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PISC in Y Minutes] by
2017-07-02 15:04:35.
Artifact d709f19f2ed7b52fd460e52414552eeacf62a67e:
1 D 2017-07-02T15:04:35.932
2 L PISC\sin\sY\sMinutes
3 P 389481ef3751446c6ca81018bd5d4dbd45b437a4
4 U yumaikas
5 W 6032
6 <nowiki>
8 <h2> PISC in Y minutes </h2>
9 <pre class="prettyprint">
10 # PISC has 2 types of comments: line comments like this one, and
11 /*
12 Block comments like this.
13 */
15 "Hello, world!" println
16 # PISC is a stack based language, which means that PISC generally
17 # works rather like Reverse Polish Notation (RPN)
18 # This means that the arguments for a command come before the command itself.
19 # And that commands generally run backwards commpared to most languages
21 # So if we have this stack, what can we do with it?
22 1 2 swap # Stack: 2 1
23 dup # Stack: 2 1 1
24 drop # Stack: 2 1
25 2dup # Stack: 2 1 2 1
26 nip # Stack 2 1 1 ( Get rid of the second )
28 # And we'll clear the stack for further examples
29 drop drop drop
31 # Basic math looks like this:
32 1 2 + # Stack: 3
33 # If you're running PISC on your local machine, you'll notice that after each
34 # line of input, it shows you the stack, and the types of the variables on the stack.
36 drop # We're done with that 3 for now.
39 # PISC currently has two types of numbers: Integers and Double Precision floating point numbers.
40 1 2.0 + # 3 <Double>
41 # And when a Double and int mix, the int is converted into a double
42 3.2 * # 9.600000000000001 <Double>
43 drop
46 # Booleans are also handled in an RPN fashion, true and false are represented by `t` and `f`
47 t f and # f <Boolean>
48 t or # t <Boolean> No surprises here
50 # clear-stack will get rid of anything left on the stack
51 clear-stack
53 # In PISC, since all words take arguments off the stack,
54 # control flow tends to work in a bit of a backwards way
56 # This is an if statement.
57 # the bits with `[` and `]` are called quotations, and they are kinda special
58 # This puts a boolean value and 2 quotations on the stack, and the checks the
59 # the boolean value to decide which quotation to execute
60 t [ "true" println ] [ "false" println ] if
62 # Note also that you can use the stack to send
63 # Information to another command
64 # This will print "Different"
65 2 1 = [ "The same" ] [ "Different" ] if println
67 # They are how you pass code to words that can be executed at a later time
68 # If you want to execute a quotation, you use the `call` word
69 [ "This is a quotation" ] [ "But this is the one that will be called" ] call
71 # Quotations live on the stack before they are used, so you'll seem them printed out
72 # For example you could type the above example in this fashion:
73 [ "This is a quotation" ]
74 [ "But this is the one that will be called" ] call
75 # And if you do that, you'll see the stack get built up for each quotation.
76 clear-stack
78 # Now that we have quoations a little explained we can cover vectors, which are PISC's array-like collections
79 # The basic syntax for them is:
80 { 1 2 3 } # Stack: [1 2 3] <Vector>
81 dup 0 vec-at # stack: [1 2 3] <Vector>, 1 <Integer>
83 # One thing to note about { } syntax for vectors is that the words inside the { } are treated as code
84 # Such that the words are executed, and then anything they put on the stack is sliced into vector.
85 { 10 [ 1 ] times }
86 # Stack: [1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1] <Vector>
89 # Those are some of the stack shufflers. If you want to build your own stack shufflers
90 # run `"pick" help` to look at how my current set is built.
92 # Though some stack-based languages make them hard to use, PISC has decently fully featured local variables
93 # so that you don't have to track way too many stack entries in your head when dealing with larger code.
94 # You use `:varname` to take 1 value from the stack and store it in a local variable.
95 "yumaikas" :name 3 :num
96 # Is the same as:
97 "yumaikas" 3 :num :name
98 # Though I do not recommend using the second style
100 # $varname places the value from varname onto the stack
101 $name println # Prints "yumaikas"
103 { $name $num } # Stack: [yumaikas 3] <Vector>
104 clear-stack
107 # There are roughly two ways to define words (what most langauges call functions) in PISC:
108 # The most bang/buck is to use a `:` `;` combo
109 # Words defined this way have the rough syntax of `: name ( invals -- outvals ) definition ;`
110 # You need every part, though the stack effect comment (From `(` to `)`) isn't currently checked.
111 : sum-vec ( vector -- result ) 0 swap [ + ] vec-each ;
113 # Each time you define a word like this, it recieves its own locals frame.
114 # (Which means that it has it's own set of local variables)
116 # This doesn't apply to the second way to define a word:
117 [ 0 swap [ + ] vec-each ] :sum-vec
118 # If a quotation is stored into a local variable,
119 # you can now use the name of the local variable as a word
120 { 1 2 3 4 } sum-vec
121 # Stack: 10 <Integer>
123 # Loops
124 # Right now PISC has 3 main types of loops
125 # 1) Counted loops based on the `times` word
126 0 :i
127 4 [ $i print ++i ] times
128 # This prints
129 # 0
130 # 1
131 # 2
132 # 3
134 # 2) Condition based loops, using the `while` word
135 [ $i 0 = not ] [ $i print --i ] while
136 # Prints:
137 # 4
138 # 3
139 # 2
140 # 1
143 # 3) Each collection type, Vectors, Dictionaries and Strings currently several words that iterate over them
144 { 1 2 3 4 } [ println ] vec-each
145 # Prints
146 # 1
147 # 2
148 # 3
149 # 4
151 "abcd" [ println ] each-char
152 /* Prints
153 a
154 b
155 c
156 d
157 */
159 # Dictionaries use strings for keys, and anything for values
160 <dict> dup :funnyNumbers
161 # value <<-key
162 # <<- takes the value, stores it at "key" in the dict, and leaves the dict on the stack
163 "42" <<-answertolife
164 "1337" <<-leet
165 # <- works similarly to <<-, but doesn't leave the dict on the stack
166 "DEADBEEF" <-debug
168 # $dict ->key
169 # takes the value at "key" from $dict, and puts it on the stack
170 $funnyNumbers ->leet println
171 # Prints
173 # $dict ->>key
174 # Takes the value at key, puts it on the stack,
175 # and leaves the dictionary at the top of the stack
176 #
177 # $dict ->key
178 # Same as ->>, but does not leave the dictionary
179 # at the top of the stack.
180 ${ $funnyNumbers ->>answertolife ->debug } println
182 # Prints:
183 # "42DEADBEEF"
188 # TODO: More examples
189 </pre>
190 </nowiki>
191 Z 9b4959c03f7a84fde78031c2e5b64c34