
By Andrew Owen
Released under the MIT license


A set of fucntions that are used to provide some shell-like functionality

list-files-at ( path:str -- files:vec )

List files in supplied path

list-files ( -- files:vector )

List files in current working directory

stat ( filepath:str -- info:dict )

Stat a file

pwd ( -- workingdir:str )

Get the current working directory

env-get ( key:str -- envVal:str )

Fetch an environment value

env-set ( key:str value:str -- )

Set an environment value

cd ( new-dir:str -- )

Change directories to new-dir

ls ( -- )

in-dir ( dir quot -- .. )

shell-module ( quot -- )

awk-init ( options -- .. )

Creating the state basics for an awk-style

use-shell ( -- )