  +      old.fns = cur;
         1672  +      on[name] = old;
         1673  +    }
         1674  +  }
         1675  +  for (name in oldOn) {
         1676  +    if (!on[name]) {
         1677  +      event = normalizeEvent(name);
         1678  +      remove$$1(event.name, oldOn[name], event.capture);
         1679  +    }
         1680  +  }
         1681  +}
         1682  +
         1683  +/*  */
         1684  +
         1685  +function mergeVNodeHook (def, hookKey, hook) {
         1686  +  var invoker;
         1687  +  var oldHook = def[hookKey];
         1688  +
         1689  +  function wrappedHook () {
         1690  +    hook.apply(this, arguments);
         1691  +    // important: remove merged hook to ensure it's called only once
         1692  +    // and prevent memory leak
         1693  +    remove(invoker.fns, wrappedHook);
         1694  +  }
         1695  +
         1696  +  if (!oldHook) {
         1697  +    // no existing hook
         1698  +    invoker = createFnInvoker([wrappedHook]);
         1699  +  } else {
         1700  +    /* istanbul ignore if */
         1701  +    if (oldHook.fns && oldHook.merged) {
         1702  +      // already a merged invoker
         1703  +      invoker = oldHook;
         1704  +      invoker.fns.push(wrappedHook);
         1705  +    } else {
         1706  +      // existing plain hook
         1707  +      invoker = createFnInvoker([oldHook, wrappedHook]);
         1708  +    }
         1709  +  }
         1710  +
         1711  +  invoker.merged = true;
         1712  +  def[hookKey] = invoker;
         1713  +}
         1714  +
         1715  +/*  */
         1716  +
         1717  +// The template compiler attempts to minimize the need for normalization by
         1718  +// statically analyzing the template at compile time.
         1719  +//
         1720  +// For plain HTML markup, normalization can be completely skipped because the
         1721  +// generated render function is guaranteed to return Array<VNode>. There are
         1722  +// two cases where extra normalization is needed:
         1723  +
         1724  +// 1. When the children contains components - because a functional component
         1725  +// may return an Array instead of a single root. In this case, just a simple
         1726  +// normalization is needed - if any child is an Array, we flatten the whole
         1727  +// thing with Array.prototype.concat. It is guaranteed to be only 1-level deep
         1728  +// because functional components already normalize their own children.
         1729  +function simpleNormalizeChildren (children) {
         1730  +  for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
         1731  +    if (Array.isArray(children[i])) {
         1732  +      return Array.prototype.concat.apply([], children)
         1733  +    }
         1734  +  }
         1735  +  return children
         1736  +}
         1737  +
         1738  +// 2. When the children contains constrcuts that always generated nested Arrays,
         1739  +// e.g. <template>, <slot>, v-for, or when the children is provided by user
         1740  +// with hand-written render functions / JSX. In such cases a full normalization
         1741  +// is needed to cater to all possible types of children values.
         1742  +function normalizeChildren (children) {
         1743  +  return isPrimitive(children)
         1744  +    ? [createTextVNode(children)]
         1745  +    : Array.isArray(children)
         1746  +      ? normalizeArrayChildren(children)
         1747  +      : undefined
         1748  +}
         1749  +
         1750  +function normalizeArrayChildren (children, nestedIndex) {
         1751  +  var res = [];
         1752  +  var i, c, last;
         1753  +  for (i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
         1754  +    c = children[i];
         1755  +    if (c == null || typeof c === 'boolean') { continue }
         1756  +    last = res[res.length - 1];
         1757  +    //  nested
         1758  +    if (Array.isArray(c)) {
         1759  +      res.push.apply(res, normalizeArrayChildren(c, ((nestedIndex || '') + "_" + i)));
         1760  +    } else if (isPrimitive(c)) {
         1761  +      if (last && last.text) {
         1762  +        last.text += String(c);
         1763  +      } else if (c !== '') {
         1764  +        // convert primitive to vnode
         1765  +        res.push(createTextVNode(c));
         1766  +      }
         1767  +    } else {
         1768  +      if (c.text && last && last.text) {
         1769  +        res[res.length - 1] = createTextVNode(last.text + c.text);
         1770  +      } else {
         1771  +        // default key for nested array children (likely generated by v-for)
         1772  +        if (c.tag && c.key == null && nestedIndex != null) {
         1773  +          c.key = "__vlist" + nestedIndex + "_" + i + "__";
         1774  +        }
         1775  +        res.push(c);
         1776  +      }
         1777  +    }
         1778  +  }
         1779  +  return res
         1780  +}
         1781  +
         1782  +/*  */
         1783  +
         1784  +function getFirstComponentChild (children) {
         1785  +  return children && children.filter(function (c) { return c && c.componentOptions; })[0]
         1786  +}
         1787  +
         1788  +/*  */
         1789  +
         1790  +function initEvents (vm) {
         1791  +  vm._events = Object.create(null);
         1792  +  vm._hasHookEvent = false;
         1793  +  // init parent attached events
         1794  +  var listeners = vm.$options._parentListeners;
         1795  +  if (listeners) {
         1796  +    updateComponentListeners(vm, listeners);
         1797  +  }
         1798  +}
         1799  +
         1800  +var target;
         1801  +
         1802  +function add (event, fn, once$$1) {
         1803  +  if (once$$1) {
         1804  +    target.$once(event, fn);
         1805  +  } else {
         1806  +    target.$on(event, fn);
         1807  +  }
         1808  +}
         1809  +
         1810  +function remove$1 (event, fn) {
         1811  +  target.$off(event, fn);
         1812  +}
         1813  +
         1814  +function updateComponentListeners (
         1815  +  vm,
         1816  +  listeners,
         1817  +  oldListeners
         1818  +) {
         1819  +  target = vm;
         1820  +  updateListeners(listeners, oldListeners || {}, add, remove$1, vm);
         1821  +}
         1822  +
         1823  +function eventsMixin (Vue) {
         1824  +  var hookRE = /^hook:/;
         1825  +  Vue.prototype.$on = function (event, fn) {
         1826  +    var this$1 = this;
         1827  +
         1828  +    var vm = this;
         1829  +    if (Array.isArray(event)) {
         1830  +      for (var i = 0, l = event.length; i < l; i++) {
         1831  +        this$1.$on(event[i], fn);
         1832  +      }
         1833  +    } else {
         1834  +      (vm._events[event] || (vm._events[event] = [])).push(fn);
         1835  +      // optimize hook:event cost by using a boolean flag marked at registration
         1836  +      // instead of a hash lookup
         1837  +      if (hookRE.test(event)) {
         1838  +        vm._hasHookEvent = true;
         1839  +      }
         1840  +    }
         1841  +    return vm
         1842  +  };
         1843  +
         1844  +  Vue.prototype.$once = function (event, fn) {
         1845  +    var vm = this;
         1846  +    function on () {
         1847  +      vm.$off(event, on);
         1848  +      fn.apply(vm, arguments);
         1849  +    }
         1850  +    on.fn = fn;
         1851  +    vm.$on(event, on);
         1852  +    return vm
         1853  +  };
         1854  +
         1855  +  Vue.prototype.$off = function (event, fn) {
         1856  +    var vm = this;
         1857  +    // all
         1858  +    if (!arguments.length) {
         1859  +      vm._events = Object.create(null);
         1860  +      return vm
         1861  +    }
         1862  +    // specific event
         1863  +    var cbs = vm._events[event];
         1864  +    if (!cbs) {
         1865  +      return vm
         1866  +    }
         1867  +    if (arguments.length === 1) {
         1868  +      vm._events[event] = null;
         1869  +      return vm
         1870  +    }
         1871  +    // specific handler
         1872  +    var cb;
         1873  +    var i = cbs.length;
         1874  +    while (i--) {
         1875  +      cb = cbs[i];
         1876  +      if (cb === fn || cb.fn === fn) {
         1877  +        cbs.splice(i, 1);
         1878  +        break
         1879  +      }
         1880  +    }
         1881  +    return vm
         1882  +  };
         1883  +
         1884  +  Vue.prototype.$emit = function (event) {
         1885  +    var vm = this;
         1886  +    var cbs = vm._events[event];
         1887  +    if (cbs) {
         1888  +      cbs = cbs.length > 1 ? toArray(cbs) : cbs;
         1889  +      var args = toArray(arguments, 1);
         1890  +      for (var i = 0, l = cbs.length; i < l; i++) {
         1891  +        cbs[i].apply(vm, args);
         1892  +      }
         1893  +    }
         1894  +    return vm
         1895  +  };
         1896  +}
         1897  +
         1898  +/*  */
         1899  +
         1900  +/**
         1901  + * Runtime helper for resolving raw children VNodes into a slot object.
         1902  + */
         1903  +function resolveSlots (
         1904  +  children,
         1905  +  context
         1906  +) {
         1907  +  var slots = {};
         1908  +  if (!children) {
         1909  +    return slots
         1910  +  }
         1911  +  var defaultSlot = [];
         1912  +  var name, child;
         1913  +  for (var i = 0, l = children.length; i < l; i++) {
         1914  +    child = children[i];
         1915  +    // named slots should only be respected if the vnode was rendered in the
         1916  +    // same context.
         1917  +    if ((child.context === context || child.functionalContext === context) &&
         1918  +        child.data && (name = child.data.slot)) {
         1919  +      var slot = (slots[name] || (slots[name] = []));
         1920  +      if (child.tag === 'template') {
         1921  +        slot.push.apply(slot, child.children);
         1922  +      } else {
         1923  +        slot.push(child);
         1924  +      }
         1925  +    } else {
         1926  +      defaultSlot.push(child);
         1927  +    }
         1928  +  }
         1929  +  // ignore single whitespace
         1930  +  if (defaultSlot.length && !(
         1931  +    defaultSlot.length === 1 &&
         1932  +    (defaultSlot[0].text === ' ' || defaultSlot[0].isComment)
         1933  +  )) {
         1934  +    slots.default = defaultSlot;
         1935  +  }
         1936  +  return slots
         1937  +}
         1938  +
         1939  +function resolveScopedSlots (
         1940  +  fns
         1941  +) {
         1942  +  var res = {};
         1943  +  for (var i = 0; i < fns.length; i++) {
         1944  +    res[fns[i][0]] = fns[i][1];
         1945  +  }
         1946  +  return res
         1947  +}
         1948  +
         1949  +/*  */
         1950  +
         1951  +var activeInstance = null;
         1952  +
         1953  +function initLifecycle (vm) {
         1954  +  var options = vm.$options;
         1955  +
         1956  +  // locate first non-abstract parent
         1957  +  var parent = options.parent;
         1958  +  if (parent && !options.abstract) {
         1959  +    while (parent.$options.abstract && parent.$parent) {
         1960  +      parent = parent.$parent;
         1961  +    }
         1962  +    parent.$children.push(vm);
         1963  +  }
         1964  +
         1965  +  vm.$parent = parent;
         1966  +  vm.$root = parent ? parent.$root : vm;
         1967  +
         1968  +  vm.$children = [];
         1969  +  vm.$refs = {};
         1970  +
         1971  +  vm._watcher = null;
         1972  +  vm._inactive = null;
         1973  +  vm._directInactive = false;
         1974  +  vm._isMounted = false;
         1975  +  vm._isDestroyed = false;
         1976  +  vm._isBeingDestroyed = false;
         1977  +}
         1978  +
         1979  +function lifecycleMixin (Vue) {
         1980  +  Vue.prototype._update = function (vnode, hydrating) {
         1981  +    var vm = this;
         1982  +    if (vm._isMounted) {
         1983  +      callHook(vm, 'beforeUpdate');
         1984  +    }
         1985  +    var prevEl = vm.$el;
         1986  +    var prevVnode = vm._vnode;
         1987  +    var prevActiveInstance = activeInstance;
         1988  +    activeInstance = vm;
         1989  +    vm._vnode = vnode;
         1990  +    // Vue.prototype.__patch__ is injected in entry points
         1991  +    // based on the rendering backend used.
         1992  +    if (!prevVnode) {
         1993  +      // initial render
         1994  +      vm.$el = vm.__patch__(
         1995  +        vm.$el, vnode, hydrating, false /* removeOnly */,
         1996  +        vm.$options._parentElm,
         1997  +        vm.$options._refElm
         1998  +      );
         1999  +    } else {
         2000  +      // updates
         2001  +      vm.$el = vm.__patch__(prevVnode, vnode);
         2002  +    }
         2003  +    activeInstance = prevActiveInstance;
         2004  +    // update __vue__ reference
         2005  +    if (prevEl) {
         2006  +      prevEl.__vue__ = null;
         2007  +    }
         2008  +    if (vm.$el) {
         2009  +      vm.$el.__vue__ = vm;
         2010  +    }
         2011  +    // if parent is an HOC, update its $el as well
         2012  +    if (vm.$vnode && vm.$parent && vm.$vnode === vm.$parent._vnode) {
         2013  +      vm.$parent.$el = vm.$el;
         2014  +    }
         2015  +    // updated hook is called by the scheduler to ensure that children are
         2016  +    // updated in a parent's updated hook.
         2017  +  };
         2018  +
         2019  +  Vue.prototype.$forceUpdate = function () {
         2020  +    var vm = this;
         2021  +    if (vm._watcher) {
         2022  +      vm._watcher.update();
         2023  +    }
         2024  +  };
         2025  +
         2026  +  Vue.prototype.$destroy = function () {
         2027  +    var vm = this;
         2028  +    if (vm._isBeingDestroyed) {
         2029  +      return
         2030  +    }
         2031  +    callHook(vm, 'beforeDestroy');
         2032  +    vm._isBeingDestroyed = true;
         2033  +    // remove self from parent
         2034  +    var parent = vm.$parent;
         2035  +    if (parent && !parent._isBeingDestroyed && !vm.$options.abstract) {
         2036  +      remove(parent.$children, vm);
         2037  +    }
         2038  +    // teardown watchers
         2039  +    if (vm._watcher) {
         2040  +      vm._watcher.teardown();
         2041  +    }
         2042  +    var i = vm._watchers.length;
         2043  +    while (i--) {
         2044  +      vm._watchers[i].teardown();
         2045  +    }
         2046  +    // remove reference from data ob
         2047  +    // frozen object may not have observer.
         2048  +    if (vm._data.__ob__) {
         2049  +      vm._data.__ob__.vmCount--;
         2050  +    }
         2051  +    // call the last hook...
         2052  +    vm._isDestroyed = true;
         2053  +    callHook(vm, 'destroyed');
         2054  +    // turn off all instance listeners.
         2055  +    vm.$off();
         2056  +    // remove __vue__ reference
         2057  +    if (vm.$el) {
         2058  +      vm.$el.__vue__ = null;
         2059  +    }
         2060  +    // invoke destroy hooks on current rendered tree
         2061  +    vm.__patch__(vm._vnode, null);
         2062  +  };
         2063  +}
         2064  +
         2065  +function mountComponent (
         2066  +  vm,
         2067  +  el,
         2068  +  hydrating
         2069  +) {
         2070  +  vm.$el = el;
         2071  +  if (!vm.$options.render) {
         2072  +    vm.$options.render = createEmptyVNode;
         2073  +    {
         2074  +      /* istanbul ignore if */
         2075  +      if (vm.$options.template && vm.$options.template.charAt(0) !== '#') {
         2076  +        warn(
         2077  +          'You are using the runtime-only build of Vue where the template ' +
         2078  +          'option is not available. Either pre-compile the templates into ' +
         2079  +          'render functions, or use the compiler-included build.',
         2080  +          vm
         2081  +        );
         2082  +      } else {
         2083  +        warn(
         2084  +          'Failed to mount component: template or render function not defined.',
         2085  +          vm
         2086  +        );
         2087  +      }
         2088  +    }
         2089  +  }
         2090  +  callHook(vm, 'beforeMount');
         2091  +
         2092  +  var updateComponent;
         2093  +  /* istanbul ignore if */
         2094  +  if ("development" !== 'production' && config.performance && perf) {
         2095  +    updateComponent = function () {
         2096  +      var name = vm._name;
         2097  +      var startTag = "start " + name;
         2098  +      var endTag = "end " + name;
         2099  +      perf.mark(startTag);
         2100  +      var vnode = vm._render();
         2101  +      perf.mark(endTag);
         2102  +      perf.measure((name + " render"), startTag, endTag);
         2103  +      perf.mark(startTag);
         2104  +      vm._update(vnode, hydrating);
         2105  +      perf.mark(endTag);
         2106  +      perf.measure((name + " patch"), startTag, endTag);
         2107  +    };
         2108  +  } else {
         2109  +    updateComponent = function () {
         2110  +      vm._update(vm._render(), hydrating);
         2111  +    };
         2112  +  }
         2113  +
         2114  +  vm._watcher = new Watcher(vm, updateComponent, noop);
         2115  +  hydrating = false;
         2116  +
         2117  +  // manually mounted instance, call mounted on self
         2118  +  // mounted is called for render-created child components in its inserted hook
         2119  +  if (vm.$vnode == null) {
         2120  +    vm._isMounted = true;
         2121  +    callHook(vm, 'mounted');
         2122  +  }
         2123  +  return vm
         2124  +}
         2125  +
         2126  +function updateChildComponent (
         2127  +  vm,
         2128  +  propsData,
         2129  +  listeners,
         2130  +  parentVnode,
         2131  +  renderChildren
         2132  +) {
         2133  +  // determine whether component has slot children
         2134  +  // we need to do this before overwriting $options._renderChildren
         2135  +  var hasChildren = !!(
         2136  +    renderChildren ||               // has new static slots
         2137  +    vm.$options._renderChildren ||  // has old static slots
         2138  +    parentVnode.data.scopedSlots || // has new scoped slots
         2139  +    vm.$scopedSlots !== emptyObject // has old scoped slots
         2140  +  );
         2141  +
         2142  +  vm.$options._parentVnode = parentVnode;
         2143  +  vm.$vnode = parentVnode; // update vm's placeholder node without re-render
         2144  +  if (vm._vnode) { // update child tree's parent
         2145  +    vm._vnode.parent = parentVnode;
         2146  +  }
         2147  +  vm.$options._renderChildren = renderChildren;
         2148  +
         2149  +  // update props
         2150  +  if (propsData && vm.$options.props) {
         2151  +    observerState.shouldConvert = false;
         2152  +    {
         2153  +      observerState.isSettingProps = true;
         2154  +    }
         2155  +    var props = vm._props;
         2156  +    var propKeys = vm.$options._propKeys || [];
         2157  +    for (var i = 0; i < propKeys.length; i++) {
         2158  +      var key = propKeys[i];
         2159  +      props[key] = validateProp(key, vm.$options.props, propsData, vm);
         2160  +    }
         2161  +    observerState.shouldConvert = true;
         2162  +    {
         2163  +      observerState.isSettingProps = false;
         2164  +    }
         2165  +    // keep a copy of raw propsData
         2166  +    vm.$options.propsData = propsData;
         2167  +  }
         2168  +  // update listeners
         2169  +  if (listeners) {
         2170  +    var oldListeners = vm.$options._parentListeners;
         2171  +    vm.$options._parentListeners = listeners;
         2172  +    updateComponentListeners(vm, listeners, oldListeners);
         2173  +  }
         2174  +  // resolve slots + force update if has children
         2175  +  if (hasChildren) {
         2176  +    vm.$slots = resolveSlots(renderChildren, parentVnode.context);
         2177  +    vm.$forceUpdate();
         2178  +  }
         2179  +}
         2180  +
         2181  +function isInInactiveTree (vm) {
         2182  +  while (vm && (vm = vm.$parent)) {
         2183  +    if (vm._inactive) { return true }
         2184  +  }
         2185  +  return false
         2186  +}
         2187  +
         2188  +function activateChildComponent (vm, direct) {
         2189  +  if (direct) {
         2190  +    vm._directInactive = false;
         2191  +    if (isInInactiveTree(vm)) {
         2192  +      return
         2193  +    }
         2194  +  } else if (vm._directInactive) {
         2195  +    return
         2196  +  }
         2197  +  if (vm._inactive || vm._inactive == null) {
         2198  +    vm._inactive = false;
         2199  +    for (var i = 0; i < vm.$children.length; i++) {
         2200  +      activateChildComponent(vm.$children[i]);
         2201  +    }
         2202  +    callHook(vm, 'activated');
         2203  +  }
         2204  +}
         2205  +
         2206  +function deactivateChildComponent (vm, direct) {
         2207  +  if (direct) {
         2208  +    vm._directInactive = true;
         2209  +    if (isInInactiveTree(vm)) {
         2210  +      return
         2211  +    }
         2212  +  }
         2213  +  if (!vm._inactive) {
         2214  +    vm._inactive = true;
         2215  +    for (var i = 0; i < vm.$children.length; i++) {
         2216  +      deactivateChildComponent(vm.$children[i]);
         2217  +    }
         2218  +    callHook(vm, 'deactivated');
         2219  +  }
         2220  +}
         2221  +
         2222  +function callHook (vm, hook) {
         2223  +  var handlers = vm.$options[hook];
         2224  +  if (handlers) {
         2225  +    for (var i = 0, j = handlers.length; i < j; i++) {
         2226  +      try {
         2227  +        handlers[i].call(vm);
         2228  +      } catch (e) {
         2229  +        handleError(e, vm, (hook + " hook"));
         2230  +      }
         2231  +    }
         2232  +  }
         2233  +  if (vm._hasHookEvent) {
         2234  +    vm.$emit('hook:' + hook);
         2235  +  }
         2236  +}
         2237  +
         2238  +/*  */
         2239  +
         2240  +
         2241  +var queue = [];
         2242  +var has = {};
         2243  +var circular = {};
         2244  +var waiting = false;
         2245  +var flushing = false;
         2246  +var index = 0;
         2247  +
         2248  +/**
         2249  + * Reset the scheduler's state.
         2250  + */
         2251  +function resetSchedulerState () {
         2252  +  queue.length = 0;
         2253  +  has = {};
         2254  +  {
         2255  +    circular = {};
         2256  +  }
         2257  +  waiting = flushing = false;
         2258  +}
         2259  +
         2260  +/**
         2261  + * Flush both queues and run the watchers.
         2262  + */
         2263  +function flushSchedulerQueue () {
         2264  +  flushing = true;
         2265  +  var watcher, id, vm;
         2266  +
         2267  +  // Sort queue before flush.
         2268  +  // This ensures that:
         2269  +  // 1. Components are updated from parent to child. (because parent is always
         2270  +  //    created before the child)
         2271  +  // 2. A component's user watchers are run before its render watcher (because
         2272  +  //    user watchers are created before the render watcher)
         2273  +  // 3. If a component is destroyed during a parent component's watcher run,
         2274  +  //    its watchers can be skipped.
         2275  +  queue.sort(function (a, b) { return a.id - b.id; });
         2276  +
         2277  +  // do not cache length because more watchers might be pushed
         2278  +  // as we run existing watchers
         2279  +  for (index = 0; index < queue.length; index++) {
         2280  +    watcher = queue[index];
         2281  +    id = watcher.id;
         2282  +    has[id] = null;
         2283  +    watcher.run();
         2284  +    // in dev build, check and stop circular updates.
         2285  +    if ("development" !== 'production' && has[id] != null) {
         2286  +      circular[id] = (circular[id] || 0) + 1;
         2287  +      if (circular[id] > config._maxUpdateCount) {
         2288  +        warn(
         2289  +          'You may have an infinite update loop ' + (
         2290  +            watcher.user
         2291  +              ? ("in watcher with expression \"" + (watcher.expression) + "\"")
         2292  +              : "in a component render function."
         2293  +          ),
         2294  +          watcher.vm
         2295  +        );
         2296  +        break
         2297  +      }
         2298  +    }
         2299  +  }
         2300  +
         2301  +  // call updated hooks
         2302  +  index = queue.length;
         2303  +  while (index--) {
         2304  +    watcher = queue[index];
         2305  +    vm = watcher.vm;
         2306  +    if (vm._watcher === watcher && vm._isMounted) {
         2307  +      callHook(vm, 'updated');
         2308  +    }
         2309  +  }
         2310  +
         2311  +  // devtool hook
         2312  +  /* istanbul ignore if */
         2313  +  if (devtools && config.devtools) {
         2314  +    devtools.emit('flush');
         2315  +  }
         2316  +
         2317  +  resetSchedulerState();
         2318  +}
         2319  +
         2320  +/**
         2321  + * Push a watcher into the watcher queue.
         2322  + * Jobs with duplicate IDs will be skipped unless it's
         2323  + * pushed when the queue is being flushed.
         2324  + */
         2325  +function queueWatcher (watcher) {
         2326  +  var id = watcher.id;
         2327  +  if (has[id] == null) {
         2328  +    has[id] = true;
         2329  +    if (!flushing) {
         2330  +      queue.push(watcher);
         2331  +    } else {
         2332  +      // if already flushing, splice the watcher based on its id
         2333  +      // if already past its id, it will be run next immediately.
         2334  +      var i = queue.length - 1;
         2335  +      while (i >= 0 && queue[i].id > watcher.id) {
         2336  +        i--;
         2337  +      }
         2338  +      queue.splice(Math.max(i, index) + 1, 0, watcher);
         2339  +    }
         2340  +    // queue the flush
         2341  +    if (!waiting) {
         2342  +      waiting = true;
         2343  +      nextTick(flushSchedulerQueue);
         2344  +    }
         2345  +  }
         2346  +}
         2347  +
         2348  +/*  */
         2349  +
         2350  +var uid$2 = 0;
         2351  +
         2352  +/**
         2353  + * A watcher parses an expression, collects dependencies,
         2354  + * and fires callback when the expression value changes.
         2355  + * This is used for both the $watch() api and directives.
         2356  + */
         2357  +var Watcher = function Watcher (
         2358  +  vm,
         2359  +  expOrFn,
         2360  +  cb,
         2361  +  options
         2362  +) {
         2363  +  this.vm = vm;
         2364  +  vm._watchers.push(this);
         2365  +  // options
         2366  +  if (options) {
         2367  +    this.deep = !!options.deep;
         2368  +    this.user = !!options.user;
         2369  +    this.lazy = !!options.lazy;
         2370  +    this.sync = !!options.sync;
         2371  +  } else {
         2372  +    this.deep = this.user = this.lazy = this.sync = false;
         2373  +  }
         2374  +  this.cb = cb;
         2375  +  this.id = ++uid$2; // uid for batching
         2376  +  this.active = true;
         2377  +  this.dirty = this.lazy; // for lazy watchers
         2378  +  this.deps = [];
         2379  +  this.newDeps = [];
         2380  +  this.depIds = new _Set();
         2381  +  this.newDepIds = new _Set();
         2382  +  this.expression = expOrFn.toString();
         2383  +  // parse expression for getter
         2384  +  if (typeof expOrFn === 'function') {
         2385  +    this.getter = expOrFn;
         2386  +  } else {
         2387  +    this.getter = parsePath(expOrFn);
         2388  +    if (!this.getter) {
         2389  +      this.getter = function () {};
         2390  +      "development" !== 'production' && warn(
         2391  +        "Failed watching path: \"" + expOrFn + "\" " +
         2392  +        'Watcher only accepts simple dot-delimited paths. ' +
         2393  +        'For full control, use a function instead.',
         2394  +        vm
         2395  +      );
         2396  +    }
         2397  +  }
         2398  +  this.value = this.lazy
         2399  +    ? undefined
         2400  +    : this.get();
         2401  +};
         2402  +
         2403  +/**
         2404  + * Evaluate the getter, and re-collect dependencies.
         2405  + */
         2406  +Watcher.prototype.get = function get () {
         2407  +  pushTarget(this);
         2408  +  var value;
         2409  +  var vm = this.vm;
         2410  +  if (this.user) {
         2411  +    try {
         2412  +      value = this.getter.call(vm, vm);
         2413  +    } catch (e) {
         2414  +      handleError(e, vm, ("getter for watcher \"" + (this.expression) + "\""));
         2415  +    }
         2416  +  } else {
         2417  +    value = this.getter.call(vm, vm);
         2418  +  }
         2419  +  // "touch" every property so they are all tracked as
         2420  +  // dependencies for deep watching
         2421  +  if (this.deep) {
         2422  +    traverse(value);
         2423  +  }
         2424  +  popTarget();
         2425  +  this.cleanupDeps();
         2426  +  return value
         2427  +};
         2428  +
         2429  +/**
         2430  + * Add a dependency to this directive.
         2431  + */
         2432  +Watcher.prototype.addDep = function addDep (dep) {
         2433  +  var id = dep.id;
         2434  +  if (!this.newDepIds.has(id)) {
         2435  +    this.newDepIds.add(id);
         2436  +    this.newDeps.push(dep);
         2437  +    if (!this.depIds.has(id)) {
         2438  +      dep.addSub(this);
         2439  +    }
         2440  +  }
         2441  +};
         2442  +
         2443  +/**
         2444  + * Clean up for dependency collection.
         2445  + */
         2446  +Watcher.prototype.cleanupDeps = function cleanupDeps () {
         2447  +    var this$1 = this;
         2448  +
         2449  +  var i = this.deps.length;
         2450  +  while (i--) {
         2451  +    var dep = this$1.deps[i];
         2452  +    if (!this$1.newDepIds.has(dep.id)) {
         2453  +      dep.removeSub(this$1);
         2454  +    }
         2455  +  }
         2456  +  var tmp = this.depIds;
         2457  +  this.depIds = this.newDepIds;
         2458  +  this.newDepIds = tmp;
         2459  +  this.newDepIds.clear();
         2460  +  tmp = this.deps;
         2461  +  this.deps = this.newDeps;
         2462  +  this.newDeps = tmp;
         2463  +  this.newDeps.length = 0;
         2464  +};
         2465  +
         2466  +/**
         2467  + * Subscriber interface.
         2468  + * Will be called when a dependency changes.
         2469  + */
         2470  +Watcher.prototype.update = function update () {
         2471  +  /* istanbul ignore else */
         2472  +  if (this.lazy) {
         2473  +    this.dirty = true;
         2474  +  } else if (this.sync) {
         2475  +    this.run();
         2476  +  } else {
         2477  +    queueWatcher(this);
         2478  +  }
         2479  +};
         2480  +
         2481  +/**
         2482  + * Scheduler job interface.
         2483  + * Will be called by the scheduler.
         2484  + */
         2485  +Watcher.prototype.run = function run () {
         2486  +  if (this.active) {
         2487  +    var value = this.get();
         2488  +    if (
         2489  +      value !== this.value ||
         2490  +      // Deep watchers and watchers on Object/Arrays should fire even
         2491  +      // when the value is the same, because the value may
         2492  +      // have mutated.
         2493  +      isObject(value) ||
         2494  +      this.deep
         2495  +    ) {
         2496  +      // set new value
         2497  +      var oldValue = this.value;
         2498  +      this.value = value;
         2499  +      if (this.user) {
         2500  +        try {
         2501  +          this.cb.call(this.vm, value, oldValue);
         2502  +        } catch (e) {
         2503  +          handleError(e, this.vm, ("callback for watcher \"" + (this.expression) + "\""));
         2504  +        }
         2505  +      } else {
         2506  +        this.cb.call(this.vm, value, oldValue);
         2507  +      }
         2508  +    }
         2509  +  }
         2510  +};
         2511  +
         2512  +/**
         2513  + * Evaluate the value of the watcher.
         2514  + * This only gets called for lazy watchers.
         2515  + */
         2516  +Watcher.prototype.evaluate = function evaluate () {
         2517  +  this.value = this.get();
         2518  +  this.dirty = false;
         2519  +};
         2520  +
         2521  +/**
         2522  + * Depend on all deps collected by this watcher.
         2523  + */
         2524  +Watcher.prototype.depend = function depend () {
         2525  +    var this$1 = this;
         2526  +
         2527  +  var i = this.deps.length;
         2528  +  while (i--) {
         2529  +    this$1.deps[i].depend();
         2530  +  }
         2531  +};
         2532  +
         2533  +/**
         2534  + * Remove self from all dependencies' subscriber list.
         2535  + */
         2536  +Watcher.prototype.teardown = function teardown () {
         2537  +    var this$1 = this;
         2538  +
         2539  +  if (this.active) {
         2540  +    // remove self from vm's watcher list
         2541  +    // this is a somewhat expensive operation so we skip it
         2542  +    // if the vm is being destroyed.
         2543  +    if (!this.vm._isBeingDestroyed) {
         2544  +      remove(this.vm._watchers, this);
         2545  +    }
         2546  +    var i = this.deps.length;
         2547  +    while (i--) {
         2548  +      this$1.deps[i].removeSub(this$1);
         2549  +    }
         2550  +    this.active = false;
         2551  +  }
         2552  +};
         2553  +
         2554  +/**
         2555  + * Recursively traverse an object to evoke all converted
         2556  + * getters, so that every nested property inside the object
         2557  + * is collected as a "deep" dependency.
         2558  + */
         2559  +var seenObjects = new _Set();
         2560  +function traverse (val) {
         2561  +  seenObjects.clear();
         2562  +  _traverse(val, seenObjects);
         2563  +}
         2564  +
         2565  +function _traverse (val, seen) {
         2566  +  var i, keys;
         2567  +  var isA = Array.isArray(val);
         2568  +  if ((!isA && !isObject(val)) || !Object.isExtensible(val)) {
         2569  +    return
         2570  +  }
         2571  +  if (val.__ob__) {
         2572  +    var depId = val.__ob__.dep.id;
         2573  +    if (seen.has(depId)) {
         2574  +      return
         2575  +    }
         2576  +    seen.add(depId);
         2577  +  }
         2578  +  if (isA) {
         2579  +    i = val.length;
         2580  +    while (i--) { _traverse(val[i], seen); }
         2581  +  } else {
         2582  +    keys = Object.keys(val);
         2583  +    i = keys.length;
         2584  +    while (i--) { _traverse(val[keys[i]], seen); }
         2585  +  }
         2586  +}
         2587  +
         2588  +/*  */
         2589  +
         2590  +var sharedPropertyDefinition = {
         2591  +  enumerable: true,
         2592  +  configurable: true,
         2593  +  get: noop,
         2594  +  set: noop
         2595  +};
         2596  +
         2597  +function proxy (target, sourceKey, key) {
         2598  +  sharedPropertyDefinition.get = function proxyGetter () {
         2599  +    return this[sourceKey][key]
         2600  +  };
         2601  +  sharedPropertyDefinition.set = function proxySetter (val) {
         2602  +    this[sourceKey][key] = val;
         2603  +  };
         2604  +  Object.defineProperty(target, key, sharedPropertyDefinition);
         2605  +}
         2606  +
         2607  +function initState (vm) {
         2608  +  vm._watchers = [];
         2609  +  var opts = vm.$options;
         2610  +  if (opts.props) { initProps(vm, opts.props); }
         2611  +  if (opts.methods) { initMethods(vm, opts.methods); }
         2612  +  if (opts.data) {
         2613  +    initData(vm);
         2614  +  } else {
         2615  +    observe(vm._data = {}, true /* asRootData */);
         2616  +  }
         2617  +  if (opts.computed) { initComputed(vm, opts.computed); }
         2618  +  if (opts.watch) { initWatch(vm, opts.watch); }
         2619  +}
         2620  +
         2621  +var isReservedProp = { key: 1, ref: 1, slot: 1 };
         2622  +
         2623  +function initProps (vm, propsOptions) {
         2624  +  var propsData = vm.$options.propsData || {};
         2625  +  var props = vm._props = {};
         2626  +  // cache prop keys so that future props updates can iterate using Array
         2627  +  // instead of dynamic object key enumeration.
         2628  +  var keys = vm.$options._propKeys = [];
         2629  +  var isRoot = !vm.$parent;
         2630  +  // root instance props should be converted
         2631  +  observerState.shouldConvert = isRoot;
         2632  +  var loop = function ( key ) {
         2633  +    keys.push(key);
         2634  +    var value = validateProp(key, propsOptions, propsData, vm);
         2635  +    /* istanbul ignore else */
         2636  +    {
         2637  +      if (isReservedProp[key]) {
         2638  +        warn(
         2639  +          ("\"" + key + "\" is a reserved attribute and cannot be used as component prop."),
         2640  +          vm
         2641  +        );
         2642  +      }
         2643  +      defineReactive$$1(props, key, value, function () {
         2644  +        if (vm.$parent && !observerState.isSettingProps) {
         2645  +          warn(
         2646  +            "Avoid mutating a prop directly since the value will be " +
         2647  +            "overwritten whenever the parent component re-renders. " +
         2648  +            "Instead, use a data or computed property based on the prop's " +
         2649  +            "value. Prop being mutated: \"" + key + "\"",
         2650  +            vm
         2651  +          );
         2652  +        }
         2653  +      });
         2654  +    }
         2655  +    // static props are already proxied on the component's prototype
         2656  +    // during Vue.extend(). We only need to proxy props defined at
         2657  +    // instantiation here.
         2658  +    if (!(key in vm)) {
         2659  +      proxy(vm, "_props", key);
         2660  +    }
         2661  +  };
         2662  +
         2663  +  for (var key in propsOptions) loop( key );
         2664  +  observerState.shouldConvert = true;
         2665  +}
         2666  +
         2667  +function initData (vm) {
         2668  +  var data = vm.$options.data;
         2669  +  data = vm._data = typeof data === 'function'
         2670  +    ? data.call(vm)
         2671  +    : data || {};
         2672  +  if (!isPlainObject(data)) {
         2673  +    data = {};
         2674  +    "development" !== 'production' && warn(
         2675  +      'data functions should return an object:\n' +
         2676  +      'https://vuejs.org/v2/guide/components.html#data-Must-Be-a-Function',
         2677  +      vm
         2678  +    );
         2679  +  }
         2680  +  // proxy data on instance
         2681  +  var keys = Object.keys(data);
         2682  +  var props = vm.$options.props;
         2683  +  var i = keys.length;
         2684  +  while (i--) {
         2685  +    if (props && hasOwn(props, keys[i])) {
         2686  +      "development" !== 'production' && warn(
         2687  +        "The data property \"" + (keys[i]) + "\" is already declared as a prop. " +
         2688  +        "Use prop default value instead.",
         2689  +        vm
         2690  +      );
         2691  +    } else if (!isReserved(keys[i])) {
         2692  +      proxy(vm, "_data", keys[i]);
         2693  +    }
         2694  +  }
         2695  +  // observe data
         2696  +  observe(data, true /* asRootData */);
         2697  +}
         2698  +
         2699  +var computedWatcherOptions = { lazy: true };
         2700  +
         2701  +function initComputed (vm, computed) {
         2702  +  var watchers = vm._computedWatchers = Object.create(null);
         2703  +
         2704  +  for (var key in computed) {
         2705  +    var userDef = computed[key];
         2706  +    var getter = typeof userDef === 'function' ? userDef : userDef.get;
         2707  +    // create internal watcher for the computed property.
         2708  +    watchers[key] = new Watcher(vm, getter, noop, computedWatcherOptions);
         2709  +
         2710  +    // component-defined computed properties are already defined on the
         2711  +    // component prototype. We only need to define computed properties defined
         2712  +    // at instantiation here.
         2713  +    if (!(key in vm)) {
         2714  +      defineComputed(vm, key, userDef);
         2715  +    }
         2716  +  }
         2717  +}
         2718  +
         2719  +function defineComputed (target, key, userDef) {
         2720  +  if (typeof userDef === 'function') {
         2721  +    sharedPropertyDefinition.get = createComputedGetter(key);
         2722  +    sharedPropertyDefinition.set = noop;
         2723  +  } else {
         2724  +    sharedPropertyDefinition.get = userDef.get
         2725  +      ? userDef.cache !== false
         2726  +        ? createComputedGetter(key)
         2727  +        : userDef.get
         2728  +      : noop;
         2729  +    sharedPropertyDefinition.set = userDef.set
         2730  +      ? userDef.set
         2731  +      : noop;
         2732  +  }
         2733  +  Object.defineProperty(target, key, sharedPropertyDefinition);
         2734  +}
         2735  +
         2736  +function createComputedGetter (key) {
         2737  +  return function computedGetter () {
         2738  +    var watcher = this._computedWatchers && this._computedWatchers[key];
         2739  +    if (watcher) {
         2740  +      if (watcher.dirty) {
         2741  +        watcher.evaluate();
         2742  +      }
         2743  +      if (Dep.target) {
         2744  +        watcher.depend();
         2745  +      }
         2746  +      return watcher.value
         2747  +    }
         2748  +  }
         2749  +}
         2750  +
         2751  +function initMethods (vm, methods) {
         2752  +  var props = vm.$options.props;
         2753  +  for (var key in methods) {
         2754  +    vm[key] = methods[key] == null ? noop : bind(methods[key], vm);
         2755  +    {
         2756  +      if (methods[key] == null) {
         2757  +        warn(
         2758  +          "method \"" + key + "\" has an undefined value in the component definition. " +
         2759  +          "Did you reference the function correctly?",
         2760  +          vm
         2761  +        );
         2762  +      }
         2763  +      if (props && hasOwn(props, key)) {
         2764  +        warn(
         2765  +          ("method \"" + key + "\" has already been defined as a prop."),
         2766  +          vm
         2767  +        );
         2768  +      }
         2769  +    }
         2770  +  }
         2771  +}
         2772  +
         2773  +function initWatch (vm, watch) {
         2774  +  for (var key in watch) {
         2775  +    var handler = watch[key];
         2776  +    if (Array.isArray(handler)) {
         2777  +      for (var i = 0; i < handler.length; i++) {
         2778  +        createWatcher(vm, key, handler[i]);
         2779  +      }
         2780  +    } else {
         2781  +      createWatcher(vm, key, handler);
         2782  +    }
         2783  +  }
         2784  +}
         2785  +
         2786  +function createWatcher (vm, key, handler) {
         2787  +  var options;
         2788  +  if (isPlainObject(handler)) {
         2789  +    options = handler;
         2790  +    handler = handler.handler;
         2791  +  }
         2792  +  if (typeof handler === 'string') {
         2793  +    handler = vm[handler];
         2794  +  }
         2795  +  vm.$watch(key, handler, options);
         2796  +}
         2797  +
         2798  +function stateMixin (Vue) {
         2799  +  // flow somehow has problems with directly declared definition object
         2800  +  // when using Object.defineProperty, so we have to procedurally build up
         2801  +  // the object here.
         2802  +  var dataDef = {};
         2803  +  dataDef.get = function () { return this._data };
         2804  +  var propsDef = {};
         2805  +  propsDef.get = function () { return this._props };
         2806  +  {
         2807  +    dataDef.set = function (newData) {
         2808  +      warn(
         2809  +        'Avoid replacing instance root $data. ' +
         2810  +        'Use nested data properties instead.',
         2811  +        this
         2812  +      );
         2813  +    };
         2814  +    propsDef.set = function () {
         2815  +      warn("$props is readonly.", this);
         2816  +    };
         2817  +  }
         2818  +  Object.defineProperty(Vue.prototype, '$data', dataDef);
         2819  +  Object.defineProperty(Vue.prototype, '$props', propsDef);
         2820  +
         2821  +  Vue.prototype.$set = set;
         2822  +  Vue.prototype.$delete = del;
         2823  +
         2824  +  Vue.prototype.$watch = function (
         2825  +    expOrFn,
         2826  +    cb,
         2827  +    options
         2828  +  ) {
         2829  +    var vm = this;
         2830  +    options = options || {};
         2831  +    options.user = true;
         2832  +    var watcher = new Watcher(vm, expOrFn, cb, options);
         2833  +    if (options.immediate) {
         2834  +      cb.call(vm, watcher.value);
         2835  +    }
         2836  +    return function unwatchFn () {
         2837  +      watcher.teardown();
         2838  +    }
         2839  +  };
         2840  +}
         2841  +
         2842  +/*  */
         2843  +
         2844  +var hooks = { init: init, prepatch: prepatch, insert: insert, destroy: destroy };
         2845  +var hooksToMerge = Object.keys(hooks);
         2846  +
         2847  +function createComponent (
         2848  +  Ctor,
         2849  +  data,
         2850  +  context,
         2851  +  children,
         2852  +  tag
         2853  +) {
         2854  +  if (!Ctor) {
         2855  +    return
         2856  +  }
         2857  +
         2858  +  var baseCtor = context.$options._base;
         2859  +  if (isObject(Ctor)) {
         2860  +    Ctor = baseCtor.extend(Ctor);
         2861  +  }
         2862  +
         2863  +  if (typeof Ctor !== 'function') {
         2864  +    {
         2865  +      warn(("Invalid Component definition: " + (String(Ctor))), context);
         2866  +    }
         2867  +    return
         2868  +  }
         2869  +
         2870  +  // async component
         2871  +  if (!Ctor.cid) {
         2872  +    if (Ctor.resolved) {
         2873  +      Ctor = Ctor.resolved;
         2874  +    } else {
         2875  +      Ctor = resolveAsyncComponent(Ctor, baseCtor, function () {
         2876  +        // it's ok to queue this on every render because
         2877  +        // $forceUpdate is buffered by the scheduler.
         2878  +        context.$forceUpdate();
         2879  +      });
         2880  +      if (!Ctor) {
         2881  +        // return nothing if this is indeed an async component
         2882  +        // wait for the callback to trigger parent update.
         2883  +        return
         2884  +      }
         2885  +    }
         2886  +  }
         2887  +
         2888  +  // resolve constructor options in case global mixins are applied after
         2889  +  // component constructor creation
         2890  +  resolveConstructorOptions(Ctor);
         2891  +
         2892  +  data = data || {};
         2893  +
         2894  +  // transform component v-model data into props & events
         2895  +  if (data.model) {
         2896  +    transformModel(Ctor.options, data);
         2897  +  }
         2898  +
         2899  +  // extract props
         2900  +  var propsData = extractProps(data, Ctor);
         2901  +
         2902  +  // functional component
         2903  +  if (Ctor.options.functional) {
         2904  +    return createFunctionalComponent(Ctor, propsData, data, context, children)
         2905  +  }
         2906  +
         2907  +  // extract listeners, since these needs to be treated as
         2908  +  // child component listeners instead of DOM listeners
         2909  +  var listeners = data.on;
         2910  +  // replace with listeners with .native modifier
         2911  +  data.on = data.nativeOn;
         2912  +
         2913  +  if (Ctor.options.abstract) {
         2914  +    // abstract components do not keep anything
         2915  +    // other than props & listeners
         2916  +    data = {};
         2917  +  }
         2918  +
         2919  +  // merge component management hooks onto the placeholder node
         2920  +  mergeHooks(data);
         2921  +
         2922  +  // return a placeholder vnode
         2923  +  var name = Ctor.options.name || tag;
         2924  +  var vnode = new VNode(
         2925  +    ("vue-component-" + (Ctor.cid) + (name ? ("-" + name) : '')),
         2926  +    data, undefined, undefined, undefined, context,
         2927  +    { Ctor: Ctor, propsData: propsData, listeners: listeners, tag: tag, children: children }
         2928  +  );
         2929  +  return vnode
         2930  +}
         2931  +
         2932  +function createFunctionalComponent (
         2933  +  Ctor,
         2934  +  propsData,
         2935  +  data,
         2936  +  context,
         2937  +  children
         2938  +) {
         2939  +  var props = {};
         2940  +  var propOptions = Ctor.options.props;
         2941  +  if (propOptions) {
         2942  +    for (var key in propOptions) {
         2943  +      props[key] = validateProp(key, propOptions, propsData);
         2944  +    }
         2945  +  }
         2946  +  // ensure the createElement function in functional components
         2947  +  // gets a unique context - this is necessary for correct named slot check
         2948  +  var _context = Object.create(context);
         2949  +  var h = function (a, b, c, d) { return createElement(_context, a, b, c, d, true); };
         2950  +  var vnode = Ctor.options.render.call(null, h, {
         2951  +    props: props,
         2952  +    data: data,
         2953  +    parent: context,
         2954  +    children: children,
         2955  +    slots: function () { return resolveSlots(children, context); }
         2956  +  });
         2957  +  if (vnode instanceof VNode) {
         2958  +    vnode.functionalContext = context;
         2959  +    if (data.slot) {
         2960  +      (vnode.data || (vnode.data = {})).slot = data.slot;
         2961  +    }
         2962  +  }
         2963  +  return vnode
         2964  +}
         2965  +
         2966  +function createComponentInstanceForVnode (
         2967  +  vnode, // we know it's MountedComponentVNode but flow doesn't
         2968  +  parent, // activeInstance in lifecycle state
         2969  +  parentElm,
         2970  +  refElm
         2971  +) {
         2972  +  var vnodeComponentOptions = vnode.componentOptions;
         2973  +  var options = {
         2974  +    _isComponent: true,
         2975  +    parent: parent,
         2976  +    propsData: vnodeComponentOptions.propsData,
         2977  +    _componentTag: vnodeComponentOptions.tag,
         2978  +    _parentVnode: vnode,
         2979  +    _parentListeners: vnodeComponentOptions.listeners,
         2980  +    _renderChildren: vnodeComponentOptions.children,
         2981  +    _parentElm: parentElm || null,
         2982  +    _refElm: refElm || null
         2983  +  };
         2984  +  // check inline-template render functions
         2985  +  var inlineTemplate = vnode.data.inlineTemplate;
         2986  +  if (inlineTemplate) {
         2987  +    options.render = inlineTemplate.render;
         2988  +    options.staticRenderFns = inlineTemplate.staticRenderFns;
         2989  +  }
         2990  +  return new vnodeComponentOptions.Ctor(options)
         2991  +}
         2992  +
         2993  +function init (
         2994  +  vnode,
         2995  +  hydrating,
         2996  +  parentElm,
         2997  +  refElm
         2998  +) {
         2999  +  if (!vnode.componentInstance || vnode.componentInstance._isDestroyed) {
         3000  +    var child = vnode.componentInstance = createComponentInstanceForVnode(
         3001  +      vnode,
         3002  +      activeInstance,
         3003  +      parentElm,
         3004  +      refElm
         3005  +    );
         3006  +    child.$mount(hydrating ? vnode.elm : undefined, hydrating);
         3007  +  } else if (vnode.data.keepAlive) {
         3008  +    // kept-alive components, treat as a patch
         3009  +    var mountedNode = vnode; // work around flow
         3010  +    prepatch(mountedNode, mountedNode);
         3011  +  }
         3012  +}
         3013  +
         3014  +function prepatch (
         3015  +  oldVnode,
         3016  +  vnode
         3017  +) {
         3018  +  var options = vnode.componentOptions;
         3019  +  var child = vnode.componentInstance = oldVnode.componentInstance;
         3020  +  updateChildComponent(
         3021  +    child,
         3022  +    options.propsData, // updated props
         3023  +    options.listeners, // updated listeners
         3024  +    vnode, // new parent vnode
         3025  +    options.children // new children
         3026  +  );
         3027  +}
         3028  +
         3029  +function insert (vnode) {
         3030  +  if (!vnode.componentInstance._isMounted) {
         3031  +    vnode.componentInstance._isMounted = true;
         3032  +    callHook(vnode.componentInstance, 'mounted');
         3033  +  }
         3034  +  if (vnode.data.keepAlive) {
         3035  +    activateChildComponent(vnode.componentInstance, true /* direct */);
         3036  +  }
         3037  +}
         3038  +
         3039  +function destroy (vnode) {
         3040  +  if (!vnode.componentInstance._isDestroyed) {
         3041  +    if (!vnode.data.keepAlive) {
         3042  +      vnode.componentInstance.$destroy();
         3043  +    } else {
         3044  +      deactivateChildComponent(vnode.componentInstance, true /* direct */);
         3045  +    }
         3046  +  }
         3047  +}
         3048  +
         3049  +function resolveAsyncComponent (
         3050  +  factory,
         3051  +  baseCtor,
         3052  +  cb
         3053  +) {
         3054  +  if (factory.requested) {
         3055  +    // pool callbacks
         3056  +    factory.pendingCallbacks.push(cb);
         3057  +  } else {
         3058  +    factory.requested = true;
         3059  +    var cbs = factory.pendingCallbacks = [cb];
         3060  +    var sync = true;
         3061  +
         3062  +    var resolve = function (res) {
         3063  +      if (isObject(res)) {
         3064  +        res = baseCtor.extend(res);
         3065  +      }
         3066  +      // cache resolved
         3067  +      factory.resolved = res;
         3068  +      // invoke callbacks only if this is not a synchronous resolve
         3069  +      // (async resolves are shimmed as synchronous during SSR)
         3070  +      if (!sync) {
         3071  +        for (var i = 0, l = cbs.length; i < l; i++) {
         3072  +          cbs[i](res);
         3073  +        }
         3074  +      }
         3075  +    };
         3076  +
         3077  +    var reject = function (reason) {
         3078  +      "development" !== 'production' && warn(
         3079  +        "Failed to resolve async component: " + (String(factory)) +
         3080  +        (reason ? ("\nReason: " + reason) : '')
         3081  +      );
         3082  +    };
         3083  +
         3084  +    var res = factory(resolve, reject);
         3085  +
         3086  +    // handle promise
         3087  +    if (res && typeof res.then === 'function' && !factory.resolved) {
         3088  +      res.then(resolve, reject);
         3089  +    }
         3090  +
         3091  +    sync = false;
         3092  +    // return in case resolved synchronously
         3093  +    return factory.resolved
         3094  +  }
         3095  +}
         3096  +
         3097  +function extractProps (data, Ctor) {
         3098  +  // we are only extracting raw values here.
         3099  +  // validation and default values are handled in the child
         3100  +  // component itself.
         3101  +  var propOptions = Ctor.options.props;
         3102  +  if (!propOptions) {
         3103  +    return
         3104  +  }
         3105  +  var res = {};
         3106  +  var attrs = data.attrs;
         3107  +  var props = data.props;
         3108  +  var domProps = data.domProps;
         3109  +  if (attrs || props || domProps) {
         3110  +    for (var key in propOptions) {
         3111  +      var altKey = hyphenate(key);
         3112  +      checkProp(res, props, key, altKey, true) ||
         3113  +      checkProp(res, attrs, key, altKey) ||
         3114  +      checkProp(res, domProps, key, altKey);
         3115  +    }
         3116  +  }
         3117  +  return res
         3118  +}
         3119  +
         3120  +function checkProp (
         3121  +  res,
         3122  +  hash,
         3123  +  key,
         3124  +  altKey,
         3125  +  preserve
         3126  +) {
         3127  +  if (hash) {
         3128  +    if (hasOwn(hash, key)) {
         3129  +      res[key] = hash[key];
         3130  +      if (!preserve) {
         3131  +        delete hash[key];
         3132  +      }
         3133  +      return true
         3134  +    } else if (hasOwn(hash, altKey)) {
         3135  +      res[key] = hash[altKey];
         3136  +      if (!preserve) {
         3137  +        delete hash[altKey];
         3138  +      }
         3139  +      return true
         3140  +    }
         3141  +  }
         3142  +  return false
         3143  +}
         3144  +
         3145  +function mergeHooks (data) {
         3146  +  if (!data.hook) {
         3147  +    data.hook = {};
         3148  +  }
         3149  +  for (var i = 0; i < hooksToMerge.length; i++) {
         3150  +    var key = hooksToMerge[i];
         3151  +    var fromParent = data.hook[key];
         3152  +    var ours = hooks[key];
         3153  +    data.hook[key] = fromParent ? mergeHook$1(ours, fromParent) : ours;
         3154  +  }
         3155  +}
         3156  +
         3157  +function mergeHook$1 (one, two) {
         3158  +  return function (a, b, c, d) {
         3159  +    one(a, b, c, d);
         3160  +    two(a, b, c, d);
         3161  +  }
         3162  +}
         3163  +
         3164  +// transform component v-model info (value and callback) into
         3165  +// prop and event handler respectively.
         3166  +function transformModel (options, data) {
         3167  +  var prop = (options.model && options.model.prop) || 'value';
         3168  +  var event = (options.model && options.model.event) || 'input';(data.props || (data.props = {}))[prop] = data.model.value;
         3169  +  var on = data.on || (data.on = {});
         3170  +  if (on[event]) {
         3171  +    on[event] = [data.model.callback].concat(on[event]);
         3172  +  } else {
         3173  +    on[event] = data.model.callback;
         3174  +  }
         3175  +}
         3176  +
         3177  +/*  */
         3178  +
         3179  +var SIMPLE_NORMALIZE = 1;
         3180  +var ALWAYS_NORMALIZE = 2;
         3181  +
         3182  +// wrapper function for providing a more flexible interface
         3183  +// without getting yelled at by flow
         3184  +function createElement (
         3185  +  context,
         3186  +  tag,
         3187  +  data,
         3188  +  children,
         3189  +  normalizationType,
         3190  +  alwaysNormalize
         3191  +) {
         3192  +  if (Array.isArray(data) || isPrimitive(data)) {
         3193  +    normalizationType = children;
         3194  +    children = data;
         3195  +    data = undefined;
         3196  +  }
         3197  +  if (alwaysNormalize) { normalizationType = ALWAYS_NORMALIZE; }
         3198  +  return _createElement(context, tag, data, children, normalizationType)
         3199  +}
         3200  +
         3201  +function _createElement (
         3202  +  context,
         3203  +  tag,
         3204  +  data,
         3205  +  children,
         3206  +  normalizationType
         3207  +) {
         3208  +  if (data && data.__ob__) {
         3209  +    "development" !== 'production' && warn(
         3210  +      "Avoid using observed data object as vnode data: " + (JSON.stringify(data)) + "\n" +
         3211  +      'Always create fresh vnode data objects in each render!',
         3212  +      context
         3213  +    );
         3214  +    return createEmptyVNode()
         3215  +  }
         3216  +  if (!tag) {
         3217  +    // in case of component :is set to falsy value
         3218  +    return createEmptyVNode()
         3219  +  }
         3220  +  // support single function children as default scoped slot
         3221  +  if (Array.isArray(children) &&
         3222  +      typeof children[0] === 'function') {
         3223  +    data = data || {};
         3224  +    data.scopedSlots = { default: children[0] };
         3225  +    children.length = 0;
         3226  +  }
         3227  +  if (normalizationType === ALWAYS_NORMALIZE) {
         3228  +    children = normalizeChildren(children);
         3229  +  } else if (normalizationType === SIMPLE_NORMALIZE) {
         3230  +    children = simpleNormalizeChildren(children);
         3231  +  }
         3232  +  var vnode, ns;
         3233  +  if (typeof tag === 'string') {
         3234  +    var Ctor;
         3235  +    ns = config.getTagNamespace(tag);
         3236  +    if (config.isReservedTag(tag)) {
         3237  +      // platform built-in elements
         3238  +      vnode = new VNode(
         3239  +        config.parsePlatformTagName(tag), data, children,
         3240  +        undefined, undefined, context
         3241  +      );
         3242  +    } else if ((Ctor = resolveAsset(context.$options, 'components', tag))) {
         3243  +      // component
         3244  +      vnode = createComponent(Ctor, data, context, children, tag);
         3245  +    } else {
         3246  +      // unknown or unlisted namespaced elements
         3247  +      // check at runtime because it may get assigned a namespace when its
         3248  +      // parent normalizes children
         3249  +      vnode = new VNode(
         3250  +        tag, data, children,
         3251  +        undefined, undefined, context
         3252  +      );
         3253  +    }
         3254  +  } else {
         3255  +    // direct component options / constructor
         3256  +    vnode = createComponent(tag, data, context, children);
         3257  +  }
         3258  +  if (vnode) {
         3259  +    if (ns) { applyNS(vnode, ns); }
         3260  +    return vnode
         3261  +  } else {
         3262  +    return createEmptyVNode()
         3263  +  }
         3264  +}
         3265  +
         3266  +function applyNS (vnode, ns) {
         3267  +  vnode.ns = ns;
         3268  +  if (vnode.tag === 'foreignObject') {
         3269  +    // use default namespace inside foreignObject
         3270  +    return
         3271  +  }
         3272  +  if (vnode.children) {
         3273  +    for (var i = 0, l = vnode.children.length; i < l; i++) {
         3274  +      var child = vnode.children[i];
         3275  +      if (child.tag && !child.ns) {
         3276  +        applyNS(child, ns);
         3277  +      }
         3278  +    }
         3279  +  }
         3280  +}
         3281  +
         3282  +/*  */
         3283  +
         3284  +/**
         3285  + * Runtime helper for rendering v-for lists.
         3286  + */
         3287  +function renderList (
         3288  +  val,
         3289  +  render
         3290  +) {
         3291  +  var ret, i, l, keys, key;
         3292  +  if (Array.isArray(val) || typeof val === 'string') {
         3293  +    ret = new Array(val.length);
         3294  +    for (i = 0, l = val.length; i < l; i++) {
         3295  +      ret[i] = render(val[i], i);
         3296  +    }
         3297  +  } else if (typeof val === 'number') {
         3298  +    ret = new Array(val);
         3299  +    for (i = 0; i < val; i++) {
         3300  +      ret[i] = render(i + 1, i);
         3301  +    }
         3302  +  } else if (isObject(val)) {
         3303  +    keys = Object.keys(val);
         3304  +    ret = new Array(keys.length);
         3305  +    for (i = 0, l = keys.length; i < l; i++) {
         3306  +      key = keys[i];
         3307  +      ret[i] = render(val[key], key, i);
         3308  +    }
         3309  +  }
         3310  +  return ret
         3311  +}
         3312  +
         3313  +/*  */
         3314  +
         3315  +/**
         3316  + * Runtime helper for rendering <slot>
         3317  + */
         3318  +function renderSlot (
         3319  +  name,
         3320  +  fallback,
         3321  +  props,
         3322  +  bindObject
         3323  +) {
         3324  +  var scopedSlotFn = this.$scopedSlots[name];
         3325  +  if (scopedSlotFn) { // scoped slot
         3326  +    props = props || {};
         3327  +    if (bindObject) {
         3328  +      extend(props, bindObject);
         3329  +    }
         3330  +    return scopedSlotFn(props) || fallback
         3331  +  } else {
         3332  +    var slotNodes = this.$slots[name];
         3333  +    // warn duplicate slot usage
         3334  +    if (slotNodes && "development" !== 'production') {
         3335  +      slotNodes._rendered && warn(
         3336  +        "Duplicate presence of slot \"" + name + "\" found in the same render tree " +
         3337  +        "- this will likely cause render errors.",
         3338  +        this
         3339  +      );
         3340  +      slotNodes._rendered = true;
         3341  +    }
         3342  +    return slotNodes || fallback
         3343  +  }
         3344  +}
         3345  +
         3346  +/*  */
         3347  +
         3348  +/**
         3349  + * Runtime helper for resolving filters
         3350  + */
         3351  +function resolveFilter (id) {
         3352  +  return resolveAsset(this.$options, 'filters', id, true) || identity
         3353  +}
         3354  +
         3355  +/*  */
         3356  +
         3357  +/**
         3358  + * Runtime helper for checking keyCodes from config.
         3359  + */
         3360  +function checkKeyCodes (
         3361  +  eventKeyCode,
         3362  +  key,
         3363  +  builtInAlias
         3364  +) {
         3365  +  var keyCodes = config.keyCodes[key] || builtInAlias;
         3366  +  if (Array.isArray(keyCodes)) {
         3367  +    return keyCodes.indexOf(eventKeyCode) === -1
         3368  +  } else {
         3369  +    return keyCodes !== eventKeyCode
         3370  +  }
         3371  +}
         3372  +
         3373  +/*  */
         3374  +
         3375  +/**
         3376  + * Runtime helper for merging v-bind="object" into a VNode's data.
         3377  + */
         3378  +function bindObjectProps (
         3379  +  data,
         3380  +  tag,
         3381  +  value,
         3382  +  asProp
         3383  +) {
         3384  +  if (value) {
         3385  +    if (!isObject(value)) {
         3386  +      "development" !== 'production' && warn(
         3387  +        'v-bind without argument expects an Object or Array value',
         3388  +        this
         3389  +      );
         3390  +    } else {
         3391  +      if (Array.isArray(value)) {
         3392  +        value = toObject(value);
         3393  +      }
         3394  +      for (var key in value) {
         3395  +        if (key === 'class' || key === 'style') {
         3396  +          data[key] = value[key];
         3397  +        } else {
         3398  +          var type = data.attrs && data.attrs.type;
         3399  +          var hash = asProp || config.mustUseProp(tag, type, key)
         3400  +            ? data.domProps || (data.domProps = {})
         3401  +            : data.attrs || (data.attrs = {});
         3402  +          hash[key] = value[key];
         3403  +        }
         3404  +      }
         3405  +    }
         3406  +  }
         3407  +  return data
         3408  +}
         3409  +
         3410  +/*  */
         3411  +
         3412  +/**
         3413  + * Runtime helper for rendering static trees.
         3414  + */
         3415  +function renderStatic (
         3416  +  index,
         3417  +  isInFor
         3418  +) {
         3419  +  var tree = this._staticTrees[index];
         3420  +  // if has already-rendered static tree and not inside v-for,
         3421  +  // we can reuse the same tree by doing a shallow clone.
         3422  +  if (tree && !isInFor) {
         3423  +    return Array.isArray(tree)
         3424  +      ? cloneVNodes(tree)
         3425  +      : cloneVNode(tree)
         3426  +  }
         3427  +  // otherwise, render a fresh tree.
         3428  +  tree = this._staticTrees[index] =
         3429  +    this.$options.staticRenderFns[index].call(this._renderProxy);
         3430  +  markStatic(tree, ("__static__" + index), false);
         3431  +  return tree
         3432  +}
         3433  +
         3434  +/**
         3435  + * Runtime helper for v-once.
         3436  + * Effectively it means marking the node as static with a unique key.
         3437  + */
         3438  +function markOnce (
         3439  +  tree,
         3440  +  index,
         3441  +  key
         3442  +) {
         3443  +  markStatic(tree, ("__once__" + index + (key ? ("_" + key) : "")), true);
         3444  +  return tree
         3445  +}
         3446  +
         3447  +function markStatic (
         3448  +  tree,
         3449  +  key,
         3450  +  isOnce
         3451  +) {
         3452  +  if (Array.isArray(tree)) {
         3453  +    for (var i = 0; i < tree.length; i++) {
         3454  +      if (tree[i] && typeof tree[i] !== 'string') {
         3455  +        markStaticNode(tree[i], (key + "_" + i), isOnce);
         3456  +      }
         3457  +    }
         3458  +  } else {
         3459  +    markStaticNode(tree, key, isOnce);
         3460  +  }
         3461  +}
         3462  +
         3463  +function markStaticNode (node, key, isOnce) {
         3464  +  node.isStatic = true;
         3465  +  node.key = key;
         3466  +  node.isOnce = isOnce;
         3467  +}
         3468  +
         3469  +/*  */
         3470  +
         3471  +function initRender (vm) {
         3472  +  vm.$vnode = null; // the placeholder node in parent tree
         3473  +  vm._vnode = null; // the root of the child tree
         3474  +  vm._staticTrees = null;
         3475  +  var parentVnode = vm.$options._parentVnode;
         3476  +  var renderContext = parentVnode && parentVnode.context;
         3477  +  vm.$slots = resolveSlots(vm.$options._renderChildren, renderContext);
         3478  +  vm.$scopedSlots = emptyObject;
         3479  +  // bind the createElement fn to this instance
         3480  +  // so that we get proper render context inside it.
         3481  +  // args order: tag, data, children, normalizationType, alwaysNormalize
         3482  +  // internal version is used by render functions compiled from templates
         3483  +  vm._c = function (a, b, c, d) { return createElement(vm, a, b, c, d, false); };
         3484  +  // normalization is always applied for the public version, used in
         3485  +  // user-written render functions.
         3486  +  vm.$createElement = function (a, b, c, d) { return createElement(vm, a, b, c, d, true); };
         3487  +}
         3488  +
         3489  +function renderMixin (Vue) {
         3490  +  Vue.prototype.$nextTick = function (fn) {
         3491  +    return nextTick(fn, this)
         3492  +  };
         3493  +
         3494  +  Vue.prototype._render = function () {
         3495  +    var vm = this;
         3496  +    var ref = vm.$options;
         3497  +    var render = ref.render;
         3498  +    var staticRenderFns = ref.staticRenderFns;
         3499  +    var _parentVnode = ref._parentVnode;
         3500  +
         3501  +    if (vm._isMounted) {
         3502  +      // clone slot nodes on re-renders
         3503  +      for (var key in vm.$slots) {
         3504  +        vm.$slots[key] = cloneVNodes(vm.$slots[key]);
         3505  +      }
         3506  +    }
         3507  +
         3508  +    vm.$scopedSlots = (_parentVnode && _parentVnode.data.scopedSlots) || emptyObject;
         3509  +
         3510  +    if (staticRenderFns && !vm._staticTrees) {
         3511  +      vm._staticTrees = [];
         3512  +    }
         3513  +    // set parent vnode. this allows render functions to have access
         3514  +    // to the data on the placeholder node.
         3515  +    vm.$vnode = _parentVnode;
         3516  +    // render self
         3517  +    var vnode;
         3518  +    try {
         3519  +      vnode = render.call(vm._renderProxy, vm.$createElement);
         3520  +    } catch (e) {
         3521  +      handleError(e, vm, "render function");
         3522  +      // return error render result,
         3523  +      // or previous vnode to prevent render error causing blank component
         3524  +      /* istanbul ignore else */
         3525  +      {
         3526  +        vnode = vm.$options.renderError
         3527  +          ? vm.$options.renderError.call(vm._renderProxy, vm.$createElement, e)
         3528  +          : vm._vnode;
         3529  +      }
         3530  +    }
         3531  +    // return empty vnode in case the render function errored out
         3532  +    if (!(vnode instanceof VNode)) {
         3533  +      if ("development" !== 'production' && Array.isArray(vnode)) {
         3534  +        warn(
         3535  +          'Multiple root nodes returned from render function. Render function ' +
         3536  +          'should return a single root node.',
         3537  +          vm
         3538  +        );
         3539  +      }
         3540  +      vnode = createEmptyVNode();
         3541  +    }
         3542  +    // set parent
         3543  +    vnode.parent = _parentVnode;
         3544  +    return vnode
         3545  +  };
         3546  +
         3547  +  // internal render helpers.
         3548  +  // these are exposed on the instance prototype to reduce generated render
         3549  +  // code size.
         3550  +  Vue.prototype._o = markOnce;
         3551  +  Vue.prototype._n = toNumber;
         3552  +  Vue.prototype._s = _toString;
         3553  +  Vue.prototype._l = renderList;
         3554  +  Vue.prototype._t = renderSlot;
         3555  +  Vue.prototype._q = looseEqual;
         3556  +  Vue.prototype._i = looseIndexOf;
         3557  +  Vue.prototype._m = renderStatic;
         3558  +  Vue.prototype._f = resolveFilter;
         3559  +  Vue.prototype._k = checkKeyCodes;
         3560  +  Vue.prototype._b = bindObjectProps;
         3561  +  Vue.prototype._v = createTextVNode;
         3562  +  Vue.prototype._e = createEmptyVNode;
         3563  +  Vue.prototype._u = resolveScopedSlots;
         3564  +}
         3565  +
         3566  +/*  */
         3567  +
         3568  +function initInjections (vm) {
         3569  +  var provide = vm.$options.provide;
         3570  +  var inject = vm.$options.inject;
         3571  +  if (provide) {
         3572  +    vm._provided = typeof provide === 'function'
         3573  +      ? provide.call(vm)
         3574  +      : provide;
         3575  +  }
         3576  +  if (inject) {
         3577  +    // inject is :any because flow is not smart enough to figure out cached
         3578  +    // isArray here
         3579  +    var isArray = Array.isArray(inject);
         3580  +    var keys = isArray
         3581  +      ? inject
         3582  +      : hasSymbol
         3583  +        ? Reflect.ownKeys(inject)
         3584  +        : Object.keys(inject);
         3585  +
         3586  +    for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
         3587  +      var key = keys[i];
         3588  +      var provideKey = isArray ? key : inject[key];
         3589  +      var source = vm;
         3590  +      while (source) {
         3591  +        if (source._provided && source._provided[provideKey]) {
         3592  +          vm[key] = source._provided[provideKey];
         3593  +          break
         3594  +        }
         3595  +        source = source.$parent;
         3596  +      }
         3597  +    }
         3598  +  }
         3599  +}
         3600  +
         3601  +/*  */
         3602  +
         3603  +var uid = 0;
         3604  +
         3605  +function initMixin (Vue) {
         3606  +  Vue.prototype._init = function (options) {
         3607  +    /* istanbul ignore if */
         3608  +    if ("development" !== 'production' && config.performance && perf) {
         3609  +      perf.mark('init');
         3610  +    }
         3611  +
         3612  +    var vm = this;
         3613  +    // a uid
         3614  +    vm._uid = uid++;
         3615  +    // a flag to avoid this being observed
         3616  +    vm._isVue = true;
         3617  +    // merge options
         3618  +    if (options && options._isComponent) {
         3619  +      // optimize internal component instantiation
         3620  +      // since dynamic options merging is pretty slow, and none of the
         3621  +      // internal component options needs special treatment.
         3622  +      initInternalComponent(vm, options);
         3623  +    } else {
         3624  +      vm.$options = mergeOptions(
         3625  +        resolveConstructorOptions(vm.constructor),
         3626  +        options || {},
         3627  +        vm
         3628  +      );
         3629  +    }
         3630  +    /* istanbul ignore else */
         3631  +    {
         3632  +      initProxy(vm);
         3633  +    }
         3634  +    // expose real self
         3635  +    vm._self = vm;
         3636  +    initLifecycle(vm);
         3637  +    initEvents(vm);
         3638  +    initRender(vm);
         3639  +    callHook(vm, 'beforeCreate');
         3640  +    initState(vm);
         3641  +    initInjections(vm);
         3642  +    callHook(vm, 'created');
         3643  +
         3644  +    /* istanbul ignore if */
         3645  +    if ("development" !== 'production' && config.performance && perf) {
         3646  +      vm._name = formatComponentName(vm, false);
         3647  +      perf.mark('init end');
         3648  +      perf.measure(((vm._name) + " init"), 'init', 'init end');
         3649  +    }
         3650  +
         3651  +    if (vm.$options.el) {
         3652  +      vm.$mount(vm.$options.el);
         3653  +    }
         3654  +  };
         3655  +}
         3656  +
         3657  +function initInternalComponent (vm, options) {
         3658  +  var opts = vm.$options = Object.create(vm.constructor.options);
         3659  +  /